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Berry & Kohn's Operating Room

Technique, 14th Edition - eBook PDF

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Contents in Brief

Section 1: Fundamentals of Theory and Practice Section 7: Preoperative Patient Care

1 Perioperative Education, 1 21 Preoperative Preparation of the Patient, 368
2 Foundations of Perioperative Patient Care 22 Diagnostics, Specimens, and Oncologic
Standards, 15 Considerations, 384
3 Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues, 35
Section 8: Pharmacology and Anesthesia
Section 2: The Perioperative Patient Care Team 23 Surgical Pharmacology, 409
4 The Perioperative Patient Care Team 24 Anesthesia: Techniques and Agents, 421
and Professional Credentialing, 52
5 The Surgical First Assistant, 60 Section 9: Intraoperative Patient Care
6 Administration of Perioperative Patient Care 25 Coordinated Roles of the Scrub Person
Services, 74 and the Circulating Nurse, 455
26 Positioning, Prepping, and Draping the Patient, 487
Section 3: The Patient as a Unique Individual 27 Physiologic Maintenance and Monitoring of the
7 The Patient: The Reason for Your Existence, 93 Perioperative Patient, 523
8 Perioperative Pediatrics, 118
9 Perioperative Geriatrics, 153 Section 10: Surgical Site Management
28 Surgical Incisions, Implants, and Wound Closure, 538
Section 4: The Perioperative Environment 29 Wound Healing and Hemostasis, 569
10 Physical Facilities, 169
11 Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Alternative Section 11: Perianesthesia and Postprocedural
Surgical Locations, 189 Patient Care
12 Care of the Perioperative Environment, 203 30 Postoperative Patient Care, 596
13 Potential Sources of Injury to the Caregiver 31 Potential Perioperative Complications, 602
and the Patient, 210

Section 12: Surgical Specialties

Section 5: Surgical Asepsis and Sterile Technique
32 Endoscopy and Robotic-Assisted Surgery, 632
14 Surgical Microbiology and Antimicrobial
Therapy, 230 33 General Surgery, 648
15 Principles of Aseptic and Sterile Techniques, 251 34 Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery, 680
16 Appropriate Attire, Surgical Hand Hygiene, 35 Urologic Surgery, 712
and Gowning and Gloving, 266 36 Orthopedic Surgery, 742
17 Decontamination and Disinfection, 286 37 Neurosurgery of the Brain and Peripheral Nerves, 770
18 Sterilization, 303 38 Spinal Surgery, 788
39 Ophthalmic Surgery, 806
Section 6: Surgical Instrumentation 40 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 826
and Equipment 41 Otorhinolaryngologic and Head and Neck
Surgery, 851
19 Surgical Instrumentation, 328 42 Thoracic Surgery, 882
20 Specialized Surgical Equipment, 350 43 Cardiac Surgery, 899
44 Vascular Surgery, 923
45 Organ Procurement and Transplantation, 944
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Professor Emeritus
Lakeland Community College, Director Department of Perioperative Education
Perioperative Nursing, Registered Nurse First Assistants, Surgical Technology
Kirtland, Ohio


Perioperative Educator
Surgical Pharmacology and Orthopedics
Lakeland Community College
Kirtland, Ohio
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043



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Mary Lou Kohn

An inspiration to all perioperative nurses and caregivers

of the past, present, and future.
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Preface to the Fourteenth Edition

This time-honored text has its roots in the operating room (OR) Features of the Fourteenth Edition
orientation manual created by Mary Louise Kohn in the late
1940s while working as an OR educator at University Hospitals • A user-friendly 12-section arrangement.
of Cleveland, Ohio. Her impeccable notes were a source of • A logical and sequential order of the subject matter.
interest to many OR supervisors and educators who wanted to • Incorporation of the AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Prac-
standardize their teaching techniques in accordance with Mary tice (2019) and AST’s Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology,
Louise’s orientation tool. Many observers requested copies of 6th edition, to reflect modern perioperative practice.
her writings, and eventually the cost of providing copies became • A focus on the physiologic and psychologic considerations of
prohibitive. perioperative patients to provide guidelines and standards for
In 1951, at the request of her publisher and with the encour- planning and implementing safe individualized care.
agement of her superiors, Mary Louise assembled her orientation • Use of the systems approach as a foundation to support solid
material into a manuscript suitable for publication. She spent evidence-based practice to establish patient care procedures in
countless hours writing and revising material until the birth of such a way that all team members can identify their roles in a
her daughter. Her dedication to her family led her to seek assis- cooperative spirit of safety and efficiency.
tance for this project from Edna Cornelia Berry, who became her • In-depth discussion of patients with special needs related to
willing partner and coauthor through the first four editions. age or health status considerations.
The first edition of Introduction to Operating Room Technique • Discussion of perioperative patient care in inpatient, ambula-
by Edna Cornelia Berry and Mary Louise Kohn was published in tory, and alternative sites/locations to highlight considerations
1955. I was fortunate to have obtained a copy for my collection. based on the setting, as well as the surgical procedure.
The first edition was dedicated to “those nurses who accept the • Encouragement of the patient care team to identify and exam-
tension and challenge of coordinated teamwork as they minister ine personal and professional development issues that influ-
to the patient in the operating room.” The main emphasis was on ence the manner in which care is rendered.
intraoperative care of the patient. • Detailed information about the fundamentals of perioperative
Berry and Kohn’s Operating Room Technique has been the nursing and surgical technology roles.
perioperative text of choice for 60 years because it emphasizes the • Building of knowledge in a logical sequence—from fundamental
importance of the patient and presents the material in concise, concepts to implementation during surgical intervention—to
understandable language. The name remains “Operating Room enable readers to apply theory to practice.
Technique” because that is how it has been commonly known and • Comprehensive coverage of a broad range of essential topics to
identified, although the text has a comprehensive perioperative provide a thorough understanding of fundamental principles
focus. It would be a disservice to our patients to merely describe and techniques and an understanding of their applications in
the intraoperative phase and not include preoperative and post- various surgical procedures.
operative care. • Descriptions of specific surgical procedures in each specialty
Every new edition of this classic perioperative text has ad- chapter to assist the learner and caregiver in planning and
dressed changing roles, needs, and evolving technologies while delivering patient care in the perioperative environment.
maintaining the fundamental focus that still remains valid—the • An Evolve website that has learning and teaching aids to
care of the surgical patient. This edition of the text identifies the enhance the classroom experience and support assimilation of
knowledge and skill needs of the caregiver and strives to incorpo- knowledge. For the student, this includes tips for the scrub
rate components of patient care from preoperative, intraoperative, person and circulating nurse, historical perspectives, body
and postoperative practice areas. A systems approach is used to spectrum software, student interactive questions, and an
help organize patient care to minimize the risk for human error. audio glossary. For the instructor, this includes a TEACH
Berry and Kohn’s Operating Room Technique is designed to meet manual with a lesson plan, lecture outline, case studies, and
the needs of educators, learners, caregivers in diverse disciplines, PowerPoint slides for each chapter; test bank; and collection
and managerial personnel who care for surgical or interventional of all the images in the book.
patients in many types of environments. Knowing the “why” of
patient care is as important as knowing the “how.” Additionally, it New to the Fourteenth Edition
is important to stress that outcomes must be evaluated to support
evidence-based practice. This text is the book of choice for certifi- • New and revised art is provided throughout the book.
cation preparation in diverse disciplines and incorporates all • Insightful Pros & Cons boxes throughout the text examine
elements of the core curricula specified by several accrediting and the two sides of a patient care topic and provide references for
certifying bodies. further reading.

viii Preface to the Fourteenth Edition

• Updated references highlight the evidence-based practice emphasis on standard precautions. It delineates aseptic and sterile
approach used in the book. techniques as fundamental to intermediate aspects, such as attire,
• Terminology and key words have been updated to reflect scrubbing, gowning, and gloving. Separate chapters are provided
modern practice. regarding the sterilization and disinfection of surgical instrumen-
• Each chapter has been revised to emulate current practice and tation and patient care supplies.
knowledge. Section 6 details the primary surgical instrumentation and
equipment used during surgical procedures. The safe use of spe-
Organization cialized surgical equipment is presented. Electricity is explained.
Section 7 discusses preoperative patient care and includes the
Section 1 describes education, learning, and professional issues. family/significant other in the plan of care. Diagnostic procedures
The correlation of theory and practice is integral to the success of and specimen handling are described.
patient care in the perioperative environment. Fundamental pro- Section 8 covers methods of anesthetic administration and
fessional and personal attributes of the caregiver are examined, the role of caregivers during this process. Physiologic patient
with an emphasis on objectivity in the development of the plan of responses and related potential perioperative complications are
care. Legal and ethical issues are discussed. discussed in detail. Surgical pharmacology is included.
Section 2 delineates the roles of the members of the health Section 9 describes intraoperative patient care, including posi-
care team as both direct and indirect caregivers. Nonphysician tioning, prepping, and draping. The interactive roles of the circula-
first assistant roles and credentials are discussed in a separate tor and the scrub person are specified in Chapter 25. Economy of
chapter. Management of the perioperative patient care areas is motion and the properties of physics are applied. Physiologic
described, including Magnet Status. monitoring of the perioperative patient is described.
Section 3 provides in-depth information on patient assess- Section 10 focuses on the surgical site. Incisions, hemostasis, and
ment and the development of an individualized plan of care, wound closure are discussed in detail. Wound assessment, dressing,
with the patient viewed as a unique individual. Special needs are and healing throughout the perioperative care period are described.
identified by health condition and age. Geriatric and pediatric Section 11 presents an expanded view of postoperative patient
chapters are included. care. The postanesthesia care unit is explained. Prevention of
Section 4 examines the physical plant of the perioperative patient complications is described. The death of a patient is
environment—both hospital-based, freestanding ambulatory discussed, and the importance of legal evidence is stressed.
facilities and alternative locations. Diagrams of conventional and Section 12 covers the surgical specialties. Salient surgical
nonconventional perioperative suite designs are included with anatomy and procedures are described and illustrated in line
airflow designs. Care of the perioperative environment, occupa- drawings for clarity.
tional hazards, and safety issues are examined in depth.
Section 5 explains microbiology and the importance of micro-
biologic control in the perioperative environment, with an
Preface to the First Edition

The material in this text is the outgrowth of the coauthors’ experi- Obviously, if the student starts scrubbing for cases with an
ence in the operating room—one as instructor of students, the older nurse after the first day or two in the operating room and if
other as head nurse with some responsibility for instructing and operating-room theory is given concurrently with the practice,
guiding students. It is an adaptation of the instructor’s teaching much of the material in this book will have been covered by indi-
outline for which there have been many requests. vidual instruction before class discussion.
The aim of the book is to facilitate the nurse’s study of aseptic The authors have attempted to maintain simplicity and brevity
technique and care of the patient in the operating room. Al- and to present a concise outline for preliminary study. They suggest
though this text is intended primarily for the student, the authors that the student supplement this material by reference reading.
hope it may prove useful to the graduate nurse as well. The authors wish to express their grateful appreciation and
Because it is assumed that the student has studied pathologic thanks to those people who by their interest and cooperation sup-
conditions necessitating surgical treatment, these conditions are ported them:
not discussed. When applicable, and as a matter of emphasis, To Miss Edythe Angell, supervisor of the Operating Rooms at
there is a reiteration of principles of sterile technique and safety University Hospitals of Cleveland, for helpful suggestions during
factors for the patient. It is hoped this will aid in fixing the prin- the preparation of the manuscript and for reading, critically, the
ciples as patterns of thought and work. entire manuscript. We are gratefully indebted to her because we
Although operative routines vary in different hospitals, under- have learned from her much of what appears in this text.
lying principles are the same. Consequently, basic principles are To Miss Janet McMahon, Educational Director, School of
emphasized, and the authors have endeavored to keep the material Anesthesia, University Hospitals of Cleveland, for valuable assis-
as general as possible. Principles must be adapted to suit the situ- tance in preparing Chapter 21. Also, to Dr. Edward Depp, anes-
ations found in individual hospitals. Specific linen, equipment, thesiologist, Euclid-Glenville Hospital, Cleveland, who offered
and procedures are mentioned merely to serve as a framework on suggestions on this chapter and reviewed it.
which to demonstrate principles or as samples for points of depar- To Dr. C.C. Roe Jackson, of the faculty of Western Reserve
ture. However, the specific examples mentioned are workable University School of Medicine, for constructive criticism in re-
procedures that have evolved. They are kept as uncomplicated as viewing Chapter 17. To Dr. Howard D. Kohn, also of the faculty,
possible for student teaching and for use in the practical situation. who has been most helpful in reading the manuscript and offering
Instruments for operations are not listed and few are men- suggestions.
tioned because each hospital has its instrument lists, standardized To Mrs. Geraldine Mink, librarian, for her assistance; to Mrs.
for each case, to which students can refer. Leona Peck for her patience in typing the manuscript and for her
Emphasis is placed on meeting the psychological as well as the helpful suggestions; to Miss Ruth Elmenthaler and Miss Margaret
physical needs of the surgical patient. An endeavor is made where Sanderson of the operating-room staff for their assistance in mak-
possible to correlate briefly the preoperative and postoperative ing the photographs; and to Mrs. Anita Rogoff for drawing the
care with the operative procedure, to give the student a complete illustrations.
concept of patient care.
The frequent use of the imperative mood is for the purpose of Edna Cornelia Berry
brevity, organization, and emphasis. Questions and assignments Mary Louise Kohn
in each chapter are to aid the student in reviewing the material, in Cleveland, Ohio
recalling pertinent facts, and in applying the principles to his or 1955
her specific situation.

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Mary Louise Kohn, AB, RN, MN

I first met Mary Louise Kohn, a leader in perioperative nursing enlisted military nurses could be Head Nurses because the patients
education and authorship, several years ago in Dallas at the As- were wounded soldiers. Her responsibility included training civilian
sociation of Operating Room Nurses (AORN) annual congress. I aides and orderlies, many of who were conscientious objectors or
moderated an educational session before a large group of specialty deferrees of the draft. Her workday consisted of 12 hour shifts with
nurses. When the program finished, several participants came one hour for meals.
out of the audience to discuss the topic and ask questions. Mary In 1943, Congress passed the Bolton Act sponsored by Francis
Louise, a lovely, petite lady with blonde hair and sparkling blue Payne Bolton, enacting the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, spearheaded
eyes, introduced herself and complimented my presentation. On by Lucile Petry, to educate registered nurses for duty in the mili-
October 15, 1992, I had the opportunity to interview Mary Lou- tary. All educational expenses and a small stipend were paid for a
ise. Throughout the interview, her physical presence glowed with nursing degree in return for 2 years of service in the Army Nurse
professionalism and dignity. The whole room seemed to reflect Corps if needed. The Cadet Nurse Corps attracted 169,443
her persona. She explained how the events of the era in which she women to its service. Male nurses were not actively recruited. By
lived affected her career path. 1944, formal rank as a commissioned officer, usually a Second
Mary Louise came from a highly educated family. Her German Lieutenant (2LT) with equal privileges and pay was available to
father had a Ph.D. and was a Presbyterian minister who taught registered nurses. The last Cadet Nurses graduated in 1948.
Hebrew and Greek to scholars of religion and literature. She had At the end of the European war in 1945, the number of Army
several cousins who had Doctorates in various fields. Both of her nurses was approximately 27,850. By the end of 1946, only 8,500
parents had passed away by the time she was 16 years old, and she nurses remained in the Army Nurse Corps, none were male.
lived on a small inheritance left to her by an uncle. She graduated Mary Louise’s husband was discharged from the Army in 1946
in 1940 from the College of Wooster with a Bachelor of Arts in and decided to specialize in ophthalmology at the Harvard Medi-
biology and psychology. She hoped to become a doctor, but cal School, graduate program. He completed his training and re-
money was tight and females were discouraged from entering turned to Cleveland to practice his specialty. Mary Louise became
medicine. She entered nursing so she could earn a living sooner. the OR Instructor at the University Hospitals (UH), after serving
During W.W.II, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Decem- as head nurse on the surgical floor. UH was affiliated with West-
ber 7, 1941, only 7,000 Army nurses were on active duty, but ern Reserve University (WRU) and the Francis Payne Bolton
within six months the ranks grew to 12,000. Women were rapidly School of Nursing.
taking a larger role in the war effort and she felt that her participa- Mary Louise was appointed to the teaching staff of WRU and
tion in civilian nursing was critical to the success of her country. assisted with the education of the Cadet Nurses. She was highly
She tried to fill in for the shortages wherever she could, especially organized and began to put her original handwritten teaching
for the nurses who were deployed overseas. She wanted to be an notes in a retrievable format. Her educational programs and
Army flight nurse, but her family discouraged her ambitions. She teaching syllabus were of great interest to educators from smaller
was unable to fulfill that dream and talked about it in a distantly hospitals in the United States. Many OR educators from other
sad way. hospitals requested a photocopy of her teaching syllabus so they
She received her Master of Nursing degree from the Francis could standardize their own surgical programs. She found that her
Payne Bolton School of Nursing (FPB) at Western Reserve Uni- teaching material was a valuable tool. The Dean of Nursing at
versity (WRU) in 1943. After graduation, she took a staff nurse FPB encouraged her to publish because the volume of material
position in the operating room (OR) at University Hospitals of was becoming too large to photocopy free of charge. She was
Cleveland (UH). She explained that only 35 graduate nurses were approached by several publishers and accepted the offer presented
available to staff five hospitals for all three shifts. by McGraw-Hill.
She met the love of her life, Howard Kohn, MD, during his In 1951, with the birth of her only daughter, Mary Louise
internship. He joined the Army Medical Corps so Mary Louise decreased her hours at the hospital and focused on formalizing her
joined him at his duty station. They married on the army base in written material. She eventually included a co-author, Edna Berry,
1944 and lived at their own expense in a rooming house. Mary RN, AD, who was formerly affiliated with UH. Mary Louise was
Louise took a private duty position in the civilian sector because family oriented and found this working arrangement with a
it paid more money, five dollars per day. co-author to be a help and a hindrance. Edna, who was unmar-
Howard was stationed in Atlantic City at the Thomas M. England ried, did not have a family so planning writing schedules around
General Hospital, which consisted of several hotels converted into a co-author with an infant and a husband was difficult.
hospitals for wounded soldiers returning from the front. Mary The original manuscript was written by hand. Mary Louise did
Louise explained that registered nurses were in demand, so she took not type and had to hire typists at ten dollars per page to meet
a position as Assistant Head Nurse on a 200 patient ward. Only deadlines. She diligently had each chapter reviewed by a physician,

xii Mary Louise Kohn, AB, RN, MN (1920-2019)

and got Edna’s agreement before sending any work to print. They Spanish and Chinese and was the main text of the armed forces
contracted artists for line drawings and illustrations and paid to surgical training programs. When Mary Louise retired her author-
have the book professionally evaluated. There were no professional ship, Lucy Jo became the solo author of the seventh edition. Mosby
organizations to lend guidance or standards so they drew from purchased the publishing rights for the seventh and subsequent edi-
their own resources for the first technique-oriented textbook for tions of the text from McGraw-Hill. Lucy Jo and Nancymarie
OR nurses. The first edition was published in 1955 and contracted Fortunato-Phillips, PhD, MEd, BSN, RNFA, CNOR co-authored
for revisions every five years. the eighth edition and Nancymarie became the solo author for the
During the early sixties, The Association of Operating Room ninth through thirteenth editions. Nancymarie co-authored the
Nurses (AORN) was founded. AORN founders contacted Mary fourteenth edition with Anita Hornacky, RN, BS, CST, CNOR,
Louise and asked her to be part of the organization as Education who will assume solo authorship with the fifteenth edition as part
Director. She joined the organization, but explained that she of the Elsevier family of publishing.
could not devote the time needed to become a founder. When Mary Louise lived to be 99 years old and passed away in the
AORN created the standards and recommended practices that are spring of 2019. She met with Nancymarie and Anita several times
the basis of all worldwide perioperative nursing practices, they during the production of the thirteenth edition and gave her
used Berry and Kohn’s Operating Room Technique as a reference. opinions of the fourteenth edition before she died. Mary Louise
Edna Berry died before the sixth edition was finished. Mary and her work as an educator and author was truly the cornerstone
Louise took Lucy Jo Atkinson, RN, MS as co-author for its comple- of what perioperative nursing is today. Her experience and dedica-
tion. Berry and Kohn’s Operating Room Technique had grown into a tion inspired many perioperative caregivers. She was a wonderful
well-known international OR text. It had been translated into friend and mentor.

I want to thank so many people who have made this fourteenth I want to thank Sandra Clark, Executive Content Strategist;
edition possible. First, I want to thank all of the reviewers of the Danielle Frazier, Senior Content Development Specialist; and
previous editions for their time in review and for their input. The Grace Onderlinde, Project Manager, for their support and pa-
identified needs of this group provide the baselines for the growth tience during the production of this edition. Their support made
and effectiveness of this work. The reviews were very detailed and this project possible.
appropriately critical. We want to thank Mary Lou Kohn, RN, who trusted us with
I am so grateful to the many nurses, surgical technologists, and her wonderful creation. She is the epitome of the perioperative
readers of previous editions who wrote to me or called requesting nurse we should strive to be. We put her foremost in mind before
specialty topic coverage in this edition. We welcome feedback at we commit any word to paper. We ask ourselves, “How would
all times and can be contacted by the email address listed at the Mary Lou describe this?” Or, “What would Mary Lou think
bottom of this page. about adding this?” We do this not only out of reverence for her
I want to thank our ongoing students in all disciplines trust but also because she still exemplifies the highest standards of
(perioperative nursing, registered nurse first assistant, and surgical patient care despite being long retired. Mary Lou is a delightful
technology) for asking hard questions and forcing us to step be- human being and forever a perioperative nurse.
yond the classroom to satisfy their learning needs. We see them as
the future of patient care and the representatives of the high stan- Nancymarie Howard Phillips
dards described in this text. nancymphillips@aol.com
I want to thank my perioperative nursing and surgical tech- Anita Hornacky
nologist colleagues for their professionalism and for making the anitahornacky@aol.com
task of revision exciting and fresh. A special thank you to Joe
Fortunato, Jr., who created much of the art for this edition and
other authorship projects.

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Section 1: Fundamentals of Theory Section 2: The Perioperative Patient Care

and Practice Team
1 Perioperative Education, 1 4 The Perioperative Patient Care Team
The Art and Science of Surgery, 2 and Professional Credentialing, 52
Perioperative Learner, 2 Dependence of the Patient on the Qualified Team, 53
Perioperative Educator, 5 Credentialing of Qualified Caregivers, 53
Application of Theory to Practice, 9 Perioperative Patient Care Team, 53
Expected Behaviors of Perioperative Caregivers, 10 Evolve Website, 59
Realities of Clinical Practice, 12
Evolve Website, 13 5 The Surgical First Assistant, 60
First Assistant’s Knowledge and Skill Level, 61
2 Foundations of Perioperative Patient Care What Does the First Assistant Do?, 62
Standards, 15 Disciplines Associated with First-Assisting in Surgery, 69
Surgical Conscience, 16 Evolve Website, 73
Patient Rights, 16
Accountability, 16 6 Administration of Perioperative Patient Care
Standardization of Patient Care, 17 Services, 74
Recommended Practices, 20 Establishing Administrative Roles, 74
Professionalism, 25 Interdepartmental Relationships, 79
Professional Perioperative Nursing, 25 Patient Care Departments, 79
Evidence-Based Practice, 25 Patient Services Departments, 80
Nursing Process, 26 Departmental Service Divisions, 81
Standards of Perioperative Nursing Practice, 28 Coordination Through Committees, 82
Clinical Competency of the Perioperative Nurse, 31 Surgical Services Management, 86
Scope of Perioperative Nursing Practice, 32 Budgeting and Financial Responsibility, 89
Surgical Technology, 32 New Product and Equipment Evaluation, 91
Clinical Competency of the Surgical Technologist, 33 Evolve Website, 92
Continual Performance Evaluation and Improvement, 33
Evolve Website, 34
Section 3: The Patient as a Unique Individual
3 Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues, 35 7 The Patient: The Reason for Your Existence, 93
Legal Issues, 35 The Patient as an Individual, 93
Liability, 36 The Patient with Individualized Needs, 96
The Joint Commission and Sentinel Events, 39 The Patient with Cancer, 103
Consent, 42 The Patient with Chronic Comorbid Disease, 110
Documentation of Perioperative Patient Care, 44 The Patient Who Is a Victim of Crime, 112
Legal Aspects of Drugs and Medical Devices, 47 End-of-Life Care, 116
Ethical Issues, 48 Death of a Patient in the Operating Room, 116
Evolve Website, 51 Evolve Website, 117

xvi Contents

8 Perioperative Pediatrics, 118 Section 5: Surgical Asepsis and Sterile

Indications for Surgery, 118
Considerations in Perioperative Pediatrics, 119
Perioperative Assessment of the Pediatric Patient, 120 14 Surgical Microbiology and Antimicrobial
Preoperative Psychologic Preparation of Pediatric Therapy, 230
Patients, 127 Microorganisms: Nonpathogens versus Pathogens, 231
Pediatric Anesthesia, 128 Types of Pathogenic Microorganisms, 235
Intraoperative Pediatric Patient Care Considerations, 132 Antimicrobial Therapy, 245
Common Surgical Procedures, 134 Evolve Website, 250
Postoperative Pediatric Patient Care, 152
Evolve Website, 152 15 Principles of Aseptic and Sterile Techniques, 251
What Is the Difference between Aseptic and Sterile
9 Perioperative Geriatrics, 153 Techniques?, 252
Perspectives on Aging, 153 Transmission of Microorganisms, 253
Perioperative Assessment of the Geriatric Patient, 156 Human-Borne Sources of Contamination, 253
Intraoperative Considerations, 166 Nonhuman Factors in Contamination, 254
Postoperative Considerations, 167 Sources of Infection, 255
Evolve Website, 167 Environmental Controls, 255
Standard Precautions, 257
Section 4: The Perioperative Environment Principles of Sterile Technique, 259
No Compromise of Sterility, 265
10 Physical Facilities, 169 Evolve Website, 265
Physical Layout of the Surgical Suite, 170
Transition Zones, 171 16 Appropriate Attire, Surgical Hand Hygiene,
Peripheral Support Areas, 172 and Gowning and Gloving, 266
Operating Room, 175 Appropriate Operating Room Attire, 267
Special Procedure Rooms, 185 Surgical Hand Hygiene, 276
Construction or Renovation of the Surgical Suite, 186 Gowning and Gloving, 278
Evolve Website, 188 Evolve Website, 285

11 Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Alternative 17 Decontamination and Disinfection, 286

Surgical Locations, 189 Central Processing Department, 286
Ambulatory Surgical Setting, 189 Central Service Personnel, 287
Alternative Sites Where Surgery Is Performed, 198 Instrument Cleaning and Decontamination, 287
Evolve Website, 202 Disinfection of Items Used in Patient Care, 291
Methods of Disinfection, 292
12 Care of the Perioperative Environment 203 Disposable Products, 300
Guidelines for Cleanliness in the Surgical Evolve Website, 302
Environment, 203
Establishing the Surgical Environment, 203 18 Sterilization, 303
Room Turnover Between Patients, 204 Sterilization versus Disinfection, 304
Daily Terminal Cleaning, 208 Sterilization, 304
Evolve Website, 209 Assembly of Instrument Sets, 306
Packaging Instruments and Other Items for
13 Potential Sources of Injury to the Caregiver Sterilization, 307
and the Patient, 210 Thermal Sterilization, 311
Environmental Hazards, 210 Chemical Sterilization, 317
Physical Hazards and Safeguards, 211 Radiation Sterilization, 323
Chemical Hazards and Safeguards, 223 Control Measures, 324
Biologic Hazards and Safeguards, 225 Custom Packs, 326
Risk Management, 227 Evolve Website, 327
Evolve Website, 228
Contents xvii

Section 6: Surgical Instrumentation Types of Anesthesia, 423

Alternatives to Conventional Anesthesia, 452
and Equipment Evolve Website, 453
19 Surgical Instrumentation, 328
Fabrication of Metal Instruments, 328 Section 9: Intraoperative Patient Care
Classification of Instruments, 329
Handling Instruments, 346 25 Coordinated Roles of the Scrub Person
Evolve Website, 349 and the Circulating Nurse, 455
Division of Duties, 455
20 Specialized Surgical Equipment, 350 Efficiency of the Operating Room Team, 483
Using Specialized Equipment in Surgery, 351 Evolve Website, 486
Electrosurgery, 351
Laser Surgery, 355 26 Positioning, Prepping, and Draping the
Microsurgery, 361 Patient, 487
Ultrasonosurgery, 367 Preliminary Considerations, 487
Integrated Technologies, 367 Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations, 493
Evolve Website, 367 Equipment for Positioning, 494
Surgical Positions, 500
Physical Preparation and Draping of the Surgical Site,
Section 7: Preoperative Patient Care 506
21 Preoperative Preparation of the Patient, 368 Evolve Website, 521
Hospitalized Patient, 368
Preoperative Preparation of All Patients, 368 27 Physiologic Maintenance and Monitoring of the
Transportation to the Operating Room Suite, 379 Perioperative Patient, 523
Admission to the Operating Room Suite, 379 Monitoring Physiologic Functions, 523
Evolve Website, 383 Evolve Website, 537

22 Diagnostics, Specimens, and Oncologic Section 10: Surgical Site Management

Considerations, 384
Diagnosing Pathology, 385 28 Surgical Incisions, Implants, and Wound
Specimens and Pathologic Examination, 385 Closure, 538
Radiologic Examination, 388 The Surgical Incision, 538
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 393 Surgical Landmarks, 543
Nuclear Medicine Studies, 394 Wound Closure, 546
Ultrasonography, 395 Evolve Website, 568
Sensory Evoked Potential, 396
Plethysmography, 397 29 Wound Healing and Hemostasis, 569
Endoscopy, 397 Mechanism of Wound Healing, 570
The Patient with Cancer, 397 Types of Wounds, 571
Evolve Website, 407 Factors Influencing Wound Healing, 572
Hemostasis, 575
Wound Management, 584
Section 8: Pharmacology and Anesthesia Complications of Wound Healing, 590
23 Surgical Pharmacology, 409 Postoperative Wound Infections, 592
Pharmacology Baselines, 410 Wound Assessment, 592
Considerations in Surgical Pharmacology, 413 Basic Wound Care, 593
Surgical Drug and Pharmaceutical Sources, 415 Evolve Website, 593
Pharmacologic Forms Used in Surgery, 417
Potential Complications Caused by Pharmaceuticals Section 11: Perianesthesia and
and Herbal Medicine, 419 Postprocedural Patient Care
Evolve Website, 420
30 Postoperative Patient Care, 596
24 Anesthesia: Techniques and Agents, 421 Postanesthesia Care, 596
The Art and Science of Anesthesia, 422 Admission to the Postanesthesia Care Unit, 598
Choice of Anesthesia, 422 Discharge from the Postanesthesia Care Unit, 600
Anesthesia State, 422 Evolve Website, 601
Knowledge of Anesthetics, 423
xviii Contents

31 Potential Perioperative Complications, 602 35 Urologic Surgery, 712

Potential for Complications during and after Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System, 712
Surgery, 602 Special Features of Urologic Surgery, 715
Respiratory Complications, 603 Surgical Procedures of the Genitourinary System, 720
Cardiovascular Complications, 606 Male Reproductive Organs, 730
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances, 617 Endocrine Glands, 739
Blood Volume Complications, 619 Transsexual Surgery (Sex Reassignment), 739
Shock, 626 Postoperative Complications of Urologic Surgery, 740
Metabolic Crises, 627 Evolve Website, 741
Iatrogenic Injury, 631
Evolve Website, 631 36 Orthopedic Surgery, 742
The Art and Science of Orthopedic Surgery, 742
Section 12: Surgical Specialties Anatomy and Physiology of the Musculoskeletal
System, 743
32 Endoscopy and Robotic-Assisted Surgery, 632 Special Features of Orthopedic Surgery, 746
Eight Essential Elements of Endoscopy, 632 Extremity Procedures, 751
Knowledge and Skill for a Safe Endoscopic Fractures, 752
Environment, 640 Joint Procedures, 756
Types of Endoscopic Procedures, 640 Repair of Tendons and Ligaments, 764
Hazards of Endoscopy, 642 Cast Application, 765
Care of Endoscopes, 643 Complications after Orthopedic Surgery, 768
Considerations for Patient Safety, 644 Evolve Website, 769
Duties of the Assistant for Flexible Endoscopy, 644
Robotic-Assisted Endoscopy, 644 37 Neurosurgery of the Brain and Peripheral
Evolve Website, 647 Nerves, 770
Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain, 770
33 General Surgery, 648 Special Considerations in Neurosurgery, 772
Special Considerations for General Surgery, 648 Patient Care Considerations for Craniotomy, 775
Breast Procedures, 650 Surgical Procedures of the Cranium, 779
Abdominal Procedures, 654 Peripheral Nerve Surgery, 785
Liver Procedures, 657 Evolve Website, 787
Splenic Procedures, 659
Pancreatic Procedures, 659 38 Spinal Surgery, 788
Esophageal Procedures, 660 Anatomy and Physiology of the Spinal Cord
Gastrointestinal Surgery, 661 and Vertebral Column, 788
Intestinal Procedures, 666 Special Considerations for Spinal Surgery, 791
Colorectal Procedures, 670 Pathology of the Vertebrae and Spinal Cord, 796
Abdominal Trauma, 673 Surgical Procedures of the Spine, 800
Anorectal Procedures, 674 Evolve Website, 805
Hernia Procedures, 676
Amputation of Extremities, 677 39 Ophthalmic Surgery, 806
Evolve Website, 679 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye, 806
Ophthalmic Surgical Patient Care, 807
34 Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery, 680 Special Features of Ophthalmic Surgery, 809
Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive Ocular Surgical Procedures, 812
System, 681 Eye Injuries, 823
Gynecology: General Considerations, 684 Ophthalmic Lasers, 825
Diagnostic Techniques, 685 Evolve Website, 825
Vulvar Procedures, 689
Vaginal Procedures, 690 40 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 826
Abdominal Procedures, 694 Special Features of Plastic and Reconstructive
Perioperative Obstetrics, 697 Surgery, 826
Complicated Birth, 701 Skin and Tissue Grafting, 829
Assisted Reproduction, 705 Head and Neck Plastic and Reconstructive
Nonobstetric Surgical Procedures and the Pregnant Procedures, 836
Patient, 707 Plastic and Reconstructive Procedures of Other Body
Evolve Website, 711 Areas, 839
Burns, 846
Evolve Website, 850
Contents xix

41 Otorhinolaryngologic and Head and Neck Special Features of Cardiac Surgery, 902
Surgery, 851 Cardiac Surgical Procedures, 909
General Considerations in Ear, Nose, and Throat Mechanical Assist Devices, 916
Procedures, 851 Complications of Cardiac Surgery, 921
Ear, 854 Evolve Website, 922
Nose, 859
Oral Cavity and Throat, 863 44 Vascular Surgery, 923
Neck, 866 Anatomy and Physiology of the Vascular System, 923
Face and Skull, 875 Vascular Pathology, 925
Evolve Website, 881 Diagnostic Procedures, 926
Special Features of Vascular Surgery, 928
42 Thoracic Surgery, 882 Conservative Interventional Techniques, 931
Anatomy and Physiology of the Thorax, 882 Vascular Surgical Procedures, 934
Special Features of Thoracic Surgery, 885 Evolve Website, 943
Thoracic Surgical Procedures, 893
Chest Trauma, 895 45 Organ Procurement and Transplantation, 944
Intrathoracic Esophageal Procedures, 896 Types of Transplants, 944
Complications of Thoracic Surgery, 898 Tissue Transplantation, 944
Evolve Website, 898 Organ Transplantation, 947
Evolve Website, 962
43 Cardiac Surgery, 899
Anatomy of the Heart and Great Vessels, 899 Index, 963
Physiology of the Heart, 901
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Berry & Kohn’s
Operating Room Technique
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SE C T ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

Perioperative Education
The Art and Science of Surgery, 2 Application of Theory to Practice, 9
Perioperative Learner, 2 Expected Behaviors of Perioperative Caregivers, 10
Perioperative Educator, 5 Realities of Clinical Practice, 12


After studying this chapter the learner will be able to:
• Compare and contrast the art and science of surgery. • Describe how adult learning principles apply to patient
• Identify three characteristics of adult learners. teaching.
• Name five educational resources available for the learner. • Discuss the problems associated with disruptive behavior in the
• Define the difference between andragogy and pedagogy. perioperative environment.


Andragogy Teaching and learning processes for mature adult Objectives Written in behavioral terms, statements that determine
populations. the expected outcomes of a behavior or process.
Behavior Actions or conduct indicative of a mental state or Occupational hazard A workplace hazard that can cause physical,
predisposition influenced by emotions, feelings, beliefs, values, biologic, or chemical injury, leading to disease or death.
morals, and ethics. Orientation Period during which a student or new employee
Disruptive behavior (bullying) Power imbalance that involves becomes acquainted with the environment, policies, and proce-
intimidation, oppression, or aggression and results in a counter- dures of a professional environment.
productive atmosphere. Pedagogy Teaching and learning processes for immature and/or
Cognition Process of knowing or perceiving, such as learning pediatric populations. A very directed style is used.
scientific principles and observing their application. Perioperative Total surgical experience that encompasses preop-
Competency Creative application of knowledge, skills, and inter- erative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases of patient care.
personal abilities in fulfilling functions to provide safe, individu- Preceptor A person who observes, teaches, and evaluates a learn-
alized patient care. er according to a prescribed format of training or orientation.
Critical thinking The mental process by which an individual solves Psychomotor Pertaining to physical demonstration of mental
problems. processes (i.e., applying cognitive learning).
Disease Failure of the body to counteract stimuli or stresses Role model A person who is admired and emulated for good
adequately, resulting in a disturbance in function or structure of practices in the clinical environment. The relationship between
any part, organ, or system of the body. a role model and a learner can be strictly professional without
Environmental factors Water, air, soil, and food. Contamination personalized mentoring.
and exposure of any of these factors can lead to disease. Skill Application of knowledge into observable, measurable, and
Evaluation A process by which the educator measures perfor- quantifiable performance.
mance by standardized indicators established by a school, Surgery Branch of medicine that encompasses preoperative,
employer, or professional organization. intraoperative, and postoperative care of patients. The discipline
Knowledge Organized body of factual information. of surgery is both an art and a science.
Learning style Individualized methods used by the learner to under- Surgical conscience Awareness that develops from a knowledge
stand and retain new information. These may be visual, auditory, base of the importance of strict adherence to principles of asep-
tactile, sensory, kinesthetic, or performance-oriented behaviors. tic and sterile techniques.
Mentoring A nurturing, flexible relationship between a more Surgical procedure Invasive incision into body tissues or a mini-
experienced person and a less experienced person that involves mally invasive entrance into a body cavity for either therapeutic
trust, coaching, advice, guidance, and support. A sharing rela- or diagnostic purposes; protective reflexes or self-care abilities
tionship guided by the needs of the less experienced person. are potentially compromised during such a procedure.

2 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

The main focus of this chapter is to establish the baseline or TABLE

framework for an in-depth study of perioperative patient care 1.1 Common Indications for Surgical Procedures
and support the educational process of the learner. Consideration
is given to the perioperative educator, who may not have had a Indication for
formal education in the teaching of adult learners. Both learners Surgical Procedure Example
and educators should understand that the same learning and Augmentation Breast implants
teaching principles apply to patient education. The key terms are
commonly used terms that the learner should understand as the Debulking Decreasing the size of a mass
basis for learning about and participating in the art and science Incision Open tissue or structure by sharp dissection
of surgery.
Excision Remove tissue or structure by sharp dissection

The Art and Science of Surgery Diagnostics Biopsy tissue sample

Repair Closing of a hernia
Health is both a personal and an economic asset. Optimal health is
the best physiologic and psychological condition an individual can Removal Foreign body
experience. Disease is the inability to adequately counteract physi- Reconstruction Creation of a new breast
ologic stressors that cause disruption of the body’s homeostasis.
Additional influences, such as congenital anomalies, infection, Palliation Relief of obstruction
trauma, occupational hazard, or environmental factors, interfere Aesthetics Facelift
with optimal human health and quality of life. As both a science
and an art, surgery is the branch of medicine that comprises peri- Harvest Autologous skin graft
operative patient care encompassing such activities as preoperative Procurement Donor organ
preparation, intraoperative judgment and management, and post-
operative care of patients. As a discipline, surgery combines physi- Transplant Placement of a donor organ or tissue
ologic management with an interventional aspect of treatment. The Bypass/shunt Vascular rerouting
common indications for surgical intervention include correction of
Drainage/evacuation Incision into abscess
defects, alteration of form, restoration of function, diagnosis and/or
treatment of diseases, and palliation. Table 1.1 describes some of Stabilization Repair of a fracture
the most common indications for surgery.
Parturition Cesarean section
In the 1930s the English physician Lord Berkeley George
Moynihan (1865–1936) said, “Surgery has been made safe for the Termination Abortion of a pregnancy
patient; we must now make the patient safe for surgery.” Surgical Staging Checking of cancer progression
intervention is becoming a safer method of treating physiologic
conditions. Most of the former contraindications to surgery that Extraction Removal of a tooth
were related to patient age or condition have been eliminated Exploration Invasive examination
because of better diagnostic methodologies and drug therapies.
More individuals are now considered for surgery; however, each Diversion Creation of a stoma for urine
patient and each procedure is unique. Perioperative caregivers Implantation Inserting a subsurface device
should not become complacent with routines but should always
be prepared for the unexpected. Surgery cannot be considered Replantation Reattaching a body part
completely safe all the time, and patient outcomes are not always Amputation Removing a large structure
Stenting Using an implant as a supporting device
A surgical procedure may be invasive, minimally invasive,
minimal access, or noninvasive. An invasive or minimal access Neoconstruction Face transplant
procedure enters the body either through an opening in the tis-
sues or by a natural body orifice. Noninvasive procedures are fre-
quently diagnostic and do not enter the body. Technology has
elevated the practice of surgery to a more precise science that complexity of the procedure and the general health of the indi-
minimizes the “invasiveness” and enhances the functional aspects vidual. Procedures performed on patients who remain overnight
of the procedure. Recovery or postprocedure time decreases, and in the hospital vary according to the expertise of the surgeons, the
the patient is restored to functional capacity faster. Improvements health of the patient, and the availability of the equipment.
in perioperative patient care technology are attributed to the The purpose of this text is to provide a baseline for learning
following: the professional and technical patient care knowledge and skill
• Surgical specialization of surgeons and teams required to provide safe and efficient care for patients in the
• Sophisticated diagnostic and intraoperative imaging techniques perioperative environment.
• Minimally invasive equipment and technology
• Ongoing research and technologic advancements Perioperative Learner
Surgical procedures are performed in hospitals, in surgeons’
offices, or in freestanding surgical facilities. Many patients can The learner in the perioperative environment may be a medical,
safely have a surgical procedure as an outpatient and do not re- nursing, or surgical technology student enrolled in a formal educa-
quire an overnight stay at the facility. The types of surgical proce- tional program, or the learner may be a newly hired orientee.
dures performed on an outpatient basis are determined by the Medical students have a surgical rotation that includes participation
CHAPTER 1 Perioperative Education 3

in surgical procedures. They learn some of the basic principles of TABLE Characteristics of the Adult Learner Compared
surgical technology and sterile technique to ensure the safety and 1.2 with the Child Learner
welfare of patients.
Some nursing schools offer basic exposure to perioperative Adult (Andragogy) Child (Pedagogy)
nursing, as a short observation period, part of the core curricu- Is self-directed Is task oriented
lum, or an elective. After graduating from nursing school the
nurse needs further education before functioning as a periopera- Uses activities that follow Uses activities that follow stages
transitions of maturity of development
tive professional.1 This education may take place in a postbasic/
postgraduate perioperative nursing course offered by a commu- Uses intrinsic thought processes Uses extrinsic thought processes
nity college or a hospital orientation program. Entry-level educa-
Uses problem-solving approach Uses trial-and-error approach
tion for perioperative practice prepares nurses to be generalists.
Basic perioperative nursing elective programs focus on the role of Values self-esteem Values self-esteem
the perioperative nurse as both generalist circulator and scrub
person. Specialization can follow a period in professional practice
in a specific service. The perioperative nurse’s role encompasses
supervision of unlicensed personnel who scrub in surgery, such as • Students are to maintain patient confidentiality at all times.
surgical technologists, and requires knowledge of practices and • Students may be screened by the school or facility by routine
procedures performed under this title. background checks and drug testing.
Surgical technology programs focus primarily on scrubbing in to • Students should be subject to health screening and vaccinations
prepare and maintain the sterile surgical field and handle instru- followed by titers for proof of immunity (i.e., varicella; rubeola;
ments. Some surgical technology programs offer circulating experi- diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis [DTaP]; and hepatitis B). Tubercu-
ences under the supervision of a registered nurse; however, the role losis testing should be performed before clinical rotation.
of the circulator requires knowledge and skill not commonly cov- All learners in the perioperative environment are adults and
ered in significant depth in shorter training programs. Most surgical perform better if given due respect. This concept applies whether
technology programs provide scrub experiences in many specialties. the caregiver is experienced or a novice. Treating an adult learner in
After satisfactory completion of the program, many technologists a pedagogic manner (pedagogy), as a child is treated, is counterpro-
are capable of functioning in the scrub role as a generalist or, in ductive and becomes a barrier to learning. The learner can become
some circumstances, a specialist. Advancing technology indicates resentful and unable to separate feelings of inexperience from feel-
the need for specialized competencies for all disciplines of periop- ings of inadequacy. Regardless of the level of learning required, the
erative patient care. Surgeons, perioperative nurses, and surgical general characteristics of the adult learner (andragogy) as com-
technologists should continually strive to learn new procedures and pared with the child learner (pedagogy) apply (Table 1.2). These
technologies in a team-oriented environment. concepts also should be applied to patient education programs.
Perioperative caregivers new to a particular practice setting Not everyone learns at the same speed or assimilates informa-
should learn the specific performance standards and expectations tion in the same manner. Theoretic knowledge or a skill learned
of that institution. All personnel go through an orientation pro- quickly by one individual may be difficult for another. Cognition
cess to familiarize themselves with the philosophy, goals, policies, is premised on the ability to process and retain information.
procedures, role expectations, and physical facilities specific to Learning styles vary among individuals and are influenced by
their institution. Departmental orientation is specific to the area internal and external factors. Examples of learning-style influ-
in which the caregiver is employed. ences are listed in Box 1.1. Learning styles were described in the
Many graduates seek employment in the institutions where early 1990s by Howard Gardner at Harvard University. Under-
they performed clinical rotations. This is usually beneficial to standing the differences in individual learners is the first step to
the facility and the employee. Some students are hired into ap- imparting knowledge and skill.2 Seven learning skills identified by
prenticeships before graduation, enabling them to work in the Gardner are summarized as follows with application of teaching
operating room (OR) in a limited capacity in anticipation of a methods for perioperative learners:
permanent position. Schools that permit students to work while 1. Visual-spatial: Very environmentally aware. Learns well by
still in the education process should have a policy in place to observation, puzzles, graphics, and modeling.
delineate the student role from the employee role. The policy • The educator can create poster boards with images of in-
should be made known in writing to all clinical facilities hosting strument pictures and setups. Posters can have backgrounds
students and students performing clinical rotations where appren- of blank sterile fields constructed of felt and cardboard
ticeships are offered. The following are considerations in develop-
ing a policy for working students:
• Students may not work for compensation during official clinical • BOX 1.1 Learning-Style Influences
hours. • Intelligence • Social skills, including communica-
• Students may not wear facility name or identification badges • Attentiveness tion skills
while performing clinical rotations as an agent of the school. • Cultural and ethnic background • Manual dexterity
• Students may not wear school name or identification badges • Educational preparation • Physical senses
while performing work for compensation as an agent of the • Motivation to learn • Physical health
facility. • Concentration and distractibility • Perceptual preferences and sensory
• Students may not take time off from classroom or clinical • Personality characteristics partiality (e.g., visual vs. auditory)
rotations to work for compensation. • Psychologic strengths or • Environment
• Students are not part of the clinical staff during clinical deficiencies
rotation hours.
4 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

cut-outs of instruments with Velcro backing for students to Some preceptors and surgeons may “bully” the students and
place on the surface. become impatient because of the students’ inexperience. Disrup-
2. Bodily kinesthetic: Keen sense of motion and hands-on sense. tive behavior (bullying) is counterproductive. Students should
Communicates well by physical practice. be taught to speak up when necessary, respect the preceptors and
• The educator can provide sterile drapes and instrument trays surgeons, but not be afraid to ask questions.3 Most facilities have
for students’ use in preparing sterile fields and setups. The developed a “zero tolerance” policy concerning interprofessional
task can be made more challenging by timing the process and relationships wherein one person causes another person to feel
creating competition for the best time with the highest de- intimidated or fearful. Some facilities now require a preceptor
gree of accuracy. Teams competing against each other in table class to address appropriate behavior, understand student learning
setups and draping make the activity fun and exciting. styles, and learn what is expected of them and how to help stu-
3. Musical: Learns well by listening and the use of multimedia. dents become successful.
Frequently learns better with music in the background. Students should know basic standards and protocol before
• The educator (with the help of the students) can enumerate entering the OR for a clinical rotation. Preceptors may have de-
specific steps to a procedure, such as donning the sterile veloped shortcuts with questionable technique not understood by
gown and gloves. The steps are recited to a musical beat students who are new to the OR environment. Students should
provided by rhythmic clapping or to an instrumental back- not blindly perform tasks directed by preceptors that cause ques-
ground tune. Most students recognize simple childhood tion as to technique or safety without fully understanding what
tunes and can sing or say the steps to the music. Also, mod- resultant outcome is expected.4 Educators should discuss the po-
ern musical instrumentals are easy to use for this purpose. tential for these questionable events and give the student a vehicle
4. Interpersonal: Group dynamics and study sessions work well for professionally or assertively deferring or opting out of doing
for this learner. something that is nonstandard by the level of education they have
• The educator can assign topics to groups for exploration experienced in the classroom. This process can be particularly
and development. The students present their findings to the uncomfortable if the student does not feel supported by the edu-
class in a forum setting. Some students may want to simu- cator, who is a mentor in the environment, in doing what has
late procedures for the class. been ingrained as the standard of care. Some examples of this
5. Intrapersonal: Learns well through self-study and indepen- activity include but are not limited to the following (these exam-
dence. Highly self-motivated and disciplined. ples actually happened at a clinical site):
• The educator can guide individual students in the creation 1. Event: Preceptor insists on gowning and gloving from the primary
of personal flashcards or organization of class notes. Stu- sterile field and instructs the student to do so as well. Student
dents who learn best by self-study generally seek assistance deferral vehicle: “My clinical instructor will give me a deficiency
only when further explanation or clarification is needed. grade if I gown and glove from the back table. I am required to
6. Linguistic: Very good with language and auditory skill. Learns gown and glove from a separate surface other than the main field.”
effectively through lectures and explanation. 2. Event: Preceptor is impatient and goes to sit on a stool in the
• The educator presents lectures on specific topics and uses corner because part of the procedure is taking a long time.
multimedia to reinforce the discussion. PowerPoint presenta- Student deferral vehicle: “My clinical instructor will give me a
tions enhance the lecture and can be printed for the students deficiency grade if I sit and change the level of sterility of the
to use in following along. Embedded video is useful, and front of my gown.”
links to websites provide variety, such as www.youtube.com. 3. Event: Preceptor instructs the student to offer a towel from the
7. Logical-mathematical: Prefers to investigate and solve problems. open and biologically contaminated back table to a person
Conceptual thinking precedes detailing with these learners. who plans to enter the working sterile field. Student deferral
• The educator can use several testing formats to challenge vehicle: “My clinical instructor will give me a deficiency grade
the learners. Tables set up with instruments for identifica- if I offer a towel from my working back table.”
tion by category or classification give students the opportu- Learners are not expected to assume responsibilities for which
nity to determine how each item is used in a particular they are not fully prepared, but they should be taught to politely
specialty. An interesting twist to this method involves in- speak up when something is not right for the benefit of the team and
tentionally omitting a particularly necessary item from the the patient. Only through continued study and experience can indi-
field; the students have to reconstruct the steps of the pro- viduals qualify as team members in the perioperative environment.
cedure to figure out which item is missing. The new perioperative nurse in a hospital orientation program,
Each facility should clearly define the role of the perioperative who will be functioning in interchangeable scrub and circulating
learner of each discipline. Activities of new perioperative nurses and roles, may learn the scrub role first in the learning sequence so as
surgical technology students are not the same. The perioperative to learn the art of anticipation of surgeon and patient needs during
nurse is involved with more direct patient care and decision making a surgical procedure. This is the closest vantage point by which
through physical assessment. The student surgical technologist is participation enables the perioperative nurse to be familiarized
concerned primarily with preparing and maintaining the sterile field. with the surgical process. An educator, preceptor, or other qualified
Both disciplines of learners help prepare for, assist a qualified pre- staff member scrubs in as support and gradually allows the new
ceptor during, and clean up after surgical procedures, but they are perioperative nurse to take over more of the work in the sterile
not considered members of the staff complement. Instructional staff field. One of the primary behavioral objectives is to gain knowl-
should observe for and guard against laziness in the preceptor group. edge and skill in sterile technique. Performing the scrub role allows
Some preceptors may want to sit back in the pretense of “letting the repetition of tasks performed within the sterile field and better
student take over.” In essence this is not an improper approach to prepares the perioperative nurse to supervise surgical technologists.
precepting, but it can be abused if the preceptor continually leaves The second component of the perioperative nurse’s learning
the student to flounder or delay the progress of the procedure. sequence is the circulating role. A registered nurse preceptor is
CHAPTER 1 Perioperative Education 5

assigned to teach the new nurse the coordination of the scrub and to perform any function for which he or she has not had adequate
circulating roles. Standard routines are taught under the supervi- training or guided practice. The educator should maintain a list of
sion of an experienced perioperative nurse with comparable procedures in which the learner has participated and has demon-
knowledge, skill, and educational preparation. Guidance and help strated increasing levels of competence. Whether the learner is in a
from the clinical educator and other experienced staff members school-sponsored OR education program or a departmental orienta-
help the new perioperative nurse pull it all together. Surgeons and tion program, the duration of the program should be sufficient to
other staff members contribute to the learning process. afford opportunities for adequate experience to facilitate success. The
Personality traits, such as emotional maturity, social skills, and AORN position statement on basic orientation recommends a period
psychologic characteristics, are continually assessed by the educator.4 of 40 hours in each specialty as part of the orientation process.
A moody, easily angered, and negative person can be very difficult to Check-off sheets can help track experiential progress during the
deal with as a future team member. The learner who does not possess education process. Fig. 1.1 shows an example of a basic check-off
assertive skills for dealing with stressful events cannot function ef- sheet for the evaluation of knowledge and skill in the scrub role.
fectively in a team environment. Subjective responses to all activities Fig. 1.2 shows an example of a basic check-off sheet for evaluation
should remain on a professional level if the team is to function effi- of knowledge and skill in the circulating nurse’s role. This sheet
ciently. The perioperative nurse in training should be evaluated on a can be modified to apply to specialties as needed. The Association
periodic basis to assess for increased competency levels. of Surgical Technologists (AST) and AORN have developed skills
checklists available through the organizations.
Perioperative Educator
Experience in the perioperative clinical setting should be planned
Behavioral Objectives
and supervised by an experienced perioperative nurse educator. The learner takes an active role in the teaching/learning process by
The term educator is used throughout this text to refer to the per- helping identify behavioral objectives. Effective and organized
son responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating the educational experiences are identified and based on these objec-
learner’s experiences in the classroom and clinical perioperative tives. The identified behavioral objectives are attained through
setting. Other teaching personnel at the clinical site include peri- critical-thinking exercises. Skill in questioning and encourage-
operative nurse preceptors. ment in making discoveries allow the learner to use critical
The educator should consider the effect on the learner who is thinking as a learning tool.
seeing the perioperative environment for the first time. The OR can Evaluation of the learner’s progress is measured by how suc-
appear cold, large, and overwhelming. A tour of the facility before cessfully the learner has met the behavioral objectives. Behavioral
beginning the program can help decrease the learner’s anxiety. objectives are identified and written in behavioral terms and based
A structured curriculum uses behavioral objectives, written on standards of expected performance and accepted standards of
guidelines, and relevant assignments for feedback to ensure that patient care. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom described the measure-
learning has occurred. Learner conferences are held at regular in- ment of cognitive learning. He detailed six levels of learning,
tervals to discuss procedures and progress. AORN (The Associa- ranging from simple recall to advanced abstract thinking.
tion of periOperative Registered Nurses) offers perioperative Bloom’s taxonomy provides a framework for structuring cogni-
nursing coursework in the AORN Periop 101 and Periop 202 tive and affective learning. Therefore the concepts to be learned
programs purchased by hospitals for training of new perioperative and the behavioral objectives to be met should form the founda-
nurses (www.aorn.org/Periop101/). tion on which all perioperative caregivers build their practice.
Didactic presentations should be incorporated into the teach- Each behavioral objective in Box 1.2 is measurable and is evalu-
ing program to provide information concerning the theory and ated by performance standards.
detail of all performed actions in the perioperative environment.
Presentations should be offered by knowledgeable presenters who Elements of Effective Instruction
are well prepared to deliver information to the group. If Power-
Point multimedia are used, the educator should be sure to use The organization of the instructional material and the learning expe-
accurate and concise terminology when creating the slides. Hand- rience are further enhanced by the way the program is presented.
outs can be printed in several formats for distribution to the The elements of effective instruction are summarized as follows:
participants to use when following along with the talk or taking • Set clear and concise behavioral objectives measurable in cog-
notes. Overloading each slide with wordiness and silly images nitive terminology that describes knowledge, comprehension,
causes confusion and wastes time. The key elements should be application, analysis, understanding, and evaluation.
simply worded and should not exceed six lines of text per slide. • Establish a learning environment that is controlled by the educator.
The educator should not read exactly from the slides, but explain • Provide variation in presenting material. Videotapes, DVDs, ani-
while incorporating the concept the slide imparts. Font style mated computer programs, podcasts, and photographs can be
should be simple, and font size should be readable even at the alternated with lectures and hands-on practice. Handling instru-
back of the classroom. Avoid typing words in all caps. The slide ments and supplies in a classroom is less intimidating than han-
color scheme and design can be selected from predesigned dling them in the perioperative environment for the first time.
templates or customized per presentation. Colors such as blue and • Encourage the exchange of questions and answers as an assess-
green are easier on the eyes than reds, oranges, and bright yellows. ment tool. Learners often ask exactly what they need to know.
Time between slide changes should permit questions or examples. The educator can determine areas of deficient knowledge.
Positive reinforcement helps the learner build confidence and • Reinforce learning. After a skill has been taught in a didactic
competence. The educator should not punish a learner for making manner, provide guided practice in the clinical laboratory
honest errors during supervised learning. Degradation and damage to before the task is actually performed in the perioperative
self-esteem are barriers to learning. The learner should not be required environment. Provide positive support for desired behaviors.
6 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

Meets Needs Improving Does Not Meet

Evaluation Comments
Standard Improvement Yes or No Standard

Reports for duty in a punctual manner

Wears OR attire properly:

Dons personal protective gear
Dons radiation badge as needed

Performs housekeeping duties:

Before first procedure of day
Between procedures
After last procedure of day

Sterile supplies:
Plans and gathers supplies
Checks integrity of packages
Checks sterility integrator
Checks dates on perishables

Places items on sterile surface:

Opening wrapper(s)
Peel packages
Solution dispensing

Scrubs for setup and procedure:

Hand and arm scrubbing
Hand hygiene with hand antiseptic

Gowns self correctly
Gowns others

Closed method
Open method
Changes contaminated glove
Gloves others

Sterile setup:
Drapes table and Mayo stand
Positions items in the field

Participates in timeout before
Labels solutions and drugs
Reports amount of use
Practices safety
Maintains the sterile field
Responds appropriately to emergent

Anticipates needs of surgeon:

Coordinates with circulator
Facilitates the first assistant
Passes instrumentation
Prepares and applies dressing


Assembles instruments:
Attaches knife blades on handles
Loads or prepares suture
Tests drills and devices

Disassembles the table:

Follows proper disposal of items
Follows decontamination procedures

Removes gown and gloves:

Gown off first

• Fig. 1.1 Performance appraisal of the scrub role.

CHAPTER 1 Perioperative Education 7

Meets Needs Improving Does Not Meet

Evaluation Comments
Standard Improvement Yes or No Standard

Reports for the duty in a punctual manner

Wears OR attire properly:

Dons personal protective gear
Dons radiation badge as needed

Performs housekeeping duties:

Before first procedure of day
Between procedures
After last procedure of day

Sterile supplies:
Plans and gathers supplies
Checks integrity of packages
Checks sterility integrator
Checks dates on perishables

Dispenses or transfers items to sterile surface as appropriate:

Opens wrapper(s) and peel packs
Opens closed container
Solution dispensing
Medication dispensing

Validates implant parameters and documents in the lot log

Practices aseptic technique:

Dons and removes sterile or nonsterile gloves as appropriate
for task
Hand hygiene with hand antiseptic

Gowning and gloving of others:

Ties gowns for sterile team members
Assists with contaminated glove removal
Provides additional gowns and gloves as needed

Gathers and checks solutions and drugs for use on the field
Documents amount of usage of drugs and solutions on the field
Practices safety for the patient and team
Monitors the sterile field and the members of the sterile team

Anticipates needs of patient, anesthesia provider, surgeon, and

other team members:
Coordinates with the scrub person
Obtains additional supplies and instrumentation as needed

Provides safe and competent direct patient care:

Patient advocate
Patient identification
Assists the anesthesia provider as needed during induction
Validates correct site protocol and time out procedures
Patient assessment
Responds appropriately to emergent situations
Supports psychosocial aspects of care
Positioning and prepping as appropriate
Monitoring physiologic and psychologic responses as appropriate
Cares for specimens
Patient teaching

Documents any other item added to the field intraoperatively

Attaches and activates surgical machinery and devices for the

sterile field:
Electrosurgery (ESU) cables, suction, power cords, and other
peripheral equipment
Activates, sets, and monitors peripheral equipment

Supervises and manages the room:

Plans and implements direct patient care using the nursing process
Directs the activities of learners
Communicates procedural progress to the control desk
Communicates with family members
Manages messages for the surgeon and first assistant
Prevents inappropriate traffic through the room
Documents procedural activities in patient record
Computer literacy
Uses patient electronic medical record responsibly
Maintains patient confidentiality
Manages patient charge items responsibly

• Fig. 1.2 Performance appraisal of the circulating nurse’s role.

8 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

• BOX 1.2 Behavioral Objectives for Perioperative Self-assessment tools and performance evaluations provide
Team Members feedback about the learner’s progress.
• Summarize the learner’s accomplishments at regular intervals.
• To identify the role and responsibility of each team member Reviewing daily activities helps reinforce the learning process
• To define current standard terminology associated with perioperative by allowing the learner to associate the events of his or her
patient care through use of the perioperative nursing data set (PNDS) experience with newly acquired knowledge.
• To compare and contrast knowledge of normal anatomy, physiology, and The educator should work closely with the perioperative nurse
pathophysiology manager. Classroom hours and clinical experience assignments
• To discuss the interrelationships among physiologic, ethnocultural, and
are coordinated to provide the best experience for the learner. The
psychosocial factors that affect a patient and family’s adaptation to the
perioperative experience
nurse manager offers suggestions and coordination input for the
• To identify the procedures necessary to prepare each patient as an benefit of the learner and staff members. The educator identifies
individual for the intended surgical procedure areas of needed experience for the learner. An effort is made to
• To demonstrate the ability to select appropriate instrumentation, equipment, confer and coordinate any changes in the program with all per-
and supplies according to the individualized plan of care sonnel in the department. The educator and the manager collabo-
• To apply the principles of sterilization, disinfection, and aseptic and sterile rate with the assigned preceptors as needed. These strategies foster
techniques in the preparation and use of all materials in the perioperative a friendly and cooperative relationship among learners, educators,
environment to prevent transmission of biologic contamination management, and preceptor staff.
• To identify the potential environmental hazards to the patient and team All perioperative staff members indirectly assist in teaching the
• To demonstrate knowledge of the basic actions and uses of anesthetic
learners within the guidelines of the structured learning experi-
agents, medications, fluid therapies, and electrolytes
• To demonstrate knowledge and skill during the surgical procedure by ence. The learners gain knowledge by observing and working with
anticipating the needs of the patient and the team members of the entire team. Everyone should be familiar with the
• To discuss the principles of wound management knowledge level of the learners, the behavioral objectives, and the
• To function as a team member by showing consideration for and cooperation teaching roles that staff members are expected to assume. Learners
with other perioperative caregivers also should be responsible for updating the staff about needed
• To communicate effectively with personnel on other patient care divisions experience and their current level of achievement.
within the facility Hospitals or facilities offering the clinical perioperative setting
• To develop the ability to perform safely and effectively during stressful for educational programs have policies and procedures that are
situations adaptations of national standards. All personnel, including faculty
members and learners, are expected to adhere to their content.

Perioperative Educator: Engaging the Learner

Pros • Employees may have preclass preparation such as an article or

• Health care facilities perform better when employees are engaged with computer module to read, small group discussions, and simulation.
what they are doing. Commitment is linked to job satisfaction and better Each employee may be required to demonstrate the simulation during
organizational performances. the in-service. This helps build confidence and competence through
• Educators and managers must recognize the current culture of their positive reinforcement.
department and find ways for improvement. • Use surveys and committees to engage staff; this encourages participa-
• Health care facilities require education on certain topics as part of tion and a chance to be heard.
employee annual training. These competencies may be required yearly
and are documented in the employee record.
• As part of continuing education, a facility may have a perioperative • Low morale and poor job satisfaction lead to low participation in educa-
educator or manager who follows a structured curriculum according to tional activities. Workplace culture is hard to change and often ingrained
the facility guidelines and policies. into the culture of the facility.
• Continuing education credit may be given for completion of a test after an • Disruptive behavior (bullying) creates bad employee attitudes and needs
educational presentation. to be redirected. Redirection may increase in-service participation,
• Scheduled regular in-services are planned when most employees can be pres- positivity, and a better learning environment.
ent; this usually occurs during the work day. Employees who are not in atten- • Learners forget what was taught and done during boring in-services.
dance may need to reschedule with the educator to cover the missed material. They get distracted easily. Use emotion because it is a strong memory
• Staff involvement during in-services increases when they are recognized, stimulus and can be more effective than reading data.
part of decision making, on a unit council, involved in teamwork, involved • Large groups tend to be less engaging. Break a large group into smaller
in training, and recruited to assist. groups if possible because they are more productive.
• A structured presentation keeps the group interested. When knowledge
is linked with previous knowledge and preexisting cognitive structure, References
effective learning occurs. 1. Brunges M, Foley-Brinza C: Projects for increasing job satisfaction and creating
• People retain information in different ways. Some positive ways to en- a healthy work environment, AORN J 100(6):670–681, 2014.
gage staff during an in-service includes vary the tone of voice, include 2. Wolff M, Wagner MG, Poznanski S, et al: Not another boring lecture:
positive body language, practice presentation skills, offer refreshments, Engaging learners with active learning techniques, J Emerg Med 48(1):
tell a story, ask questions, role play, use fewer words, and use technology. 85–93, 2015.
• Understanding information is easier through the use of images, color, 3. Killu A, Sabbagh A: The art of presentation, J Am Coll Cardiol 65(13):1373–1376,
audiovisual, demonstration, and active participation. 2015.
CHAPTER 1 Perioperative Education 9

5. Specialty online news groups can be subscribed to through

Media and Print Learning Resources computerized e-mail systems. Referred to as ListServ, these
Books, journals, videos, DVDs, slides, photographs, computers, groups are communication tools for day-to-day discussions
and audiovisual materials may supplement the lecture approach to with others who have comparable interests. They are available
perioperative education. Larger teaching institutions may have as daily e-mail entries or as a weekly digest. The specialty as-
live closed-circuit television and interactive telecommunication semblies at aorn.org have membership blogs where members
systems that permit educators and learners to communicate from share ideas. The surgical technology website has educator and
remote locations. Many audiovisual materials, such as videodiscs, student blog sites to discuss topics of interest for surgical tech-
audiotapes, and computer-assisted instruction, are self-contained nologists.
units for individual study. A bibliography in a text such as this or 6. Literary databases are found on select websites and in most
at the conclusion of a journal article provides references to libraries. Examples of online literary databases include but are
broaden the learner’s database. Accessibility to current medical not limited to the following:
and scientific literature is without limit. Other sources include a. Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
websites on the Internet and educational services that provide (CINAHL) is a widely used index for nursing and allied
contact hours online. health. The database includes indexing by subject headings
The following are useful resources for acquiring and reinforc- from virtually all English-language nursing journals and
ing knowledge: allied health literature from January 1983, with bimonthly
1. Library and literature file. Books and current periodicals updates.
are available for the learner’s reference in the medical library, b. Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online
online, and in learning centers at local colleges. (MEDLINE) is a computer-based reference system avail-
2. Educational literature, DVDs, and portable storage devices such able at most libraries in the United States and Canada.
as a USB flash drive or jump drive are available from surgical Many websites on the Internet offer free MEDLINE access.
supply and instrument manufacturers. Most manufacturers Biomedical journals, including nursing journals, are refer-
have their product literature and educational material online. All enced. References dating from 1966 at the National
personnel who will be working with the item should review the Library of Medicine are found at www.nih.gov
new equipment literature. In-services are commonly provided c. Medscape (www.medscape.com) is a free article subscrip-
by clinical staff associated with the industry. The purchasing tion service online. This site requires registration. The user
agent is a good resource for these types of references. selects an identification name and password. Many different
3. Computer database information systems are available in most specialty services are represented in print with continuing
facilities or through personal Internet access providers for re- education credits.
searching topics of interest for self-study or for supplementing The array of health-related educational materials is endless.
classroom presentations. Computer terminology is defined at The Internet, which is accessible 24 hours a day, has opened many
www.sharpened.net/glossary for new computer users. Web channels of information throughout the world. Many websites
browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, can be accessed in a multilingual mode, including Spanish,
Apple Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome are used in searching German, French, and Japanese. Some websites offer full-text
the World Wide Web (WWW). Most of the search engines articles that can be uploaded or printed. Some of the articles are
have an image-finding capability that allows students to associ- in .zip or .pdf format that requires WinZip or Adobe Acrobat
ate the image with a procedure. Many prerecorded surgical Reader to open the file into a readable and/or printable docu-
procedures can be watched on various websites. Search engines ment. WinZip and Acrobat Reader are free programs that can
such as Bing and Google are valuable tools for finding special- be downloaded and used repeatedly to open zipped or pdf files.
interest groups and professional medical associations. Most Websites such as www.download.com offer links to free file-
health-related organizations have a website full of information opening software. These programs are frequently preloaded onto
for professionals and patients. AORN Online can be accessed the hard drive of new computer models.
at www.aorn.org. AST has a website at www.ast.org that pro- The advancement of computer technology has made computer
vides information about surgical technology. Terms associated equipment as small as a wrist watch and devices that easily fit in a
with the Internet and computer can be found at http://evolve. pocket or backpack. The average household can now own multiple
elsevier.com/BerryKohn. devices because of their affordability. Tablets and similar devices are
4. Internet broadcasting in podcast format can be uploaded onto good for reading eBooks. Multiple books can be stored on one device.
an iPod, MP3, and/or smart device such as a phone, watch, or When researching scientific data on the Internet, it is advisable
speaker in audio or video format for remote viewing. to review more than one website to support the accuracy of the
Netcasts and webinars are online broadcasts for use on smart information. Caution is advised regarding providing personal in-
phones, tablets, PCs, or Macs. Many of the topics are avail- formation such as credit card numbers over the Internet; security
able via the Apple iTunes store. Accounts can be set up with may be an issue.
a credit card or PayPal.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are subscription services Application of Theory to Practice
that provide information via computer and cell phone in
the form of e-mail. RSS data is small so it works well with Learning is a process of discovery and mastery of skills.
smart phones. A software RSS reader program is necessary Performance-based learning to function competently in an area
to receive and open RSS feeds. The readers are free on the such as the perioperative environment should take place on three
Internet and are part of browser packages such as Internet levels: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. The learner should
Explorer or Firefox. Collections of educational medical and understand the scientific principles (cognitive learning) underly-
nursing RSS feeds are found at www.medworm.com. ing the technical skills (psychomotor learning) and should
10 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

appreciate the necessity of adhering to these principles (affective relatively safe procedure can rapidly become catastrophic, even
learning). In simpler terms the learner should know why to do fatal, if the patient:
what (cognitive); how (psychomotor); and when, where, and by • Is unknowingly allergic or sensitive to a chemical, substance,
whom (affective). The learner should always have a rationale for medication, or anesthetic drug
each action. Learners and practicing perioperative caregivers • Develops uncontrollable bleeding
should always know exactly why they are doing what they are • Has seizures or blackouts
doing—not just blindly perform tasks. This approach enables an • Experiences cardiac arrest on the OR bed
intelligent modification of the plan of care in the event of an • Goes into irreversible shock (cardiogenic, hematologic, hypo-
emergency or other untoward situation. In actual practice this volemic, neurogenic, toxic, or vasogenic)
knowledge may be critical for patient safety and attainment of • Develops a metabolic event such as malignant hyperthermia,
favorable outcomes. thyroid storm, hyperglycemia, or hypoglycemia
Practice will give learners an opportunity to apply their knowl- Although every precaution is taken to foresee and prevent ad-
edge of the basic sciences. Theory becomes meaningful and valu- verse reactions, such reactions do occur on occasion. No matter
able only when put to practical use. Some knowledge is gained how simple the procedure, an experienced, conscientious team
through observation, but skills are learned through actual hands- member is always acutely aware of potential problems and gives
on experience in applying the theory learned in the classroom or undivided attention to the patient and procedure at all times.
self-study laboratory. During the learning experience the learner will participate in
In the perioperative environment the learner observes living or observe the preparation of supplies and equipment and learn
anatomy; its alteration by congenital deformities, disease, or in- their intended use. With practical experience the learner will gain
jury; and its restoration or reconstruction. Perioperative experience an appreciation for the precision of surgical instrumentation and
enables the learner to be a more understanding, observant, and equipment. Also, in helping to carry out a daily schedule of surgi-
efficient person. In close teamwork with surgeons and anesthesia cal procedures the learner will become aware of the interdepen-
providers the nurse and the surgical technologist participate in dence of the various departments within the facility and how they
vital resuscitative measures and learn to care for anesthetized, work together for the well-being of the patient. One of the most
unconscious, and/or critically ill patients. Learning to function in valuable learning experiences in the perioperative environment is
life-threatening situations is critical to the patient’s welfare. In the opportunity to see and become a part of real teamwork in ac-
addition, the learner discovers that emergencies such as cardiac tion. Chapter 25 explores and explains the coordinated roles of
arrest are easier to prevent than treat. By learning how theory ap- the circulating nurse and the scrub person.
plies to clinical practice, the student gains valuable experience that
is applicable to any patient care situation. The learner should strive
to attain the following objectives: Expected Behaviors of Perioperative
• Appreciate what surgical intervention means to each patient. Caregivers
• Recognize the importance of optimal physical and psychologic
preoperative patient preparation. Regardless of their respective roles, all perioperative caregivers are
• Validate the need for constant patient observation intraoperatively. expected to be competent and humane. A patient’s sense of secu-
• Determine the cause of postoperative pain and/or complications. rity is grounded in how he or she perceives the behavior of the
• Differentiate between seemingly innocuous occurrences and team as a whole. This leaves a lasting impression that patients as-
situations that, if left unrecognized and allowed to progress, sociate with their experiences in the perioperative environment.
lead to injury of the patient or a team member or damage to The behavior of the team reveals self-confidence (or diffidence),
departmental equipment. interest (or indifference), proficiency (or ineptitude), and author-
• Cope with all situations in a calm, efficient manner, and think ity (or indecision). In addition to possessing technical knowledge
clearly and act quickly in an emergency. and skill, personnel should display appropriate personal attributes
• Attend to every detail, observe keenly, and anticipate the needs and communication skills that inspire confidence and trust in
of the patient and team members. patients and other team members.
• Determine the importance of aseptic and sterile techniques,
and comprehensively and conscientiously apply knowledge to Personal Attributes
• Expect the unexpected. Situations or conditions can change at Personal attributes are manifest in the attitudes displayed by an
a moment’s notice. The student should use the “what if ” phi- individual while performing his or her duties. These inherent
losophy for planning patient care. Thinking ahead and antici- characteristics contribute to interrelatedness of the team and the
pating what to do “if ” the patient becomes critical benefit the final outcome for the patient. Although these concepts are intrin-
patient and the team by minimizing the element of surprise sic to the individual and are certainly open to interpretation, the
when unexpected events occur. main premise remains focused on providing safe and efficient
Above all, perioperative experience teaches that no surgical patient care through a team effort. Desirable personal attributes
procedure is a minor event to the surgical patient! The only pre- are listed in Table 1.3.
dictable element in the perioperative environment is the potential
for an unpredictable occurrence. For practical use, hospitals may Communication
classify surgical procedures as major or minor; however, in reality
no such distinction exists. Every procedure has a deep personal Communication is essential for exchanging information with an-
meaning for each patient and his or her family, and the possibility other person. It is necessary for successful interpersonal relation-
of an unfavorable outcome can never be completely excluded. ships and serves to clarify actions. Communication is proactive
All perioperative procedures carry an element of inherent risk. A when an idea or intent is relayed to another person and reactive
CHAPTER 1 Perioperative Education 11

TABLE Attributes Expected in a Perioperative common goals competently and safely. The actions of each team
1.3 member are important. No one individual can accomplish the
goal without the cooperation of the rest of the team.
Desirable Attribute Measurable Behaviors Pride in professional work, and in the team as a whole, leads
Empathy Develop a sense of what the patient is feeling to personal satisfaction. High morale is facilitated by adequate
staff orientation, staff participation in departmental decision
Conscientiousness No compromise in quality of care making and problem solving, the receipt of deserved praise, the
Efficiency Organized and properly prepared; time is opportunity for continuing education, and motivation to reach
not wasted duplicating steps and practice at the highest potential.
The common goal of the perioperative team is the effective
Sensitivity Genuine caring and perceptiveness for the
patient and the team
delivery of care in a safe, efficient, and timely manner. To function
efficiently, team members must communicate effectively. Prob-
Open-mindedness Accepting of the ideas of others lems such as a break in aseptic or sterile technique must be identi-
Flexible and adaptable Able to cope with changes in routine fied and corrective actions taken. To fulfill expectations, team
members must be aware of each other’s needs for information.
Supportive Nonjudgmental and sincere approach to Efforts of other support services, such as radiology and pathology
relationships departments, are coordinated with the needs of the surgeon.
Communicative Exchanges information in a professional Mutual respect is the foundation of teamwork. It is also a right.
manner Respect is shown through collaboration, cooperation, and truthful
communication. Verbal abuse, disruptive behavior, and harassment
Listening Accepts and receives information in a
professional manner
are out of place in the professional environment. Behavior that in-
hibits the performance of team members or threatens patient safety
Even-temperedness Hostility and anger have no place in the should be factually documented and reported to superiors in the
perioperative environment chain of command. The Joint Commission (TJC) requires accred-
Versatility Knowledgeable and can troubleshoot ited facilities to establish leadership standards that address disrup-
tive and inappropriate behaviors as follows:
Analytic Knowing how and why for each task 1. Defines a code of conduct to distinguish between acceptable
Creativity Able to innovate solutions and inappropriate behaviors in interpersonal relationships in
the perioperative environment
Sense of humor Eases tension at appropriate times
2. Creates and implements a process for managing behaviors that
Manual dexterity Good hand-eye coordination undermine a culture of safety in the perioperative environment
Teamwork requires the commitment and effort of team
Stamina Capable of standing for prolonged periods
members to increase productivity, ensure quality performance,
Good hygiene Body odors cause discomfort for the team and participate in problem solving by communicating and co-
Ethics Strong sense of truth, honor, and goodness
operating with one another. A team approach is necessary for
patient-centered care. Surgeons, assistants, anesthesia provid-
Curiosity Desire to know and learn new things ers, patient care staff, and staff of supporting services should
coordinate their efforts. Each discipline contributes to success-
ful outcomes of surgical intervention by working together as
a team. The following factors contribute to these successful
when a response is received. Communication has taken place outcomes:
when the receiver interprets the message in the manner intended 1. Interdepartmental communication is important for mutual
by the sender. Communication is effective only when the patient cooperation, consideration, and efficient collaboration.
and caregivers understand one another. A key element is to dem- a. Personnel on patient care divisions and physicians share
onstrate appropriate body language to match the spoken word. pertinent information concerning patients. Collected data
are documented, thereby protecting the patient, the patient
Teamwork care personnel, and the facility.
b. Personnel work together in a congenial atmosphere with
A team is a group of two or more people who recognize common respect and appreciation for each other’s unique skills and
goals and coordinate their efforts to achieve them. Broadly de- contributions. Team members benefit from the expertise of
fined, the health care team includes all personnel relating to the each other. Teamwork is at its finest in the perioperative
patient—those in direct patient contact and those in other de- environment.
partments whose services are essential and contribute indirectly to c. Personnel are considerate of each other and the patient.
patient care. Interdependence characterizes a team—without the • The surgeon should inform the team of any anticipated
other members, the goals cannot be met. potential deviation from his or her regular routine for
The team approach to patient care should be a coordinated the scheduled procedure. An advance notice of changes
effort that is performed with the cooperation of all caregivers. can help avoid delays in obtaining needed equipment.
Team members should communicate and should have a shared • The perioperative team promotes a quiet atmosphere to
division of duties to perform specified tasks as a unified body. The ensure the surgeon’s uninterrupted concentration. Inter-
failure of any one member to perform his or her role can have ruptions during the procedure can cause the team to
a serious effect on the success of the entire team. Performing as lose concentration and jeopardize the safety of the
a team requires that each member exert an effort to attain the patient or team members.
12 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

• The anesthesia provider and circulating nurse assist each educator and peer learners are not always present to give counsel,
other with certain procedures such as medication ad- advice, and moral support. As professional caregivers attempt to
ministration and intubation. adapt to new demands, they need to remember the following:
2. Adequate preparation and familiarity with the surgeon’s prefer- • Learning does not end with basic education. It is an ongoing
ences and the surgical procedure to be performed are funda- process throughout an entire professional career.
mental to teamwork. If the perioperative staff members are • Teaching at various levels is the responsibility of the entire
unfamiliar with the routine and equipment, the patient or a team. New information is developed and shared by the group
team member may be at risk for injury. An adequately experi- for the improvement of patient care practices.
enced and skilled team is essential for the effective perfor- • All caregivers were once novices (although some may have
mance of a safe, efficient procedure. forgotten those novice days). They have experienced the feel-
3. The patient has an unconditional right to the team’s complete ings and frustrations of being the newest staff member. The
concentration and attention at all times. He or she is a unique experienced caregiver should try to remember these feelings
individual who is completely dependent on the perioperative and offer encouragement to new personnel.
caregivers to work as a team. • Patience is an asset while developing work habits and establish-
Although the ideologic differences of personnel may at times ing working relationships. Expectations of self and of others
be a source of conflict, the care of the patient should be a priority should be realistic. Feelings of excitement and anticipation and
over personality differences. Complex procedures, busy surgery the fear of failure or making mistakes are normal but should
schedules, or shortages of personnel should not interfere with the be expressed appropriately. Disruptive behavior distracts the
delivery of efficient, individualized patient care. attention of the team from the patient.
• Applying the principles and techniques already learned will
Clinical Competence enable the caregiver to make sound judgments and appropriate
decisions in the perioperative environment.
On the basis of experience and performance, patient care person- • It is important to ask questions and acknowledge not knowing
nel can be categorized as novice, competent, proficient, or expert. how to do something. Seeking help promotes professional
The novice lacks experience but is expected to perform to the best growth.
of his or her ability with assistance. Most employers provide a Everyone wants and needs to become an accepted member of
formal orientation program for new patient care personnel. Dur- both social and work groups. The entire perioperative team, in-
ing this orientation period, the necessary knowledge, skills, and cluding the surgeon and anesthesia provider, is both a social group
abilities should be developed to perform at a level of basic compe- and a work group. Ambivalent feelings may arise on entering
tency. As experience is gained, proficiency expands from a mini- these groups. The pleasures of functioning as a team member may
mal competency to an advanced level of expertise. Competent be offset by uncertainty about the ability to perform well. Initial
practice requires critical thinking skills and decision-making abil- goals will be task- and skill-oriented as learning focuses on
ity. Statements of clinical competency are established by profes- policies, procedures, and routines. Eventually insecurity will be
sional organizations such as AORN and AST. Guidelines are replaced with self-confidence. The display of confidence will in-
published by each professional organization and made available to crease trust, respect, and recognition from others, as well as the
practitioners of all disciplines. Competencies are discussed in personal satisfaction of accomplishment.
more detail in Chapter 2.
Dynamics of the Psychologic Climate:
Realities of Clinical Practice Preceptors, Mentors, and Role Models
When a formal educational experience is completed, a learner or Learning to adapt to the variety of tasks and ever-changing de-
orientee is eager to apply his or her skills and knowledge in an mands in the perioperative environment is difficult. Some anxiety
employment setting. A transition from dependent learner to inde- is normal, especially in situations in which feelings of insecurity
pendent practitioner evolves over time. The realities of the work are generated or a sense of intimidation pervades the environ-
environment and the emotional and ethical dilemmas of some ment. At times the demands of the job may seem to outweigh the
situations are experienced as basic competencies are developed. personal resources of the caregiver. Confidence develops as skills
The development of surgical conscience evolves as experience is are learned.
gained. Surgical conscience applies the standards of care to ethical An understanding of expected performance is perhaps the
situations and makes decision making more concrete. most important element in the transition from novice to indepen-
It can take 6 months to 1 year to feel confident as a function- dent practitioner. Personnel in the perioperative environment
ing perioperative team member. Many facilities require personnel play vital roles in the beginner’s development. There is a distinc-
to take calls for emergencies after business hours; therefore the tion among the roles of preceptor, mentor, and role model. A
staff must be competent to fulfill this requirement independent of preceptor works with orientees and learners according to a pre-
a preceptor. scribed task-oriented lesson plan. The process offers minimal flex-
ibility and little personalization for individual needs. A mentor
Reality Shock has more experience with the personnel and the climate of the OR
and can provide insight into the social atmosphere of the depart-
Reality is a sense of actuality, a feeling that this is what the real ment.5 A mentor develops a relatively personalized relationship
world is all about. Reality shock sets in as the transition takes with less experienced orientees or learners and fosters a sense of
place from being a beginning learner to becoming an employed nurturance for their growth and assimilation into the department.
graduate professional nurse or surgical technologist. The familiar A beginner should look for a mentor to help bridge the gap
CHAPTER 1 Perioperative Education 13

between novice and proficient levels. Beginners should also look times and maintain a professional and assertive (not aggressive) atti-
for role models—those experienced staff members who are emu- tude. Personal conflicts between team members should be dealt with
lated and respected for their clinical competence—and pattern privately.
their emerging professional self after the behaviors of the role Humor can be an effective method of reducing anxiety. It
model. A personal relationship may not evolve with a role model should be used appropriately to defuse tension. Laughing at one-
in the same way as with a mentor. self helps preserve self-esteem while learning from the experience.
The beginner should stick with the winners—those staff mem- At the end of the work shift the caregiver should evaluate the
bers who are reaping personal rewards and self-satisfaction from events of the day, the emotions evoked, and how they were han-
their work ethic. Their enthusiasm will be contagious and start the dled. What was done effectively? What coping skills may be
growth of an exciting career. The losers—staff members who have needed to improve or enhance positive attitudes and interpersonal
negative attitudes, complain, and do not make an effort to solve relationships in the work environment? Teamwork is essential in
problems but instead create them—should be avoided. the perioperative environment, with every team member obli-
gated to make a positive contribution.
Stress is a reality that need not create a sense of self-defeat.
Eustress versus Distress Regardless of the source of stress, the body responds, and the
Physical and emotional stresses are part of daily life. Stress is the physiologic and psychologic effects can be subtle or intense. The
nonspecific reaction of the body, physiologically and/or psycho- determination of whether a stressor is good or bad depends on an
logically, to any demand. The demand may be pleasant or un- individual’s perception of the circumstances. Any event that cre-
pleasant, conscious or unconscious. The intensity of the stressor ates a feeling of impending danger also creates the perception of
will dictate adaptation. An individual’s perception of a situation loss of control. A major factor in stress management is maintain-
will influence the reaction to it. ing control, which can be accomplished by learning to tune in to
Stress is not only an essential part of life but also a useful the balance between the body and the mind. The caregiver can
stimulant. Positive stress, referred to as eustress, motivates an indi- learn to be prepared for life’s difficulties by understanding how the
vidual to be productive and efficient. It forces adaptation to the perception of stress can affect decision making, self-expression,
ever-present changes in the perioperative environment. The re- and subsistence in the world.
sponse should be quick (e.g., when a trauma victim arrives or a
patient has a cardiac arrest). To expect the unexpected is part of Listening to the Body
perioperative patient care. Eustress fosters a sense of achievement,
satisfaction, and self-confidence. The caregiver should develop a sense for how the body signals
Stress that becomes overwhelming and uncomfortable is re- exhaustion, hunger, illness, and/or physical pain. The body is
ferred to as distress. In the perioperative environment the behavior a sensory barometer of the environmental effects on the care-
of others may be perceived as cause for distress. Policies, or a lack giver, and ignoring physical signals decreases the ability of the
of them, can also be a source of distress if they are in conflict with body to manage stress. Going without sleep or skipping meals
the caregiver’s expectations. Through adaptive mechanisms, the creates physical stress that can be avoided. Sleep deprivation
caregiver can cope with the tensions, conflicts, and demands of caused by long hours on call can be as dangerous as overuse of
the perioperative environment in either a collaborative or a non- alcohol or using illegal drugs. The biologic need for sleep can-
productive manner. Even though perceived as distress, some not be denied and is important for the health and safety of the
conflict is necessary to stimulate a change in work methods and individual and the others in the environment. Decision mak-
solve organizational problems. Sometimes it takes dissatisfaction ing, reaction times, memory, and generalized health are
with a situation to spark positive change and prevent stagnation. impaired by not getting enough rest. Regular sleep of at least
Patient care personnel become distressed by the conduct of 6 hours per day and rest periods, exercise, adequate dietary
other team members. For example, it is uncomfortable to be practices, and routine health checkups provide a sound basis
harshly criticized by a surgeon in front of peers or patients. How- for care of the body.
ever, much that is said is not personally directed. Often the sur-
geon is reacting to his or her distress regarding unanticipated cir-
cumstances presented by the patient, team member, or equipment
Maintaining the Mind
during the surgical procedure. The reactions of personnel will be Mental relaxation can help the caregiver manage stress. Using
influenced by their attitudes, mood, cultural and religious back- meditation and mental imagery on a regular basis provides a
ground, values and ethics, experiences, and concerns of the mo- break from stressful routines and allows the mind to fortify it-
ment. Outbursts of anger are never appropriate in the OR. How- self against the negative perceptions of a situation. Creating
ever, constant frustration and inner conflict create the distresses time to clear confusing thoughts and align productive thinking
that can lead to job dissatisfaction. Behaviors that place patients enables the body and the mind to support an emotional balance
or personnel at risk, such as throwing objects, should be reported and a sense of well-being. This positive interaction can become
to the nurse manager and documented. Many facilities have de- an influence in a stressful situation and serve as an example to
veloped a zero tolerance policy for abusive behavior in the OR. coworkers.

Stress Reduction Evolve Website

Assertive behavior is a useful tool for conflict resolution. Shared pro- http://evolve.elsevier.com/Phillips/BerryKohn/
fessional communication can keep the tension in the environment at • Historical Perspective
a minimum. The caregiver should keep his or her composure at all • Glossary
14 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

References 3. Plonien C: Bullying in the workplace: A leadership perspective,

AORN J 103(1):107–110, 2016.
1. Ball K, Doyle D, Oocumma NI: Nursing shortages in the OR: Solutions 4. Wesolowski MS, Casey GL, Berry SJ, et al: The clinical nurse leader
for new models of education, AORN J 101(1):115–136, 2015. in the perioperative setting: A preceptor experience, AORN J 100(1):
2. Byrne M, Root S, Culbertson L: Integrating perioperative content in 30–41, 2014.
nursing curricula: A case study approach, AORN J 103(6):597–604, 5. Posluszny L: Shaping undergraduate professional identities through mentor-
2016. ing and promoting the future of nursing, AORN J 100(6):566–569, 2014.
Foundations of Perioperative Patient
Care Standards
Surgical Conscience, 16 Nursing Process, 26
Patient Rights, 16 Standards of Perioperative Nursing Practice, 28
Accountability, 16 Clinical Competency of the Perioperative Nurse, 31
Standardization of Patient Care, 17 Scope of Perioperative Nursing Practice, 32
Recommended Practices, 20 Surgical Technology, 32
Professionalism, 25 Clinical Competency of the Surgical Technologist, 33
Professional Perioperative Nursing, 25 Continual Performance Evaluation and Improvement, 33
Evidence-Based Practice, 25

After studying this chapter the learner will be able to:
• Discuss how standardization influences patient care. • List three main aspects of accountability.
• Describe two professional sources of patient care standards. • Identify the components of the nursing process.


Accountability Answering for performance of a service or task. Nursing diagnosis Identification of patient problem, need, or
Accreditation Method of professional evaluation and recognition health consideration, which may be actual or at risk; based on
of an institution for meeting educational, practice, and national human response patterns according to NANDA International.
standard parameters. Nursing process Organizational framework for planning patient
Advocacy Active support of another person. care; this involves assessment, nursing diagnosis, outcome iden-
Benchmark Point of reference that sets the evaluation point of tification, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the plan.
activities. Obligation Duty or promise.
Competency statement Document based on empirical data that Outcome Effect of an intervention.
define expected and measurable clinical activities. PNDS Perioperative nursing data set. Standardized perioperative
Domain Set of knowledge that is specific and clearly identified. nursing language.
Element Smallest unit of data that is known and can be described Position statement Document that describes a particular belief.
and measured. Profession Vocation in a specialty requiring specialized education
Guidance statement Document based on empirical data that and knowledge.
suggests processes for performance of clinical activities. Recommended practice Activities believed to be the optimal level
Guideline Document or concept based on empirical data that of professional practice that are achievable.
guides clinical activities. Responsibility Social, moral, or legal duty.
Licensure Approval for practice granted by a governmental Rights Power or possession of privilege.
agency for a predetermined period, after which the approval Standard Authoritative statement that describes accountability,
process is repeated. values, and priorities.
Nomenclature Specialized set of terms. Taxonomy Orderly classification based on interrelationships.

16 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

This chapter establishes the basis for perioperative patient care. Patient Advocacy
The opening section gives a glimpse of historic patient care and
progresses to modern perioperative practice. In advocacy, a patient advocate recognizes the patient’s and the
family’s need for information and assistance in coping with
Surgical Conscience the surgical experience, regardless of the setting. As an advocate
the perioperative nurse can provide information discovered dur-
The essential elements of perioperative practice are caring, con- ing patient assessment that identifies specific needs or health
science, discipline, and technique. Optimal patient care requires concerns requiring action. Advance preparation can help the
an inherent surgical conscience, selflessness, self-discipline, and patient and family anticipate events. Assistance in coping
the application of principles of asepsis and sterile technique. All acknowledges the anxieties and fears of the patient and family,
are inseparably related. regardless of how minimally invasive the procedure may seem.
Florence Nightingale is credited with developing the environ- No procedure is minor to the patient! Each patient reacts differ-
mental theory of patient care on which all perioperative patient ently. The patient senses some relief in knowing that the care-
care is based (Box 2.1). According to her theory, the caregiver is giver has taken the time to identify needs specific to his or her
accountable for creating and maintaining the best possible envi- care. The patient advocate is a caregiver who acts in the follow-
ronmental conditions to assist natural healing. She emphasized ing ways:
the need for prevention through education and teamwork. In her 1. Establishes rapport with the patient, family, or significant oth-
eyes the team consisted of not only the caregivers, but also the ers in a manner that conveys genuine concern and sincere
patient and family. She often approached her legislators with sug- caring
gestions for bills and laws designed to protect patients and care- 2. Encourages the patient and family or significant others to
givers. Her numerous letters and writings chronicle her work. express feelings and ask questions
The concept of a surgical conscience is simply a surgical 3. Helps relieve anxiety and apprehension by providing appropri-
Golden Rule: Do unto the patient as you would have others do unto ate factual information regarding what to expect
you (Box 2.2). The caregiver should consider each patient as him- 4. Helps the patient to make informed decisions throughout the
self or herself or as a loved one. Once an individual develops a perioperative experience
surgical conscience, it remains inherent thereafter. Nightingale 5. Acts as a patient representative by communicating pertinent
summarized what is, in essence, its meaning, when she said, “The information to other team members
nurse should keep a high sense of duty in her own mind, must aim 6. Oversees all activities throughout the perioperative experience
at perfection in her care, and must be consistent always in herself.” to ensure the safety and welfare of the patient
7. Keeps the family informed of significant events throughout
Patient Rights the perioperative experience
8. Protects the patient’s rights by compliance with advance direc-
As a consumer the patient purchases services to fulfill health care tives for care (living will, durable power of attorney, or both).
needs and is entitled to certain rights. Access to health care is Additional information about advance directives and durable
recognized as a right, not a privilege, of every human being. power of attorney can be found in Chapter 3.

• BOX 2.1 Nightingale’s Environmental Theory
Accountability means answering to someone for an obligatory
Physical Environment • Scientific knowledge base action. As both learners and caregivers, perioperative nurses and
• Sanitation • Creativity surgical technologists are accountable to the following people and
• Ventilation • Spirituality entities:
• Lighting
Social Environment • Patients receiving services
• Noise
• Odors
• Mortality data • Employer
• Prevention of disease • Educational institution providing learning experiences
• Temperature
• Education of caregiver • Profession or vocation to uphold established standards of practice
Psychologic Environment • Nursing as distinct from medicine • Self and other team members
• Communication • Accountability
A lack of accountability for behavior in the perioperative envi-
• Advice • Responsibility
• Variety
ronment may result in patient injury or dissatisfaction with care.
Health care providers have a legal and moral obligation to iden-
tify and correct situations that threaten a patient’s safety and well-
being. Most incidents that could endanger the patient lead to
preventable legal actions. Prevention focuses on the responsible
• BOX 2.2 Elements of Surgical Conscience performance of duty and continual performance improvement.
• A sense of moral obligation and responsibility The provision of safe care of the patient also protects caregivers
• Self-regulation and control and the health care facility from liability. In addition, it upholds
• Honesty and integrity in professional practice the reputation of the professions by maintaining the confidence
• Personal commitment of the consumer public. Failure of a caregiver to maintain
• Ethical value system accountability constitutes negligence. If negligence is established,
• Admit and remedy errors any caregiver can be held liable for his or her own acts of omission
• Sincere desire to do the right thing or commission. Each person is responsible for his or her own
negligent acts.
CHAPTER 2 Foundations of Perioperative Patient Care Standards 17

establishing administrative and organizational practices

Standardization of Patient Care in a variety of settings.
b. Standards of Perioperative Clinical Practice. These process
Importance of Standardization
standards are based on problem-solving techniques using
Perioperative patient care personnel should be able to cope with all principles and theories of biophysical and behavioral sci-
situations and give patients the best of their skills and knowledge. ences. They describe how the nursing process is used in the
Although the use of different techniques may achieve the same re- perioperative setting. The Perioperative Nursing Data Set
sults, each hospital establishes policies and procedures for all per- (PNDS) provides a means to measure and collect perfor-
sonnel to follow based on standards, recommended practices, and mance improvement data.
guidelines developed by professional organizations and predicated c. Standards of Perioperative Professional Practice. These process
on scientific research. These written policies, procedures, and guide- standards describe a competent level of behavior for the
lines help prevent confusion and foster coordination of activities. professional role of the perioperative nurse. The activities
The guidelines, or guidance statements, are intended to demon- relate to quality practice evaluation, continuing education,
strate a way to incorporate recommended practices in everyday collegial relations, collaboration, ethical conduct, and use
patient care. Uniformity and standardization of procedures help of resources, evidence-based research, and leadership.
personnel develop skill and efficiency for the following reasons: d. Quality and Performance Improvement Standards for Periop-
• The main purpose is to ensure the safety and welfare of the erative Nursing. These process standards to assist in the de-
patient and personnel. velopment of methods to measure, assess, and improve
• It is easier for the perioperative educator and preceptors to patient care.
teach learners consistent methods of patient care. e. Perioperative Patient Outcomes: Standards of Perioperative
• Learning is easier if everyone performs procedures in the same way. Care. These outcome standards reflect desired observable
• Deviations show a need for evaluation of the procedures or the patient outcomes during preoperative, intraoperative, and
staff. Do the procedures need revision? postoperative phases of patient care. They focus on patient
• Consistent procedures provide an efficient check during prepa- and family responses to intervention during surgical, diag-
ration for any surgical procedure. nostic, or therapeutic intervention. Each outcome has a
• One person can take over for another at any time during the unique identifier in the PNDS.
surgical procedure, if necessary, and know exactly where to 2. The Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada (OR-
find instruments and supplies. NAC, www.ornac.ca) has published the ORNAC Standards,
• Routine procedures establish habits that increase speed in Guidelines, and Position Statements for Perioperative Regis-
thought and action. Doing work in a certain way promotes a tered Nurses (formerly Recommended Standards for Operat-
high level of proficiency. ing Room Nursing Practice and Quality Assurance Audit.)
• Knowing the standards allows intelligent decision making 3. Association of Surgical Technologists Standards of Practice
when a patient’s condition requires modification of a routine. (AST, www.ast.org). These process standards provide guide-
lines for safe and effective patient care in appropriate preop-
Professional Sources of Standards erative, intraoperative, and postoperative practice settings.
They include interpersonal skills, environmental safety, and
Standards of care are defined as those acts that a reasonably pru- application of principles of surgical technology.
dent person with comparable training and experience would 4. The Joint Commission (TJC) standards (www.jointcommis-
perform under the same or similar circumstances. Professional sion.org). These standards, published in the Accreditation
standards delineate activities related to performance, performance Manual for Hospitals, are functional, performance-based stan-
improvement, continuing education, ethical behavior, responsi- dards that focus on actual clinical care provided directly to
bility, and accountability. patients and on management of the health care organization
Standards established by regulatory agencies are governed by providing services. They relate to efficiency, effectiveness,
laws. Standards established by professional associations are volun- safety, and timeliness; appropriateness, continuity, and avail-
tary. Standards of practice for perioperative patient care include ability of care; and patient satisfaction. TJC evaluates compli-
professional and regulated standards. Several sources of periopera- ance with these standards and reviews clinical outcomes of care
tive patient care standards are identified in the following list: provided as fundamental criteria for accreditation. Selective
1. Standards of Perioperative Nursing. These standards, which orig- clinical indicators serve as outcome measurements for the pro-
inated as American Nurses Association (ANA) standards of OR cesses of patient care. Additional information about error re-
practice in 1975, were approved by ANA and AORN (Associa- porting and monitoring of patient care standards is found in
tion of periOperative Registered Nurses) and originally published Chapter 3.
in 1981. Reviews and revisions are done annually as needed. • TJC established National Patient Safety Goals: The goals
These five sets of standards for an optimal level of perioperative are up-dated as needed. Some of the goals include:
nursing practice are published annually in the AORN Guide- • Improve the accuracy of patient identification by using at
lines for Perioperative Practice (formerly AORN Standards and least two forms of patient identification.
Recommended Practices). The scaffold of the standards is • Improve the effectiveness between caregivers by using stan-
premised in patient care quality and is primarily trifold— dardized patient “hand-over” or “hand-off” reporting
Structure, Process, and Outcome. These three components (change from one caregiver to another), verbal reflection,
provide a means for the perioperative nurse to analyze and avoiding abbreviations and symbols, and ensuring timely
interpret care. Reviews and revisions are done yearly as needed. communications.
a. Standards of Perioperative Administrative Nursing Practice. • Improve the safety of using medications by identifying po-
These structural standards provide a framework for tential “sound-alike” or “look-alike” drugs in the facility,
18 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

labeling all drug containers and delivery devices on and off employees to sign a confidentiality agreement upon hire.
the field, decrease the risk of anticoagulation error. Schools of nursing and surgical technology, clinical sites,
• Reduce the risk for health care–associated infections by and patient care training sites require students to sign confi-
meticulous hand hygiene and by recording and reporting as dentiality agreements. Some schools prohibit tape recording
a sentinel event any unanticipated death or loss of function in class because of patient and facility confidentiality issues.
associated with sepsis or health care–acquired infection. b. Medicare’s “No Pay List.” Accuracy of documentation of
• Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the conditions present on admission as differentiated from
continuum of care by comparing patient current medica- conditions acquired during hospitalization determines fa-
tion regimen with medication orders during care in the fa- cility reimbursement for patient care. Claims for payment
cility. Patient and subsequent caregivers in and out of the that have no documentation about conditions “present on
facility are provided a complete list of current medications admission” are immediately rejected without reimburse-
on discharge. ment. More information can be found at (www.cms.gov).
• Reduce the patient’s risk for harm from falls by implement- As of October 2008, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
ing a program of safe patient positioning and transport in Services (CMS) decided not to reimburse facilities for ac-
the OR. Fall prevention programs should have an evalua- quired conditions. As of 2018, CMS will not reimburse the
tion process. facility for the following conditions:
• Encourage the patient’s participation in the safe delivery of 1) Pressure ulcers
care by defining and communicating the steps of care and 2) Falls or trauma
encouraging the patient and family to ask questions and 3) Vascular catheter–associated infection
voice concerns for safe care. 4) Retained foreign objects from surgery
• Identification of potential safety risks in the patient popula- 5) Certain surgical site infections (mediastinitis after
tion relevant to patients with emotional or behavioral dis- cardiac surgery, bariatric gastrointestinal procedure,
orders by prevention of self-harm or suicide. and orthopedic procedures of spine, neck, shoulder, or
• Improve recognition and response to changes in the pa- elbow)
tient’s condition by ongoing assessment and immediate 6) Air embolus
access to specially trained individuals when a patient’s con- 7) Blood incompatibility
dition has changed. 8) Uncontrolled blood sugar
5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards (www. 9) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolus
nfpa.org). NFPA 99 includes the codes and standards for (PE) after knee or hip joint arthroplasty
health care facilities. These standards apply to environmental 10) Urinary catheter–associated infection
safety to reduce, to the extent possible, hazards to patients, 11) Wrong site surgery
personnel and visitors. 12) Wrong patient surgery
6. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation 13) Wrong surgery performed on a patient
(AAMI) device standards (www.aami.org). These standards 14) Iatrogenic pneumothorax, venous catheterization
provide the industry with reference documents on accepted c. National Quality Forum (NQF). Serious reportable events
levels of device safety and performance and test methods to mirror the CMS “No Pay List” and the up-dated 2018 seri-
determine conformance. AAMI standards also have been es- ous reportable events document can be viewed online at
tablished for sterilization, electrical safety, and patient moni- www.qualityforum.org
toring for health care providers in relation to evaluation, The NFQ document details include, but are not limited to,
maintenance, and use of medical devices and instrumentation. the following events:
7. Clinically based risk-control standards. These standards are 1) Surgical events such as wrong site or wrong patient
written by medical specialty groups and professional liability surgery
underwriters. They establish appropriate benchmarks of ac- 2) Device or biologic material–associated deaths (equip-
ceptable practices and outcomes specifically for controlling li- ment and medication contamination)
ability losses. They may be incorporated into the health care 3) Patient protection event such as patient suicide
facility’s risk management program. 4) Care management event such as wrong drug or blood
Standards from Regulatory Bodies 5) Environmental event such as electrocution or falls
6) Criminal event such as assault or abduction
The standards set by these organizations are enforceable by law, as 2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards
follows: (www.ansi.org). These standards concern exposures to toxic
1. Federal Medicare Act and all subsequent amendments to this materials and safe use of equipment such as lasers.
Social Security Act (www.cms.gov). This legislation incorpo- 3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) performance stan-
rates the provision that institutions participating in Medicare dards (www.fda.gov). Federal Medical Device Amendments
must maintain the level of patient care recognized as the norm. regulate the manufacture, labeling, sale, and use of implantable
Specific requirements are included. medical devices and many products used in or on patients. The
a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act FDA also controls treatment protocols for use of drugs and regu-
(HIPAA) (www.cms.gov). The Department of Health and lates the reprocessing of medical instrumentation. The manufac-
Human Services (HHS) set national standards for electronic turer’s lot number and product description of implanted devices
health care transactions and national identifiers for provid- are required documentation in the patient’s chart.
ers, health plans, and employers. It also addresses the secu- 4. Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ)
rity and privacy of health data. Many facilities require the clinical practice guidelines (www.ahrq.gov). These standards
CHAPTER 2 Foundations of Perioperative Patient Care Standards 19

include indicators for performance measurement. They are of this planning structure because in-process surgeries
based on research and professional judgment regarding cannot be abruptly halted and simply carried out of the
effectiveness and appropriateness of medical care, including building.
safety, efficacy, and effectiveness of technology. This agency b. An external disaster is an event that happens outside the
was created in provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus confines of the facility (e.g., the World Trade Center ter-
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989. rorist actions of September 11, 2001, or an active shooter
5. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at a public venue). An external disaster could also be a
standards (www.osha.gov). These legally enforceable standards natural phenomenon such as an earthquake or an accident
include permissible levels of toxic substances in the environ- (e.g., a train derailment).
ment. Although explicitly developed to protect employees, c. A combined internal-external disaster such as Hurricane
patients receive secondary benefits from control of hazards in Katrina is complex and may have multiple stages of reso-
the environment. lution. Extremes of patient casualties may be brought in
only to find the facility is to capacity in census. In some
Sources of Standardization Data within the circumstances the facility may be out of communication
with surrounding communities because of power failure
Health Care Facility or flooding and cannot easily reroute patients to a safe
Each patient care facility uses several sources from which to derive receiving hospital.
standardization data. Efficient use of time and resources is the end 6. Infection control manual. This manual contains the policies
result. Establishing protocols and performance expectations that and procedures designed to minimize the risk for infection
are specific to the needs of the facility benefits the patient, the and control the spread of disease within the health care facil-
caregiver, and the facility. Many of the following documents may ity. It includes state, local, federal, and professional standards
be found on the facilities’ intranet for employee use. for the protection of the patient and the caregiver.
1. Facility-specific patient care standards. The patient care services 7. Perioperative policy and procedure manual. This manual, usu-
department establishes standards for appropriate patient care ally a hardcover ringed binder, contains the policies pertain-
based on the standards developed by the ANA. Optimal stan- ing solely to the administration and operation of the periop-
dards of nursing practice guide the provision of patient care erative environment or online in the hospital’s intranet. A
throughout the institution. Written policies and procedures copy is accessible for reference in the manager’s office, at the
reflect these standards. Institutional standards are based on control desk, or in both places. The primary purpose of the
standards established at national levels by TJC, AORN, ANA, perioperative policy and procedure manual is to detail why
and other nursing organizations and governmental agencies. and how procedures should be specifically performed within
Nurses should work within the limitations of the nurse prac- the perioperative environment. It includes both supportive
tice act of the state in which they are licensed and practice. activities and practices that involve direct perioperative pa-
Licensure is a legal requirement to practice nursing. Copies of tient care.
facility-specific documents are available for review from the 8. Orientation manual. This manual is designed to acquaint
nursing or hospital administration. personnel with the environment, policies, and procedures
2. Hospital policy and procedure manual. This manual contains specific to performance and the position descriptions of all
basic and general administrative and patient care policies that personnel in the department.
apply to all hospital personnel. A copy is retained on each 9. Instrument book. The individual instruments and trays re-
patient care unit and in all departments of the hospital. quired for each surgical procedure are listed in a central pro-
3. Safety plan manual. The potential hazards and identifiable situa- cessing computer or in a separate book kept in the instru-
tions that may cause injury to a caregiver or patient are described ment processing area. Photographs or catalog illustrations
in the manual provided by the hospital safety committee. Plans help instrumentation personnel identify the vast number of
for fire or disaster drills and evacuation routes are outlined. instruments and how they are compiled into sets. Flashcards
4. Safety data sheets (SDS). Also known as material safety data and educational instrument textbooks are commercially
sheets (MSDS). These detailed sheets describe chemicals used in available. A search engine with an image finder (e.g., Google
the workplace and actions to take if they are spilled into the or Bing) may be used to find specific instruments. Most in-
environment. Specific cleanup and disposal methods are out- strument companies have online catalogs.
lined. Most facilities require a yearly review of the SDS pro- 10. Surgeon’s preference cards/case cart sheet. A preference card is
cess. Individual SDS for specific chemicals are online at www. maintained in a computerized database or written note card
msds.com. for each surgical procedure that each surgeon performs. The
5. Disaster plan manual. This manual outlines the plans for both surgeon’s specific preferences and any variance from the pro-
internal and external disasters. Both internal and external di- cedures in the procedure book are listed on these cards. The
sasters require rapid activation of all services within the hospi- cards are revised as procedures and personal preferences for
tal. Personnel who are off duty will be called to the facility and new technology change. A set of these cards is kept readily
assigned as needed. Command centers and communications available in a central file or in a computer under the surgeon’s
will be critical stations for the entire facility to follow and re- name, and they are pulled for each day’s surgical procedures.
spond. Triage protocol will be followed carefully as defined by In preparing for each surgical procedure, nurses and surgical
the facility. technologists consult both these cards and the procedure
a. An internal disaster is an event that happens within the book. A surgical central supply department may use these
facility (e.g., an explosion, a fire) and requires employee cards to pack a case cart for each individual procedure.
assistance for control of the situation and evacuation of Box 2.3 shows sample case cart sheet components incorpo-
personnel and patients. An evacuation plan should be part rating the surgeon’s preference card.
20 SE CT ION 1 Fundamentals of Theory and Practice

• BOX 2.3 Sample Case Cart Sheet Components with clearly written, current, dated, and reviewed periodically. Although
Surgeon’s Preferencesa policies and procedures vary from one institution to another, they
provide guidelines for patient care and safety in that specific
Surgeon: Suture: physical facility. Learning and following policies and procedures
Dr. Jared 3-0 Vicryl PS1 are protective measures against potentially litigious actions.
Gloves: Disposable supplies: Many facilities document in the employee’s personnel file that
Size 8 Extra 4 × 4 sponges available policies and procedures were reviewed during orientation to the
Positioning: Patient: employment setting. Employees are often asked to sign a notation
Supine Martin Alexander
verifying knowledge of a new or revised policy or procedure after
Instruments: Patient data (e.g., age, sex,
Soft tissue set allergies): its introduction. Some policies and procedures apply to all employ-
Special requests: 26 years old, male, ees; others refer to a specific department. Because of the potential
Music on low no allergies legal implications, adherence to all policies and procedures is man-
Procedure: Drapes: datory. Personnel are evaluated on their ability to follow policy and
Excision lipoma right anterior General custom pack perform procedures correctly. The following examples should be
thigh 2 gowns included in the perioperative department manual. These proce-
Prep: Sponges: dures are incorporated into discussions in subsequent chapters.
One-step iodophor 2 packs Raytec
Medications: Notes:
1% lidocaine plain Call family when procedure Universal Protocol
Sterile saline 1000 mL completed
Universal Protocol is a standardized means for keeping a patient
Components of computer-generated case cart procedure supply sheet. These sheets are generated safe in surgery. The World Health Organization (WHO) created
at the time the procedure is scheduled using standardized surgeon’s preference cards and patient-
a basic surgical safety checklist under the guidance of Dr. Atul
specific needs. Items listed under each heading are examples only.
Gawande and a select team of anesthesiologists, surgeons, and
registered nurses. The purpose of the checklist is to globally re-
duce surgical harms to patients in a manner that can be applied
11. Directories. Alphabetic listings of the location of supplies universally in high- and low-income countries. Initial multina-
and equipment are maintained for the instrument room, tional studies of the checklist use demonstrated a one-third reduc-
general workroom, sterile supply room, and general peri- tion in surgical mortality and morbidity.
operative storage areas. Regardless of where the storage ar- The initial items require oral confirmation at three critical
eas are located, personnel should know the location of points during perioperative patient care that include (1) the “sign
supplies and equipment. Directories save time in trying to in” before induction of anesthesia, (2) “time out” before skin inci-
locate items. sion, and (3) “sign out” before the patient leaves the OR. The
universal checklist provides a means for documentation of each
Recommended Practices step of care for patients undergoing invasive and noninvasive sur-
gical procedures. AORN incorporated TJC’s 2010 Patient Safety
Recommended practices are optimum behavioral objectives for Goals and Universal Protocol into the WHO Surgical Safety
caregivers. They may not always be achievable, as standards are, Checklist to create a Comprehensive Surgical Checklist. Up-dates
because of limitations in a particular practice setting. Recom- to the checklist were added and can be found on the June 2016
mended practices state what ideally can be done. Comprehensive Surgical Checklist at www.aorn.org (Fig. 2.1).
AORN guidelines for perioperative nursing concern sterile and
aseptic techniques, and other technical aspects of professional prac- Identifying the Patient
tice are directed toward providing safety in the perioperative envi-
ronment. They are premised in principles of microbiology, scientific When a patient enters the facility a plastic identification wrist-
literature, validated research, evidence-based practice, and experts’ band is put on the patient in the admitting area. Care is taken to
opinions. Although compliance is voluntary, individual commit- place the wristband in a location that does not interfere with the
ment, professional conscience, and the practice setting should guide surgical site. To verify accuracy the patient should be asked for his
perioperative caregivers in using these recommended practices. or her birth date and to spell his or her name and pronounce it.
They represent an optimal level of practice and are achievable. The circulating nurse and anesthesia provider check the wristband
Guidelines and recommended practices of other agencies, in- with the patient and surgeon, the patient’s chart, and the surgical
cluding AAMI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention schedule. The surgeon should visit with the patient before an an-
(CDC), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and esthetic is administered. A parent, legal guardian, or individual
Health (NIOSH), OSHA, and the Environmental Protection with power of attorney can complete this identification process.
Agency (EPA), also are used for environmental, patient, and per- TJC indicates that at least two methods should be used to identify
sonnel safety. a patient as part of the patient safety goals.

Policies and Procedures Identifying the Surgical Site

Policies and procedures reflect variations in institutional environ- The surgical site indicated by the consent form should be verified
ments and clinical situations. They are established to protect em- between the circulating nurse and the patient. Universal methods
ployees, learners, and patients. They establish the facility’s standard of surgical site verification include asking the patient to describe
of care. Policies should be consistent with regulatory and profes- what he or she understands about the planned procedure. If the
sional standards of practice. Procedures define scope, purposes, procedure is on a particular side of the body, the patient should
and instructions to be carried out and by whom. They should be be asked to point to and clarify the site. The surgeon should mark
CHAPTER 2 Foundations of Perioperative Patient Care Standards 21


Blue = World Health Organization (WHO) Green = The Joint Commission - Universal Protocol 2016 National Patient Safety Goals Teal = Joint Commission and WHO


In Preoperative Ready Area Before Induction of Anesthesia Before Skin Incision Before the Patient Leaves the
Operating Room

Patient or patient representative RN and anesthesia professional Initiated by designated team member: RN confirms:
actively confirms with registered confirm: All other activities to be suspended (except in
nurse (RN): case of life-threatening emergency)

Identity Yes Confirmation of the following: identity, Introduction of team members Yes Name of operative procedure:
Procedure and procedure site Yes procedure, procedure site, and All:
consent(s) Yes Confirmation of the following: identity, Completion of sponge, sharp, and
Consent(s) Yes
Site marked Yes N/A procedure, incision site, consent(s) Yes instrument counts Yes N/A
Site marked Yes N/A
by person performing the procedure Site is marked and visible Yes N/A Specimens identified and labeled
by the person performing the
procedure Patient allergies Yes N/A Fire Risk Assessment and Discussion Yes N/A
Pulse oximeter on patient Yes Yes (prevention methods implemented) Equipment problems to be addressed
RN confirms presence of:
Difficult airway or aspiration risk N/A Yes N/A
History and physical Yes
No Yes (preparation confirmed) Relevant images properly labeled and Discussion of Wound Classification
Preanesthesia assessment Yes
Risk of blood loss (> 500 mL) displayed Yes N/A Yes
Nursing assessment Yes
Yes N/A Any equipment concerns Yes N/A To all team members:
Diagnostic and radiologic test results
# of units available Anticipated Critical Events What are the key concerns for
Yes N/A
Anesthesia safety check completed Surgeon: States the following: recovery and management of this
Blood products Yes N/A patient?
Yes Critical or nonroutine steps
Any special equipment, devices,
implants Yes N/A Briefing: Case duration
All members of the team have Anticipated blood loss
discussed care plan and addressed Anesthesia professional:
Include in Preprocedure check-in concerns Yes Antibiotic prophylaxis within 1 hour before
as per institutional custom: Debriefing with all team members:
incision Yes N/A
Beta blocker medication given
Additional concerns Yes N/A Opportunity for discussion of
Yes N/A
Scrub person and RN circulator: − team performance
Venous thromboembolism
prophylaxis ordered Sterilization indicators confirmed Yes − key events
Yes N/A Additional concerns Yes N/A − any permanent changes in
Normothermia measures RN: the preference card
Yes N/A Documented completion of time out Yes
January 2019

The Joint Commission does not stipulate which team member initiates any section of the checklist except for site marking. The Joint Commission
also does not stipulate where these activities occur. See the Universal Protocol for details on the Joint Commission requirements.

• Fig. 2.1 AORN comprehensive surgical checklist. (Reprinted with permission from AORN. Copyright ©
2016, AORN, Inc, 2170 S. Parker Road, Suite 400, Denver, CO 80231. All rights reserved.)

the site with his or her initials in indelible ink that does not wash wrong site procedures. The time out process should be docu-
off during intraoperative skin preparation. Marking with an X is mented in the patient’s record by the circulating nurse. More in-
inappropriate and may be misunderstood. formation can be found at www.aorn.org in the official statements
Before making the incision the entire team pauses for a “time section and on the TJC website at www.jointcommission.org.
out” as the surgical site listed on the consent form is read aloud. TJC has described factors that contribute to wrong site, wrong
The entire team confirms that this is correct information for the patient, and wrong procedure surgery. They are as follows:
patient and that any scans or x-rays reflecting the same body part • Emergencies
are displayed in the correct orientation. Allergies, sensitivities, and • Morbid obesity
administered medications are confirmed at this time. During the • Physical deformity
“time out” process, the availability of the correct implants or spe- • Unusual equipment or setup of the OR
cial equipment is confirmed (Box 2.4). • Multiple surgeons
The surgical site marking and identification process should be • Multiple procedures
standardized within the facility and written into policy to avoid • Unmarked patients
• Unverified patients
• No checklist
• BOX 2.4 “Time Out” for Prevention of Wrong Site
• No assessment
Surgery • Staffing issues
• Correct patient? • Distractions and disharmony among staff members
• Correct position? • Lack of information about the patient
• Correct site? • Organizational culture of the facility
• Correct procedure?
• Correct equipment?
• Correct images? (scans or x-rays in proper orientation) Protecting Personal Property
• Correct implants? (as appropriate) Personnel in preoperative areas are responsible for removing valu-
ables and prostheses before patients go to the OR. The circulating
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Eke, 217, 218, 226, 232, 249, 250, 251

Ekhout, 120

Ekke, 212

Elahusen, 101

Eland, Edelland, 201, 202

Elbert, 101, 167

Elbod, 167

Elbrich, Adelberchta, 233

Elburg, 60

Elburga, 167

Ele, 101, 212, 218, 249

Elema, 101

Elema-heerd, 101

Elene, 101

Elens, 101

Elewaut, Edelwaut, 145, 149, 164, 165

Elewijt, 101

Elger, Adelgar, 233

Eling, 101, 126, 132, 216

Elinga, 101

Elinga-sate, 101

Elinghem, 97, 101

Elinghen, 101, 126

Elingsma, 101

Elinxma, 101

Elisabeth, 186, 192, 250

Elixem, 101

Ella, 225

Ellebode, 134 Élleboudt, 146, 149, 164, 167

Ellingham, 126

Elout, 165

Elp, 59

Elsa, 231

Elske, Elsje, Elsa, 227, 231

van Elslandt, 134

Elverdinge, Elverdingen, Elverdinghe, 97

Elwin, 101, 167

Elziena, 227

Emden, 5, 7, 57

Eme Backer, 267

Emma, 231

Engel, Engeltje, 190

Engel van den Doren Peters dochter van den Vehuze, 183, 190

Engelbert, Engelbrecht, 167

Engele, 167

Engeltje, 132, 167

Enkhuizen, 63, 88

Enne, Enno, 212 [303]

Enspijk, 60, 61

Ente, 214

Entjo, 216

Epe, 272

Epke, Epco, 315, 220, 229

Epkje, Epje, Eppa, 231

Eppe, Eppo, 133, 212, 229

Erbostade, 122

Erffelinck, 146

Erichem, 129

Erning, 126, 127

Erningessem, 126

Eringhem, 129

Ermgarde, Ermgaert, 189

Ermgarde Jan Beliensoens dochter, 183

Erringham, 129

Esschene, 71, 73

Estienbecq, 119
Etainhus, 110, 111

Eters van Hingene, 72

Etreham, 110

Etterbeek, 73

Everaart, Everaert, 132, 145, 149, 166, 204

Everghem, 81

Everhard, Everhart, 132, 145, 166, 204, 232

Evert, 132, 200, 202, 204, 232

Evertje, Everdina, Everharda, 232

Ewald, 263

Ewout, 132

Ewt int Ancker, 263

Exaarde, 73

Ezels van Kuren, 74

Ezels van Schaarbeek, 73

Fahlfangers van Hooksyl, 57

Fampoux, 127

Fanny, 211

Fardou, Ferdou, Fardo, Ferdo, 277

Fauquembergue, 116

Fecken, 133

Fedda, 231
Fedde, 132, 212, 224, 227, 262

Fedderus, 227

Fedtje, 185

Feike, 215, 230

Feikje, 220

Feite, 214, 221

Feitse, 214, 215

Fekke, 212

Femkje, Femke, Fimke, 233

Femma, 233

Femmetje, 123, 133

Ferdinand, 161, 276

Ferdou, Fardou, 201, 202

Ferkou, 277

Ferwerd, Ferwerda, 246

Fetsa, Fetse, Fedse, Fedze, Fitse, Fitze, 289, 290, 291

Fetsa-state, 292

Fetse, 215, 229

Fetse- (Fitse-) bûrren, 291

Fetsehol, 288, 290

Fetsestraat, 291

Fetsje (Fetje), 223, 224, 231

Feyck, 262

Feycke, 132

Feycke Doetinge, 261

Feye, Feyo, 212, 230

Feyen, 132

Fezant, 143

Filips Goukens, 178

Fimke, 233

Finkum, 36

Fitse, Fitze, 291

Fjûrskiters van Achlum, 37

Flesschedieven van Vlissingen, 67, 68

Fleuters van Nägenbargen, 57

Flieland, 89

Flinters van Finkum, 36

Florens van den Vijfeyken, 180

Focke, 262

Fod, 185

Foeck, 262

Foeke, Fucco, 212, 230

Foekje, Fucca, 220, 231

Fokel, 274
Fokelina, 227

Fokeltsje (Fokeltje), Foca, 223, 227, 231, 250

Fokje, Focca, 220, 231

Fokke, Fokko, 212, 230

Fokkele, 214

Folbed, Folkbald, 278

Folcbrat, 201

Folers, 278

Folger, Folkgar, 278

Folgera, 278

Folkaert, 167

Folkbalda, Folbada, Volbeda, 278

Folke, Fulco, 220, 230

Folken, Folkwin, 200

Folkerda, 278

Folkerda-burcht, 278

Folkershusen 278

Folkert, Folkhart, 212, 223, 224, 233, 278

Folkerts, 278

Folkertsma, 278

Folkertsweer, 278

Folkertswerf, 278
Folkhart, 100, 167, 200, 233

Folkmar, 201

Folkou, 202

Folkrad, 167

Folkringa, Folkhardinga, 278

Folkwart, 201

Follzow Piers, 264, 278

Folmer, Folkmar, 224, 278

Folzow, 275, 277, 278

Fonger, 132

Fopke, 215

Foppe, Foppo, 212, 273

Foppo Holtsnider, 269

Foppe Hornblaser, 269

Francisca, 211

Franciscus, 210

Franck, 132

Franeker, 5, 6, 14, 27, 68, 125

Frank, Franke, Franco, 174, 189, 224, 227, 236

Franken, 236

Frankena, 236

Frank van Borsselen, 189

Frankwin, 236

Frans, 249 [304]

Frans Claesz, 268

Frans Leydecker, 268

Frans Mennama (Minnema), 257, 260

Freark, Frjeark, Frjerk, 200, 204, 211, 226, 234

Frederic, Frederik, 100, 131, 167, 205, 232, 234

Frederica, 232

Fredericq, 145

Fredou, 201

Fredrik, 205

Freek, 205

Freerk, 204, 211, 232

Freerkje, 232

Fréthun, 113, 128

Friedrich, 205, 210, 214

Frits, Fritz, 150, 210

Fritzchen, 214

Frouck Martens, 264

Froukelina, 228

Froukje, 220, 223, 228, 231, 250

Frouwa, Frowa, 231

Fulkaert, 100

Fyndoekspoep, 84

Gaast, 37, 50

de Gaastmeer, 37, 67

Gabbe, 212, 272

Gabe, 132, 212

Gadou, 202, 277

Gaele Metzelaer, 267

Galama, 273

Gale, 212

Gale Kistemaker, 269

Galgelappers van Leeuwarden, 5, 8

Galgezagers van Zaandam, 63, 65

Galis, 259

Galke, 215

Galtsje (Galtje), 215

Gangolf, 166

Ganzekoppen van Goes, 67

Gapers van Gouda, 66

Gardolf, 201

Garencoepers van Deynze, 81

Garhelm, 201
Garijp, 36, 50

Garlef, 201

Garnaten van Dokkum, 5, 14, 21, 69

Garneri fortitudo, 106

Garnwerd, 56

Gassaert, 144

Gatse, 215

Gatske, 226

Gauke, 132

Gauke Metzeler, 267

Gauthier, 159

de Gaye, 143

Geale, Gale, 273

Gealtsje (Geeltje), 231

Geart (Geert), 262, 211, 232

Geartsje (Geertje), 227, 232, 250

Gebehartesdorf, 165

Gebhart, 165, 188

Gebweiler (Guebwiler), 111

Geeltje (Gealtsje) Gela, 231

Geeraartsbergen, 73, 76, 78, 79

Geeraert, 100, 145, 149

Geerhart, 161

Geerinckx, 146

Geernaarts van Blankenberge, 27, 74

Geerolf, 161

Geert (Geart), 100, 211, 232

Geerthie, 273

Geertje (Geartsje), 227, 232, 250

Geertjedina, 228

Geertruida, Gertrudis, 186

Geertruyen, 185

Geert van Dorsten, 257, 271

Geeskea, 228

Geeske, Geesje, 227, 231

Geirnaert, 143

Geitekoppen van Wilrijk, 72

Gela, 231

Gelder, Geldert, 170

Geldhart, Geldheri, 170

Geldolf, 146, 149, 166, 170, 164

Geldou, 277

Gelf, 200, 202, 233

Gellif, Gellof, 232

Gelske, 223

Gendekin, Gendekinslant, 120

Genemuiden, 59

Gent, 72, 79

Gentius, 227

George, Georgius, 225

Gepke, 132

Gerard, 100

Gérard, 131, 149

Gerbald, 201

Gerben, Gerbren, Gerbern, 200, 202, 232

Gerbersdorf, 165

Gerbertje, Gerbern, 232

Gerbrand, 200, 227

Gerbren Beeldesnider, 268

Gerbren Sackez, 258

Gerbrich, Gerbrechta, 233

Gercke Holtsager, 269

Gercolina, 228

Gerhard, 100, 145, 149, 192, 210, 232

Gerharda, 210, 232

Gerhold, 200, 201, 232, 233, 234

Gerholda, 233

Gerit, Gheryt, Gerrit, 192

Gerk, Gerke, 215

Gerken, 132

Gerkje, 227

Gerland, 201, 202, 203

Gerlandtsje (Gerlandje), 203

Gerlof Abbez, 258

Gerlof, Geerlof, 200, 227, 232

Gerlske, Gelske, 233

Gerlt, Gelt, 233

German, Germen, 200

Gernand, Gernant, 275, 276

Gerolf, Gerwolf, 200, 232

Gerrit, Gerhard, 249, 252, 272, 192, 250, 232

Gerritje, Geertje, 232

Gerrolt, Grealt, Greolt, Greult, Gerhold, 200 [305]

Gerrolt Steenbicker, 268

Gerryt Jacobz, 258

Gerryt Kramer, 269

Gerryt Kuyper, 269

Gerryt Weynman, 269

Gertje, Gjet, 210, 232

Gertrude, 131, 210

Gertse, Gertsen, 215

Gerwald, 201

Gesa, 231

Geurt, Guurt, Gödert, 188

Geutendrieters van Deventer, 59

Geutslikkers van Bedum, 56

Gevaert, 145, 164, 165, 174, 188

Gevaerts, 165

Gevers, 165

Gevert, Gewert, Ghewert, Gewaert, 165

Geziena, 227

de Gheele, 141

Gheerdsberghe, Geertsbergen, 76

Gheert Froedmoer, 271

Gheert Molner, 269

Gheertruy dochter Heynen Coensen Maessoen van der Heyden, 184

de Ghellinck, 146

Ghendt, Gent, 76

Gherit die Volre, 181

Gherit geheiten van den Put Jan Hollanders soen, 179

Gherit natuerlic soen heeren Daem Duysschen, 186

Gherit van der Schaut Jordens soen van der Schaut, 179

Gherit wilen Aerts van den Put, 179

Gheryt, Gherit, Gerit, Gerrit, 192

de Gheselle, 141

Ghevart, Gevart, Geevaert, 188

Ghevart Lutensoen, 173, 174

Ghevart Lutensoen Willems vader, 178

Ghistel, Gistel, 77

Ghyselinck, 146

Gibben van Marrum, 35, 37

Gierle, 71, 72

Gillebert, 146

Gipsheeren van Sint-Amands, 72

Gisela, 231

Gisenewog, 120, 124

Gisenlet, Ghisnenlet, 122, 124

Gisold, 201

Gistel, Ghistel, 77

Gjalt, 202

Gjet 232

Glabbeek, 71, 73
Gladhakken van Winsum, 56

Gladooren van Wormerveer, 63

Gleaunkoppen van Veenwouden, 36

Glêsdragers van de Rottevalle, 36

Gnob van de Valom, 36

Goaitse, Goaitsen (Gooitse, Gooitsen), 215, 226

Goaitsje (Gooitje), 215

Goasling (Gosling), 236

Goasse (Gosse), 170

Goaye (Gooye, Goye), 212

Godard, Godhard, Gothard, 188

Godart Henric Swisen soen, 181

Godart Lyzensoen, 173

Godart Mathys Bloxsoen, 179

Godart van der Capellen, 181, 188

Godart Vrancken, Godart Vranckensoen, 174, 178, 188

Godert Bants 178, 188

Godert natuerlyc soen Goderts wilen Aleyten soens van Stiphout, 186

Godert van Bistervelt, 181, 188

Godeswin, 162, 188

Godewaar, 95

Godewaarsvelde, 95
Godferth, 233

Godfreda, 233

Godfriond, Godsfrjond, Goedsfreond, 275, 276

Godolf, 166

Godsfriund, Godsfrjeond, 170, 201

Godsschalk, 169, 170, 204

Godsschalksoord, Goidschalxoord, 170

Godsskalk, Godsschalk, 201, 210, 233

Godswin, Godeswin, 162, 169, 276

Godtschalck, 146, 149, 164

Goemaere, 134

Goeneute, 134

Goes, 67, 68

Goesen, Goessen, 162

Goessen Scorten, 182, 188, 194

Goeswin, Goesewijn, Goessen, Goossen, 276

Goeswyn Heilwighsoen van Gherwen, 185, 188

Goeswyn Schuermans, 182, 188, 194

Goetgeluck, 137

Goethals, 142

Goevaere, 141

Goffe, 212
Goisen, Goissen, 162

Gomenacre, 120

Gommaerts, 146

Gondebald, 201

Goossaert, 144

Goossen, Gosen, 158, 162, 169

Goossens, 146, 158, 162

Gorinchem, 66, 67

Gortbuiken van Alkmaar, 6, 63, 64

Gortbuiken van Graftdijk, 63

Gort-eters van Arendonk, 72 [306]

Gortlanders van Assendelft, 63

Gortvreters van Garnwerd, 56

Gortzakken van Alkmaar, 6, 63, 64

Goslings, 236

Gosse Glaesmaker, 269

Gosse Kuper, 267

Gosso, Gosse (Goasse), 262, 170, 204, 205, 210, 212, 225, 233

Gosuin, 162

Goswyn Wevers, 182, 188

Gouda, 66

Goudaert, 134
Gouderak, 66, 67

Gouke, 226

Govaere, 134

Govaert, 146, 149

Govert, Godferth, 233

Govert Bokebinder, 268

Govertje, Goverdina, 233

Goyck, 73

Gozewin, Gozewijn, 162, 188

Graansma, 245

Graets, 221

de Graeve, 140

Graft, Graftdijk, 63

Grasma, 245

Graspoep, 84

de Grave, 134

’s-Gravenhage, 66, 193

Grealt, 202

Greate Hantsje, 263

Greet Joncfrou, 264

de Grendel, 134

Greult, Greold, Greelt, 233, 234

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