State of Matters

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1.) Filling the bank with suitable words.

Everything in the world is made from …………………………………………….

The word ……………… is used to describe the particles in which everything is made.
Only an ……………………………………………. Is powerful enough to see the atoms.
Solid, Liquid and gas are called the …………………………………………….
Matter is anything that has…………………………………………………………

2.) Complete the following table which we can compare the properties of 3 state of matter

Property Solid Liquid Gas



Distance between

Attraction between

Motion of particles

Flow and diffuse

Expand when

3.) What is the equipment used to measure the temperature

4.) What are the units, used to measure the temperature?

5.) What is the standard unit to measure the temperature?

6.) Match the following: -

Column A Column B
1. Space in between the molecules of matter a) Matter
2. Force of attraction between the molecules of matter b) Solids
3. Any material which occupies space and has mass c) Gases
4. A state of matter which can flow in all direction d) Intermolecular force
5. A state of matter which can have any number of free surfaces e) Intermolecular spaces

7.) Draw neat diagram to show particle arrangement of 3 state of matter.

8.) Define: -
1 Matter 2 Solid 3 Liquid 4 Gas










8.) Determine if the following statements are true or false.

_____ 1. Matter rarely changes state.

_____ 2. A gas changes directly to a solid by freezing.

_____ 3. The average kinetic energy of particles of matter can be measured with a thermometer.

_____ 4. All matter has the same freezing and boiling points.

_____ 5. A liquid can change to a gas without boiling.

_____ 6. The melting point of a substance is the same as its freezing point.

_____ 7. Iron melts at a lower temperature than water.

_____ 8. Evaporation occurs only at the exposed surface of a liquid.

_____ 9. Vaporization explains why a mud puddle dries up on a sunny day.

_____ 10. Ice changes directly to water vapor through the process of deposition.

9.) Read this passage from the text and answer the questions that follow.

Changes of State

Changes of state are physical changes in matter. They are reversible changes that do not involve changes
in matter’s chemical makeup or chemical properties. Common changes of state include melting,
freezing, sublimation, deposition, condensation, and vaporization. You can see how each process
changes the state of matter in the diagram below.
The particles of matter are constantly moving. They move most quickly in gases, less quickly in liquids,
and most slowly in solids. When matter changes state, it either loses or absorbs energy. For example,
when matter changes from a liquid to a solid, it loses energy, because particles of solids have less energy
than particles of liquids. When it changes from a solid to a liquid, it absorbs energy.


Which process changes a gas to a liquid? What happens during this process?
Create a table to show how energy changes in each of the processes in the diagram above.









10.) Circle the letter of the correct choice.

a) The process in which clouds form is

i) sublimation.
ii) evaporation.
iii) condensation.
iv.) none of the above

b.) Which statement is true about changes of state?

i.) They involve energy.
ii.) They cannot be undone.
iii.) They involve chemical processes.
iv.) They change the chemical makeup of matter.

c.) Liquid water changes to ice when

i.) the water loses energy.
ii.) the water gains energy.
iii.) melting occurs.
iv.) two of the above
d.) Melting point is the temperature at which matter changes to a
i.) gas.
ii.) liquid.
iii.) solid.
iv.) plasma.

e) The boiling point of water is

i.) 0 °C.
ii.) 32 °F.
iii.) 98 °F.
iv.)100 °C.

f.) The bubbles in boiling water contain

i.) air.
ii.) salt.
iii.) liquid water.
iv.) water vapor.

g.) Which statement is true about evaporation?

i.) It occurs when a liquid boil.

ii.) It occurs when a liquid reaches its boiling point.
iii.) It happens more quickly at higher temperatures.
iv.) all of the above

11.) Match each definition with the correct term.


_____ 1. process in which a liquid change to a gas without boiling

_____ 2. process in which a liquid change to a solid

_____ 3. process in which a gas changes to a liquid

_____ 4. process in which a solid change to a liquid

_____ 5. process in which a liquid boils and changes to a gas

_____ 6. process in which a gas changes directly to a solid

_____ 7. process in which a solid change directly to a gas


a. condensation
b. deposition

c. evaporation

d. freezing

e. melting

f. sublimation

g. vaporization

12.) Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.

During a change of state __________ is either lost or gained.

__________ is the average kinetic energy of particles of matter.
The temperature at which a liquid change to a solid is its __________.
The melting point of ice is __________ °C.
A gas condenses when it is cooled below its __________.
Changes of state are __________ changes in matter.
The process in which frost forms on a window is __________.

13.) Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear and
complete sentences.

Explain how temperature of matter is related to changes of state.







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