L1AP2 - Learning - Language - Reading

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6/2/23, 22:11 L1AP2_Learning a language online (Reading): Revisió de l'intent

La meva pàgina inicial / Els meus cursos / Llengua estrangera Anglès II / Unit 1 / L1AP2_Learning a language online (Reading)

Començat el diumenge, 29 de gener 2023, 20:53

Estat Acabat
Completat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 22:11
Temps emprat 8 dies 1 hora
Qualificació 10,00 sobre 10,00 (100%)

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6/2/23, 22:11 L1AP2_Learning a language online (Reading): Revisió de l'intent

1 Puntuació 10,00 sobre 10,00


Learning a Language on the web

‘Your writing’s full of mistakes. You’ve got no idea about tenses and you need to work much harder on your spelling,’ wrote João, the
fourteen-year-old Brazilian who marked my Portuguese practice essay and gave me a score of one out of five. I’d only been studying the
language for a short time so I didn’t take offence. In fact, his directness was quite refreshing. I wondered whether it was a cultural
difference. I couldn’t imagine one of my English teachers correcting me like that!
João is one of my ‘teachers’ from the online language learning community, Livemocha. The site claims to have around 12 million users,
although some of these may have signed up for just one day, without returning. Still, I don’t doubt its popularity, thanks in part to its
accessibility. In a few steps you create your profile, stating which languages you speak and which you want to learn. You can then do
short writing activities or record yourself speaking, and then post your work on the website to be corrected by native speakers. In turn,
you are contacted by others for help. The site also offers lessons in the form of vocabulary and grammar quizzes and audio and video
recordings. Basic lessons on Livemocha are free, but to get access to more advanced exercises you can either 14 buy tokens for a fee or
earn them by correcting other people’s work.

So, whose great minds came up with such a brilliant concept? Well, after a bit of research, I discovered that Livemocha was founded by
two businessmen from Seattle, who dreamt up the name while taking time out from the office at a Starbucks café. They thought it
suggested some friends having coffee together! The site was originally funded entirely by advertising, but users found the adverts got in
the way so their number was significantly reduced. Since it began in 2007, the site has received widespread interest from global media
publications, and even appeared in Time magazine’s list of ‘50 best websites’.

For me, the main benefit of Livemocha is that it allows you to communicate with real people. João’s comments, though not especially
positive, at least exposed me to modern Portuguese and slang – something you rarely find in course books, which are slower to respond
to trends. Another great bonus is that you get to meet people from all over the world. In my case both Thelma, a retired lawyer from
northern Portugal, and Enzo, a Portuguese-speaking singer from Cape Verde (an island off the coast of Western Africa), have given me a
fascinating understanding of the way of life in their countries, as well as becoming useful business connections.
The site offers a variety of ways to engage people that are quite similar to the social games on Facebook. For example, your quiz scores
appear on your profile page. In my first week I earned a silver medal, which appeared as an icon on my profile page, for helping lots of
people with their English. I must have got carried away with correcting essays!

‘Community learning’ websites like this aren’t for everybody, though. Not everybody is interested in receiving feedback from people who
aren’t qualified teachers. But for me that’s not an issue, and what’s more, I find that doing an essay and submitting it to the world,
knowing that real people are going to look at it, is incredibly motivating – and I didn’t use to be this enthusiastic! Language learning isn’t
something you can do completely on your own, in private. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s talk!


Choose the best answer according to the text. Only ONE answer is possible.
1 Amelia didn’t feel annoyed by João’s comments because ...

she realized João was only fourteen.

she knew Brazilian culture was very direct.

she was only a beginner.

she disagreed with her score.

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: she was only a beginner.

2 What does Amelia tell us about Livemocha?

It’s very easy to use.

Most people use it just once.

The site isn’t very popular.

12 million people use it regularly.

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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6/2/23, 22:11 L1AP2_Learning a language online (Reading): Revisió de l'intent

La resposta correcta és: It’s very easy to use.

3 People who use Livemocha ...

don’t profit from volunteering.

teach as well as learn.

upload their own language quizzes.

are all fluent in at least two languages.

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: teach as well as learn.

4 What does the writer mean by the phrase ‘came up with’?



was inspired by

benefited from

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: invented

5 What do we learn about the origins of Livemocha?

The first lessons were held in a café in Seattle.

There weren’t many adverts on the site at first.

It was named after a type of coffee at Starbucks.

It was invented by two people having a break.

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: It was invented by two people having a break.

6 Which advantage of Livemocha doesn’t Amelia mention?

It benefited her career.

It taught her up-to-date language.

She learnt about different cultures.

She acquired language skills more quickly.

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: She acquired language skills more quickly.

7 Amelia won an award on the site because ...

she marked several people’s work.

she did well in the language quizzes.

she had a very popular profile page.

she wrote a lot of essays.

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: she marked several people’s work.

8 The writer says that the site doesn’t suit learners who ...

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6/2/23, 22:11 L1AP2_Learning a language online (Reading): Revisió de l'intent

don’t feel very motivated by language-learning.

learn most effectively on their own.

prefer to be corrected by a language teacher

already have some expertise in linguistics

Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

La resposta correcta és: prefer to be corrected by a language teacher


Salta a...

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