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Submitted by
ADITYA KUMAR (230101120287)
SALAHUDDIN (230101120290)
MURAD HASSAN (230101120291)
DEEPAK KUMAR (230101120293)
RAJ KUMAR (230101120294)
CHETNA SHARMA (230101120299)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree





Certified that this project report “Preparation , Application and

Properties of Polymers” is the bonafide work of “CHETNA SHARMA”
who carried out the project work under my supervision. This is to
further certify to the best of my knowledge, that this project has not
been carried out earlier in this institute and the university.


(Mr. I. Siva Ramakoti.)

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Certified that the above mentioned project has been duly carried out as per the
norms of the college and statutes of the university.

(Prof. Ashish Ranjan Das)
Professor of Computer Science and Engg



I hereby declare that the project entitled “Preparation , Application and

Properties of Polymers ” submitted for the “Minor Project” of 1st semester

B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering is my original work and the

project has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma or

any other similar titles in any other University / Institute.

Name of the Student: CHETNA SHARMA

Signature of the Student:

Registration No: 230101120299


Date: 02/01/2024


I wish to express my profound and sincere gratitude to Mr. I.Siva

Ramakoti, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SoET,
Paralakhemundi Campus, who guided me into the intricacies of this project
nonchalantly with matchless magnanimity.
I thank Prof. S. N Padhy, Head of the Dept. of Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, SoET, Paralakhemundi Campus and Prof. Ashish
Ranjan Das, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, Paralakhemundi
Campus for extending their support during Course of this investigation.

I would be failing in my duty if I don’t acknowledge the cooperation

rendered during various stages of image interpretation by Mr. I. Siva Ramakoti..

I am highly grateful to Mr. I. Siva Ramakoti who evinced keen interest

and invaluable support in the progress and successful completion of my project
I am indebted to Mr. I. Siva Ramakoti for their constant encouragement,
co-operation and help. Words of gratitude are not enough to describe the
accommodation and fortitude which they have shown throughout my endeavor.

Name of the Student: CHETNA SHARMA

Signature of the Student:

Registration No: 230101120299


Date: 02/01/2024







1.1. What are Polymers?
1.2. Classification of Polymers
1.2.1. Classification based on Source of Availability
1.2.2. Classification based on Structure of Monomer Chain
1.3. Structure of Polymers
1.4. Types of Polymers
1.4.1. Based on backbone chain
1.4.2. Based on their synthesis
1.5. Other types of Polymers
1.5.1. Biodegradable Polymers
1.5.2. High-Temperature Polymers
1.6. Properties of Polymers
1.6.1.Physical Properties
1.6.2.Chemical Properties
1.6.3. Optical Properties
1.7. Applications of Polymers

2.1. What is Polystyrene?
2.2. Structure of Polystyrene
2.3. Properties of Polystyrene
2.4. Preparation of Polystyrene
2.5. Application of Polystyren

3.1. What is Nylon 6,6?
3.2. Structure of Nylon 6,6
3.3. Properties of Nylon 6,6
3.4. Preparation of Nylon 6,6
3.5. Applications of Nylon 6,6

4.1. What is PMMA?
4.2. Structure of PMMA
4.3. Properties of PMMA
4.4. Preparation of PMMA
4.5. Applications of PMMA


5.1. What is PVC?

5.2. Structure of PVC

5.3. Properties of PVC

5.3. Preparation of PVC

5.5. Applications of PVC





A polymer is a substance or material consisting of very large molecules called

macromolecules, composed of many repeating subunits. Due to their broad spectrum of
properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play essential and ubiquitous roles in
everyday life. Polymers range from familiar synthetic plastics such as polystyrene to
natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins that are fundamental to biological
structure and function. Polymers, both natural and synthetic, are created via
polymerization of many small molecules, known as monomers. Their consequently large
molecular mass, relative to small molecule compounds, produces unique physical
properties including toughness, high elasticity, viscoelasticity, and a tendency to form
amorphous and semicrystalline structures rather than crystals.


1.What are Polymers?

A polymer is a big molecule or macromolecule that essentially consists of a number of

different components. In Greek, polymer means many parts. Everywhere we look, we
encounter polymers. From the DNA strand, a biopolymer that occurs naturally, to
polypropylene, a plastic that is used all over the world. Natural polymers are those found
in plants and animals; synthetic polymers are those manufactured by humans. Different
polymers are used daily because of various special physical and chemical

All polymers are produced by the polymerization process, in which their monomer
building blocks react to form polymer chains, which are the 3-dimensional networks that
contain the polymer links. The kind of functional groups connected to the reactants
determines the type of polymerization mechanism used.

2.Classification of Polymers
Due to their complicated structures, diverse behaviours, and wide range of applications, polymers
cannot be categorized into a single group. So, using the following criteria, we may categorize

2.1.Classification of Polymers based on the Source of Availability

This category includes three different types: natural, synthetic, and semi-synthetic polymers.

● Natural Polymers: These polymers are naturally present in plants and animals. Proteins,
starch, cellulose, and rubber are a few examples. We also have biopolymers, which are
biodegradable polymers.
● Semi-synthetic Polymers are created through further chemical modification of naturally
occurring polymers. For example, cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate.
● Synthetic Polymers: These polymers are created by humans. The most popular and
commonly used synthetic polymer is plastic. It is utilized in many sectors and dairy
products. Nylon-6, polyethers, etc., are a few examples.

2.2.Polymer Classification Based on the Structure of the Monomer Chain
There are three types of classification under this category

● Linear Polymers: This category includes polymers with long, straight chain structures.
PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a linear polymer commonly used to make pipes and
electrical wires.
● Branched-chain Polymers: Branched-chain polymers are defined as those in which a
polymer’s linear chains produce branches. For example, Low-density polyethene.
● Cross-linked Polymers: They are made up of bifunctional and trifunctional monomers.
Compared to other linear polymers, their covalent bond is stronger. Examples of this type
of polymer include melamine and bakelite.

3.Structure of Polymers
A hydrocarbon backbone makes up the majority of the polymers in our environment. Due to the
tetravalent nature of carbon, a hydrocarbon backbone is a lengthy chain of linked carbon and
hydrogen atoms. A few examples are the hydrocarbon backbone polymers polypropylene,
polybutylene, and polystyrene. There are also polymers whose backbones contain other elements
in place of carbon. For instance, the Nylon repeating unit backbone contains atoms of nitrogen.

4.Types of Polymers
4.1.Based on the backbone element
Polymers can be categorized into the following groups depending on the type of backbone chain.
● Organic Polymers: Carbon backbone
● Inorganic Polymers: The backbone is made up of substances other than carbon.

4.2.Based on their synthesis

● Natural Polymers
● Synthetic Polymers

5.Other Types of Polymers

5.1.Biodegradable Polymers
Biodegradable polymers are those that can be broken down and destroyed by bacteria and other
microbes. These polymers are utilized in surgery, capsule coatings, and surgical bandages. For
example, Poly hydroxybutyrate Covel [PHBV]

5.2.High-Temperature Polymers
At high temperatures, these polymers remain stable. These are not destroyed even at extremely
high temperatures due to their high molecular weight. They are widely utilized in the healthcare
sector, in the production of heat- and shock-resistant items and sterilization equipment.

6.Properties of Polymers
Polymer characteristics are determined by their structural composition and are categorized based
on their underlying physical principles. A polymer’s behavior as a continuous macroscopic
material is described by several physical and chemical properties.

6.1.Physical Properties
● The tensile strength of the polymer improves with chain length and cross-linking.
● Instead of melting, polymers transition from a crystalline to a semi-crystalline state.
6.2.Chemical Properties
● The polymer is enabled with hydrogen bonding and ionic bonding, resulting in a stronger
cross-linking strength than ordinary molecules with various side molecules.
● The polymer’s remarkable flexibility is made possible by the side chains’ dipole-dipole
● Van der Waals forces, which link chains, are known to weaken polymers but give them a
low melting point.
6.3.Optical Properties
They are utilized in lasers for spectroscopic and analytical purposes because, like PMMA and
HEMA: MMA, they have the ability to vary their refractive index with temperature.

7.Applications of Polymers
Here is a list of some of the significant applications for polymers in daily life.

● Many sectors use polypropene, including textiles, packaging, stationery, plastics, aircraft,
construction, rope, toys, etc..
● One of the most popular plastics, polystyrene, is widely used in packaging. Some everyday
items manufactured of polystyrene include bottles, toys, containers, trays, throwaway
glasses and plates, tv cabinets, and lids. In addition, it serves as an insulator.
● Making sewage pipes is polyvinyl chloride’s most significant application. It serves as an
insulator for electrical wires as well.

● In addition to making apparel and furnishings, polyvinyl chloride is increasingly used to
make doors and windows.
● The production of adhesives, molds, laminated sheets, unbreakable containers, etc., uses
urea-formaldehyde resins.
● Paints, coatings, and lacquers are made with glyptal.
● Electrical switches, kitchenware, toys, jewelry, guns, insulators, computer discs, and other
items are made of bakelite.


1.What is Polystyrene?
(C8H8)n is a synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon polymer with the chemical name Polystyrene.

Polystyrene is a hard, brilliantly transparent, stiff resin. It is produced by the polymerization of

styrene and is the most widely used plastic. At room temperature, the thermoplastic polymer is a
solid but when heated above 100 °C it flows. It becomes rigid again when it cools down.
Polystyrene is insoluble in water.

Polystyrene is a compound that is non-biodegradable with a couple of exceptions. It is easily

dissolved by many aromatic hydrocarbon solvents and chlorinated solvents. It is widely used in
the food-service industry as rigid trays, containers, disposable eating plates, bowls, etc.

2. Structure of Polystyrene

3.Properties of Polystyrene
● Polystyrene is a transparent polymer.
● Polystyrene is hard but brittle due to the chain-shifting effect of the benzene ring.
● Polystyrene is non-polar, having a melting point of 240 ⁰C.
● Polystyrene exists in an amorphous state due to the presence of bulky phenyl groups which
makes packing of polystyrene difficult.
● Polystyrene has good insulation properties. That’s why it is used in making insulation

4.Preparation of Polystyrene
Polystyrene is prepared by free radical addition polymerization of styrene in the presence of
benzoyl peroxide as a catalyst.

5.Applications of Polystyrene
● Polystyrene is used in making ‘throw away’ drinking cups, soft drinks, and baby feeding
● It is also used to make toys and house-hold items by adding colour and filters.
● Polystyrene is used as packing materials for shipping instruments and appliances, and it is
widely used for home insulation.
● In medical fields it is used for sterilizing test tubes, diagnostic components, and other
medical devices.
● It is used to manufacture car parts which includes knobs, instrument panels, sound
dampening foams,etc .
● Polystyrene foodservice packaging keeps the food fresh for a longer period of time and is
less expensive than alternatives.
● It is used in packaging consumer goods such as DVD cases, and egg cartons, to protect
against spoilage or damage.

NYLON -6,6

1.What is Nylon 6,6?

Nylon 66, also known as nylon 6-6, nylon 6/6, nylon 6.6, or nylon 6:6, is a type of nylon
polyamide (polyamide 6 6) or nylon. It is one of the most commonly used materials in the textile
and plastic industries, alongside nylon 6.

Nylon 6:6 derives its name from the two monomers it comprises, namely hexamethylenediamine
and adipic acid, each containing 6 carbon atoms. Apart from its outstanding physical properties,
nylon 6-6 is favored due to the low cost of its precursors.

2.Structure of Nylon 6,6

3.Properties of Nylon 6, 6
● It has high melting point and high heat deflection temperature.
● Due to dense structure with small and evenly spaced pores, It makes it difficult to colour.
● It cleans better resistance to acids and has high stain cleanability.
● It exhibits greater mold shrinkage, lower expansion, and improved thermal and electrical
● It exhibits excellent tensile strength and durability, making it ideal for demanding
applications. It can withstand high mechanical stress, making it suitable for use in
heavy-duty components, automotive parts, and industrial machinery.
● It has exceptional heat resistance properties, allowing it to maintain its structural integrity
at elevated temperatures. This feature makes it a preferred choice in applications that
involve exposure to high temperatures, such as engine parts, electrical connectors, and
cookware handles.

● It possesses excellent resistance to various chemicals, including oils, greases, fuels, and
solvents. This makes it suitable for use in industries where exposure to corrosive
substances is common, such as automotives, chemical processing, and oil and gas
● It has a lower moisture absorption rate compared to other nylon materials. This
characteristic ensures that the material retains its dimensional stability even in
high-humidity environments.

4.Preparation of Nylon 6,6

Nylon 6 6 is prepared by the condensation polymerization of adipic acid and
hexamethylenediamine. The acid and the amine first react to form a salt when the pressure ranges
from 20-30 atmospheres and temperatures around 240 to 280 °C, undergoes polymerization with
the elimination of water as gas and the nylon is produced in molten state.

5. Applications of Nylon 6,6

● It is used for making swimwear, hoses, and machine parts due to its waterproof property.
● It is also used for making glass-reinforced laminated, fasteners, and conveyor belts.
● It is used in fiber for textiles, carpets, and molded parts.
● It is also used for making surgical sutures and strings for musical instruments.


1.What is Polymethyl Methacrylate?

Polymethyl methacrylate, or PMMA, is a transparent organic polymer that is used as an
alternative to glass. It is a rigid plastic that can find its application in a variety of industries. This
synthetic resin is formed by the polymerization of methyl methacrylate.Also referred to as
plexiglass or acrylic glass, PMMA is used because it is easy to shape, tough and cost-effective. It
has the ability to keep a light beam reflected within the surface and is also resistant to UV
radiation. Acrylic glass can be used in a variety of products, including car windows, aquariums,
screens of digital devices etc.

2. Structure of PMMA

3. Properties of PMMA
● PMMA has outstanding shape-forming properties due to the wide span of temperature
from it’s rigid state to viscous.
● PMMA is a hard, fairly rigid material with a high softening point of about 130-140 °C.
● PMMA has an excellent light transmission properties i.e. even better than glass.
● PMMA has poor resistance to chemicals due to its easily hydrolysed ester group.PMMA

4. Preparation of PMMA
Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is a vinyl polymer that is prepared by free radical
polymerization of monomer – methyl methacrylate which is an ester of methyl acrylic acid, in the
presence of acetyl peroxide or hydrogen peroxide.

5. Applications of PMMA
Acrylic plastic or PMMA finds its application in a variety of industries due to its properties, easy
processing and cost-effectiveness. PMMA is processed by injection molding, compression
molding, extrusion or casting.The extensive polymethyl methacrylate uses are a result of its
advantageous properties and adaptability. This transparent plastic is used in a lot of markets. Some
of the most common applications of PMMA are discussed below:
● Glass Substitute: Acrylic glass is used as a shatterproof alternative for windows and
skylights. It is also commonly used in aquariums and aircraft canopies. A lot of hockey
rinks also use PMMA. Illuminated sign boards that display advertisements or directions
are also usually made up of PMMA.
● Construction and Design:Windows, doors, panels, canopies etc., all use polymethyl
methacrylate due to its excellent properties such as heat insulation and light transmission.
The polymer may also be used in the construction of sinks, baths, knobs or tap tops.
● Automobile Industry:One of the most important industries that require PMMA is the
transportation and automobile industries. From car windows to windshields, acrylic sheets
can be found in a lot of spaces. It is used in the manufacturing of various automotive parts.
The aviation and marine industry also require this polymer. Car indicator covers and
panels are also made using plexiglass.
● Healthcare Industry:PMMA polymer is also known as bone cement in the healthcare
industry. It is used by orthopedic surgeons for procedures like joint replacement or treating
bone damages. It can also be used to fill in the gaps between bones. Optical fibers used for
endoscopy also consist of PMMA.
● Cosmetic Usage:PMMA has also found its usage in various beauty products and
injectables. It is used in cosmetic procedures that treat ace, facial lines, wrinkles etc.

● Lamps and Lighting:The light-emitting potential, transparency and other such properties
allow PMMA to be used in LED lights and lamps. You can find PMMA being used in
street and traffic lights. It is manufactured in various color options, which adds to its
usability in lamps and other lighting devices.
● Electronic Devices:Acrylic glass can be used in the display of various electronic
equipment, including tv screens, laptops and smartphones. This is due to its properties,
such as transmittance and high optical clarity.
● Solar Devices:The application of polymethyl methacrylate PMMA in solar panels is a
result of its UV stability and light transmission ability. It can also be used in the
construction of greenhouses, aquariums and marine centers. Other products where this
polymer finds its application include paint, furniture and optical fibers used for


1. What is PVC?
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC or Vinyl) is an economical and versatile thermoplastic polymer. It is
widely used in the building and construction industry to produce door and window profiles. It also
finds use in: drinking and wastewater pipes, wire and cable insulation,
medical devices, etc.
It is the world’s third-largest thermoplastic by volume after polyethylene and polypropylene.
It is a white, brittle solid material available in powder form or granules. PVC is now replacing
traditional building materials in several applications. These materials include wood, metal,
concrete, rubber, ceramics, etc. in several applications. This is due to its versatile properties such
as:lightweight,durable, low cost, and easy processability.

2. Structure of PVC

3. Properties of PVC
● By nature, PVC is a lightweight, sturdy and abrasion-resistant material.
● This versatile thermoplastic polymer is resistant to the action of all inorganic chemicals.
● PVC is an excellent material for insulation due to its high dielectric strength and vapour
barrier capacity.
● It can withstand extreme climatic conditions, shock and is free from corrosion. Hence, it is
the preferred method for several outdoor applications.
● Since the durability is more, long-life is assured.
● PVC products are self-extinguishing due to high chlorine content.
● PVC can be made more flexible and softer by adding plasticizers such as phthalate and can
be bent as per requirement.
● PVC is an intrinsic flame retardant.

● It offers good tensile strength and is rigid by nature.
● It is economical and is an affordable solution.
● It demands less maintenance and offers resistance to grease and oil.

4. Preparation of PVC
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a polymer of vinyl chloride. PVC is prepared by addition of vinyl
chloride in a chain form with the repeated pattern. Vinyl chloride also known as chloroethylene
can be obtained by reacting ethylene with hydrochloric acid and oxygen over the surface of copper
For the preparation of polyvinyl chloride, the monomer used is vinyl chloride (CH2=CHCl)
Polyvinyl chloride is prepared by addition polymerisation in which monomers are added in a
chain. Vinyl chloride is treated with peracid under pressure and we get polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

5. Applications of PVC
● Plasticized PVC is used in flooring or (PVC-U) unplasticized PVC is used in making
window frames.
● It is used in making sewage pipes and other pipe applications where cost or vulnerability to
corrosion limit the use of metal.
● Used in construction fields for insulation on electrical wires or in flooring for hospitals,
schools, homes, and other areas where a sterile environment is a priority.
● It is used in various industries like building, electronics, electrical, automotive, medical
and packaging.
● PVC fabric is used in the manufacture of aprons shower curtains, raincoats, jackets and
sports bags.
● It is used in the garden hose and imitation leather upholstery.

In conclusion, the exploration of polymers, specifically Polystyrene, Nylon 6 6, PMMA
(Poly(methyl methacrylate)), and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), has provided a comprehensive
understanding of their composition, applications, and preparation methods. Each
polymer exhibits unique characteristics, contributing to their diverse applications across
various industries.

Understanding the molecular structure and composition of these polymers reveals
the versatility within the polymer family. Polystyrene, with its simple structure,
demonstrates excellent transparency and thermal insulation properties. Nylon 6 6,
characterized by strong intermolecular forces, boasts high tensile strength and durability.
PMMA, known for its optical clarity and weather resistance, finds applications in optics
and signage. PVC, a widely used thermoplastic, combines flexibility and chemical
resistance, making it suitable for construction and healthcare applications.

The applications of these polymers span a broad spectrum. Polystyrene's

insulation properties make it crucial in packaging and disposable products. Nylon 6 6,

prized for its strength and resilience, is extensively used in textiles, automotive
components, and engineering applications. PMMA's transparency and impact resistance
contribute to its use in optical lenses, signage, and medical devices. PVC's versatility
places it in construction materials, pipes, and medical products.

The methods employed in the preparation of these polymers are diverse.
Polystyrene is synthesized through the polymerization of styrene monomers, often
initiated by free radicals. Nylon 6 6 is produced through the condensation polymerization
of adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine. PMMA is synthesized via the polymerization
of methyl methacrylate monomers, facilitated by initiators. PVC is manufactured through
the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomers, often utilizing initiators and stabilizers.
This exploration underscores the importance of polymers in modern society,
serving as the backbone of various industries. The versatility, durability, and tailored
properties of Polystyrene, Nylon 6 6, PMMA, and PVC contribute significantly to
advancements in materials science, providing solutions to diverse challenges. As we
continue to seek sustainable and innovative materials, the knowledge gained from
studying these polymers will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of
materials engineering and technology.


Predicting the future of polymer research involves a commitment to sustainability and

groundbreaking applications. The focus includes eco-friendly alternatives, advanced
manufacturing methods like 3D printing, and integrating polymers into emerging
technologies such as biotechnology and flexible electronics. Anticipated developments
include dynamic properties in responsive polymers, progress in biomedical applications,
and a dedicated approach to circular economy principles for polymer recycling. The
exploration of multi-functional composites and the encouragement of interdisciplinary
collaborations are set to influence the evolving landscape of polymer science in the
forthcoming years.



Understanding the relevance, scope and
1 10
dimension of the project
2 Methodology 10
3 Quality of Analysis and Results 10
4 Interpretations and Conclusions 10
5 Report 10
Total 50

Date: Signature of the Faculty


➢ Expected Course Outcomes (COs):

(Refer to COs Statement in the Syllabus)

➢ Course Outcome Attained:
How would you rate your learning of the subject based on the specified COs?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
➢ Learning Gap (if any):
➢ Books / Manuals Referred:

Date: Signature of the Student

➢ Suggestions / Recommendations:
(By the Course Faculty)

Date: Signature of the Faculty


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