1 Partial Bepro

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1.-Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre
1.-Ben _____ (work) in a hospital.
2.-_____ you _____ (like) fish?
3.-She _____ (not/teach) English.
4.-Matthew never _____ (watch) television.
5.-_____ she _____ (play) football?
6.-They always _____ (eat) dinner at 7 o'clock.
7.-We _____ (not/live) in a big house.
8.-Valerie _____ (study) English at university.
9.-_____ he _____ (want) to eat?
10.-Samantha _____ (play) tennis twice a week
11.-in / morning / drinks / She / coffee / usually / the……………………………..
12.-work / walks / David / to……………………………………………………………
13.-eats / she / meat / never…………………………………………………………
14.-day / 10 / run / kilometers / I / every………………………………………….
15.-English / They / do / ? / study………………………………………………..
15.-do / speak / not / you / French…………………………………………….
16.-usually / morning / the / drinks / in / She / coffee…………………………..
17.-after / do / Does / he / school / homework / his / ?...................................
18.-happy / not / We / are………………………………………………………….
19.-often / is / Alice / late…………………………………………………………..
20.-? / always / Do / 8 / at / they / get up……………………………………….
21.-Mondays / bus / takes / work / the / to / on / Peter………………………..
1.-Who is Kate? Kate is my friend. ____ is a teacher.
Her, He, She, His

2-Who is this man? This is Henry. _____ is my boss.

His, Her, He, She

3.-Do you know Tom? Yes, I know _____.

His, Her, He, Him

4.-I don't see them. Do _____ see them?

You, Her, I , Him

5.-We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with _____?

We, them, us, you

6.-I love this book! Did you read _____?

It, he, they, she

7.-Where are Tom and Kate living? _____ live next to my house.

8.-Where's the cat? _____ is in the garden.

9.-It's Mary's birthday today. I called _____ this morning.

10.-Amy and John are my new friends. I really like _____.

11.-give / I / book / to / you / the……………………………………………

12.-apples / him / gives / she / to / the………………………………………..

13.-with / they / us / television / watch………………………………………….

14.-? / know / you / do / him………………………………………………………

15.-knows / you / he…………………………………………………………………

16.-want / me / she / see / to / doesn't…………………………………………..


1.-This car is ____ car. This car is his.

2.-This house is our house. This house is ____.

3.-This hat is my hat. This hat is ____.

4.-This is your bike. This bike is ____.

5.-This is ____ dog. This dog is hers

6.-These are ____ children. These children are theirs.

7.-book / this / hers / is…………………………………………………………………

8.-cat / this / my / is……………………………………………………………………..

9.-are / papers / yours / these………………………………………………………….

10.our / house / is / this……………………………………………………………………

11his / this / is / jacket……………………………………………………………………..

12her / them / phone / I / number / gave……………………………………………..


1.-____ is my car here.

2.-____ are my children over there in the park.

3.-____ is my car over there.

4.-____ are my children here.

5.-____ bike over there is mine.

6.-Do you know ____ boys over there?

7.-Can I use ____ pencil here?

8.-I love ____ biscuits here.

9.-_____ pencil in my hand is mine.

10.-_____ dogs over there are John's.

11.-[On the telephone] Hello, _____ is Katie.

12.-I like _____ cookies here on this plate.

13.-Don't do _____! It's very noisy!

14.-Can I see _____ trousers over there?


1.-They can help ____.

2.-You (singular) can do it ____.
3.-You (plural) can do it ____.
4.-He cleaned the kitchen ____.
5.-I did my homework all by ____.
6.-We made the cake all by ____.
7.-Did she paint the rooms ____.
8.-That dog just bit ____.
6.-Elige el pronombre reflexivo correcto para completar la frase: myself / yourself /
yourselves / himself / herself / itself / ourselves / themselves / each other

1.-You and Sam can do the exercise _____.

2.-Kim kissed Tom. Tom kissed Kim. They kissed _____.
3.-He did his homework _____.
4.-We can make dinner _____.
5.-The dog just hurt _____ on that rock.
6.-She taught _____ to play the piano.

7.-Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pronombre interrogativo adecuado (what,

where, who, which y how)

1 …………….. is your name?

2 '……………is the airport?' 'It's five minutes away from here.
3 ………………….. time is it?
4 …………….. one is the platform for London?
5 ……………. are you?' 'I'm doing great, thank you.
6………………. is making dinner?

8.-Fill in the blanks with an interrogative pronoun

1. __________ threw the football?

A. who
B. what
C. which
D. whose
2.-____________ would you prefer, coffee or tea?
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. whose

3.-______________ time do we need to be at the airport?

A. which
B. what
C. whose
D. whom

4.-_____________ car is that?

A. whom
B. whose
C. what
D. who

5.-____________ is your sister’s name?

A. who
B. whom
C. what
D. whose
6.-_____________ did you tell?
E. whom
F. what
G. whose
H. which

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