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REG.NO: C025-01-1122/2016



This project is submitted to the Department of Business Information Technology in the

School of
Computer Science and Information Technology in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Business Information Technology, Dedan
Kimathi University of Technology.
MAY 2021.

I declare that this work has not been previously submitted and approved for the award of a
degree by this or any other University. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this proposal
contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due
reference is made in the proposal itself.


Antony Mwaniki Kuru




This proposal document has been submitted with my approval as the university supervisor.

Mr. Patrick Gikunda



Department of Information Technology.

I dedicate this project to God for the strength and guidance to reach this far. I also dedicate
this project to my parents, friends and supervisor for their support and contribution towards
the development of the project.
I acknowledge the Almighty God for guiding me through the whole process of developing my
project. I would like to appreciate and give thanks to the people who have assisted during this

I acknowledge my parents and friends for their support during this time as they have made it
possible to still do the research necessary for the project.

I also acknowledge my supervisor, Mr. Patrick Gikunda for his guidance and continuous
support throughout the project. The university should also be recognized for giving this
opportunity to do this project and trying to adapt to the current circumstances under which the
projects will be done.

There are many people with mental health conditions and they encounter challenges
while accessing mental healthcare services. Thus, difficulties acquiring tests, diagnosis and
treatments to manage mental health conditions. In Kenya, e-mental health systems have not
been mostly included in the existing mental healthcare systems and utilized to deliver mental
healthcare services to people. Due to lack of enough medical professionals and facilities that
offer healthcare services people find it time consuming and strenuous searching and locating
doctors or hospitals, booking appointments manual is time consuming and requires a lot of
resources as there is no support or assistance by an e-mental health system.

E-mental health systems have become a popular way of accessing healthcare by

people. This study will help in understanding the e-mental healthcare systems preferences by
people and determine how the existing ways and systems have failed to meet their needs.
This concept is built upon the various insights that people have for a system that they can use
to easily access mental healthcare.

Afyamedex will connect and link users to healthcare services needed for their mental
conditions anywhere and anytime. The system will connect users with available
facilities/hospitals and specialized doctors for respective diagnoses, tests, and treatments thus
making it easy to identify and select doctors or facilities based on their specialization. The
system will facilitate users to make appointments such as therapy sessions and book tests
needed. It will provide a support group where users can share, talk and communicate with
other people about their conditions. It will also help users to easily access relevant information
and data about a mental condition therefore support and instant guidance on the various
mental illness and their associated diagnoses, tests and treatments like teletherapy.

Developing of the system will be achieved through prototyping in order to deliver a

good e-mental health system. Implementation of this Afyamedex will improve accessibility of
mental healthcare services.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................................. 2
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................................. 3
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Problem statement ................................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Purpose of the study.............................................................................................................................. 11
1.4.2 Specific objectives ......................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Justification ........................................................................................................................................... 12
1.7 Limitation.............................................................................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................................ 14
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.2 Case study one: TALKSPACE APPLICATION .......................................................................... 14
2.1.3 Case study two: BIG WHITE WALL APPLICATION ............................................................... 15
2.1.4 Case study three: TALK LIFE application .................................................................................... 16
2.2 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................................ 20
3.1 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 20
Observation ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Interviews................................................................................................................................................ 20
Questionnaire .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Secondary data collection ....................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4: System analysis and Design .......................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Requirement Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................... 24
4.2.2 Non-functional requirements ......................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Requirement Gathering ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1 Economic Requirements ................................................................................................................ 25
4.3.2 Security Requirements ................................................................................................................... 25
4.4 Questionnaire Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.5 Interviews Analysis........................................................................................................................... 28
4.6 System Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.1 Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.2 Data flow diagrams ........................................................................................................................ 31
Level 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Test Case 1: User sign up page ............................................................................................................... 39
Test Case 2: User sign in page ................................................................................................................ 41
WEB APPLICATION DASHBOARD .................................................................................................. 47
Implementation ........................................................................................................................................... 49
CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................... 50
6.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 50
6.3 Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. 51
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
APPENDEX.................................................................................................................................................... 53
4.1 User requirements ................................................................................................................................. 53
QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................................................................... 59
List of figures and tables. Figure 1. prototyping phases............................................................................................................ 22 Figure 2. prototyping method steps involved .................................................................................. 22 Figure 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4.4.2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.4.3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.5.1 Table 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Figure .................................................................................................................................................. 30 figure DFD level o .............................................................................................................................. 31
Figure activity diagram ....................................................................................................................... 32
Figure context diagram ....................................................................................................................... 33
Figure component diagram ................................................................................................................. 34
Figure flowchart diagram.................................................................................................................... 36
Table 4: Acceptance Testing Data .................................................................................................................. 39
Table 5: Test Data ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Mental disorders or illnesses are conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood,
and behaviour which can be occasional or long-lasting thus affecting your ability to relate to
others and function each day as stated by (mental disorders, 2020)

There are different types of mental illnesses or disorders in which everyone has a risk
of developing irrespective of their gender, age, or ethnicity they include: anxiety disorders,
psychotic disorders, substance abuse disorders, personality disorders and mood disorders such
as bipolar disorder or depression.

There are various ways of diagnosing whether a person is suffering from a mental

Treatment of mental illness depends on a patient’s mental disorder and the state in
which they are in thus specific treatment plans for each patient.

World Health Organization has determined that there is a burden of mental health
disorders worldwide and there is no adequate response by health systems. These have resulted
in a gap between treatments needed and the provision of mental healthcare. In low – and
middle-income countries about 76% to 85% of people with mental conditions or illness
receive no treatment for their illness.

According to a study by Institute Health Metrics and Evaluation in 2017 it was

estimated that

729 million people lived with mental health disorder which is about 10.7% of people globally

(Roser, 2018)

In Kenya the government statistics indicate at one point, one in every four Kenyans
suffers from a mental disorder in their lives which reflects about 11.5 million people. There
few medical personnel and facilities capable of handling the diagnosis and treatment of these
mental issues. This impacts the accessibility and availability of mental health care to mentally
ill patients. (Kanyoro, 2020)

In Kenya it is estimated there about 12 million people living with mental disorders.
Nairobi has the highest numbers among all the forty-seven counties in the country with 20,
353 reported cases of hospital visit due mental illness. A survey by KNBS- Kenya National
Bureau of statistics which was released in December 2019 reported that about 104,615 cases
of mental disorders were handled in Kenyan’s hospitals. (Mwangi, 2020)

People spend a lot of time searching for doctors and hospitals/facilities providing mental
healthcare that is getting their particular locations and getting approval as their patients it is
rough and time-consuming. Booking test needed and making appointment’s also poses a
challenge. Also, treatment of these illnesses for example one-on-one therapy and group
therapy is not easily accessible. Avenues of acquiring relevant information about mental
disorders and forums to ask questions, raise issues and the support needed in the management
of these conditions are not easy to find and access.

Many medical applications for smart phones have been developed and widely used by
health professionals and patients. The use of these applications is very helpful because it leads
to better communication between doctors and patients and help to enhance the overall
treatment quality. Healthcare information systems gives support and deliver healthcare
services meeting the health needs of their user thus health improvement.

E-mental health systems include mobile application and web-based systems which
addresses the diagnosis and treatment gap in mental health. The e-mental health systems use
and leverage the internet and technologies such as web sites, social media, and smartphone
applications to deliver mental health services to people with mental conditions and illnesses so
as they can access treatments and manage their conditions. Some of the services they deliver

• They provide relevant information and data about mental health illnesses or
conditions, their diagnosis, and treatments.
• Treatment; e-mental systems deliver treatment to patients these include online
counselling and therapy.
• They facilitate users to identify, connect and link with licensed, certified and
experienced mental health professionals for examples psychologists and facilities
based on their underlying conditions.

• Communication; provides safe spaces such as online support groups, discussion

boards, chat boxes, and forums where uses can share, talks, or communicate with other
E-mental health systems enable access to mental health care anytime and anywhere,
there is high patient engagement and participation in treatment and managing their conditions.
Also, they create a confidential and safe environment where there is no judgment or

Therefore, the study will help identify challenges that people face in the access of mental
healthcare and a potential system that will be the potential solution to these challenges. Thus,
developing Afyamedex; e-mental health system will have a great impact in mental healthcare
delivery and access, contributing to a healthy people.

1.2 Problem statement

There are many people with mental health conditions and they encounter
challenges while accessing mental healthcare services. Thus, difficulties acquiring tests,
diagnosis and treatments to manage mental health conditions. In Kenya, e-mental health
systems have not been mostly included in the existing mental healthcare systems and
utilized to deliver mental healthcare services to people. Due to lack of enough medical
professionals such as psychiatrists and hospitals providing mental healthcare, people find
it strenuous and time-consuming searching and locating doctors, hospitals or facilities
offering mental healthcare services as there is no support or assistance by an e-mental
health system. Making appointments and booking tests or diagnosis at hospitals manually
is time consuming and requires a lot of resources. Treatments such as teletherapy or
online counselling are not easily accessible.

Platforms offering support groups or discussion forums where people can

communicate, share and talk about their mental health conditions are not readily available
and easy to access due to the stigma around mental health. Moreover, relevant
Information on mental health conditions and their corresponding diagnosis or tests and
treatments is not easy to access.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The study is intended to determine the various challenges people with mental conditions
face while accessing mental healthcare and the identification of a potential system that support
and connects users with mental healthcare services anywhere and anytime. Therefore, the
main aim is to identify and develop an e-mental health system that will be a potential solution
to the challenges people encounter.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General objectives:

To develop an e-mental health system that improves accessibility of mental healthcare

services provided for treatment and management of mental health conditions.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

I expect to achieve the following specific objectives:

I. To create a module that facilitate booking of appointments with available

medical professionals or institutions offering mental healthcare.

II. To create a module that facilitates treatments of mental conditions through

online counselling or teletherapy.

III. To create a module which provides information about mental conditions

and support groups where people can communicate and share about their
IV. To enable making payments for mental healthcare services offered.

1.5 Justification

As a result of the challenges people with mental conditions face accessing mental
healthcare services in the country, I conducted a research to determine the possible solutions
to these problems thus developing a mobile web-application to be a potential solution to the
problems that people face.
The system will ensure timely access to healthcare for people with mental disorders,
and ensure that the right patients get the right care and treatment, at the right time, and in the
right setting. This will be achieved as the system will: enable patients/users to access,
identify and select mental health facilities and doctors available. The system will also provide
relevant information needed and provide a support group for patients. Also, it will enable
patients to book tests and make appointments needed thus getting access to test, diagnosis
and treatment they require to manage their conditions.
The research also contributed in the gathering of requirements for the system from the
intended users.

1.6 Scope

It involves development of e-mental health mobile web application that will improve
accessibility to mental healthcare services provide.

Intended users for the system are people with mental conditions, medical
professionals and facilities/hospitals offering mental health services.

Medical professionals such as therapists and hospitals will be able to register and
provide mental healthcare services like online counselling also providing information on
mental conditions. People with mental conditions will be able to access a listing of medical
professionals/hospitals registered, book appointments for tests or treatment. Counselling of
patients will be facilitated through online counselling. Also provided with a support group
where people can communicate and share about their mental conditions.

1.7 Limitation

I. The users of the system are assumed to be computer literate

II. The users of the system should have access to internet.



2.1.1 Introduction
E-mental health systems are an increasingly important factor for the treatment of
mental disorders such as depression they include applications and web-based systems that
address the treatment and diagnosis gap in mental health. These systems use technologies
such as websites and smartphones with support of the internet to deliver mental healthcare to
people with mental disorders or conditions in time therefore easy access to services they
require to treat and manage their conditions. (Lal, February 10 2019)

These systems are easily accessible and cost effective, show evidence-based benefits
for patients with mild-to moderate symptoms, used to distribute information and coordinate
mental healthcare services. E-mental healthcare systems are chosen according to conditions
and symptoms of a persons, and the level of e-literacy, self-reliance and openness of person
with a mental disorder. (Rubies, 2020)

The following case studies constitute of e-mental health systems that is mobile
applications and web-based system. These systems were identified, studied, analysed, and
documented. As a result of information and data from the case studies, I came up with a
summary and research gaps.

2.1.2 Case study one: TALKSPACE APPLICATION

Talkspace was founded by Roni Frank and Oren in 2012 is a mobile and online therapy
company that I based in Ney work City. Talkspace is one of most popular online therapy apps.
The app is bound to be secure, private, stigma-free, and only host licensed and experienced
psychological state professionals. Since this app provides 24/7 access, you can talk with your
therapist whenever and wherever. With unlimited messaging therapy, users have access to a
licensed, professional therapist with no appointment needed as stated by (Talksapce ,2020)

A user can choose to voice messages, video chat, or text with a therapist one to two
times a day. The user is matched with a therapist when they first download the app based on
their preferences and specific situations. The app comes with different affordable plans to
choose from, and anyone can start with a free consultation!
Talkspace was app was designed to offer quality level therapy services that will guide
their patients on the routes that they ought to combat the way to improve their mental state
and lead a better life.

Talkspace is only limited to online therapy which may be inconvenient for some
people as their various disadvantages to online therapy for like in times of distress people
may feel less emotionally intimate and less comforted due to lack of physical presence. Also
lacks to provide a support group where users can share and talk with other people with
similar conditions. Afyamedex will provide the option of also making appointments for in-
person therapy sessions and support group that is a discussion forum for users.

2.1.3 Case study two: BIG WHITE WALL APPLICATION

This is an e-mental health application based in the United Kingdom

Big White Wall is a community application where people suffering from different
mental health illnesses come together, share and talk about their challenges or problems with
support from trained doctors or therapists according to (Top 10 Mental Health Apps, 2020).

Big White Wall its application is commissioned by over I50 organizations globally,
they are an online service that facilitates access to millions of people with mental issues
such as anxiety and depression (About us, 2020). The app a peer-to-peer community offers
anonymous conversation which can scale to any population clinically managed and
designed to support people 24/7 by trained medical practitioners The application is
comprised of the following feature:

• Information; reference articles and information about mental health

• Self-monitoring where users can do self- assessment test. There is also a range of self-
administered clinical tests, guides, and tips to improve wellbeing, including articles on
self-esteem, sleep, relationships, and many more as stated by my health apps website
(Big White Wall, n.d.)

• Discussions boards and support group modules where users can create pictures or
images to express their feelings or using adds and words in the community wall. This
facilitates users to connect with people like having similar conditions or friends and
Users can also register for online therapy courses covering issues like anxiety attacks and
sessions to manage their conditions by signing up for teletherapy for example via audio or
instant messaging with experienced therapist and therapist.

The services that the application provide have an active forum with a 24/7
support forum professionals who are trained and vetted. Where these services can be
accessed via smartphones, laptops, or computers with internet services.

The users can talk or share anonymously with other members and participate in a one-
to-one or group therapy with a therapist.

The application is for everyone wanting to manage and improve their mental health
from anyone aged 16 and above. Users can express themselves freely and openly as it is
completely anonymous. After creating an account at their website one can download an
application for their apple or android smartphones

Their professionals such as the therapist they are at all times online to provide
support and moderate services. According to ---95% Big White Wall members feel better
after using Big white wall and 73% share an issue for the first time according to (Big White
Wall, 2020).

Big white wall application is limited to self-diagnosis and also there is no or

minimum physical professional involvement that is treatment such therapy is online. My
proposed application will facilitate the booking of diagnosis at available facilities and
also provide options for making one-on-one doctor/medical professionals appointments.

2.1.4 Case study three: TALK LIFE application

TalkLife application was in London United Kingdom by founded by Andrew Montesi,
Jacob white, Jamie Druitt in 2012.

TalkLife application is a that tracks the global youth mental health crisis as it is a
social network. TalkLife application creates an environment that encourages youth to become
transparent with their struggles in an accepting and positive environment, shining light on
taboo topics such as depression, self-harm, and suicide (TalkLife, 2020).
TalkLife application is safe where one can openly talk and share about anything such
as mental health, self-harm, depression, a relationship, or a bad break up with no judgments.
moreover, it is anonymous and sharing is optional.

TalkLife is caring community of thousands of people is waiting to talk, listen, and help
you feel a little less lonely as it offers community support similar to group therapy according
to (Doyle, 2019)

TalkLife application is anonymous, creating an environment where people feel able to

talk and share. It is clinically governed with safeguards and moderations in real-time. It
facilitates ongoing support that is no stigma, no judgment, and no waiting time. The
application is familiar, engaging, and intuitive as it uses the best elements of social

As stated by common sense media (Anderson, 2020) to use the TalkLife application a
user needs reads the introduction information after which one can sign up with email, Google
or Facebook then enter their detail such as gender. after singing in one can choose where to
use the app to give help, get help, or both and also select trigger warnings that filter content
based on age, topic, or most viewed/recent posts. Users can read or enter comments and
responses. Also, users can click on need help link in the application account section where
there contacts available for emergency intervention

The application can be downloaded and accessed anywhere and anytime.

TalkLife application focuses only on one mental condition which is depression.

According to mytransformation website many people with depression suffer from more than
one condition, but many mental health apps are targeted at only treating one; while therapy
offers a more inclusive treatment plan, MHAs can be too streamlined and disregard certain
aspects of someone’s mental health (Pros and Cons of Mental Health App, 2019) The mobile
application that am proposing is to be all-inclusive that’s it will target several mental
conditions and illness

2.1.5 Case study four: BetterHelp

BetterHelp is an e-mental health platform that is web-based and mobile application

which provides counselling and teletherapy based in California USA which was founded in
2013 by Alon Matas and Danny Bragonier. BetterHelp application and the web-based
platform allows users to communicate and interact with their therapists and counsellors also, it
is one of the world largest e-counselling platform.

BetterHelp makes counselling affordable, convenient, and accessible allowing users to

get help to manage and treat their conditions anytime and anywhere. In 24 hours after signing
up, users are matched with a licensed and trained counsellor who you can instant message,
video conference, or speak with over the phone (Hintze, 2017).

According to website (about, 2020), BetterHelp's mission is making professional

counselling accessible, affordable, convenient - to anyone who struggles with life’s
challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.

How BetterHelp works:

• The user for the first time is required to answer questions about themselves and the
challenges they are facing.
• The next step is to create a private password and username to access the application
and web system.
• Then choose a payment option and enter payment information where one can also
apply for financial support.
• Based on the needs of the user the platform matches the user with a verified and
certified professional counsellor, of which you can switch the match if you are
satisfied with your matched counsellor/ therapist.
• Start the therapy or counselling process which has different options such as video,
text, or calls. And also, via web-based interaction

BetterHelp offers access to licensed professional counsellors, family and marriage

therapist, trained, experienced and licensed psychologists, also clinical social workers

They also have a support team that provides answers to user’s questions, provide
guidance, and resolves users’ problems.

BetterHelp offers teletherapy and online counselling which is may not be convenient
for some people. Also lacks to provide an online support group, discussion board, or forum
where users can communicate with each other, talk, or share with other users with similar
conditions. Afyamedex will provide a support group for users to share, talk or communicate
with each other and also facilitate booking and making appointments for in-person therapy or

2.2 Summary
Talk Space, Big white wall, Talk Life, and Better Help e-mental health systems
are online platforms which deliver mental healthcare to people with mental conditions.
Facilitating people with mental conditions to access services, treatment and support to
manage their conditions. Below is a summary of the services they facilitate of provide;

Information and data on mental health conditions/illnesses and their corresponding

diagnosis, tests, and treatments. Thus, support and guidance to help users manage their
conditions and know how to go about the required diagnosis, test, or treatment for their
conditions. For example, recreational therapy available.

Medical professionals or facilities listing and profiles so as patients can identify and
connect with a doctor or hospital based on their conditions and location. The listing of
different medical professionals or facilities will help users make informed choices.

Booking and making of appointments; an appointment making and booking feature

which will facilitate users to book online or in-person treatments such as psychotherapy,
required tests and diagnosis at a facility/hospital of their choosing.

Provides online counselling and therapy enabling users to consult with medical
professionals like therapists via various modes which will include text, video, or voice

Support group or discussion forum where users can share, talk, and communicate
with other patients. Like a group therapy but on an online platform which will be anonymous
to create a safe space or a community where users can feel to share and talk about mental
health illness or related issues.
3.1.1 Introduction

This section comprises of the procedures and techniques used in the research of a
study, that’s is outlining the various ways in which the research it to undertaken and the
methods used. Defining the modes and means of data collection where the data collection
methods will aid the collection and identification of the user’s requirements. Also outlines
software development procedures, and data processing and analysis.

3.1.2 Fact-finding techniques.

The fact-finding methods will aid in the collection of user’s requirements form the
targeted group of people. The data collection techniques to be used to collect data and
information from the intended users of the systems include the following taking into
consideration the current Covid-19 situation:


Conduct observation of people with mental health conditions and all aspects of mental
health services available to diagnose, treat and manage mental health conditions. I made these
observations; people with mental health conditions in Kenya have no access to a platform
such as a support group or a discussion forum where they can share, talk and communicate
anonymously about their conditions; no safe space to share their challenges, feelings or other
related issues which is free of judgment.


The interview process will involve: Establishment of interview objectives, preparation

for the interview, conducting the interview, and evaluation of the interview responses.

The target group will be interviewed in-person or remotely. Due to the more
elaborate and specific questions asked during interviews I was able to collect compressive
data and information thus more detailed user requirements.

I used a questionnaire to collect data and gather information. Both closed and open-
ended questionnaires were used. These questionnaires were made available through google
forms and email to enable gathering data and information.

Secondary data collection

Collect data from existing sources such as the internet, articles, books, journals, and books.

This data and information were gathered from previous researches done and then
analysed for my research.

3.2 System development methodology.

The software development life cycle of the project will be developed and implemented
through the prototyping method.

The following are the basis for deciding on using prototyping in the development of

• User active involvement and quick feedback early in the project thus leading to better
• Missing functionalities and errors are identified and detected easily.

• Improved design quality and maintainability of the system.

• Reduced development effort and time as developers and users understand the system
• A close match to user real needs or requirements as users are involved actively in the
development of the system.
• It also improves conflict resolutions as there is constant communication between
developers and users.

Using prototype method, the developer of the system can get an “actual feel” of the
system, the developer interaction with the prototype can enable he/she better understand the
requirements of the desired system

The prototyping method is used to create a base to produce the final system as required.

These are achieved by following the phases in the figure below. Figure 1. prototyping phases

The prototyping methodology involves the following phases:

• Requirement gathering and analysis- identify and define requirements and analyse
• Design- involves creating a preliminary design of the system.

• Build a prototype: - design the actual prototype and develop the initial prototype
which only include user interfaces.
• Initial user evaluation: - The user is presented with the proposed system evaluates it
by finding strengths and weakness then gives feedback in form or suggestions or
• Refining the prototype: - make changes as suggested and review the prototype.

• Implementation and maintenance of the product is done as the last steps.

Below is diagram of the steps involved. Figure 2. prototyping method steps involved

3.3 System design- Software development procedures.

In this section, I will be defining elements of the Afyamedex the e-mental health system
which includes modules, components, architecture, and interfaces.

I will design the Afyamedex mobile web-based application as per the requirements I gathered
from the users. The layout and design will be user-friendly.

3.4 Preliminary Data Processing and analysis.

Section describes the data analysis process which consists of the following phases:

• Data Requirements Specification; identify the data required for analysis

• Data Collection; gather the data required using methods such as questionnaires

• Data Processing; organize the data collected for analysis

• Data Cleaning; correct errors which may be present in the data

• Data Analysis; use various data analysis techniques to interpret the data and derive
• Communication to the results or the data analysis using data visualization techniques
like pie charts or tables

The data for my research will be gathered through interview, observation and
existing resources from the secondary collection such as articles will be processed
and analysed.
Chapter 4: System analysis and Design

4.1 Introduction

This section consists of the analysis and design of the Afyamedex. Discussed below
are the system requirements which provide the functional and Non-functional requirements of
the System. The design of the system is outlined going into details about the features and
operations of the systems

4.2 Requirement Analysis

4.2.1 Functional Requirements

This are the process the system will perform. They include the following:

• Enable users to register to an account and login using their credentials this
consist of patients, medical professionals and institutions.
• Provide information about mental conditions and their corresponding
symptoms and treatments.
• Facilitate users with mental health condition to view a listing of available
medical professionals and institutions.
• Enable patients to choose a medical professional based on their specialization.

• Facilitate booking of appointments with available medical professionals and

• Enable users to communicate with each other through texts messages.

• Facilitate online counselling of patients by available medical professionals.

4.2.2 Non-functional requirements

• Confidentiality; Afyamedex secures users information by keeping their information

• Security; by authenticating users through a password security is achieved as only
authorized can access the system.
• Ease of use; as Afyamedex is clear and simple thus easy to use

• Understandable; Afyamedex is easy to understand by new users as it contains very

user-friendly interfaces.

4.3 Requirement Gathering

4.3.1 Economic Requirements

If the proposed System will be implemented, one will need an internet-enabled device
to enable to access services provided and storage of data.

4.3.2 Security Requirements

Security and control over the data is necessary in creating an application. This is to
minimize the threat of unauthorized access.

4.3.3 Observation Analysis.

From my observation;

People with mental health conditions in Kenya have no access to a platform such as a
support group or a discussion forum where they can share, talk and communicate
anonymously about their conditions; no safe space to share their challenges, feelings, or other
related issues which are free of judgment. From my data about 84% of mental health patients
have no access to support groups or forums, about 10% have access but not all the time and
the rest 6% are not confident about sharing and talking as the existing platforms are not
anonymous or their judgment from other people. Figure 3
4.4 Questionnaire Analysis

Below if the data collected from the questionnaire I used, out of the response to the
questions that I had prepared.

o The objective of the question is to determine the accessibility of information about mental conditions.

Figure 4.4.1

can you access information about mental conditions and

their corresponding treatments?

no yes maybe

 The below question was focused on determining number of people with mental
Figure 4.4.2

Do you have a mental condition or know someone suffering

from any mental condition?

yes no

 This question was meant to find out the use of mobile applications or web-based
systems to access mental health services. Below is a comparison of people who use e-
mental health systems and those who don’t.









NO Yes

Reading in %

4.5 Interviews Analysis

I conducted interviews and asked the following questions:

Sample questions prepared for my interviewees;

• Can you get access to relevant information and data about mental conditions or
illness and their corresponding diagnosis, test, and treatments?
• How can you get access to a listing of available and certified mental health
professionals such as psychologists and facilities or hospitals based on their
• How and where to make appointments with mental healthcare professionals? •

How and where to book diagnosis and tests for mental health condition to
determine your status?

• Do you know a support group or discussion forum where you can share, talk,
or communicate with other people about mental health conditions and related
• Do you know a mobile application or web-based system offering mental health
care services?

• Can you make an appointment using your phone with mental healthcare

4.5.1 Table 1

Question Number of responses Responses

Can you get access to relevant 7 Yes-4

information and data about
mental conditions or illness
No -3
and their corresponding
diagnosis, test, and treatments?

How can you get access to a 8 Searching over the internet-4

listing of available and certified
mental health professionals such Manually visiting institutions
as psychologists and facilities or
hospitals based on their
or hospitals-3
Asking other people-1

How and where to make 5 Manually visiting an

appointments with mental
healthcare professionals?

Do you know a support group 7 Yes -1

or discussion forum where you
can share, talk, or No-6
communicate with other
people about mental health
conditions and related issues?

Do you know a mobile 8 Yes-2

application or web-based
system offering mental health No-6
care services?
4.6 System Analysis
4.6.1 Use Case Diagram

Diagram below shows the actors and the use cases and the relationship between the
them. It is a diagrammatical representation of how the admin, patients, medical professionals
and institutions will interact with the System in order to make the Afyamedex efficient,
reliable, and affordable.

Actors Below is a list of actors who will interact with the system:

• Admin
• Patient
• Medical professionals
• Institutions/hospitals Figure
4.6.2 Data flow diagrams figure DFD level o

Level O

Level 1 figure DFD level 1

4.6.3 Activity Diagram

Figure activity diagram

The diagram describes the flow activities when an administrator engages the system.


Input login

Check User not logged in

from redirect to sign up

User is logged Stores

in Display details

Users and condition Stop

posted management
Manage users

4.6.4 Context diagram

Figure context diagram

4.6.5. component diagram

Figure component diagram


Medical professional

Input data and gets


Patient input data and receive


response request



User full name User full name

User email User email

Username Username

Gender Support groups Gender

Password Online counselling Password

Generate reports

Registers Registers

Posts conditions info Views conditions

Approve Book appointments

appointments Pays for services

Gives online


Figure Entity Relationship Diagram.

4.6.7 Flowchart diagram

Figure flowchart diagram

This diagram explains how a patient interacts with the system.



The focus of this chapter is to substantiate the e-mental health system quality by investigating and
examining the progress of the system using a group of activities, that is systematically subjecting the
system to defined procedures in a controlled environment to provide information about the quality and
actual performance levels of the system. This will enable to determine whether the system is usable.

5.1: Testing

Software testing is the method to check whether the actual software product matches expected
requirements that’s is verify and validate the software to confirm that it meets expected user needs and
specifications, ensuring it is free of errors. Functional tests and non-functional tests were used to
determine that the system looks and behaves as expected.

Below are some of the testing methods used.

Unit testing

Software testing method where individual units or components of a software are tested. That is a
testing method in which individual software modules or components are tested to determine where there
are any issues. Unit testing is concerned that each component or module is functioning correctly by
identifying, analysing and fixing errors/defects.

This includes ensuring a successful user log in for authorized uses, entering the property details as
well as modifying them

Integration testing

This is the process of testing the interface between two software units or module. After each unit is
thoroughly tested, it is integrated with other units to create modules or components that are designed to
perform specific tasks or activities. These are then tested as group through integration testing to ensure
whole segments of an application behave as expected.

By using this test, I verified that individual modules integrated were able to work together and their
interactions seamless.

After user’s registration details, booking of appointments were reflected in the database.
Table 2. Integration Testing Data

Test Test Area Expected Results Actual Results

Integration Test Modules Different The modules

modules in the were able to
system working work together
together in the and produce the
expected way expected results

System Testing

This method was used to evaluate the completed and integrated system, as a whole, to
ensure it meets specified requirements. The functionality of the software is tested from end-to-
end to confirm that the whole system meets the requirement specifications expected. Table 3:
System Testing Data
Test Test Area Expected Actual
Results Results
System testing Entire The system The system was
system meeting all the able to meet all
objectives the objectives
proposed. that had been

Acceptance Testing:

Acceptance testing was done deploying and delivery of the system to assess whether or not
the final system was ready. It involved ensuring that the product is in compliance with all of the
original business model and that it meets the end user’s needs. This required the product be tested
by end users. The tests result included understandability, memorability and ease of use.

Table 4: Acceptance Testing Data

Test Test Area Expected Results Actual Results

Acceptance System’s Users being able to Users were able to use

acceptability navigate through the the system with no
and usability application with assistance.
minimal effort.

5.2 Test Cases

A test case is the specification of the inputs, execution conditions, testing procedure, and expected
results that define a single test to be executed to achieve a particular software testing objective, such as
to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. The
development of the system involved several tests, which included;

Test Case 1: User sign up page

This test is to verify that the sing up(registration)page is functioning correctly.

The limit of the Password should be more than 8 characters (alphanumeric).

Required fields are:

1. Full name 2.
3. Username
4. Gender
5. birthday
6. Password
7. Confirm Password
Test procedure - Enter the required inputs then click the submit button

Expected results; after filling the required fields with the correct inputs, the new user has to choose how
to use the application either as patient, medical professional or an institution. If the new users fill in the
required fields with the wrong inputs error messages are displayed to notify the user to fill in the correct
details so as to register.

Example when user enters a password that is less than 8 alphanumerical characters an error massage is
displayed that’s “Too short” thus the new users must meet the required password standard to
successfully register as a user.

Status: Test passed.

Test Case 2: User sign in page

This test was carried out to verify that the user’s login page was functioning as expected.

At the bottom of the page there is a “forgot password” option where the user can use to reset password.

Required fields are username and password.

inputs include; username and password which were inputted during registration necessary
to authenticate user

Test procedure - Enter the username and password then click the submit button.

Table 5: Test Data

Test data - username, password.

Expected results - The user logs in on entering correct username and password. Actual
results - If the user details are correct, the user logs in, otherwise he/she is denied access to
the system during login.

Status: Test passed.

Test Case 3: booking appointment

Test procedure: clicks the menu tabs at the upper left-hand side of the home page
window, to display various activities.

select professionals/institution, choose a medical professional/institution, select book which will

display a page to book an appointment. Fill in the required info then click book.

Required inputs:

• Subject
• Date
• Time
• Appointment type
• duration

Expected result. Nice! You have reserved your place Status:

Test passed.

Test case 4: Checking appointments booked

Test procedure: click the back button to view the home page
Click the tabs on the upper left corner to display various activities and select my appointments to
check the booked appointments.

Expected result. List of appointments booked is displayed

Status: Test passed.

Test case 5: online counselling

Test procedure: Navigate to menu bar on the home page then click on appointments, select on the
appointment booked (must be approved by medical professional indicated by green), click on the “join”
button to join meeting.

Expected results: meeting starts, which is video and audio enabled.

Status: test passed

Test case 7: make payment

Click the back button to view the home
Click the tabs on the upper left corner to display various activities and select my appointments
to select appointment to make payment and click on the appointment which will display a
page to make the payments, fill in the payments details and confirm Expected result: your
payment was processed.

Status: test passed

Test case 8: posting test result (comments

and notes)
Test procedure: Navigate to menu bar on the home page then click on appointments, select
appointment where the test was carried out and post test results (comments and notes) Expected
results: comments and notes posted.

Status: test passed

Support and Training

The application is meant to be used by the general public; it requires minimal to no training at all for
a first-time user as the application is easy to use.


The fact that the application is using a newly introduced platform in the field of IT, the application
will regularly be updated to support the new releases and libraries that will updated so as to work more
efficiently and also to provide additional features in the future that are useful to this domain.



Once an admin is authenticated to the system, they land on the dashboard. On this page the
user is able to see the most recent activities that have taken place in the system. Figure below shows a
screenshot of the dashboard.

Registered users’ screen

The administrators will be able to see all users registered on the application. They can be able to
disable or enable the registered users. These users are registered directly from the mobile web
Administrator Reports panel

A summary of payments is provided for the administrator.

Condition posts.

This page shows the mental conditions information posted by medical professionals. The
administrator is able to disable or enable a condition posted.

Front End Development and implementation - Ionic Framework (using React

components), Capacitor to leverage native device resources, Cascading Style Sheets and

Back End Development and implementation - Node.js (Express server), Mongoose to


Mongo DB schemas, PostgreSQL and node-postgres to PostgreSQL database server

Implementation Strategy- Agile, planned objectives on a backlog and incremental implementation

and testing of features over time.

The tools which were used for development included visual basic code for developing the
web application, text editor for the web application, visual paradigm for designing the UML
diagrams. I involved the users as well as my supervisor throughout the process which helped
increase the likelihood of user acceptance of the final implementation product.

6.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, during the start of the project, the main aim was to develop an e-mental
health system that improves accessibility of mental healthcare services provided for treatment
and management of mental health conditions. By providing information on mental conditions,
facilitating an easy way of booking appointments, online supports group for people with
mental conditions, treatment of mental conditions through talk therapy or online counselling
and enabling payments for services provided.

A research was conducted and e-mental health system; Afyamedex mobile web
application and web-based system was developed. the system enables patients/users to access,
identify and select mental health facilities and doctors available. The system also provides
relevant information needed and provide a support group for patients. Also, it enables patients
to book tests and make appointments needed thus getting access to test, diagnosis and
treatment they require to manage their conditions. Therefore, I declare the systems achieves
its purpose.

6.2 Limitations.

The various challenges or limitations faced during the research and development of my
project include:

Unreliable internet access. The project required extensive research which more than often
involved use of the school internet which was not really reliable. Also, the project required internet
connectivity so as to perform its operations as expected.

Uncooperative respondents during data collection. Some didn’t want to answer questions
while others were reluctant in providing some information required for the research. This hampered
the data collection process.

Challenges in adapting to new changes and updates in the programming ide used. This is with
regards to the platform used. Android studio generally has a number of updates to which require
time a reliable internet speed to accomplish the required update.
Covid-19 pandemic also had a negative impact during this exercise.

Also lack of funds to purchase a Mpesa till number.

6.3 Recommendation

There are many people with mental conditions, and they face challenges while accessing mental
healthcare services provide by mental healthcare professionals or facilities. Booking of appointments for
treatment, tests or diagnosis have been done manual for a long time since most mental healthcare provides
do not use or leverage e-mental health systems such Afyamedex.

I recommend mental healthcare providers to adopt technologies such e-mental health systems as E-
mental health systems are an increasingly important factor for the treatment of mental disorders include
applications and web-based systems that address the treatment and diagnosis gap in mental health. These
systems use technologies such as websites and smartphones with support of the internet to deliver mental
healthcare to people with mental disorders in time therefore easy access to services they require to treat and
manage their conditions.

The use of these applications is very helpful because it leads to better communication
between doctors and patients and help to enhance the overall treatment quality. Healthcare
information systems gives support and deliver healthcare services meeting the health needs of
their user thus health improvement.

Further, I recommend mental healthcare providers to embrace cloud computing technology

and hence host the application on the cloud so that they enjoy the benefits of Software as a

Future researchers may add the following to their future research work:

To create a platform incorporating all the mental healthcare services on one platform.

A consistent module which will be tracking the patient’s treatment progress over time
and self monitoring where users can do self- assessment test.

Also create a module where there is a range of self-administered clinical tests, guides and tips to
improve wellbeing.
about. (2020). Retrieved from better help:

About us. (2020). Retrieved from BWW:

Anderson, D. (2020). TalkLife. Retrieved from common sense media:

Big White Wall. (n.d.). Retrieved from My health apps:

Big White Wall. (2020). Retrieved from my health apps:

Doyle, A. (2019, October 22). the Best Depression Apps 2020. Retrieved from Healthline:

Hintze, G. (2017, august 19). 8 Online Alternatives That Are Cheaper Than Traditional In-Person Therapy.
the Might. Retrieved from the might:

Kanyoro, D. K. (2020). The State of Mental Health in Kenya. Retrieved from university of Nairobi research:

Lal, S. (February 10 2019). E-mental health: Promising advancements in policy,

research, and practice. healthcare management forum. mental disorders. (2020).
Retrieved from Medline plus:

Mwangi, V. (2020, January 8). ten counties most affected by mental illness in Kenya. Retrieved from
soko directory:

Pros and Cons of Mental Health App. (2019, April 7). Retrieved from Transformations:

Roser, H. R. (2018, April). Mental Health. Retrieved from Our World in Data:
Rubies, G. (2020, January 1). E-mental health applications for depression: an evidence-based ethical
analysis. Retrieved from springer link:

TalkLife. (2020). Retrieved from crunchbase:

Talksapce. (2020). Retrieved from crunchbase: Top 10 Mental Health Apps. (2020).
Retrieved from psychiatry Advisor:

4.1 User requirements

4.1.1 Table 6: User requirement

Hardware Processor Core i5 processor


Hard disk 500GB

Flash drive 8GB

Software Operating system Windows 10 pro

Visual studio code


Git repository, Ionic framework

and Node.js

Web browser and antivirus

4.2 Budget
The projects intended budget. This includes them items, number of items and their cost:
4.2.1 Table 7: BUDGET



Computer 1 32,000 32,000

Hard disk 1 2,500 2,500

Internet connection - 4,000 4,000

Travelling cost _ 5,000 5,000

Printing and binding document _ 1200 1200

TOTAL COST 44,700 44,700

4.3 Project schedule
The projects run for two semesters from May – November. The Gantt chart below
schedules the projects activities by allocating a specific time line for each activity.

4.3 Table 8: gnat chart

Duration in moths

Activity May June July August September October November DecemberJanuaryFebruarymarch




Data collection

Data analysis

Project design





Sample codes.

Singin page:
import React, { useEffect } from
import { IonButton, IonContent, IonPage, IonRow, IonCol, IonText, IonRouterLink,
IonItem, IonLabel, IonInput, useIonViewDidEnter, useIonViewWillLeave } from
'@ionic/react'; import { Formik, Form } from "formik"; import * as Yup from "yup";
import { signIn } from '../http/users'; import { useAppContext } from '../lib/context-
lib'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import useToastManager from
'../lib/toast-hook'; import FormFieldFeedback from '../components/FormFieldFeedback';
import { setObject } from '../lib/storage'; import { STORAGE_KEY, USER } from
'../http/constants'; import useMounted from "../lib/mounted-hook";
const loginSchema = Yup.object({ username:
Yup.string().required("Enter your username."),
password: Yup.string().required("Enter your password.")
}); const SignIn: React.FC = () => { const {
setCurrentUser } = useAppContext() as any; const
history = useHistory(); const { onError } =
const { isMounted, setMounted } = useMounted();
const handleSubmit = async (values: any, { setSubmitting }: any) =>
{ try {
const { data } = await signIn(values.username.trim(), values.password);
isMounted && setSubmitting(false);

if (data.accountType === USER.ACCOUNT_TYPES.ADMIN) {

return onError("Admin log in disallowed. Try the web
app."); }
isMounted && setCurrentUser(data);
await setObject(STORAGE_KEY, {
currentUser: data,

if (data.accountType) {
} else {
history.push("/account-type"); }
} catch (error) { isMounted
&& setSubmitting(false);
}; useEffect(() => () =>

return (
<IonContent fullscreen>
<IonRow className="h100">
<IonCol className="ion-align-self-center">
<IonText className="ion-text-center">
<h1>Sign In</h1>
</IonText> <Formik
errors, touched,
}: any) => (
<Form noValidate>
<IonItem className={touched.username && errors.username ? "haserror"
: ""}>
<IonLabel position="floating">Username</IonLabel>
<IonInput name="username" type="text" onIonChange={handleChange} onIo
nBlur={handleBlur} />
<FormFieldFeedback {...{ errors, touched, fieldName: "username" }} />
<IonItem className={touched.password && errors.password ? "haserror"
: ""}>
<IonLabel position="floating">Password</IonLabel>
<IonInput name="password" type="password" onIonChange={handleChange}
onIonBlur={handleBlur} />
<FormFieldFeedback {...{ errors, touched, fieldName: "password" }} />

<IonButton color="secondary" expand="block" type="submit" disabled=
{!isValid || isSubmitting}>{isSubmitting ? "Submitting..." : "Submit"}</IonButton>
<IonText className="ion-text-center">
<IonRouterLink href="/reset-password">Forgot password?</IonRouterLink>
<p className="ion-no-margin">
Don't have an account? <IonRouterLink href="/signup">Sign
}; export default



This survey is part of the BSc BIT fourth-year project on the e-mental health system. If you wish to
stop completing the survey at any time, please feel free to do so.


We are interested in your views about mental health and mental healthcare services. Please read
each question carefully and indicate your response by selecting the most appropriate choice.

1. Do have a mental disorder or illness? YES □ NO □

2. Have ever been tested or diagnosed for mental disorder? YES □ NO □

If yes indicate where you got tested or diagnosed

How did you book for the tests or diagnosis? (Tick to apply)
At hospital/facility manually

Mobile application


3. Do you know a person, friend or family member with a mental condition?

YES □ NO □
If yes are they able to access mental healthcare services? YES □ NO □. Indicate how

4. Can you access a list and details of the available hospitals or facilities offering mental healthcare services at
given location?

YES □ NO □

If yes indicate how

5. Can you access a list and details of the available, licensed and certified medical professional and
doctors offering mental healthcare services?
YES □ NO □

If yes indicate how

6. Can you access information and data about mental disorders and their corresponding tests, diagnosis and

YES □ NO □

If yes indicate how

7. Do you know any support group, discussion forum or group therapy session where you can share, talk and
communicate with other people about your mental conditions?

YES □ NO □

If yes indicate which group or forum

How do you access the it? Fill in yes or no
Physical sessions

Mobile application


8. Do you know or use a mobile application or web-based system that offers the following mental healthcare
services? Complete the table by filling in yes or no.

Information View a list of View a list of Book for Make Support

About mental mental tests and appointments group/discussion
mental professionals such healthcare diagnosis forum or group
disorders as psychiatrists facilities and therapy
and their details hospitals and
their details

Thank you for your cooperation.

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