Potteretal 2021PaleoAmericacritiqueofBecerra-ValdiviaandHigham

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Current Understanding of the Earliest Human Occupations in the Americas:

Evaluation of Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020)

Article in PaleoAmerica · October 2021


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20 authors, including:

Ben Potter Anna Marie Prentiss

University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Montana


Gary Haynes Robert Kelly

University of Nevada, Reno University of Wyoming


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A journal of early human migration and dispersal

ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ypal20

Current Understanding of the Earliest Human

Occupations in the Americas: Evaluation of
Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020)

Ben A. Potter, James C. Chatters, Anna Marie Prentiss, Stuart J. Fiedel,

Gary Haynes, Robert L. Kelly, J. David Kilby, François Lanoë, Jacob Holland-
Lulewicz, D. Shane Miller, Juliet E. Morrow, Angela R. Perri, Kurt M.
Rademaker, Joshua D. Reuther, Brandon T. Ritchison, Guadalupe Sanchez,
Ismael Sánchez-Morales, S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner, Jesse W. Tune & C.
Vance Haynes

To cite this article: Ben A. Potter, James C. Chatters, Anna Marie Prentiss, Stuart J. Fiedel,
Gary Haynes, Robert L. Kelly, J. David Kilby, François Lanoë, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, D. Shane
Miller, Juliet E. Morrow, Angela R. Perri, Kurt M. Rademaker, Joshua D. Reuther, Brandon
T. Ritchison, Guadalupe Sanchez, Ismael Sánchez-Morales, S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner,
Jesse W. Tune & C. Vance Haynes (2021): Current Understanding of the Earliest Human
Occupations in the Americas: Evaluation of Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020), PaleoAmerica,
DOI: 10.1080/20555563.2021.1978721

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/20555563.2021.1978721

Published online: 23 Oct 2021.

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PALEOAMERICA Center for the Study of the First Americans
https://doi.org/10.1080/20555563.2021.1978721 Texas A&M University


Current Understanding of the Earliest Human Occupations in the Americas:

Evaluation of Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020)
Ben A. Potter a, James C. Chatters b, Anna Marie Prentissc, Stuart J. Fiedeld, Gary Haynes e,
Robert L. Kelly f, J. David Kilby g, François Lanoëh, Jacob Holland-Lulewiczi, D. Shane Miller j,
Juliet E. Morrowk, Angela R. Perri l, Kurt M. Rademaker m, Joshua D. Reuthern, Brandon T. Ritchison o
Guadalupe Sanchez p, Ismael Sánchez-Morales h, S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner q,
Jesse W. Tune r, and C. Vance Hayness
Arctic Studies Center, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, People’s Republic of China; bApplied Paleoscience, Bothell, WA, USA; cDepartment of
Anthropology, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, USA; dIndependent; eUniversity of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA; fDepartment of Anthropology,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA; gDepartment of Anthropology, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, USA; hSchool of
Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; iDepartment of Anthropology, Washington University St Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA;
Department of Anthropology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA; kArkansas Archaeological Survey, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, AR, USA; lDepartment of Archaeology, Durham University, Durham, UK; mDepartment of Anthropology, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI, USA; nDepartment of Anthropology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA; oDepartment of Anthropology,
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA; pInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Sonora, Mexico; qDepartment of
Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; rDepartment of Anthropology, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO, USA; sDepartment of
Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

Various chronologies of the earliest Native American occupations have been proposed with First Americans; last glacial
varying levels of empirical support and conceptual rigor, yet none is widely accepted. A recent maximum; pre-Clovis
survey of pre-Clovis dated sites (Becerra-Valdivia and Higham 2020) concludes a pre-Last Glacial
Maximum (>26,500–19,000 cal yr BP) entry of humans in the Americas, in part based on recent
work at Chiquihuite Cave, Mexico. We evaluate the evidence used to develop this inference. To
provide clarity, we present three explicit dispersal models for the earliest human dispersals to
the Americas: Strict Clovis-First (13,050 cal yr BP), Paleoindian (<16,000 cal yr BP), and Pre-
Paleoindian (>16,000 cal yr BP, encompassing pre-LGM, preferred by Becerra-Valdivia and
Higham (2020)), and we summarize the current genetic and archaeological evidence bearing on
each. We regard all purported Pre-Paleoindian sites as equivocal and the Strict Clovis-First
model to be equally unsupported at present. We conclude that current data strongly support
the Paleoindian Dispersal model, with Native American ancestors expanding into the Americas
sometime after 16,000 cal yr BP (and perhaps after 14,800 cal yr BP), consistent with well-dated
archaeological sites and with genetic data throughout the western hemisphere. Models of the
Americas’ peopling that incorporate Chiquihuite or other claimed Pre-Paleoindian sites remain

1. Introduction
have argued for earlier Western Stemmed tradition
The initial peopling of the Americas has remained a sites localized in the Great Basin and adjacent regions
contentious topic, with strong opinions often coupled (Beck and Jones 2010, Davis et al. 2020). Pre-Clovis
with various levels of empirical support. No consensus sites are variable in their level of documentation, site
has emerged, though numerous attempts to develop a integrity, and association of dated materials and cultural
general chronology for this process have been published activities, but have been generally treated as a single
(e.g., Braje et al. 2017a; Goebel et al. 2008; Meltzer 2009; composite group, at least in public perception. The bet-
Stanford and Bradley 2012; Sutter 2021; Waters 2009; ter substantiated (but not universally accepted) pre-Clo-
Waters et al. 2009; Waters and Stafford 2013). There vis sites post-date 14,800 cal yr BP, e.g., Monte Verde
is little disagreement that Clovis and related (probably MV II (Dillehay 1997), Paisley Caves (Jenkins et al.
derived) Fishtail Point complexes represent the first 2012), Page-Ladson (Halligan et al. 2016), Friedkin
continent-wide cultural manifestation south of the (Waters et al. 2018; Waters et al. 2011a), while others
Laurentide and Cordilleran Ice Sheets, though some purport to extend human occupation of the Americas

CONTACT Ben A. Potter rhovanion25@gmail.com; James C. Chatters paleosci@gmail.com

© 2021 Center for the Study of the First Americans

to 30,000 cal yr BP or even earlier, e.g., Chiquihuite processes can mimic human agency, including fractured
Cave (Ardelean et al. 2020), Pedra Furada (Guidon stone and damaged bone, thus necessitating multiple
2002; Guidon and Delibrias 1986), and Cerutti Masto- working hypotheses (Chamberlin 1897) to overcome
don (Holen et al. 2017). equifinality.
To synthesize these disparate data, Becerra-Valdivia Recent archaeological discoveries dating to the term-
and Higham (2020) recently developed a chronological inal Pleistocene and containing unequivocal artifacts
model for the earliest human dispersals into the Amer- with clear historical and technological connections to
icas, based on 42 archaeological sites. They rely on other established sites have enhanced our understand-
recently reported Chiquihuite Cave (Ardelean et al. ing of early human adaptations in the Americas (Chat-
2020) and a few other selected sites to infer a pre-Last ters 2015; Haynes 1969; Haynes 2015). Among these are
Glacial Maximum (LGM) entry of humans in North Swan Point in eastern Beringia, which contains an
and South America. Because their analysis appeared in unequivocal Diuktai component dated 14,200 cal yr
Nature, it has received widespread attention from the BP (Coutouly and Holmes 2018), as well as Page-Ladson
media and public. We evaluate the evidence used to (Halligan et al. 2016), Debra L. Friedkin (Waters et al.
develop this inference and consider additional pur- 2011a), and El Fin del Mundo (Sanchez et al. 2014)
ported evidence for early occupations from other sites, south of the continental glaciers. The accumulation of
as well as recent fecal sterol research in Alaska. In Early Paleoindian technology (Clovis, Folsom, etc.)
order to situate Chiquihuite and other purported early has spurred the development of increasingly complex
American occupations in a sound epistemological con- models of lithic conveyance, subsistence, and mobility
text, we briefly review archaeological arguments and (Smallwood and Jennings 2015). These data cohere
clarify three main colonization models through which with each other and with other scientific datasets (e.g.,
to understand the archaeological data. genetics, paleoecology), and, importantly, are consistent
with broader literature of hunter-gatherer behaviors
derived from anthropology and human behavioral ecol-
2. Methods and models ogy. In contrast, the life cycle of claims for pre-16,000
cal yr BP occupations appears to consist of: (1) discov-
2.1. Archaeological argumentation and evidence
ery and widespread dissemination, (2) criticism and
Given the ubiquitous problem of equifinality between non-responsive retorts, (3) continued absence of any
products of human agency and natural processes, par- other comparable sites, leading to lack of acceptance
ticularly in the context of lithics with no or few flake within the broader archaeological community, and, for
removals often said to represent pre-Clovis occupations, most, (4) disappearance from the record. Assemblages
archaeologists use rigorous minimum criteria to estab- from earlier sites such as Chiquihite, Pedra Furada,
lish human presence. These remain the same as and Topper (see below) generally do not cohere with
defined by Haynes (1969), including each other, with any antecedent technologies in north-
east Asia, or with later Paleoindian assemblages.
human [remains], or an assemblage of artifacts that are
clearly the work of [humans …] in situ within undis-
turbed geological deposits in order to clearly demon- 2.2. Models of First Americans dispersal(s)
strate the primary association of artifacts with
stratigraphy [… and] the minimum age of the site Given the increasing complexity of genetic and archae-
must be demonstrated by primary association with fos- ological analyses, particularly in the last 10 years, we
sils of known age or with material suitable for reliable believe some equivocation and unclear conceptualiz-
isotopic age dating. (1969, 714)
ation has entered into both sets of literature. Often
In contrast to these reasonable requirements, the fol- only two models are directly compared: (1) Clovis-
lowing lines of evidence are insufficient: (1) lithics or First paradigm representing the idea that no humans
modified bone for which attributes presumed to result were present in the Americas south of the glacial mar-
from human manufacture cannot be distinguished gins prior to 13,500 cal yr BP (Miller et al. 2013) or
from the products of natural agency in the site’s context, 13,050 cal yr BP (Waters et al. 2020) and (2) an
(2) ambiguous dating due to unclear association unnamed alternate paradigm, where any dataset predat-
between cultural objects and dated events (including ing Clovis is taken to refute the Clovis-First paradigm
ambiguous stratigraphic context), (3) “sites” with no and thus support some vaguely defined and inconsist-
human-made artifacts, and (4) application of exper- ently applied model, with initial entry perhaps 16,000,
imental proxies (e.g., fecal sterol analysis) for which 25,000, 30,000, 50,000, or even 130,000 years ago
controls have yet to be fully established. Natural (Braje et al. 2020; Holen et al. 2017). Beyond

establishing a chronologically earlier-than-Clovis pres- Ladson (Halligan et al. 2016), and Debra L. Friedkin
ence of people, pre-Clovis evidence typically is contex- (Waters et al. 2011a). For these reasons, we reject this
tualized with neither earlier Upper Paleolithic model.
archaeological evidence from Eurasia nor with sub- Model 2: Paleoindian Dispersal (after ∼16,000 cal yr
sequent Clovis or Clovis-contemporary cultural pat- BP). This model is derived from both archaeological evi-
terns. Instead, pre-Clovis evidence often is described dence and a wide range of independent genetic datasets
as anomalous, unique, lacking precedent, or is charac- and appears in some form in an increasing number of
terized by the absence of features exhibited by later, syntheses (e.g., Waters 2009 and references below).
unequivocal archaeological sites (e.g., Ardelean et al. The genetic group identified as First Americans
2020; Dillehay 1997). This is a textbook example of a (FAM) split from East Asian relatives around 26,100–
straw-man fallacy, wherein the idea of Clovis as the 23,900 cal yr BP in East Asia, admixing with Ancient
first widespread cultural manifestation in the Americas North Eurasians (ANE) until ∼20,000 cal yr BP (Mor-
is equated with the idea that all sites must date after eno-Mayar et al. 2018a, 2018b; Pinotti et al. 2019).
13,050 cal yr BP. In addition, it is a false dichotomy The location for this admixture is unknown, but most
(Clovis short-chronology vs. any purported age), further likely near Lake Baikal in southern Siberia given (1)
muddied because the pre-Clovis alternative is poorly all known ANE individuals are located in the region
defined, and typically not evaluated relative to indepen- (Moreno-Mayar et al. 2018b), (2) the closest relative
dent data, such as genetics and paleoecology (e.g., Arde- to FAM, Ust’-Kyakhta, dating to 14,000 cal yr BP, is
lean et al. 2020; Becerra-Valdivia and Higham 2020). also located in the region (Yu et al. 2020), (3) there is
We note that genetic and paleoecological patterning unequivocal evidence for human occupations in this
do not bear on establishing the presence/absence of region during this time period (Graf and Buvit 2017),
human activity at a site; however, in cases where and (4) this area contains some of the earliest Diuktai
human agency is not unequivocal, they are relevant. sites, which expand northward into Beringia, rep-
For instance, establishing a 130,000 year old human resented at the earliest sites in the region around
occupation vs. a 2000 year old occupation in the Amer- 15,000–14,000 cal yr BP, Urez-22 in Western Beringia
icas requires a higher standard of evidence, particularly and Swan Point in Alaska (Coutouly and Holmes
in the absence of widespread archaeological patterning 2018; Graf and Buvit 2017; Pitulko et al. 2017). Follow-
and lack of support from paleoegenetics. ing this period of admixture, many geneticists have
We seek to clarify this issue by providing three argued for genetic isolation of FAM between ∼20,000
models that incorporate specific chronological con- and 16,000 cal yr BP (Raghavan et al. 2014; Tamm
straints derived from the consensus emerging in the et al. 2007). The location of this genetic isolation is
ancient genetics literature. We term these (1) Strict Clo- unknown, but is unlikely to be Beringia proper given
vis-First Dispersal, (2) Paleoindian Dispersal, and (3) the lack of unequivocal sites in this region during this
Pre-Paleoindian Dispersal(s). We use Paleoindian here period and the well-documented presence of humans
to refer to genetically First Americans populations. in Northeast Asia, from southern Siberia to Primor’ye-
The term subsumes the earliest widespread cultural tra- Sakhalin (Buvit and Terry 2016; Potter et al. 2018).
ditions in the Americas (such as Clovis, Western Mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate population
Stemmed, and Fishtail Point). expansion and female lineage diversification after
Model 1: Strict Clovis-First Dispersal (post-13,050 cal yr 16,000 cal yr BP (15,000–13,000 cal yr BP at 75% confi-
BP). This model, based solely on dating of diagnostic Clo- dence interval) (Llamas et al. 2016). yDNA analyses
vis artifacts, posits that the initial Paleoindian coloniza- indicate an upper time limit of ∼15,300–14,300 cal yr
tion of the Americas south of the icesheets is BP (Wei et al. 2018) or 17,700–14,300 cal yr BP (Sun
coterminous with the first widespread archaeological et al. 2021) for human entry to the Americas, and
manifestation (West 1996). There is unequivocal pres- Pinotti et al. (2019) infer a rapid star-like radiation start-
ence of eastern Beringian occupations by 14,200 cal yr ing at 15,000 cal yr BP.
BP, 700 years earlier than the earliest recognized Clovis Autosomal genomic analyses indicate two basal First
occupations (Lanoë and Holmes 2016), and we expect Americans (FAM) lineages, North Native Americans
an early period of archaeological invisibility given initial (NNA, or ANC-B) limited to the far north of North
small population sizes (Prasciunas and Surovell 2015). A America, and South Native Americans (SNA, or ANC-
number of sites pre-dating Clovis sensu stricto (between A) distributed broadly throughout the North and
∼15,500 and 13,050 cal yr BP) have been recognized South American continents (Moreno-Mayar et al.
south of the glacial ice and accepted to varying degrees, 2018b, Posth et al. 2018). All late Pleistocene and early
including Wally’s Beach (Waters et al. 2015), Page- Holocene individuals thus far analyzed south of the

ice sheets are part of this SNA group (e.g., Anzick, Spirit model, regardless of their empirical support, including
Cave, Lagoa Santa, Mayahak Cab Pek), and the SNA Monte Verde II (Dillehay 1997), Page-Ladson (Halligan
spread is also characterized as a rapid, star-like radiation et al. 2016), Paisley Cave (Jenkins et al. 2012, 2013),
throughout the Americas (Moreno-Mayar et al. 2018b; Manis (Waters et al. 2011b), Schaefer, Hebior (Joyce
Posth et al. 2018). Splits within SNA lineages date from 2013), Debra L. Friedkin (Waters et al. 2011a) and the
14,100 cal yr BP (North and South American SNA) to Firelands Megalonyx (Redmond et al. 2012). Dates for
12,900 cal yr BP (within South America: Lagoa Santa pre-Clovis assemblages at Gault (Collins et al. 2013),
and modern Karatiana) (Moreno-Mayar et al. 2018b). Cactus Hill (McAvoy et al. 2000), Meadowcroft (Adova-
We note that all of these mutually independent genetic sio 1999), and Parson’s Island (Lothrop et al. 2016), may
time estimates coalesce on a post 16,000 cal yr BP expan- also be assignable to this group once their ages are more
sion of all Native American ancestors and a rapid star- securely established.
like radiation (i.e., multiple branching within a short This model also accommodates the fact that Clovis
period) of the main clade first inhabiting North and and, presumably, the immediate Clovis antecedents
South America between 14,100 and 12,900 cal yr BP. are associated with the SNA clade and SNA sublineages.
This model is broadly consistent with the archaeolo- Anzick, a Clovis individual (∼12,800 cal yr BP), is a
gical record of northeast Asia and Beringia. While the member of an SNA population, as are the later Spirit
extreme western Beringian/North Siberian record does Cave, Nevada (∼10,650 cal yr BP) and all early South
indicate a limited interstadial expansion of a Siberian American individuals: Los Rieles, Chile (∼10,900 cal
Middle Upper Paleolithic group by 31,600 cal yr BP, yr BP); Lagoa Santa, Brazil (∼10,400–9800 cal yr BP)
at the Yana site (Sikora et al. 2019), there is a clear Lapa do Santo, Brazil (∼9600 cal yr BP); Mayahak
depopulation of this area and the rest of north Siberia Kab Pek, Belize (∼9300 cal yr BP) Cuncaicacha, Peru
during the LGM and early deglacial period, from (∼9000 cal yr BP); Lauricocha, Peru (∼8600 cal yr
∼27,000 to 15,000 cal yr BP (Dolukhanov et al. 2002; BP); and Saki Tzul, Belize (∼7400 cal yr BP) (Moreno-
Kuzmin and Keates 2018; Pitulko et al. 2017). The Mayar et al. 2018b; Posth et al. 2018). Given small initial
Yana individuals were part of an Ancient North Siberian population sizes (Fagundes et al. 2008; Hey 2005), it is
group related to southern Siberia groups (Ancient likely that the earliest Americans were archaeologically
North Eurasian) (e.g., Mal’ta, Afontova Gora individ- invisible for ∼1000 years until the populations expanded
uals) but not closely related to Native American ances- to become observable with our current samples (Pras-
tors (Sikora et al. 2019). Only two purported human ciunas and Surovell 2015). Clovis and related Fishtail
occupation sites dating to the LGM (Yana Downstream complexes are the only (and earliest) continent-wide
Point and ISM-034) have been briefly mentioned in a traditions in the Americas, their distribution and evi-
review paper (Pitulko et al. 2017), but each comprises dent rapid expansion consistent with initial population
only a single faunal element interpreted to have been dispersals. This model can accommodate many histori-
damaged by humans, with no associated artifacts, and cal scenarios and provides no constraints on geographic
can be dismissed as equivocal at best. In contrast, the route(s) of migration. For instance, these data are con-
post-LGM expansion from south to north of the Siber- sistent with Clovis ancestors (SNA) initially expanding
ian Late Upper Paleolithic Diuktai Culture after 15,000 into North America after ∼14,500 cal yr BP, reaching
cal yr BP is probably associated with Native American archaeological visibility by 13,050 cal yr BP as the wide-
ancestors, recorded at the Urez 22 site in western Berin- spread Clovis phenomenon, and expanding into South
gia at 14,600 cal yr BP (Pitulko et al. 2017) and at Swan America carrying Fishtail Point complex technology
Point in eastern Beringia at 14,200 cal yr BP (Coutouly after 12,900 cal yr BP.
and Holmes 2018). We acknowledge that dating based Model 3: Pre-Paleoindian Dispersal(s) (pre 16,000 cal
on genomic, mtDNA, and yDNA research are depen- yr BP). This model posits a pre-16,000 cal yr BP occu-
dent on estimated rates of mutation, and that changing pation of the Americas and has an unconstrained maxi-
assumptions can alter divergence and admixture dates. mum time limit. The key aspects of this model are that
However, the coalescence of dates based on numerous the Americas were first colonized substantially before
lines of independent evidence provides a degree of ∼16,000 cal yr BP and, because such a claim conflicts
confidence in estimating the timing of Native American with the genetic record, it must presume that the first
ancestor dispersals into the Americas after ∼16,000 cal arrivals were neither closely related nor ancestral to
yr BP. Native Americans. Here, additional genetic and geno-
This independent genetic constraint for initial dis- mic data from Asia become relevant. Native American
persals into the Americas is consistent with the archae- ancestors diverged from East Asians between 35,000
ological record. Most pre-Clovis sites fit with this and 25,000 cal yr BP, almost certainly in east Asia,

and later admixed with Ancient North Eurasians (ANE) a Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates from a selec-
between 24,000 and 20,000 cal yr BP (Moreno-Mayar tion of early American sites to develop a new model
et al. 2018a). The only known ANE individuals known for the peopling of the Americas. Taking a selection of
from this period (Mal’ta and Afontova Gora) are both early claims at face value, they conclude that humans
located near Lake Baikal in far southern Siberia (Ragha- were first present in the Americas prior to the LGM
van et al. 2014), indicating the likely location of Native (26,500–19,000 cal yr BP) with “more widespread occu-
American ancestors during the admixture period. Fol- pation” between 14,700 and 12,900 cal yr BP (Becerra-
lowing this, a period of genetic isolation of Native Valdivia and Higham 2020, 93). We do not take issue
Americans occurred from 20,000 to 16,000 cal yr BP with any of the specific modeling methods used, but
(termed the “Beringian standstill,” Tamm et al. rather on the data they use to construct their model.
(2007)). The lack of evidence for FAM mtDNA and Others have conducted more in-depth and compre-
yDNA lineage diversification and population expansion hensive analyses, including critical examination of the
until after ∼16,000 cal yr BP (Llamas et al. 2016; Sun radiocarbon samples and come to very different con-
et al. 2021; Wei et al. 2018), coupled with the presence clusions (Goebel et al. 2008; Mulligan and Kitchen
of unadmixed FAM at Ust’-Kyakhta-3 in the Baikal 2013; Peros et al. 2009; Prates et al. 2020; Sutter 2021;
region at 14,000 cal yr BP (Yu et al. 2020), strongly indi- Waters 2009; Waters and Stafford 2013). The appli-
cates southern Siberia as the location of Native Ameri- cation of chronometric hygiene, as conducted by those
can ancestors between 24,000 and ∼16,000 cal yr BP, authors, is key. Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020),
during the standstill. In addition, it is now evident in contrast, list each date uncritically, ignoring well-
that Jomon ancestors diverged very early from other known contextual and other problems. Here, we con-
East Asians and are not closely related to Native Amer- sider Becerra-Valdivia and Higham’s sampling
icans (Gakuhari et al. 2020), refuting proposals for an methods, chronometric hygiene, and the evidence for
early coastal migration from northern Japan (Davis any pre-16,000 cal yr BP human presence in the
et al. 2019, 2020). Americas.
Thus, given the presence of lineages ancestral to Becerra-Valdivia and Higham’s (2020) selection of
Native Americans in Asia, thousands of miles southwest sites to include in their analysis appears uncritical and
of Beringia and the absence of evidence for expansion haphazard, and we note that no sampling criteria are
and lineage diversification substantially before ∼16,000 reported. Other than the Chiquihuite Cave site pub-
cal yr BP, any human occupation substantially predating lished in the same issue of the journal (Ardelean et al.
this period (if true) may be associated with peoples 2020), these authors include only a few pre-16,000 cal
unrelated to Native American ancestors. An additional yr BP localities: Bluefish Caves, Meadowcroft Rockshel-
issue that must be resolved is the technological discon- ter, and Cactus Hill, which all have contextual and dat-
tinuity between Upper Paleolithic Asian industries and ing issues, and are not widely considered unequivocal
purported Pre-Paleoindian American sites, given the evidence of early human occupations (Fiedel 2013;
lack of evidence for Siberian expansions into Beringia Haynes 2015; Krasinski and Blong 2020). Many other
prior to the well-documented Diuktai expansion. sites (while still equivocal) that may have bearing on
the issues are excluded from their review. Of the 42
sites Becerra-Valdivia and Higham assembled, 29 are
3. Review of purported pre-16,000 cal yr BP uncontroversial: 10 Beringian (Berelekh, Broken Mam-
sites moth, Dry Creek, Mead, Mesa, Moose Creek, Owl
Ridge, Swan Point, Ushki, Walker Road), 13 Clovis
3.1. Sites used by Becerra-Valdivia and Higham
(Anzick, Aubrey, Blackwater Draw, Colby, Dent,
Domebo, El Fin del Mundo, Jake Bluff, Lange/Ferguson,
A large number of claims of pre-16,000 cal yr BP sites Lehner, Murray Springs, Shawnee-Minisink, Sheriden
have been made over the past decades, and almost all Cave), four Clovis-coeval (Arlington Springs, Lubbock
have been rejected by the scientific community (e.g., Lake, Meay Channel I, Wally’s Beach), and two Western
El Horno, Tlapacoya, Hueyatlaco from Mexico; Toca Stemmed sites that post-date Clovis (Bonneville Estates,
de Esperancea, Brazil, Coats-Hines-Litchey, Tennessee, Buhl). Of the remaining 13, 7 date after 16,000 cal yr BP
Brown and Mission Ridge in California, Old Crow, (Debra L. Friedkin, Hebior, Lindsay, Manis, Page-Lad-
Yukon). At present, only a few have adherents, mostly son, Paisley Caves, Schaefer). Because these 36 sites col-
including sites that have been highly publicized in the lectively post-date 16,000, they are not relevant to
popular media. This is exemplified by the model devised supporting the main claims of Becerra-Valdivia and
by Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020), which presents Higham of a pre-LGM occupation of the Americas,

and we do not further consider them here. Thus, only scars that generally do not overlap. Secondary retouch
six sites are presented that correspond to the Pre- is rare and unpatterned, with no evidence of systemati-
Paleoindian Colonization Model (Model 3), and only cally produced flakes or bifacial retouch. All of the geo-
one (Chiquihuite Cave) is claimed to be pre-LGM in age. chemically tested “artifacts” cluster with non-artifactual
We consider those six sites here, ordered by age rock from onsite debris flows or from the cave walls/
(Table 1); Chiquihuite Cave is addressed in a separate ceiling. No non-local raw material is present, although
paper (Chatters et al. 2021). We then summarize three high quality toolstone is available nearby. The materials
generally rejected sites claiming pre-LGM lithic indus- are randomly distributed through the sediments, with
tries that likely reflect naturally occurring geofacts: higher amounts associated with layers of debris flow
Calico, Topper, and Pedra Furada. In addition, we con- or rockfall. No hearths or activity areas were encoun-
sider two other Pre-Paleoindian claims: Cerutti Masto- tered, and fauna from the cave are typical cave residents,
don and the fecal sterol records from northern Alaska. carnivorans and their prey, rather than high ranked
Chiquihuite Cave, Mexico (Ardelean et al. 2020) fauna typically hunted by Paleoindians. There was also
formed a major part of the pre-16,000 record in no change in material culture through 20,000 years,
Becerra-Valdivia and Higham 2020. Lithics were recov- nor any indication of idea interchange with known
ered from deposits with associated ages ranging from Paleoindian groups through 1200 years of temporal
33,150 to 12,200 cal yr BP (Ardelean et al. 2020). Chat- overlap, both of which are inconsistent with the well-
ters et al. 2021 comprehensively evaluate the claims of known modern human technological behaviors. Chat-
anthropogenic origin of the lithics reported from the ters et al. (2021) conclude the most plausible hypothesis,
cave site. We summarize the results here. The recovery supported by multiple lines of evidence, is that the
of purported lithic materials in the geomorphic setting materials result from natural processes.
of debris flows of fractured limestone on steep slopes Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory (Cinq-Mars 1979),
within a cave strongly suggests the possibility of natural has recently appeared in the popular press with reports
fracture. The Chiquihuite assemblage is dominated by of new findings. Bourgeon et al. (2017) radiocarbon
predominantly cortical spalls with unpatterned scalar, dated six bones hypothesized to exhibit human-pro-
hinge, step and lunate fractures, and random flake duced cut-marks to 23,560 cal yr BP (and 22,580,

Table 1 Pre-16,000 year old sites accepted by Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020), ordered by age.
Site Ages (cal yr BP) Issues Supporting references Critical references
Chiquihuite Cave, 31,100–12,200 Lithic materials are most plausibly inferred to be Ardelean et al. (2020) Chatters et al. (2021)
naturally occurring geofacts
Bluefish Caves, ∼23,600 Marks on bones could be natural, very low Cinq-Mars (1979), Bourgeon Haynes (2015), Krasinski and
Yukon Territory percent selected from many thousands of et al. (2017), Bourgeon Blong (2020)
carnivore-deposited bone fragments spanning (2018)
10,000 years; the few lithic diagnostics are
consistent with post 12,500 cal yr BP Denali
Meadowcroft, PA 24,300-18,600 Possible date contamination, large standard Adovasio et al. (1987, 1983, Haynes (2015), Fiedel (2013),
errors, absence of Pleistocene fauna, possible 1984, 2013), Adovasio Haynes (1991), Kelly (1987),
bioturbation, possible movement of artifacts (1999), Goldberg and Arpin Mead (1980), Tankersley and
down through coarse and very coarse fill (1999) Munson (1992)
Cactus Hill, VA 20,600-19,000 Weak association of dates with artifacts. Massive McAvoy and McAvoy (1997, Fiedel (2013), Haynes (2015)
sand with no horizonation, evidence of mixing 2015), McAvoy et al. (2000),
(Archaic-Clovis); flecks of charcoal were not of Feathers et al. (2006)
cultural origin
Gault, TX 26,400-17,400 No 14C dates, only imprecise OSL with wide Collins et al. (2013), Driese Haynes (2015); Morrow et al.
(24,500-14,500 range of error; vertical cracks could have et al. (2013), Williams et al. (2012)
range of all displaced younger materials into older (2018)
OSL) contexts; morphological overlap between
stemmed points and Late Archaic points in
region (Darl, Hoxie); materials in similar
contexts at Friedkin, located on the same
landform, date later; the deepest pre-Clovis
zone was modified by redox (iron reduction/
oxidization) due to ground water fluctuation;
this could obscure burrows that could mix
younger artifacts into older deposits
Cooper’s Ferry, ID 16,600–13,300 Dates are not clearly associated with artifacts; Davis et al. (2019), (2020), Fiedel et al. (2021), Manning
pits dug which apparently displaced older, (2021) (2020)
natural charcoal; other, stylistically similar WST
sites date to post-Clovis

21,250, 17,890, 15,300, and 12,390 cal yr BP). These few Paleoindian Colonization model (Model 2). The evi-
specimens were selected from a total assemblage of dence for the early dating of these two sites remains gen-
36,000 bones (0.0002%) that the authors themselves erally unconvincing to archaeologists (Wheat 2012).
note derived mainly from carnivore accumulation. An Gault Site, Texas, contains unequivocal stone tools
argument was made that cuts were in locations typical and debitage below Clovis layers but researchers have
for butchering, but reported cut frequencies and distri- no radiocarbon dates or dates directly associated with
butions belie this (e.g., 20 close-spaced cuts would not cultural materials (e.g., hearths, organic tools) (Collins
be needed to remove a tongue). These bones were not et al. 2013). Multiple optically stimulated luminescence
collected in clear association with human-manufactured (OSL) dates yield a wide possible temporal range (at 2
lithics, and no detailed stratigraphic analysis establishes σ): 24,500–14,500 cal yr BP (Collins et al. 2013). The
such a necessary connection. None of the dated Cave 1 younger end of this age range falls within the Paleoin-
specimens have any stratigraphic provenience (i.e., we dian Colonization model. In fact, at the nearby Debra
do not know where they were found) and the two L. Friedkin site, located on the same chert source and
dated Cave 2 specimens have ambiguous provenience with a similar geomorphic setting, Waters et al.
(“south debris” and “loess 142 cmbs” (Bourgeon et al. (2011a) obtained a much larger set of OSL dates and
2017, 238)). However, all of the material appears to were thus able to statistically narrow the age range for
derive from a heavily cryoturbated layer including that occupation to between 15,500 and 14,000 cal yr
angular clasts of roof fall. Only about 100 lithics were BP. This is likely also the age range for Gault.
recovered, and assuming 6 components based on non- Cooper’s Ferry, Idaho, is the final early site con-
overlapping radiocarbon ages, this works out to about sidered by Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020). New
17 items per occupation spanning over 10,000 years. stratigraphic dates from Cooper’s Ferry have been
In any case, there is reason to doubt whether any of recently reported from inside and outside several pit
the lithic artifacts are contemporary with any of the epi- features (Davis et al. 2019, 2020), but the evidence
sodes of bone modification. They all appear to represent remains inconclusive. A recent critique suggests the old-
a lithic industry, including Campus-type wedge shaped est demonstrated occupation, marked by Lind Coulee
microblade cores, that is most closely related to the points, dates to ∼11,500 cal yr BP, although ambiguous
Denali Complex (American Paleoarctic tradition), com- evidence may indicate an earlier occupation at 14,600–
mon in the region during the early Holocene, postdating 14,100 cal yr BP (Fiedel et al. 2021). Vertical movement
12,500 cal yr BP (Clark 2001). Bourgeon (2018) and of dated charcoal and bone samples in the LU3 stratum
Bourgeon et al. (2017) have convincingly shown that (including those from pit fill already in secondary con-
the damaged bones could have been modified by text) through bioturbation and anthropogenic disturb-
humans, but they have not demonstrated that the ance is obvious from date outliers. The pits from
marks could not have resulted from cryoturbation, bio- which some of the oldest dates derive are excavated
turbation or other post-depositional damage, and from above or the top of LU3 which indicates that
whether the few lithics are associated with the dated these pit samples are residual and hence, not indicative
bones. A critique of Bluefish Caves material has recently of the age of the pits themselves. In situ dates from the
been published (Krasinski and Blong 2020) making surface of LU3 and from pits dug into it are ∼11,500 cal
similar points. yr BP, consistent with other Western Stemmed tradition
The next oldest sites, Meadowcroft, Pennsylvania sites, and likely date the occupation. Davis et al. (2021)
and Cactus Hill, Virginia both contain definitively have held to their interpretation, but without providing
human-made artifacts found underlying early Paleoin- any new evidence to counteract the criticism.
dian (Adovasio et al. 1987, 1983, 1984) or Clovis occu- In sum, all purported pre-16,000 cal yr BP sites used
pations (McAvoy and McAvoy 1997, 2015), but they by Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020) to develop their
have different problems (Table 1). Meadowcroft has peopling model have unresolved problems of associ-
been criticized on multiple counts, including possible ation with human agency and/or dating. The primary
radiocarbon contamination (Fiedel 2013; Haynes 1991; conclusions of their model are thus called into question.
Haynes 2015; Kelly 1987; Mead 1980; Tankersley and
Munson 1992; though this criticism has been contested:
3.2. Additional evidence of pre-16,000 year old
Adovasio 1999; Adovasio and Pedler 2013). At Cactus
Hill, the association between the dated charcoal flecks
and the material culture in an unstratified sand deposit We also consider three proposed sites that can be con-
is unclear (Fiedel 2013; Haynes 2015). The ages of these structively compared with the sites used by Becerra-Val-
Pre-Clovis horizons could lie within the age range of the divia and Higham (2020) in their model. Each was

widely publicized, but all are now almost universally modified cobble flakes, which they named the Pedra Fur-
rejected by the archaeological community: Calico, Top- ada phase (Guidon 2002; Guidon and Delibrias 1986).
per, and Pedra Furada, along with recent fecal sterol Charcoal deposits, some associated with groups of roof
studies in Alaska. fall blocks in this lower unit, were interpreted to be
In 1964, flaked cobbles and apparent waste flakes hearths and dated between 37,000 and 21,000 cal yr BP.
were found on the alluvial plain at the foot of the Calico Again, as at Topper and Chiquihuite Cave, there is no
Hills of eastern California. Louis Leakey, visiting the site change evident in the purported technology over that
and familiar with the Oldowan lithic industries of East span of 16,000 years. Archaeologists invited to visit the
Africa identified these objects as human made, the pro- site were not convinced, noting that the reported tools
ducts of a New World Lower Paleolithic, with dating all had random, short, thick flake removals, and they con-
estimates ranging from 80,000 to 50,000 years old (Lea- cluded the cobbles were derived from a conglomerate
key et al. 1968). A closer inspection of the context of stratum 30 meters above in the overhanging cliff (Meltzer
these finds, an alluvial peneplain where high-energy et al. 1994). Rocks falling from this cliff had struck pre-
flash floods typically smash cobbles and boulders viously fallen rocks, producing the fractures. Items
against one another, demonstrated that they were the most closely resembling artifacts were selected from the
product of natural processes (Haynes 1969, 1973). The thousands of possible clasts. As with Bluefish Caves, an
most anthropogenic-looking objects had been chosen effort has been made more recently to separate the pre-
as artifacts from the millions of stone clasts. The site sumably human-modified objects from those produced
is no longer taken seriously by the professional archae- by natural processes. Proponents have acknowledged
ological community. that tool-using capuchin monkeys could be responsible
The Topper site, South Carolina, is a chert quarrying for at least some of the artifacts (Falótico et al. 2019; Par-
and processing locality verifiably occupied from Clovis enti et al. 2018). Additional putatively early sites have
times on (Anderson et al. 2016, Goodyear 2005, Small- been identified in the vicinity (e.g., Boëda et al. 2014),
wood 2010). A meter below the Clovis layer, excavators but all share the problem of equifinality with natural pro-
began finding shattered chert cobbles (from broken bed- cesses (Borrero 2016). Collectively the assemblages from
rock outcrops at the site) among which they saw flake- Calico, Topper, and Pedra Furada are generally dissimi-
like forms, angular fragments, and “broken cobbles lar both from each other, and from all unequivocal early
without negative bulbs of force and exhibiting frequent Paleoindian complexes.
hinge terminations” (Haynes 2015). Dating placed the The Cerutti Mastodon, California, purported to be a
upper part of the deposit between 20,000 and 16,000 130,000 year old human occupation in the Americas,
cal yr BP, but with a possible deeper “hearth” at was reported in Nature, and this claim was widely disse-
>50,000 cal yr BP (Goodyear 2005). Volunteers working minated in public media (Holen et al. 2017). We find it
at the site bagged all screen residue and sent it to the lab, understandable, however, that Becerra-Valdivia and
where artifact-like objects were isolated. The fractured Higham (2020) do not even mention this site in their
chert could have resulted from freeze–thaw, stream review of the most plausible pre-Clovis sites in North
transport, or some other natural mechanism (Waters America. The Cerutti Mastodon paper follows in a
et al. 2009). Moreover, the purported pre-Clovis depos- long tradition of purported sites based on interpretation
its are only found downhill from the chert outcrop, and of bone fracturing (joining McMinnville, OR, Lamb
no pre-Clovis artifacts have been identified in deposits Spring, Selby and Dutton, CO, La Sena, Jensen and
uphill from the outcrop (Miller 2010; Sain 2015; Small- Shaffert, NB, Lovewell, KS, to name a few), none of
wood 2010). Consequently, the reason there is no appar- which are considered valid today. In such situations,
ent change in this material over as much as 35,000 years, stone tools are absent and human agency is inferred
and why none of it bears any resemblance to Paleoin- from conchoidally and spiral fractured bones. The Cer-
dian cultures or Asian Upper Paleolithic industries, is utti claim would place hominins in the Americas before
because it is likely a natural accumulation of re-depos- modern Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa (Rito et al.
ited chert. The Pre-Clovis materials at Topper have 2019) and was roundly criticized in the academic litera-
yet to be peer reviewed, but the claim is unconvincing ture. Some (Braje et al. 2017b) questioned the absence of
to most archaeologists (Wheat 2012). chipped stone in an area with plentiful deposits of good
At Pedra Furada, Brazil, excavators working beneath lithic material; others attributed the association of cob-
extensive rock-art panels found a Holocene-age occu- bles and bone fragments to the use of heavy equipment
pation (Serra Telhada phase), including unquestionable at the site (Ferrell 2019; Haynes 2017).
artifacts made from non-local stone, underlain by a A continuous 34,000 cal yr BP human occupation has
sparse assemblage of flaked cobbles and minimally recently been claimed for northern Alaska on the basis

of fecal sterols in sediments from two lakes. Vachula of humans in the Americas, beginning prior to the LGM
et al. (2019, 2020) found the highest levels of coprosta- (26,500–19,000 cal yr BP) with a second pulse after
nols during the LGM at both lakes with negligible pres- 16,000–15,000 cal yr BP. Of these 42 sites, the majority
ence throughout the Holocene in one of the lakes. They are uncontroversial sites that are Clovis-age or later, and
assume that coprostanols are a direct proxy for human all but 6 sites post-date 16,000 cal yr BP. The remaining
presence, and thus claim intensive human occupation 6 sites (Chiquihuite Cave, Bluefish Caves, Meadowcroft,
from >32,000 to 17,000 cal yr BP. However, controlled Cactus Hill, Gault, and Cooper’s Ferry) all have unre-
studies establishing the correlation of specific organic solved issues with unequivocal human agency or direct
molecules with humans and other animals have not association between dated materials and cultural occu-
been done. Fecal sterols have been used to distinguish pations. Based on the unequivocal sites considered by
carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore feces, but Vachula Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020) we agree with
did not consider whether this record could be attributed their inference of early human occupation between
to other omnivores (e.g., black bear, brown bear), or 14,700 and 12,900 cal yr BP, consistent with other
carnivores (e.g., wolves, foxes, wolverines and other chronologies (e.g., Goebel et al. 2008; Mulligan and
mustelids, eagles, hawks). A recent study with more Kitchen 2013; Potter et al. 2017; Prates et al. 2020).
controls (Harrault et al. 2019) could not fully dis- Extraordinary claims of Ardelean et al. (2020) and
tinguish canids (dogs) from humans, and coprostanols Bourgeon et al. (2017) of pre-LGM occupations must
had wide overlap between the two (Harrault et al. also imply that these humans were genetically unrelated
2019, figure 1). The only omnivores that study con- to Native Americans. These latter have a clear genetic
sidered were humans, pigs, and dogs, and no carnivores history that entails divergence from East Asians and
were included. More reliable proxies refute Vachula admixing with Ancient North Eurasians several thou-
et al.’s claims: the many radiocarbon dated assemblages sand miles away in Asia between ∼26,000 and 20,000
in eastern Beringia clearly show onset of occupation cal yr BP (Moreno-Mayar et al. 2018a), when the alleged
after 14,200 cal yr BP with large population increases ancient humans were already long-ensconced at Chiqui-
after 4000 cal yr BP (with the expansion of Arctic huite, Bluefish Caves, and other purported early sites. If
Small Tool tradition peoples) and after 2000 cal yr BP, Becerra-Valdivia and Higham’s (2020) interpretations
when Ipiutak and other populations reached their high- of pre-LGM occupations were correct, they would call
est prehistoric levels (Potter et al. 2017; Tremayne into question the coherent and converging pattern of
2015). These patterns noticeably contradict Vachula human colonization of the Americas derived through
et al.’s (2019) pattern of high LGM and negligible Holo- decades of research across multiple disciplines – archae-
cene human populations. For these reasons, we find ology, genetics, geology, and paleoecology. The likeli-
these claims by Vachula et al. (2019, 2020) to be prema- hood that all these lines of evidence are wrong appears
ture and their studies inadequately controlled, and thus, vanishingly small. It seems implausible that a modern
they do not provide meaningful data on the colonization human population that survived for 20,000 years went
of the Americas. extinct after at least a millennium of overlap with
None of the sites cited by Becerra-Valdivia and early Paleoindian populations but yet left no trace in
Higham (2020) or included in the above discussion pro- any of the later groups whose DNA has been sampled.
vide unequivocal support for pre-16,000 cal yr BP occu- At present, we conclude that the limited evidence gar-
pation of the Americas. Based on numerous well-dated nered to support pre-LGM occupations (e.g., Chiqui-
sites with undisputed human-made artifacts, the unequi- huite Cave, Bluefish Cave, fecal sterols) is insufficient
vocal archaeological record of North America postdates to establish a Pre-LGM human presence in the
16,000 cal yr BP, consistent with the Paleoindian Coloni- Americas.
zation Model, which, as noted, is in basic agreement with Of the three explicit, synthetic colonization models
a wide variety of unilineal genetic and autosomal geno- presented above, the Strict Clovis-First Dispersal Model
mic data (e.g., lineage diversification, effective popu- (13,050 cal yr BP) can be rejected due to the presence
lation expansion, star-like radiation, split times among of unequivocal sites earlier than 13,050 cal yr BP. The
lineages) (Llamas et al. 2016; Moreno-Mayar et al. Pre-Paleoindian Dispersal Model (before ∼16,000 cal
2018a, 2018b; Sikora et al. 2019; Wei et al. 2018). yr BP) has also not met its burden of proof, and sites
like Chiquihuite Cave and Bluefish Caves do not pro-
vide compelling evidence to support it. The Paleoindian
4. Conclusions
Dispersal Model (after ∼16,000 cal yr BP), which posits a
We evaluated the 42 sites considered by Becerra-Valdi- sparse population ancestral to Clovis Paleoindians
via and Higham (2020) in inferring an early occupation during an exploration phase (Haynes 2015; Prasciunas

and Surovell 2015), remains the most plausible, sup- Vance Haynes, Regents Professor Emeritus in the School of
ported by independent evidence from genetics, paleoe- Anthropology and the Department of geosciences, University
cology, and the archaeological record. of Arizona, is a geoarchaeologist who specializes in the geo-
chronology of Paleoindian sites, and the peopling of the
Postscript Robert L. Kelly is Professor of Anthropology at the University
of Wyoming. His research interests include the archaeology
Newly reported human footprints in White Sands, New and ethnology of hunter-gatherers. He has recently completed
Mexico, in a stratified sequence dated by aquatic plant a database of >100,000 radiocarbon dates for the lower 48
seeds to 21,000-23,000 cal yr BP, may be evidence of states, is analyzing a 12,000-year rockshelter record, and is
an earlier occupation episode (Bennett et al. 2021). working on a Clovis mammoth kill site, both in Wyoming.
The most recent of his books is The Fifth Beginning: What
This research was more rigorous and robust than that Six Million Years of History Can Tell Us about Our
conducted at other early sites discussed here, but there Future (University of California Press).
remain issues to be resolved before acceptance, includ- J. David Kilby (PhD, University of New Mexico, 2008) is an
ing definitively ruling out (1) significant carbon reser- Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at
voir effects, observed for the genus (Kalanke et al. Texas State University and Director of the Ancient Southwest
2020) and (2) younger trackways overlain by redepos- Texas Project. His research focuses on North American
ited materials (Rachal et al. 2021). In any event, the Paleoindians, lithic technology, and geoarchaeology. He has
published extensively on Clovis and Folsom lithic technologi-
White Sands data have no bearing on the quality of
cal organization, with a particular emphasis on Clovis caches.
data for other purported early sites.
François Lanoë (PhD University of Arizona 2017) is an
archaeologist specialized in the ecology and archaeology of
Acknowledgements pre-contact hunter-gatherer groups in North America, par-
ticularly during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene in
We wish to thank Michael Faught, David Meltzer, Bonnie Pit- the Northwestern Plains and Alaska. A large part of this
blado, Gustavo Politis, multiple anonymous reviewers, and research is conducted in close partnership with Native Amer-
editor Ted Goebel for helpful comments and suggestions. ican communities aiming to conciliate traditional and anthro-
pological narratives about the past, and develop professional
and educational opportunities for tribal members.
Disclosure statement Jacob Holland-Lulewicz (PhD University of Georgia 2018) is
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). currently Lecturer of Archaeology in the Department of
Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis. He has
worked across North America and has published in national
Notes on contributors and international journals in the areas of Indigenous sociopo-
litical organization, the archaeology of institutions, social net-
James C. Chatters (PhD University of Washington 1982) is an work analysis, remote sensing, and chronological modeling.
archaeologist and paleontologist who has published exten-
sively on hunter-gatherer archaeology and bioarchaeology of D. Shane Miller (PhD Arizona 2014) is an archaeologist whose
first Americans, late Pleistocene vertebrate paleontology, main interests are the Ice Age colonization of the Ameri-
and 14C dating. His recent book, Hunters of the Mid-Holocene cas and the origins of agriculture in eastern North America.
Forest, focuses on lithic technology. He is currently Principal He has authored or co-authored over forty peer-reviewed
Investigator of Proyecto Arqueológico Subacuático Hoyo publications.
Negro, a Mexican initiative researching Late Pleistocene Juliet E. Morrow (PhD, Washington University in St. Louis,
human and animal remains in an underwater cave on the 1996) is a Research Station Archeologist at Arkansas State
Yucatan Peninsula. University and Research Professor of Anthropology at the
Stuart Fiedel (PhD University of Pennsylvania 1979) University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. Morrow edited Paleoin-
wrote Prehistory of the Americas (Cambridge University dian Archaeology in 2006 and has focused on the Paleoindian
Press) (1987). He has excavated innumerable sites in North period and multidisciplinary studies of hunter-gatherer life-
America as an academic and CRM archaeologist, and has pub- ways, stone tool technology, and Pleistocene/Early Holocene
lished many articles on diverse topics in New and Old World ecology. She is currently conducting fieldwork in northeast
archaeology, including radiocarbon calibration, megafaunal Arkansas.
extinctions, the origins of the European Neolithic, Algon- Angela Perri (PhD Durham University 2014) is a zooarchaeol-
quian languages and migrations, and Paleoindians. ogist who specializes in human-animal interactions, carnivores,
Gary Haynes (PhD Catholic University of America 1981) is and domestication. Her recent research has examined dog
Foundation Professor of Anthropology Emeritus at the Uni- domestication and the peopling of the Americas.
versity of Nevada-Reno. He has carried out archeological Ben A. Potter is an archaeologist primarily interested in high
research in North America, Zimbabwe, and Poland, and latitude adaptations, intersite variability, site structure and
spent four decades doing neo-taphonomic studies of large organization, and long-term history. He has worked in both
mammals in the wild. academia (University of Alaska Fairbanks and now Liaocheng

University) and CRM. He leads investigations at the impor- S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner (PhD Washington University in
tant subarctic sites, including Upward Sun River, Mead, Gers- St. Louis 2018) is an Indigenous anthropological archaeolo-
tle River, and Delta River Overlook, and is currently engaged gist, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropol-
in archaeogenetics, geoarchaeology, and human ecology ogy at the University of Alberta, and an Assistant Chief of the
research directed at understanding the peopling of the Upper Georgia Tribal Town of the Pee Dee Indian Nation of
Americas. Beaver Creek. Her primary research is on hunting, gathering,
Anna Marie Prentiss (PhD Simon Fraser University 1993) is and fishing people in the southeastern United States. She also
Regents Professor of Anthropology at the University of Mon- conducts research employing archaeological findings to
tana and co-editor of Hunter-Gatherer Research, the scholarly reinforce Indigenous sovereignties in North America.
journal of the International Society for Hunter-Gatherer Jesse W. Tune (Ph.D. Texas A&M University 2015) is an
Research. Her research interests include hunter-gatherers, Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at
lithic technology, cultural evolution, and subsistence ecol- Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. He is a prehistoric
ogy. She has conducted field research in Chilean Patagonia archaeologist who studies Pleistocene human migrations and
and North America’s Arctic, Pacific Northwest, Great Plains, the colonization of new landscapes. His research focuses on
and Rocky Mountains regions. investigating the relationships between humans and the
Kurt Rademaker (PhD, University of Maine 2012) is an environment – specifically how humans adapt to new or chan-
archaeologist who investigates hunter-gatherer adaptations ging environments.
and human-environment interactions in Andean South
America. He has led archaeological survey and excavation
projects throughout the US and Peru and participated in ORCID
field research on volcanic and glacial geomorphology. His cur- Ben A. Potter http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4749-0428
rent research is focused on Terminal Pleistocene to Middle James C. Chatters http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8774-1044
Holocene settlement dynamics and biocultural adaptations Gary Haynes http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3797-3669
in the high Andes. Robert L. Kelly http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9737-0152
Joshua D. Reuther (PhD Arizona 2013) is the Curator of J. David Kilby http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2185-7065
Archaeology at the University of Alaska Museum of the D. Shane Miller http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2654-0569
North and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Angela R. Perri http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4349-1060
Anthropology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His Kurt M. Rademaker http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5676-4884
research interests include reconstructing the evolution of Ber- Brandon T. Ritchison http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7265-
ingian landscapes over the last 20,000 years, and understand- 6808
ing the response of humans to climate change in arctic and Guadalupe Sanchez http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9350-0332
subarctic environments. Ismael Sánchez-Morales http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1152-
Brandon T. Ritchison (PhD University of Georgia 2019) is an
S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner http://orcid.org/0000-0002-
archaeologist interested in the relationships between mobility,
demography, and the emergence and transformation of socio-
Jesse W. Tune http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3679-5808
political institutions in pre-colonial Eastern North America.
His research on the Native American history of the Southern
Atlantic coast of North America, focusing on large-scale
population movements, settlement analysis, and chronology
building, has been published in national and international Adovasio, James M. 1999. “No Vestiges of a Beginning nor
journals. Prospect for an End: Two Decades of Debate on
Guadalupe Sanchez (PhD University of Arizona 2010). Is a Meadowcroft Rockshelter.” In Ice Age Peoples of North
member of the Mexican National System of Researchers. America Environments, Origins, and Adaptations of the
She has studied the geoarchaeology and lithic technology of First Americans, edited by Robson Bonnichsen and Karen
sites in Northern Mexico for 20 years; together with hunter- L. Turnmire, 416–431. Corvallis: Center for the Study of
gather prehistory, paleoethnobotany, and paleoecology of the First Americans.
Northern Mexico. Her research has led to over 50 articles in Adovasio, James M., J. Donahue, and R. C. Carlisle. 1984.
international journals and books. Her 2016 book Los Primeros “Meadowcroft Rockshelter and the Pleistocene/Holocene
Mexicanos: Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene People of Sonora, Transition in Southwest Pennsylvania.” In Contributions
received honorable mention for best archaeological Investi- in Quaternary Vertebrate Paleontology: A Volume in
gation in Mexico. Memorial to John E. Guilday, edited by H. H. Genoways
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