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Emilia Lagos, Isidora Luengo y Emilia Labrin II°A


Slavery is the condition by which one person is subjected to another, losing his or her
freedom. Thus, the slave takes possession of the slave, and he can dispose of his destiny.
Slavery is other words, a phenomenon in which people are subordinated to others,
becoming virtually merchandise that can be bought and sold.

Most modern slavery occurs in Asia.

They may be serving fishing vessels due to debt, forced marriages, detained against their
will as domestic workers or trapped in brothels under threats of violence.
These are some of the forms of so-called modern slavery. More than 45 millón people live in
this condition today.
Although almost all countries have declared it illegal, it continues to exist, and Asia is almost
35 per cent of the victims.

Quotes from the book

“He was a slave-trader, James Burch - buying ans selling slaves was his business. He knew
that he was doing something dangerous when he sold me, a freeman, into slavery.”
This quote shows how slaves were bought and selled like they were objects instead of
people and in Solomon’s case, as a freeman it was dangerous to trade him but it didn’t
matter to Burch because it was his business.

“One man decided to buy Eliza’s son, Randall. Eliza fell to the ground in front of him and
cried wildly, “Take me and my daughter, too, master! Keep us together! Please master!”
This quote shows that the people who used to buy slaves decided to buy them because of
how useful they could be in their farms, not considering their family, and that way they
separated a lot of families, like Eliza’s.

“He brought his heaviest whip from the house, and gave it to me. “Now, Platt, let2s see how
strong you are. Go on, whip her!” he shouted.”
This shows how slaves were hardly punished if they did something that their owners didn’t
like and they were obligated to do things they didn’t want to do, like be the one to punish
their mates.

Marihuana factories and nail salons

Figures suggest tha there could be between 10.000 and 13.000 victims of slavery in the
United Kingdom arriving from several countries, Including Albania, Nigeria, Vietnam and
Some 3.000 children in Vietnam are believed to be working in marihuana factories and nail
Many victims are told that their families will be hurt if they escape.

A victim, Lam was 16 when he arrived in the UK hoping to earn money to send his family.
Instead, he was forced to work in a mariguana factory, a house where huge amounts of the
plant are grown.
“I remember asking the man who took me there if I could go because I didn’t like it, but he
threatened me to beat me or starve me”, Lam says.
The young man was arrested when the police raided the house, and charged with
drug-related offences. But eventually he received help from the Child Trafficking Counselling
Centre of the NSPCC Child protection organization.

We believe that it is very normalized and it should not be that way, not because you are
lower class or have fewer resources than others, it means that you must enslave yourself as
a person, it is not healthy in any case and ill-treatment is not even well paid.

We believe slavery is wrong because you're abused by a person. this is a way of depriving a
person of liberty by forcing her to do hard work

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