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What Are The Pros & Cons Of

Group Therapy?
Updated March 22, 2024 by BetterHelp Editorial Team
" Medically reviewed by Andrea Brant

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Group therapy can provide a safe and supportive
of our
environment for individuals dealing with mental health
issues; but it's essential to weigh the benefits and therapists
disadvantages of individual and group therapy before
deciding which is the right option for you.
What is group therapy? star




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Therapy is the treatment of mental health concerns and
illnesses through psychological means. Although it’s also
known as talk therapy, it can often be much more
involved than simply talking and being counseled,
depending on the circumstances. Therapy can take
many different forms, and some can be more suitable for
different conditions than others.

Below are some of the types of therapy that you can

engage in:
Interpersonal therapy
Psychodynamic therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy MCBTO
Transference-focused therapy
Narrative therapy
Imago therapy
The Gottman Method (a type of couples therapy)

All of these different therapy techniques utilize varied

approaches and methods. While some may be better
suited for individual sessions, others have been notably
effective when practiced in a group setting, such as
group therapy, which has proven to be beneficial for
individuals dealing with depression, anxiety, panic
disorder, substance use disorders, and low self-esteem.

In this article, we will discuss the advantages and

disadvantages of group therapy.

The benefits of group therapy

Group therapy can be a valuable resource for several

mental health concerns and conditions. These are the
main benefits of the group format:

The ability to relate to others

Knowing that many others are in a similar situation as

you can be comforting since some of your problems can
make it seem like you are alone. As an individual, having
the support of a group of others with similar experiences
can be invaluable.

Group therapy offers you an opportunity to meet

others and form a support group, aside from your
therapist. Talking to a professional one-on-one can
be insightful, but connecting with a group going
through similar circumstances can provide a unique
opportunity to give and receive support.

Usually, these group meetings are small to medium-sized

and allow everyone to express their thoughts. In addition,
it also allows group members to build a working
relationship and therapeutic alliance with one or more
psychologists and the other group members in their
session. This can be invaluable for those dealing with
things like bipolar disorder, substance abuse, and
chronic pain.

It's designed to be judgment-free

Getty/Luis Alvarez

In addition to allowing you to connect with others, group

therapy is designed to offer a place to speak your mind
without worrying about being judged, even if the others
in the group have not had the same experiences as you.

Worrying about what others might think is a common

concern people have when weighing whether to try
group therapy or not. It’s likely that a few of the other
clients in therapy groups are also worried about the
same thing, so you're not alone. Therapy is intended to
be a safe space for everyone, and often there are
policies put in place to create that environment and avoid
any potential issues.

Group sessions are also beneficial for providing valuable

feedback for the other members of the group. Everyone
in the group can share their experiences and feelings in a
supportive environment, which can help to foster a sense
of understanding and compassion between the

Silence is okay

Sometimes there are times when you just don't feel like
talking or you are not ready to speak about a certain
topic, and it's completely acceptable.

One of the advantages of group therapy is that you can

decide how much to participate in during therapy
In a group session, you are not obligated to talk if you
don't wish to do so. Some group members may be more
comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings than
others. Listening can be therapeutic as well and may
even make you feel more open to talking about a certain
topic if you find something you can relate to.
One of the goals of the therapist is to make clients feel
as comfortable as possible so that they eventually feel
open to talking about their concerns.

However, even if remaining silent is okay, you will likely

get the most value out of your sessions if you tell your
thoughts because you can receive constructive input
and feedback for your situation.

It's a cost-effective option

Most of the time, individual sessions tend to be more

costly than sessions that take place in a group setting.
The primary reason why group meetings are usually
more affordable is that it is an efficient way to conduct
them —a therapist can work with multiple people

For instance, if the therapist charges $150 for one-on-

one sessions, between five people, this can work out to
$30 per person. However, depending on the clinic and
therapist, splitting the cost might not be that
straightforward. Nonetheless, it can still be more than
half-off of an individual session.

Some forms of group therapy, such as AA, which can be

an important part of addiction treatment for substance
use disorder, may even be free. It generally teaches
those living with substance use important skills and
provides them with the support of their peers.

Being able to save money makes group therapy an

attractive option for many people. Some might even get
more value out of it than an individual meeting because
they can talk about their concerns with others, and not
just with the therapist.

The disadvantages of group therapy

There are plenty of reasons why group therapy can be

an excellent choice for you; however, there are a few
possible drawbacks that you may or may not experience.
Depending on the individual, below are some possible
disadvantages of participating in group therapy.

Less personal attention

One of the clear advantages of one-on-one therapy

sessions is that all of the time allotted is dedicated to you
and what you'd like to discuss. In group therapy, the
attention can be divided amongst the members and
there is less time for personal exploration. Although RELATED
many groups focus on individual issues in a supportive ARTICLE
setting, it is not the same as having a therapist dedicated
exclusively to you in individual therapy. What Is
In group therapy, you will get a chance to speak, and it's
encouraged. However, there are additional people in the
room, and there is limited time. Because of this, you
might not be able to say as much as you need to and
receive detailed input like you would in one-on-one
therapy. If this is the case, individual therapy, like
cognitive-behavioral therapy, can be a great supplement.
On the other hand, this disadvantage is usually offset by Therapy
the fact you can receive feedback from more than one Techniques
person and can listen to other people's stories when Can Impact
attending therapy groups. You
Organization and scheduling
Sometimes other aspects of life can get in the way of psychodyn
therapy, especially family or work commitments, and this amic
might make it hard to commit to a certain group therapy psychother
time week after week. apy
This can apply to any type of therapy session, but group
therapy can sometimes be more prone to attendance
issues. If you can’t make a session, you might need to
either join a different group for the week or wait until the
next session with the same group.
I'm Looking
Issues can also arise on the side of the therapist as well, For
and there is a chance that a meeting can get canceled. Psychother
"Dropouts" may also occur, but the rate is rather low; in a apy Close
study consisting of 143 participants across multiple To Me:
cognitive-behavioral therapy MCBTO groups between What Are
2003 and 2013, 25 people, or 17.5%, backed out for The Best
various reasons f1g. Options?

It's not for everyone



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Group therapy has helped millions of participants around
the world. However, group therapy and therapeutic
support groups might not be ideal for every person. For
example, someone who experiences social anxiety might
feel tense in this type of setting, even though it's
intended to be a comfortable and judgment-free zone.
Regarding this specific concern, the results of group
therapy sessions designed for social anxiety disorder
have been mixed f2g. However, in one study, 57% of
participants had experienced improvement in depression
at follow-up regarding their experience of group therapy.

Therefore, despite social anxiety, it is entirely possible to

benefit from group therapy, especially if one becomes
more familiar with their group mates. If group therapy still
sounds too intimidating, one-on-one sessions are
available, and you can receive personalized care tailored
to your needs.

Online group therapy

If you are interested in therapy but not sure whether you

want to engage in therapy in person (whether
individually or in a group), you might benefit from online
therapy, which research has demonstrated to be just as
effective as in-person therapy. While group therapy can
be beneficial for many mental health concerns, you might
feel more comfortable with online therapy first, as you
can talk to a therapist without leaving home. With
BetterHelp, you can talk to a therapist via phone,
videoconferencing, and in-app messaging.


Regardless of whether you opt for individual or

group therapy, you’re not alone. Help is available in
multiple formats, including other groups such as
support groups. These can offer you the
opportunity to connect and share experiences with
people who are going through similar struggles.
However, there are pros and cons of group therapy
that must be considered when considering this
type of treatment. If you choose online therapy, it
might be a catalyst that encourages you to try
group therapy sometime in the future. has a network of more than 25,000
licensed therapists trained to address any concern
you are facing. Take the first step and reach out to
BetterHelp today.


ij Thimm, J. C., &Antonsen, L. M2014O. The

effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy
for depression in routine practice. BMC Psychiatry,
14M1O. doi:10.1186/s12888o014o0292-x
qj Herbert, J. D., Gaudiano, B. A., Rheingold, A. A.,
Myers, V. H., Dalrymple, K., & Nolan, E. M. M2005O.
Social skills training augments the effectiveness of
cognitive behavioral group therapy for social
anxiety disorder. Behavior Therapy, 36M2O, 125o

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