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The CEO,PR is the head of the company. he is also the PR of the administrative board

CA includes executive directors who are also collabarators thereof. it also includes a
company scretary who is responsaabile for making surre the compony complis with

The are diferet types of company structures, but one of the most common ways to
organize a company is through functional departmens. which are normaly composed

Marketin: this departmet is responsible for all aspects related to advertising and
promotion within the company

Sales this department is responsible for seliing productos to customers

Production: this department is responsible for the produtiom or mannufacture of

proucts in the company. where there should be within this other sub sections such as:

⦁ Logisttic: Responsible for the movement of materials within and outsitd the

IT(Information techology) is department responsible for all aspects of computer

techoloy that the company needs.

FINANCE is depertment responsible for all aspects of in the company and is

sometimes known as the accounts department. this usually includes accountinng of

HR(Human Resources) is department responsible for all aspects relating to eployees,

and is also called the personal departmet. this uusually incudes interviewing, hiring.

Legal is department is responsible for aspects relating to contracts, such as

employment contracts suppliers etc. is responsible for in and makingsuure that the
company keeps to the law

R&D(Research and Developmet) Is department is responsible for devoling new

products or ideas, in prodution companies this department could develop new
concepst or packges of services for custmers

ADMIN(Administration) this departmant is responsible for any acivities reliting to

processes for internal systems, office organization, and for everyday communications
wthin and outside the company

Companies can be organized in different ways, depending on their size and type of
busness. their srructurs must be well orgazed so that employees understand the chain
of comand and the decision-making process, there are three main structurs:

1. FUNCTIONAL Here the hierarchy is clearer, used in start-up companies

where employees will speak directly to their mangers.

2. DIVISIONAL Unlike the previus one, this on is for large companies, as they
are spread out internationally, each one has it's own area while having it's
centrvlized structure.

3. MATRIX Serves the first two structures because it brings them an advantage
on an econic scale, but the disdvantage is that there are sometimes conflicts
between different departements because they often sell different products.

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