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EXTRA Practice with auxiliary verbs

1. Write the negative form.

1) Liam Hemsworth married Miley Cyrus in 2015. __________________________

2) They can speak English very well. ____________________________________
3) The child was crying when I saw him. _________________________________
4) We will finish the project soon. ______________________________________
5) Mike works very hard. _____________________________________________
6) They were at home when I phoned you. _______________________________
7) Tom is going to fly to London tomorrow. _______________________________
8) They have been to Denmark recently. _________________________________
9) Theresa can come with us. _________________________________________

1. Re-write the sentences as yes/no questions.

1. The Nile is the longest river. Is the Nile the longest river?
2. Earthquakes have occurred in this country.____________________________________
3. The volcano had erupted before. ___________________________________________
4. Only one continent existed 200 million years ago. ______________________________
5. People were expecting a tsunami in 2004. ____________________________________
6. Our climate will be different in 50 years. ______________________________________
7. The Arabian and the Gobi Desert are similar in size. ____________________________
8. Climate change affects people all over the world. ______________________________

2. Complete a short answer for each question.

1. Do all birds spend winter in a different part of the world? No, ___________________
2. Is the peregrine falcon the fastest bird? Yes, ___________________
3. Can a racehorse run faster than a lion? No, ____________________
4. Does the giant scolpender centipede really eat mice? Yes, ___________________
5. Have termites really built nests seven metres tall? Yes, ___________________
6. Did Isaac Newton develop the Theory of Relativity? No, ____________________
7. Are we discovering more species of insects all the time? Yes, ___________________
8. Did black Rhinos become extinct in 2011? Yes, ___________________
9. Will climate change destroy the world? _____________________________
10. Has your mother ever been to Europe? _____________________________

3. Put in suitable Yes/No questions, negatives or short answers.

Before setting out on holiday, the weeks family sat in their car and went through their usual quiz.

Mr. Weeks: (we/turn off) Did we turn off the electricity?

Mrs. Weeks: Yes, __________________________. I turned it off myself.
Mr. Weeks: (we/turn) _____________________ all the taps off?
Jimmy: Yes, ___________________________. I checked every one of them, dad.
Sally: You (not remember) _____________________________ my teddy bear!
Mrs. weeks: Yes, _______________________ darling. I packed him in your case.
Mr. Weeks: (there / any windows open) _____________________________?
Jimmy: No, __________________________. I shut them all dad.
Mrs. weeks: (we/lock) ___________________________ the front and back doors?
Mr. Weeks: Yes, ___________________________. I've just locked them.
After they have been on the road for an hour, Mr. Weeks suddenly turned pale and
said, “Guess what! I ______________________ (not/get) my house keys. They are
still in the back door!

4. Match the questions a to j with their answers 1 to 10. Then complete the

5. Read the text and write questions about the missing information (?). Use
one of the following question words: WHAT x 2 – HOW – WHERE – WHY x 2

It was 1? at night in the small village and Simon was at home. He couldn’t sleep
because 2?. Simon went to the kitchen to get some water. Then he heard 3?. Simon
went 4? and looked outside. He couldn’t see anything, but he still felt 5?. Something
strange was happening that night. Simon was scared because 6? was near the
house. The animal was very dangerous and it wanted 7?.

1. What time was it?

2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________
7. Write the missing question tags and echo tags.
1. You’re Marie, ___________________?
2. A: He’s leaving her. B: _________________?
3. A: She will leave him first. B: _________________?
4. It’s my turn to pay, __________________?
5. A: I don’t believe it. B: _________________?
6. A: He doesn’t tell me anything. B: _________________?
7. They don’t work here, _________________?
8. She likes sugar in her tea, ________________?
9. A: She won’t come out of her room. B: _________________?
10. When I lived here, there was a tree here, ___________________?
11. A: They would clean it if you asked them. B: _________________?
12. They’ve closed the post office, _____________________?
13. I’m in your group, ____________________?
14. I couldn’t borrow a pen, __________________?
15. A: I told her to call me ASAP. B: _________________?
16. A: I wasn’t very well last week. B: _________________?
17. He’d already asked her to marry him before, __________________?
18. Sheila’s going to be angry about the mess, _________________?
19. A: I can afford a new car. B: _________________?
8. Complete the dialogue using SO or NEITHER and the appropriate
auxiliary verb.
Shelly: Oliver, look – I’ve got green hair!
Oliver: So have I. I just don’t know what went wrong.
Shelly: _______________ I. Dad will be angry when he finds out.
Oliver: Yes and _______________mum. She said it would be a mistake.
Shelly: __________________ dad. He hasn't seen our hair yet.
Oliver: And ______________ mum. I don't want to show them!
Shelly: And _______________ I. Oh, I thought it was such a good idea at the time.
Oliver: _______________ I. Our neighbours will laugh at us.
Shelly: ________________ our friends. Well I’ve learned my lesson.
Oliver: _______________ I.
Shelly: I will never buy that green grass shampoo again.
Oliver: _________________ I.

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