Gordian Knot Round 2 - Guidelines

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We congratulate you for being among the select few who have made it past the most fiercely contested Gordian Knot elimination round ever. But do not relax just yet, for theres more to come. Part 1 In our final elimination round we expect each team to choose any TV commercial and then borrow elements from that TV commercial (TVC) to enact and create an advertisement of your own for a completely unrelated product/service. All three members of the team must appear in this advertisement and the ad should be made for a real, existing product/service. However make sure this product does not fall in the same product category as the product whose TVC you have taken inspiration from. For example, if you take inspiration from this Wheel commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69D-YTZAcPY ), you cannot enact the ad for Tide, Ariel or Surf Excel. Instead, you have to advertise something unrelated like diamonds (a completely unrelated product). Your enactment must not be vastly different from the original advertisement, as in the audience should be able to see the connect, and they must be able to tell that it has been inspired from the original TVC. You are, however encouraged to be as creative as possible. There is no restriction on the kind of products you can make an advertisement for except for sin products (alcohol and cigarettes/cigars). Ground Rules 1. You will be scored based on how true you are to the original ad, yet how different your product is from the original product featuring in the advertisement. 2. Your advertisement must be suitable for family viewing - No profanity 3. All 3 team members must appear in the advertisement. 4. You may include people other than the 3 core members of the team, in the ad. However the role of such individuals must be limited and must not overshadow core team members performances.

5. We appreciate clarity of message of the advertisement, your creativity and ability of the ad to generate high recall among watchers. Part 2 We would also like to know you and your mind better. Hence, we would like you to introduce yourselves in the most creative way possible. All team members have to contribute in this part, and you could add any information about you that you would like to share with us. Out-of-the box introductions will be appreciated. Submission 1. You have a total of 3 minutes and 30 seconds for Parts 1 and 2 put together. You will be sending us the Youtube link of just 1 video which will first contain your enactment of the advertisement, followed by a 3 second gap having a slide containing your team and member names, followed by Part 2. How you allocate time to Parts 1 and 2 is completely at your discretion. The 3 minute and 30 seconds time limit is sacrosanct and teams exceeding this limit will be disqualified. 2. Also send us the Youtube link of the original TVC that you have will be mimicking. So make sure the original ad is available on Youtube. If not, upload it. 3. The popularity of your video will form a component of your evaluation. However, do not make these videos public until we ask you to do so. Deadline Make sure you send the two Youtube links by 11:59:59 pm on 7th November 2010 to gordianknot@ahvan.in . Late submissions will not be considered. The subject line of the mail should read: Gordian Knot 2<Team Name>

For any queries regarding this round, kindly contact Hariganesh C: p10hariganeshc@iimidr.ac.in / 8085726461 Puneet Kumar: p10puneetk@iimidr.ac.in / 8085725720 Or write a mail to gordianknot@ahvan.in

Connect with us on Facebook for updates https://www.facebook.com/gordianknot.iimi Except timing and strict no-profanity criteria, there are no hard and fast rules in this round. The ball is in your court now. Good luck and have fun!

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