BBC Gardeners 39 World Specials 2023

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Light & easy to build. No power tools needed. WoodBlock is a unique product you can use to create almost any structure in your garden: raised beds, planters, retaining walls, ponds, edging, seats and more, Itis easy to use, attractive, strong and durable, Try our Free Design Service Contact our team of designers today to discuss your garden plans. “Fantastic product, couldn't be happier!” NOOI Visit our NEW website BI X Whether you've gota tiny back garden, courtyard, balcony, or even justa doorstep, there's always the opportunity to grow things, create agardenand transform your space. And this special edition from BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine, is just the thing help you along the way. Whether you're looking for clever ideas tomake your plot feel bigger or tocreate abit of privacy, or you want tobe inspired with simple projects orideas for beautiful containers, you'll find itall here. We've also gotplenty of ways for youto grow your own crops,so you can enjoy afresh, tasty harvest from even the smallest spac So, whatare you waiting for? ‘Think big for your small space to createa green and bountiful oasis forall the family. kevi rn Kevin Smith, Editor, ‘BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Small garden design From 2 Gardening small tow Small gardens inspiration Design solutions Garden pr Plants for small spe How toc! Ww bulbs or compact shrubs 36 50pi small spe 56 Designsolutions Garden projects 68 Space-savvy plans Ning back- door crops mevery hady spaces Your questions answered Space Gardening » Gardenerswerld com small arden esign Good design is vital in a small space - every feature and planthas toadd value. Whatever space youhave, however small,a well-thought out layout can makea huge difference to how bigit feels. We've got ideas for every style of garden, from small city courtyards to wildlife gardens, And some easy design solutions that will help add impact to your space, from space-saving seats to colours and features that will make it seem bigger. ‘small space Gardening » 7 ‘An expanse of green can help to create a clean, uncluttered look anc makes the ‘garden appear larger Here, the cur an informal fe! a ty garden, though, a lawn can behard work fr little gain - fof tyme or chamomile for green the maintenance see 9124), ‘This clever plan makes the most of a tiny garden, Raised beds at diferent levels ensure that there is generous planting space, which is bot attractive jock wall inexpensive way to combine a planting Painting this aight tothe end ofthe 10 GardenersWorld com + small Space Gardenin The bold choice of dark pavers for the lning terrace, lid ina square and framed in a pak ‘small Space Gardening » GardenerswWorldcom 15 Its easy to unlock the potentialin couitdoc tofulfll your iting the eet eg A ees ee er rd Se ete ’ Reco rete enn Z like a strange thing to do when Pe p eer a of 4? \escosucing hidden comers and Pees Aes Soe ‘Choose light-coloured materials In small gardens, especialy ifyoute in ‘town, there is often alot of shade cast {rom nearty buildings boundaries or trees. Using light toned materials can make a big difference. Bounce light around the garden by using light-coloured paving, a pale gravel mulch or by painting the boundaries a ight ‘sade, Not only wil this make the space ‘seem bigger, but tll iso show your Plants off to thelr best advantage. Furniture is often treate as an afterthought, but wen space is limited t should be an integral part of your garden ~ practical as well as attractive, You can save space by building seating into your pot - capping a retaining wall with a nice piece of timber or making a bench double up 25 storage. n a smal area, seating shouldbe part ofthe overall design. Integrated benching against boundaries means no space is wasted behind and allows more people to sit When ‘making your own seating, aim fora height of around 4Scm and choose materials that will ‘complement the plants and landscaping around it ‘The tendency is to be mean instal spaces thy paths, tiny steps and miserable, tin borders, all squeezed in around the biggest awn possibe. But if you shrink the lawn and then max out ‘on borders ~ allowing generous depts of planting — the space wal expand visually. This gives yourcom to exploit several layers of planting in a single border, including eye level and above. ‘Adding smal trees increases the depth and varety and interrupts the eye line, Choose trees ‘ith mare than one season of interest, such asa quince or med. ‘Limityourcolour palette Gardeners love colourul plants, and lots of them, but by showing ate restraint ‘you can make your garden appear bigger and more cohesive. Simply use larger groups of plants ofthe same colour to ‘create greater impact. Too mary plants of too small a number with too much vataton can lead to a cotty ‘pizza effect. 18 GardenersWorld com « small Space Gardening 7 ey i pene eer ry rr | Usemirrors ict os Rae ae Co iis Ra es Rien SOR recor) Deere distressed look is very effective, “To reduc the risk of birds being Roe eet gs perenne ats Goforboldcolours Introduce year-round colour to small gardens with furniture ana accessories Colour can also be added to smal features, such asthe window and frame ofa shed, a bench and even pots. choose a shade that ads sparkle ~ perhaps pick Uupona plant colour or borrow from the house oF surrounding features, Accent shades on walls work ust as well outside asinside your home. Blues help to make space feel bigger, while brighter colours really jump out at you. Either way, bring some year-round energy to your garden, Buildapond ‘later in smal garden adds movement, ight and reflections and can attract wide anc birds into the space. You may not be able to put ina tractional pond, but water features ‘come in all shapes and sizes, rom tickle fountains to ponds created in pots and container. Look out for wide, shallow pots and seal the drainage holes with slicone or recycle an old ‘tin bath or barrel lined with plastic and fill with rairwater, For a wildife-riendly feature, alvays ensure there is a way for creatures to cimb in and out Lead the way ‘Create a curved path to trick the eye into thinking thatthe garden is longer than it realy is. When you're not able to see what is round the corer it gives the iusion thatthe space is bigger than it s,s the eye i taken one way and then the other, rather than straight tothe back ofthe garden. Ditch the lawn ‘Alawm can accentuate the small space ‘of litle gardens. Turning it into a gravel ‘garden provides scope for imaginative Planting that wil tease and hoi te eve, ‘creating interest and a sense thatthe space Is larger than it's. Gravel is a wonderul medium for plants. allows you to walk among the pints ina more intimate way ‘than just admiring your hard work from ‘one side of alowerbed, ‘small space Gardening» 24 Addafocal point Don’t be afraid tobe bold in a small garden ~ it is better to have one large feature than a group of small ones, which can make a limited space look cluttered. When it comes to pots, plant up a large Container which can make a year-roune feature or changeit seasonally to give your garden aif through the year Welcome in wildlife ‘waite ne20s food, shelter anc breeding sites, and gardens ae increasingly providing these ~ ‘smaller spaces often more so, squeezed as they ae into urban areas. Nurture your hedges for ‘the dense cover thay offer, rather than replace them with a fence, Grow a wide range of plants ‘such as cimbers, shrubs and trees, and leave seedhaads and fading stems standing to provide winter shelter and food for wife. Set up homes such as insect hotels, nesting boxes and ‘these woven roosting pockets hung in tees Createacalmretreat ‘Turn the size of your garden into an advantage ~a tiny space can be an oasis away from a busy schedule. Create a private secluded area where you are abe to relax and enjoy your surroundings. Make a feature of your hard landscaping and choose complementary Colours and stapes for the seating and stonework. Install a water feature Bring the soothing effect of water into ‘a garden. Water features don't need 1 take up an enormous amount of space and many of the simpler ones ‘only require minimal wiring and 2 pump, hile other models are solar powered ‘or decorated with LED lights. This ‘wooden bowl is powered by nature - fib itup, sit back and reaxs 22 Gardenersworld com « Small Space Gardening Be Td emer etre Sermo erent * Ce oma 2, perreee eran eee an : that complement the rest ofthe space fA oe Paneer ear nents 60-minute project Make a hanging bird feeder Even inasmallgarden, i's easy to attract wildlife This tomake,using dogwood (comus)and willow prunings, colourful hanging basket won't take up ground space andis ideal or all birds.dependingon the food you andcanbeused asa bird feeder orbirdbathItssimple put out Itshould last afew years or more, Youwillneed 1D Coloured willow oF dogwood stems C1 Plasticties or wire J Drinking bow! or ~ feeding tray (plastic pplant saucer) ‘Artange four wilow or dogwood stems ona fiat surface Weave two or three stams into the gr to form around shape toforma noughtsand-crosses' gid, leaving the long the same diameter as the dish that wil sit inthe centre, Add ‘ends sticking out rom the central square in each crection. ‘more stems to make a series of cross pieces tha ink the circle Secure these in place with wire ateach comer. ‘anc the square formed by the main stems. Secure as needed, ‘Bend up the eight long ends ofthe main supports Pace the saucer inside your basket. Then weave several and carefully draw them all together centrally. Near more stems into the structure to create sides that wil ola the top, wrap length of wire firmly around these stems the dish securely. Hang the basket out of reach af cats. Fil wth to hold them alin place. ‘seeds or sultable food scraps or keep topped up with fresh water 24 Gardenersworld by mounting attractive Space exploration Make the most of the wall space and height, by furishingit with walls and bulaings trellis and growing. bordeline-tender E climbers such as the 9} cup and saucer vine. wall planters and hanging baskets. Pec ard Getting height without Widths easy to achieve 9 ifyouuse obelisks covered with annual 5 climbers such as fragrant sweet peas. ‘Tall orders Plant tal bulbs such as alums or lies so they emerge through low perennial plants. They have tiny footprints but lots going on up top. Lowand behold Repeat low- growing, plants such as hardy geraniums ‘and omamental strawberries along narrow beds to ensure 2 visual continuity that ‘mast conditions and will ink the planting feared Opt for tall, stender Perennials such as +) verbena, haliyhocks and foxgioves. They grow In BI spibegerdening » Gardenersworldcom — 69 Space-savvy De garden plans usta gars that take up litle space atthlr base but add Raised beds | = Ideal for growing everything from edibles to ornamentals, raised beds allow youto make the most of every inch of space, providing your plants ‘with optimum conditionsin the best aspect, even where the groundis poor. ‘Thesoll in raised beds will warm up earlier in spring, creeping weeds are keptat bay and the extraheight can even thwart certain pests Raised above ground level, your plants will be protected from passing feet and brought closer tohand for harvest and ‘maintenance. Larger beds can even. do double duty as occasional seating, Fill abed with acidic compost, and you. can grow ericaceous plants in garden with alkaline soil. Usea free-draining gritty mix for succulents or Mediterranean plantsand they will settlein happily, orsit the frame directly onanareaof pavingand grow plants even where thereis noopenground. ‘Therearenumerousstyles of selfassembly or ready-made raised eds, in materials including timber, steel, plastic, willow hurdles and gabions. You can fashion abasic model yourself rom old pallets, bricks or even strawbales. They all essentially dothe same job but will suit different garden styles. Sow attractive veg < Bring delicate plants suchas Bul's Blood’ closer to eye level beetroot or pretty < where they can really salad leaves between “be appreciated -tryice ornamental plants, plants and alpnes. + Decrees Ground control Early risers Certain plants such as Tuck in some spring perivinkles or Japanese bulbs to boost your ‘anemones run wild in cispay early inthe year, orders, but they can Crocuses, dwarf narcss be easily contained in and species tli wil raised beds. all do wel. | ‘Trailblazers Clothe the bed's walls with traling plants, such as snow-in summer (cerastum, j trailing verbena and blue convowulus. » Happy herbs Raised beds are naturally fre-draining — I herbs tte rosemary, lavender end sage. 2 Leave vottom-wiath ps between traling plants to provide handy extra seating inasmall garden Timber aid directly onto the soll rot over the years so set timbers on J 8 course of bricks at soil \ 4 level ora concrete base \ small Shace Gardening * 71 Space-savvy | J garden plans ee Highstandards Lasting impression Sali aerate ‘Soften walls while Classic climbers such aaanghetg ard ‘crocs andlor : movement yawns She ona ue ca Seay eee eY orn pces pater monte fovers Sriaa poceearatt easstea every piece of groundis planted, the only way is up! Vertical gardening is Sone Gh ines Plots, providing maximum impact froma small or non-existent footprint. Flanking high walls with year-round interest calls for a range of climbing. Siaciabatties aes erates are just a small element of a palette. TFalingplanis here fan traned fruit trees and quick growing annuals: canal play their partin sending the garden skyward. its eoetetoaat Esmee Seo ete fee teres of unused space, but beware - lofty. Jandscapes canbe tricky without theright planning, While wallsretain Sea Sug aR SE thrive tisalsomeans that pots wil ‘dry out more quickly. There lelsothe sue oan See aust cents (sete poder dry-Youcan comer allof these issues with careful plant ‘selection and diligent watering, er youcanse pan automate drip-irrigation system. enone Picture perfect alla geteicvingvatcaly= eee thesky really ithelin wnoupanyten allow easy climber and wall maintenance | | Hanging gardens Vertical veg Eiohyicpiants that lotsoftraingedies, 27) Gowith the ow pig don’reaty grow in sob, such as squashes and Zag wall pouches easly foi such as bromeliads and tomatoes, can be FZ aliowa facade to be Hitt fers, canbe mounted f ‘successfully grown flanked with flowers | Tifa ister ono wats ‘down a vertical space, and Foliage. a posts or rustic branches. Green wals can be S25 summer cimbers such easily created by using as eccremocarpus, ‘Mangers or baskets can Espaler fut trees | pre-fabricated panels - ‘sweet peas or cobaea be hung or attache wl thrive inthe planting with heucheras provide accents to a wall ‘one above the other shelter ofa home's ‘and ferns works without encroaching tomaximise a wal's warm wails particularly well on the space planting space. x small space Gardening « ) 73 Easy container Beautiful pots transform a garden, injecting instant colour and structure into patios, doorsteps and pathways. Even if youhave space for only one potin the back garden ora window box at the front of the house, containers can still havea huge impact. There a planting combination to suit every situation, from gloomy corners tosun-baked doorsteps - here are a few to get you started. ‘small space Gardening » 75 Many hydranged Danube’ pro isthe cheat's way flowers, depend , stylish topiary Tei blue flowers, they need acidic s ivy x2, Japanese la cal Danube’ x 1, 45cm terracotta pot ret ‘colourful glazed container isa simple The fol brighten a sa the bright leaves it the ink blooms. sd Bergenia cordifolia ‘Winter used Heuchera ‘Electra’ x2, Viota sororia x 2, variegated ivy x2, 30cm galvanised bucket small Space Gardening « GardenersWorld cc Camellias lignt up GGardenerswortd cor B trom the centres of te cosmos blo ‘We used Cosmas ‘Sonata White x2 Helichrysum 'Sver Mist’ x2, Diascia "whisper White x2, calocephalus x 30cm white gazed pot double provides a quck-gowing ‘The sivery leaves of sage complement ‘ ts ‘adds height and fragrance, We used Lavandula ‘Sawyers! x 1, Viola ‘Columbine’ x1, Diasela "wisper White’ «1, Salvia argentea x1, 350m square fax-lead container ardenerswortd a small Space Gardening « GardenerswWorld cc Design solutions eet Cen Yyou to grow larger, more striking ey A A A 3 A 4 5 8 A Z ‘Make more of ground space If youre short on ground space ty a tered display stand, which makes an eye-catching feature ang fits in more pots than you'd get (on the ground. you thik ofa garden as a box with just two plans, ‘one horizontal and one vertical, avalable room soon runs out in @ ‘small space. Staging sa great way to increase the growing area. Grow aci¢Joving plantsin pots Containers alow you toring the changes ‘when planting ina small garden, as well as using them to display plants that take up ‘pace in beds, you can grow plants that may not thrive inthe ground, such as camelias or ‘hododendrans which need erteaceous So. Boost your displays Plant up hanging baskets to extend the season into autumn orto lve your garden a boost throughout the summer Having extra colour up high wll ada another layer of interest. 88 GardenersWorld com « Small Space Gardening Usepotsof fragrance Scent adds another dimension toa patio or back garden. Make more of seating areas by placing containers with fragrant pants near benches or tables. Or, plant a herb container near the kitchen ‘doorway where it can be both pretty and useful for easy pickings. Create illusion Draw the eye down your garden by repeating ‘akey element, such as ane of identical Container. This wil help to make your space seem larger and create an attractive design feature at une same time, Try a subscription to BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Get your first 8 issues for just £5, then pay just £27.60 every 6 issues thereafter, saving 25% on the shop price. Experience more as a BBC Gardeners? World Magazine Subseriber Cub member with: tospecial subscriber only content Gardens <4 Sapieree (opm lsIsolgmignee(ek Offer ends 23 March 2024 wins 2 EASY WAYS TO SUBSCRIBE competitions ea ccna COE RCE ses Subscriber events ant ‘opportunities tomeet the Senn sr cee a etern! abies ‘small space Veg « Gardenersworldcom 89 60-minute project Plant a permanent pot ‘An English rose entwined withclematisinafaded equal totheregal scarlet tonesof Rosa Suffolk Small terracotta pot makesalovely statement-perfectasa _potsof ivy cushion the roseand shade the clematis focal pointona terrace Thetich, velvety clematisis __base, whilenemesia adds another tint of purple Youwillneed 1D Rosa ‘Suffolk x1 1 Clematis Burma Star’ x1 1 Variegated ivy x8 1D Blue nemesia x2 151 50cm square terracotta Pot TD JonninnesNo3compost 2rd multi-purpose compost froisture-retaining oe and fertiliser 46 wooden slats, bamboo ~ Stakes or pea sticks Fillthe pot with a2:1 mix of Jonn Innes No. compost Plant the clematis in the centre ofthe container, with ‘and multi-purpose compost to help supoort growth for the erown 12.5cm below the sl, and place the rose 4 few years. Mc in moisture-etaining gel and some fertiser atthe front. Add the ivy and nemesia around the edges, The compost level shouldbe two-thirds ful then top up with more compost Insert the plant supports - wooden sats, bamboo stakes ‘Water well and frm the compost. Encourage the clematis ‘2c pea sticks - deep into the compost. Te the stakes to climb the structureby tying stems tothe stakes. Mulch securely together atthe top to make a wigwam forthe clematis with horticultural rt; Keep moist and feed wey in spring to ciamber up as it grows. and autumn (but not during the main flowering period. 90. —Gardenersworld con) + Sinai Space Gardening Cie Gardenersworld 60-minute project A window box for shade ‘Thereare plenty of plants tobrighten upagloomy ‘windowsill We've used a galvanised plantertoreflect, availablelightand filed it with lush plantsfora vibrant feel. Youll find spider plants inthe houseplantsection, of the garden centre (they'll do perfectly welloutside insummen) while busy Lizzies will lower for months, ‘Youwillneed 1D Spider plants _ (Chlorophytum comos ‘ittaturn) «3 1 BusyLizzie New Guineaspecies)x7 1D Begonia Rexx? 1B Asem galvanised planter mut purpose compost i welese rere SG echro you fly caer mate othe ol Sratuect tetorvmace mune acne eee matic aaa ne Camee aoa ‘Add a measure of siowrelease fertiliser granules to the Ccontaines, which wl gve your plans all the nutrients they need through the summer months. Mix the granules ‘thoroughly into the surface of the compost ‘Add your plants one at atime, bearing in ming that the contanar wil have a front and a back. Place the taller plainer spider plants at the back and the shorter, flowering busy Lizzies an the begonia a the front ‘Water the plants in well and top up with ational ‘compost f necessary. Continue watering regularly uring the surnmer months so the compost doesa't dry ‘ut, especially ifthe dsplay ison a windy windows 92 Gardenersworld con) + Sinai Space Gardening BE, at JE 2 ed, wn (AGS (oy CZ, | r iv S (LAE DSs3__P ad het ee | pelt Space-savVy gardenplans like the most promising growing environments, butby choosing suitable plants and containers these tiny spaces can bringasingle ‘window ora wholeDuildingto life ‘with an exuberant display. Bedding plants such as pansies and petuniasare the mainstay of most window boxes These vibrant plantshave been bred to lower their ‘socks offand they fulfll theirrole ‘magnificently But there are many other planting options, too. Herbs suchas parsley and chives canbe grown among tumbling tomatoes and chillies to turmany sunny window box intoalivingstore of accessible edibles. ‘These miniature raised garciens offer endless opportunities, but they are not without their challenges think battering winds, scorching heat and little natural rainwater. Stil, ‘with well selected plants and diligent care, your windowsill can overflow ‘with colour all year round. Thinkbig Put bol, largedeaved plants at the back ‘comers ofa container to accentuate the full width of a window. Light touches Create movement with light textured foliage that will mas, but ot obscure, views ut from indoors. ‘Make sure the container has sufficient drainage holes to stop it fling with water in winter and use open-textured Potting compost ‘Add blocks or wedges atthe front of sloping windowsills to keep the container level and stop it slipping oft. Fill the front with a bedding plants that rs wil provide splashes (of seasonal colour. Centre stage Food for thought Flower power Include a few evergreen ‘choose single nectar the centre ofa window heros for winter and rien flowers that for an added sense of summer edibles such as willattract bees Se privacy incor, chilies and tomatoes. and butterflies to provide more interest Hiddenassets Think about how to secure your container without looking too obvious Try using plants todisguse fhings. Style ona budget Create a classi look with a fauxclead, fibre-lay planter that | gz won't break the bank, > STREP: oc 4 Pe Fluid lines > a © | Foraninformatiook, 2 use waling pants 2 twspill over the y 2 edge ofthe container. 4 small space Gardening « GardenerswWorldcom 95 “| ___—| Space-savVy \ Sizewise gardenplans 7 together neatly, such as squares or octagons, Repeat them in diferent sizes to unify and maximise space. balconies canbecome lush, colour-filled mini gardens wth theright choice of piants.potsand furniture. But while they provide superb views and heatretention that can supportbordertine tender plants. they're often manedby drying. battering winds, excessive heat, pollution and scant rainwater. Forthese reasons, balconies suit ‘compact plants that are heat and ‘wind tolerant suchas pelargoniums, Javenders and box, which will provide ‘year-round foliage structure and long ‘seasons of flower. Succulents and ‘compact long flowering perennials suchas erigeron will also work well, ‘Try thinkingin thirds:one third of ‘evergreen structural plants:one thira cf long season flowering plants; and the final third made up of inexpensive bedding plants Balconiesalso require carefully considered spatial design. Choose pots that tessellate (grou together neatly) tomaximise space and flank walls with climbersand baskets With allthesefactorsin place,even the smallest balcony ‘can perform 365 daysa year. Topotthetrees Perfect ‘compact trees such Attach planters to as wel-pruned olives ralings ana fl ath ‘ean thrive in large Jong lowering blooms pots while providing such as pelargoniums, ‘dappled shade. bbacopa and nemesia, Wake up walls Furnish walls with trachelospermum, grown trels. Forever green Aim or atleast one third of evergreen Plants to ensure there's structur ‘and colour all year. Flexiblefurniture Cchooselightwe'ght folding furniture that can be easly packed jo make room for planting or entertaining. Neatideas ate storage solutions by utlising the space underneath raised planters on feet, or make your own with ‘an integral cupboard. Herbal remedies Meelterranean herbs ‘such as lavender rosemary and thyme vl thrive in the bot, ory conditions of a balcony ‘small space Gardening Colour combos Mix pot and coo! colours to ads visual depth to balcony plantings. Clump-forming bamboo such as fargesia will provide year-round screening, creating privacy on a balcony + Gardenerswerid com 7 PUREE nee! Space-savv¥ | J garden plans _ Snel) patios Openseason A pergola enhances the sense ofan outdoor oom while providing space for climbers and hanging baskets. ‘We askalot of our patios, especially considering that most are limited areas but with careful design they can provide a host of growing ‘opportunities, along with space to relax, dine, store, display and work. ‘These enclaveshave the potentialto bethe jewel in the crown ofa garden, ‘with growing and over-wintering space for tender or borderline-tender species anda wide range of specially bred container plants. While heat retaining patios may harbour microdimates,there are challenges. Heat retention in walls and containers can cause accelerated ‘water loss and plant desiccation. Rain-shadow from other buildings can leave beds and planters bereft of rainwater, while high walls can . ‘cause wind turbulenceto spiral t ‘across the space likea Tasmanian evil, But there are beddingplants, succulents, grasses, clematis and borderline-tender perennials that ‘will ap up the heat and thrive. ‘Spatial design of these areasis very much down totaste,but with ‘afew design tricks youreally can makethe most of every inch. ‘Smalltalk Compact edies such 4s tumbling tomatoes, aubergines, chiles ana herbs will rive on a warm, protected patio. Bring a fragrant air to your patio by growing right scented plants such s night plox ‘and angel's trumpets. Shelf confident Shelving provces the offthe wall ‘wall pouches are an Seasons Hanging baskets can Star performers Create height, shade Inexpensive way of and scent by planting be replanted each Perfect theatre’ to ‘greening a vertical area cmbers suchas season to provide show off small alpines Usually planted with Jasmine, honeysuckle ‘colour and elegant or compact bedding. bedding. they can also house fems (out of the heat) or traling alpines, Sand trachelospermum. verdant trailing stems. : A 4 EI bs zi Classicchoice Versailles planters suit both formal and cottage settings. choose muted Sideshow Show off oramatic ‘rought-tolerant ‘ratio of around 50 per cent planting and furniture to So per storage into your succulents such as Cent paving/decking fs benches, chairs and shades for a soft effector echeveria or aeonium in eal for most patios. sun loungers, bright colours for impact. ‘well-drained containers. Make the most of your space by integrating ‘small space Gardening » 99 Growing 5 Dack-door Crops Anyone with asumny windowsill or space fora potat the back door can grow their own veg, You don'tneed a large garden - it's all about picking vegetables that suit your space and choosing compact varieties. Ifyou havea south-facing boundary, try vertical veg, like climbing beans, or for a patio pot, some tumbling tomatoes. It's best to avoid veg that takes upa lotofroom such as maincrop potatoes or asparagus, or crops that take a long time to produce aharvest such as parsnips and leeks. ‘small space Gardening » 101 3eetroot “These nealthy roots can be so re perfect for pots, 3 raised beds. choo Mix’ or ‘Speedy Mix’ are Sow March to September Harvest may to. Bush tomatoe Avoid larger cordon and bush types and go for compact bush types. "Tumbler is ideal for pots or nanging baskets, or ty ‘Losetto’. Both ae small ana require no staking or pinching out Sow February to April Harvest july to October Spring onior ‘These prove a quick harvest in ust ght weeks. Sow sucessionaly for continuous supply. They are easy to grow and pve high yields ina small space. Ty Apache’ or White Lisbon Sow February to September Harvest March to Octover Mini carrot pose compact about 10cm long. You could also try Found carots like ‘Tonda a Pari Sow March to luly Harvest june to October ace Gardening « GardenersWorld com 108 Pree e ea EN Cy K Sv hard Just one sowing will give pickin ‘A fantastically hardy and easy crop, with ring Tis is leaves ready io harvest in just 10 woeks. a hardy crop that comes in a range of Pick when young for salads or eave a 7d colours. Try ‘Dwart Green bitlonger and treat lke spinach. ‘srignt Curied' for a more compact variety. . Lights’ or ‘wcullus are Sow February to May Sow March to August Harvest January to April Harvest February to October French bean: Radishes ‘Choose dwart varieties such as ‘Purple ‘These are very easy to grow and crop In ‘Teopee' for growing in pots, or cimbin as litle as four weeks, You can a types such as Algarve" for growing up other, slower-rowi 2 tells or fence. Keep picking when getables. Good varieties include young to encourage further beans. French Breakfast’ or ‘Scarlet Globe Sow April to July Sow March to September Harvest June to October Harvest Apri to October 104 GardenersWorld cor « Small Space Gardening Top 5 for small spaces Fruit Where spaceis tight, fruit thebest option for grow: 0 compact alittle basic small tree won't take up much room i you ch a dwarfing rootstock, save space, apples can also be trained palirs or cordons, wher branches are pruned back to the main stem to produce fruit Pick a sel-ertle or partially slf-fertile var "Egremont Russet’ or Red Falstaff Plant November to March Harvest September to November Blueberries soll but are often ts an abundant cropper. Plant lenuary to December Harvest July to September Gooseberries For omamental eect, go. Harvest July Blackcurrants ‘This is one of the easiest fruits to grow, but allow to ripen fully on the bus so they/reas sweet as possible, Choose 3 cropper compact pants Harvest June to August ‘small Space Gardening « 107 Pere cepa ENC) Top5 for small spaces . Basil Perfect fora small potin asunry spot outside, or sow directly into the soll once all frosts have passed. Likes well-trained, Fich soi. Keep pinching out the plants to ‘encourage new, bushy growth and t0 Prevent flowering. Plants will be ready to harvest a couple of months ater sowing Sage ‘as essential any herb garden, sage not only adds favour and aroma ‘when used in cooking it also provides year-round interest inthe garden. it Produces wonderful, textured leaves ‘and atractve flowers that can vary from Intense bue to magenta pink or cream, Thyme ‘The aves canbe dark green, golden low or vrogated.Te growth habit varies fom those tat creep along the {oun to those thal forman upright bush, ana many have wt, ink or Blac flowers in summer. ts en evergreen perennial 0 canbe pike al year round ‘Good in pots, outside and inside, sow ‘ouside nate spring or indoors with heat in late winter, Parsiey is iow to germinate buta warm environment will ‘speed this up-Likes rich, damp sol, so dig in organic matter before sowing, tis, ready topic just weeks after sprouting, ‘small Space Gardening e GardenerswWorld com 8 Hl FI 4 A 4 A 3 4 a a ye n 5 Bi q E a g ° = Pere ce ea ENC) feand productive. you canfindand choose happily together olo nero kale x1, Runner Hot pot Cities come in anaray of shapes, sizes | We used Dwarf 45cm terracotta pot ee Space Gardening « Gardenerswerld com Green in Si Russian’ x3, Raicchi toot Bull's Blood x6 ill of beans Broad beans are perfect for pots you blactaly and pinch out the We used ardenerswortd indowsill Make the most of every space and you ‘can produce a crop even on a windows ‘wit usta few pots you can growa range ‘We used Let rmixed mizuna x2, 15cm terracotta pots Back-door crops a Growing | solutions | 3 “, Your garden may be small, bt that, sitmean itcaritbe pretty and as beansand nnwhenone F ine garden you can fill the hole witha plug plant that's raringto go A growing and eating companions. ‘Makea planting planfor veg beds ies important that vegetables don look uttered ina small pace, Draw upa planting pan inthe / f g H a eee aed Peers) eer ee Poe ns peer as re ene oe a een ee en ae ee peperen nn ne beans an ab Po runner bears. And ha mall Space Gardening « GardenersWorld ‘Aim high with climbing veg ‘You might have run out of space on the ground, but there's plenty above. Ty climbing, beans, squashes and cucumbers. The plants ill take time to clthe ther supports, so look for attractive materials, or paint bamboo canes to turn them intoa feature. Your supports could also be living - a vigorous bean wil happily cimb a sunfiower oF sweetcorn. Let these grow to 30cm or more frst before sowing beans below them, Useevery inch of space Every inch matters, and hanging pots guttering along a fence or wall-mounted containers ‘ca all help to eke out your growing space. Guttering is shallow and dries out quicky, so use it for baby leaves with shallow roots — try lettuce, spinach, basil and coriander, oriental _gy2ens and peas for shoots. Aim to have two sets of guttering onthe go, so you're cropping ‘rom one while seedings grow on in the other Grow espalier trait Espalier apples or pears a small garden isan attractive solution ityou \want to grow frit but lack ground space. For the best chance ofa bumper crop, plant several trees next to each other along a wall o fence to improve polnation. This wil also create a striking and productive boundary. Plantup your front garden if your back garden is bursting atthe seams, ‘expand into the front. Although shade cast by buildings, oor soll and exhaust fumes nee to be considered, a thick hedge or brick wall wil keep afar bit of pollution at bay. fits a shady spot, ty shade-tolerant perennial greens; for a south-facing spot, -g70W a pot of tomatoes. 16 GardenersWorld com « small Space Gardening bere tot Cee Co Coe ee tons Ce ec Se’ es eee sprouts that stand like tiffids ee eed Coa Re ae end 60-minute project Get salad crops all summer Salad seed has hundredsof seedsineach packet The _ bulkier varieties,so youcan keep harvesting, Sow tricktokeeping your cropscomingissowing theright —_successionally every few weeks from April to October ‘combination of quick cutand-comeagain and slower, _ and use two potsor moreto keep your harvest going 1D 2x30em plastic Containers Multi-purpose compost 1 Watering can 5 Mix of salad seeds, incuding some fast ‘ind some stow growers 4!" your pots are new, make sure they have drainage Noles ake tin dell (a kebab skewer fs dea to help you space Dostore fining witn compost— if they don’t have ary dri some athe seeds evenly while sowing, Sow thinly remember, you holes in them Fil one ofthe containers with compost breaking want your seed supply to last unt autumn. Take note of any Up any lumps. Water well so thatitsettes, guidelines onthe packet in adition to this step-by-step guide Cover the seeds with thin layer of compost, then water nweek one, sow one container with the quickest of =D well Label the container with te varlety and sowing date. o the fast-growing crops (such as ‘Lolo Rossa letuce). alte the frstharvest, it's best to refresh the top 5-10cmlayer_Sow the other pot a Couple of weeks later and keep sowing ‘of compost in each container before sowing the next pot successional throug the summer to keep the crops coming MB —Gardenersworld con) + Sina Space Gardening Pere cee a ENC) weekend project Sow asquare-metre veg bed Ifyou think growing veg needs lots of space, think ‘again, Square metre gardening involvessowing crops closer than usual and replacing each crop witha Plantstotry beetroot 3 cores 1 Chard 5 courgetes Dwarf French beans 1 Garlic wun greens Pak cho} 1B Rocket shalts 5 spring onions 1D Tumips om Divide your bed into a 16-square grid, each 25cm by 25cm, vith twine. The layout may change a the season progresses but the twine won't get in the way of your crops. Sow seeds inside each square with the same space around each seec. Y Cah different oneas soon asits harvested, meaning t producesmaximum yieldin the minimum space. A raised bed is easiest asit helps to define a plot clearly. Water well. Growing in concentrated squares focuses your attention, making it easy to keep on top ofthe crops’ needs. As the plans fil ou they shade the so, reducing evaporation, 0 You have to water less often than with tractional spacings. The number of plant in ezch square wil ifr, depending on the crop. Large ones, tke courgttes, wil eventualy use more than a square, but the meantime use the space for faster ‘growing crops. To work out how many seeds to sow in a square, check the thinning distance onthe packet then sow a ite closer. 120 —-Gardenersworld con) + Seal Space Gardening ‘Alm to harvest crops such as beetroot, tumips and carrots when they are young and, crucially don't take up too ‘much space in the bed, and keep picking salad leaves to ‘encourage more growth. Once. harvest is over, you can sovea different cropin that square Gardeningin a small space isa balancing act between fitting in the practical elements youneed, such as water butts, compost bins and storage, and makingit look attractive. Discover easy solutions to planting queries, as well as answers to some common practical problems, whether it's finding out how toimprovea dull driveway with plants or how to disguisea garden building or an unattractive water butt. Find out how compostingis possible inasmall garden and waysto fit more tools into your shed. ‘small Space Gardening » 123 Quow dol get thebestcrops frompot-grown fruit? Alaiways choose a dwarfing rootstock ‘appcopriate fr container growing and ‘ve your tree or bush the biggest container ‘you can ~ at least 45-Socm in diameter. Pots should be frostproof with good drainage Pot on every other year in Februsry until the tree ints fina pot. After this, root prune every other year and replace 30 per cent ofthe compost. n alternate years, top ess with fresh compost. (QHow can improve the look of my driveway? ‘LA paved parking area need not be sterile. Plant hard, low growing ground cover ‘such as chamomile or ajuga with improved drainage) i the central area inbetween ‘the tyre tracks and have some grasses or low-growing hardy shrubs on either sce ‘ofthe tyre tracks to soften the look ofthe drveway paving, (QWill trees grow in pots? ‘A. wost trees can be grown in pots for limited period, but slow-growing, dwarf or compact specimens such as Japanese maples are the most suitable. Water regularly, as compost dries ‘ut quicky, nd feed every spring. Repot every few years 1 replace spent compost and ve the roots more room, otherwise the tree will become root-bound and stressed. (QWhat can Ireplace my lawn with? A your garden is too small for turf, go for a lovemaintenance aiteratve. Try herbs, which are resent and low-growing, Chamonnle (above) may need a ght trim but most others, ‘such as thyme, an be left alone. Level the ground to stop it getting waterlogged and dig large enough hole to let each plant's roots spread out, loosening the sil tthe base to ‘slop water collecting and causing rot 124 GardenersWorld con « Small Space Gardening Geren eee sd pees gentoo Cee Ea Pea Reed ee ee ens > ere Eee) its large grey green leaves margined . er ee Cor eine ened er ore peneteeesnd F Isitworth composting ina small space? ‘Composting in a small space ist as fast or productive as ‘composting on a larger scale - the high temperatures in big heaps speed up the breakdown process considerably. But i's wel worth doing it takes longer but it's possible to generate good quantities, event in smal space. Treat yourself to an attractive closed bin such asa timae beehive one that wil look styish all year round, How dol securea windowbox ona windowsill? If your window box s above ground level it must be fixed to the ‘windows using permanent brackets to avod ay risk ot faling of Ifthe sil slopes down, inset small wooden wedges under the front edge the window box - one at each end —to keep the box evel fits a large window box, put one inthe centre, too. You cout aso attach ere eyes or hooks tothe window frame and wie the planter in place. What's the best way to disguisea shed or garden building? Hf you have room for a shed, reduce its impact by camouflaging it with plans ~ eve it a ‘green’ root, an attach wires to support climbers such as roses or clematis, which val Scramble up the sides. ty also painting it dark shade to hep it blend into the background. What type of washing line would. best suit asmall garden? A retractable washing line, which can be valor post-mounted and provide mare than 30m of crying space, fs an excellent ‘choice as you can wind te ine out of sight hen i's not being used. Aternatively, try rotary aier on a tripod base or ground solke, which can be folded neatly away, ‘small space Gardening * 127 2 How can Idlisguise my wheeliebins? A. atthougn wheelie bins ae anecessity, they are rab. Pretty up ‘the area using a bin store wth space for planting ontop. Sedum and alpines are hardy and low maintenance, wile annuals add colour ‘There are plenty of ft the-peg timber bin stores and screens, but ‘ty not make a simple timber frame and covert witha min 'green roof. OF plant it with hauseleeks and sedum so you won't have to ater insects wil ove it and it wil look good al year Do you have any storage ideas for a tiny shed? ‘Make use of the undersides ofthe shelves to double your storage space. Use clear jamjars and you won't nave to label ‘them. Wash and dry the jars fst, and use two screws to secure the ids to the underside of the shelf, then twist on te jars 128 GardenersWorld con « small Space Gardening What's the best way to store tools? AL wen space is imited you don’t want tools and equipment cluttering uo the garden or a shed dominating what little room you have. Box benches with in-bult storage are great places to stash toys and smaller tool, or use hooks (below) to streamline your tools and save shed space for other gardening equipment. Index A ‘Acer 124 ‘Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum’ Uapanese maple) 49 Acic-ioving plants 88

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