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The Tempest Act I

Adrian Lugo

1. How does the opening scene set the tone for the rest of the play? The opening scene sets the
tone for the rest of the play because the suspense and action from the storm sets a mysterious tone
which carries on to the rest of the play. The opening scene was a crew on a boat going through a windy
storm and had giant waves crashing onto the boat. This suspense and action sets the tone for the rest tof
the play.

2. Who is Prospero? Explain the situation that landed him and his daughter on the island.
Prospero is the rightful Duke of Milan who was overtaken by his brother, Antonio. Antonio made an
alliance with Alonso, the King of Naples, to overthrow Prospero and seize control of Milan. Prospero and
his daughter, Miranda, were thrown out at sea in a small boat and left to die. However, they survived and
found refuge on an island. This is how Prospero and his daughter made it onto the island.

3. Who is Ariel? Why does he work for Prospero? Ariel is a spirit who serves Prospero. Ariel was
enslaved by the witch Sycorax, but Prospero freed him from her control when he arrived on the island. In
gratitude for his freedom, Ariel agrees to serve Prospero and assist him in whatever he needs.. Ariel's
motivation for working for Prospero is based on him wanting to be free as Prospero promises to grant him
his freedom once certain tasks are completed.

4. Who is Caliban? Why does he hate Prospero and Miranda? Caliban is a native inhabitant of the
island which Prospero and Miranda took refuge in. He is the son of the witch Sycorax, who ruled the
island before Prospero's arrival. Caliban has hate towards Prospero and Miranda because Prosperowhne
he arrived tried to educate Caliban but later enslaved him when Caliban tried to assault Miranda. Calibans
hate Prospero and Miranda because he feels like Prospero betrayed him and he wants to seek out

5. Who is Ferdinand? Explain the interaction between Ferdinand and Miranda. Ferdinand is the son
of Alonso, the King of Naples. He becomes in love with Miranda when they meet on the island. The
interaction between Ferdinand and Miranda is one of love at first sight. When they encounter each other
for the first time, Ferdinand is struck by Miranda's beauty and innocence, while Miranda is captivated by
Ferdinand's demeanor and nobility. Despite Prospero's initial suspicions and tests of Ferdinand's
sincerity, their love quickly blossoms, and they declare their affection for each other. Their relationship
becomes a symbol of hope and reconciliation amidst the chaos and intrigue of the island.

6. Throughout Act I Scene II we are given information on someone named Sycorax. She does not
appear in the play. Research her name and write two sentences detailing what you learn about
her. Sycorax is a character who is mentioned but never appears. She is described as a powerful witch
and the original ruler of the island before Prospero's arrival. Sycorax is depicted as a malignant and
malevolent figure, who practiced dark magic and was ultimately banished from Algiers to the remote
island where the rest of the play takes place.

7. Consider the characters we have met throughout Act I. Does anyone have free will? Explain. I
think that out of all the characters that we saw throughout Act I, Prospero and Miranda have the most free
will. They are the rulers of the island and have nobody telling them what to do. They also have people
who work for them and can tell them to carry out certain tasks.

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