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Look at the pictures below and guess what attitude they illustrate :
A. Rudeness B. Rage and anger C. Love and kindness

1 2 3
2. Read the text below and check your answers to task 1 above.
Have you ever thought about it? Decent, generous behaviour can turn a sad day into something special or transform hopeless
feelings into hopeful ones. ‘’ When you do something nice and kind for someone, you’ll notice a beautiful feeling of ease and
peace ‘’, says Richard Carlson, one of the best-selling American writers. ‘’ Acts of loving kindness release the emotional equivalent
of endorphins, the feeling-good chemicals which flood your senses after exercise’’ he adds.
‘’As a doctor, I can tell you that kindness heals the heart’’ says cardiologist and psychotherapist Stephen Sinatra, author of
Heartbreak and Heart Disease. Sinatra says that rage and anger, which are the reverse side of kindness, increase surges in adrenaline
and cortisol, two of the main hormones, which contribute to heart disease. ‘’ On the contrary, kindness along with feelings of love
and tenderness, simulate the parasympathetic nervous system and increase calmness and decrease the levels of cortisol in the body’’,
explains Sinatra. However, personally, I think that kindness is above all a personal choice. Simple kindness, like helping a
handicapped person cross the street, is given without any expectation of reward and recognition. This is what makes kind people
very special.
3. Read the text again and answer the following questions :
a. What can turn a sad day into something special?....................................................................................................................
b. Who is Richard Carlson ?............................................................................................................................. ..........................
c. How do rage and anger contribute to heart disease?...............................................................................................................
4. What does the linking word ‘ On the contrary’ in the following sentence express ?
Rage and anger increase sadness. On the contrary, kindness increases calmness and happiness.

Sadness Calmness and happines

a. Two Similar ideas .

b. Two Contrasting ideas.
5. Which of these conjunction can you use to replace ‘’On the contrary’’ ?
a. And b. But c. So
6. Read sentences (a-f). Then, fill in the reminder below using words from the box :
a. He is sad and ill, yet he keeps smiling.
b. He is sad and ill. However, he keeps smiling.
c. He is sad and ill, but he keeps smiling.
d. He is poor but honest.
The middle - the beginning - the end - contrasting

Reminder :
We use these linking words (but, however, yet, on the contrary, nevertheless...) to join ………1….ideas.
‘’Yet’’ can be used at ……………2…………………..
‘’However’’ can be used at ……………4…………………. of the sentence.
‘’But’’ can be used at ……………6……………………..of the sentence.

Practice : Match sentences(1-3) with their contrasting ideas (a-b) . Then, Join them with the linking words in brackets:
1. The restaurant is clean and beautiful. a. She is very cool. (but)
2. The exam was long and difficult. b. The food is terrible. ( yet)
3. My grandmother is very old. c. I got the best mark.( however)
7. The words : beautiful/hopeful/ hopeless are: a Verbs. b. Nouns. c. Adjectives.
8. They are composed of: a. Verb+ suffix (ful/ less) b. Noun+ suffix (ful/less)
9. Complete the reminder using answers from questions (7/8):
a. We can build adjectives by adding ………1…………or ………2………. to some………3………
b. These suffixes are not stressed , and they are respectively pronounced /fəl/ and /ləs/)
1. Look at the pictures below and guess what attitude they illustrate :
A. Rudeness B. Rage and anger C. Love and kindness

1 2 3
2. Read the text below and check your answers to task 1 above.
Have you ever thought about it? Decent, generous behaviour can turn a sad day into something special or transform hopeless
feelings into hopeful ones. ‘’ When you do something nice and kind for someone, you’ll notice a beautiful feeling of ease and
peace ‘’, says Richard Carlson, one of the best-selling American writers. ‘’ Acts of loving kindness release the emotional equivalent
of endorphins, the feeling-good chemicals which flood your senses after exercise’’ he adds.
‘’As a doctor, I can tell you that kindness heals the heart’’ says cardiologist and psychotherapist Stephen Sinatra, author of
Heartbreak and Heart Disease. Sinatra says that rage and anger, which are the reverse side of kindness, increase surges in adrenaline
and cortisol, two of the main hormones, which contribute to heart disease. ‘’ On the contrary, kindness along with feelings of love
and tenderness, simulate the parasympathetic nervous system and increase calmness and decrease the levels of cortisol in the body’’,
explains Sinatra. However, personally, I think that kindness is above all a personal choice. Simple kindness, like helping a
handicapped person cross the street, is given without any expectation of reward and recognition. This is what makes kind people
very special.
3. Read the text again and answer the following questions :
a. What can turn a sad day into something special?....................................................................................................................
b. Who is Richard Carlson ?............................................................................................................................. ..........................
c. How do rage and anger contribute to heart disease?...............................................................................................................
4. What does the linking word ‘ On the contrary’ in the following sentence express ?
Rage and anger increase sadness. On the contrary, kindness increases calmness and happiness.

Sadness Calmness and happines

a. Two Similar ideas .

b. Two Contrasting ideas.
5. Which of these conjunction can you use to replace ‘’On the contrary’’ ?
a. And b. But c. So
6. Read sentences (a-f). Then, fill in the reminder below using words from the box :
a. He is sad and ill, yet he keeps smiling.
b. He is sad and ill. However, he keeps smiling.
c. He is sad and ill, but he keeps smiling.
d. He is poor but honest.
The middle - the beginning - the end - contrasting

Reminder :
We use these linking words (but, however, yet, on the contrary, nevertheless...) to join ………1….ideas.
‘’Yet’’ can be used at ……………2…………………..
‘’However’’ can be used at ……………4…………………. of the sentence.
‘’But’’ can be used at ……………6……………………..of the sentence.

Practice : Match sentences(1-3) with their contrasting ideas (a-b) . Then, Join them with the linking words in brackets:
1. The restaurant is clean and beautiful. a. She is very cool. (but)
2. The exam was long and difficult. b. The food is terrible. ( yet)
3. My grandmother is very old. c. I got the best mark.( however)
7. The words : beautiful/hopeful/ hopeless are: a Verbs. b. Nouns. c. Adjectives.
8. They are composed of: a. Verb+ suffix (ful/ less) b. Noun+ suffix (ful/less)
9. Complete the reminder using answers from questions (7/8):
a. We can build adjectives by adding ………1…………or ………2………. to some………3………
b. These suffixes are not stressed , and they are respectively pronounced /fəl/ and /ləs/)
10. Practice: Add suffixes ( ful) and ( less) to the nouns in the table below to form adjectives. Be careful ! some of
them accept only one suffix:
Nouns -ful -less Nouns -ful -less
worth __________ worthless beauty beautiful _______
harm care
delight success
price truth
use hope

Task : Match pictures (1-4) with the title they illustrate (a-b):
a. Exam anxiety (fear of failure) b. Bullying (bad and aggressive behavior towards weaker persons)

1 2 3 4

Meriem in Picture 03 suffers from exam anxiety. She shared her problem on Dr. Carla’s Facebook group.
1. Read the paragraphs (1-4) and match them with functions A-D:
A- Giving advice/recommendations. C- Analyzing a problem.
B- Expressing concern over a problem. D- Showing sympathy.
Question : Can you help me ? At the end of every term at school, we have a thorough examination in every subject .I always revise my
lessons for these tests., but on the day of the exam I feel anxious , and I get into panic when I see the test. I never manage to score well.
Please tell me what I should do. (Meriem)§1
Answer: Don’t worry. It’s quite natural and normal to be nervous when you take your exams.
You should tell yourself that your classmates feel the same as you do, and that anxiety can be positive. §2
But you are right to think that panic is a big problem. Many pupils fail their exams because they lose self-control. There are three
main reasons for this. Firstly, they take the exam just for the scores. Secondly, they are not positive. They don’t say, “we can do it”. And
thirdly, they usually adopt the wrong approach. §3
So what should you do? You should start to think positively about your exams. Don’t think you are a total failure just because of
lack of success in previous exams. You should also keep in mind that you don’t take exams only for the scores. You ought to look at them
as an opportunity to show to yourself what you can really do. Finally, make sure you don’t start answering the exam questions as soon as
the teacher hands them to you. §4

2.Expressing Suggestions/Recommendations:
• What are the solutions suggested by Dr. Carla to solve the problem of Meriem?
Start your sentence like this:
Dr. Carla suggests that,……………………………………………………………………………….
Dr. Carla recommends that,………………………………………………………………………….
Dr. Carla feels that Meriem ought to ………………………………………………………………..
What advice can you give to your friend who is a victim of bullying at school?
3. How should we think about exams according to Dr. Carla?
4. The word positively is composed of:
a. Verb+suffix (ly). b.Adjective+suffix(ly).
5. The word positively describes :
a- The degree of thinking. b-The frequency of thinking. c-The manner (way) of thinking.
6. Words which describe how something happens are called :
1. Advebs of frequency 2.Advebs of manner 3.Adverbs of degree.
7. Let’s recapitulate:
• Complete the reminder using your answers to questions(4-5-6). Then do the exercise that follows :
1. Adverbs of ……………….describe ………………………….
2. We form adverbs of manner by adding suffix ……to an ………………
Extra information:
After a consonant, -y in the adjective changes to –i.
e.g. heavy ➔ heavily.
3. We can use some adjectives as adverbs without adding –ly or –ily :
e.g. he is a hard worker ➔ he works hard.
Other examples : best, early, fast, hard, high, last, late, worse,etc.

8. Add suffix (ly) to the words in bold type in the box (when necessary) to form adverbs of manner. Then use the
adverbs to fill in the blanks :
hard worker - cordial receptionist - polite partner- quick and careful computer user- heavy smoker- sometimes late.
1. Both Tom and Anne work ………1……….
2. Anne welcomes the guests very……2……., and she talks to them very ……3………
3. Tom works on the computer very……4………and………5……..Howerver, he smokes ……6……….. and he
always arrives ……7….. at work.
10. Practice: Add suffixes ( ful) and ( less) to the nouns in the table below to form adjectives. Be careful ! some of
them accept only one suffix:
Nouns -ful -less Nouns -ful -less
worth __________ worthless beauty beautiful _______
harm care
delight success
price truth
use hope

Task : Match pictures (1-4) with the title they illustrate (a-b):
a. Exam anxiety (fear of failure) b. Bullying (bad and aggressive behavior towards weaker persons)

1 2 3 4

Meriem in Picture 03 suffers from exam anxiety. She shared her problem on Dr. Carla’s Facebook group.
1. Read the paragraphs (1-4) and match them with functions A-D:
A- Giving advice/recommendations. C- Analyzing a problem.
B- Expressing concern over a problem. D- Showing sympathy.
Question : Can you help me ? At the end of every term at school, we have a thorough examination in every subject .I always revise my
lessons for these tests., but on the day of the exam I feel anxious , and I get into panic when I see the test. I never manage to score well.
Please tell me what I should do. (Meriem)§1
Answer: Don’t worry. It’s quite natural and normal to be nervous when you take your exams.
You should tell yourself that your classmates feel the same as you do, and that anxiety can be positive. §2
But you are right to think that panic is a big problem. Many pupils fail their exams because they lose self-control. There are three
main reasons for this. Firstly, they take the exam just for the scores. Secondly, they are not positive. They don’t say, “we can do it”. And
thirdly, they usually adopt the wrong approach. §3
So what should you do? You should start to think positively about your exams. Don’t think you are a total failure just because of
lack of success in previous exams. You should also keep in mind that you don’t take exams only for the scores. You ought to look at them
as an opportunity to show to yourself what you can really do. Finally, make sure you don’t start answering the exam questions as soon as
the teacher hands them to you. §4

2.Expressing Suggestions/Recommendations:
• What are the solutions suggested by Dr. Carla to solve the problem of Meriem?
Start your sentence like this:
Dr. Carla suggests that,……………………………………………………………………………….
Dr. Carla recommends that,………………………………………………………………………….
Dr. Carla feels that Meriem ought to ………………………………………………………………..
What advice can you give to your friend who is a victim of bullying at school?
3. How should we think about exams according to Dr. Carla?
4. The word positively is composed of:
a. Verb+suffix (ly). b.Adjective+suffix(ly).
5. The word positively describes :
a- The degree of thinking. b-The frequency of thinking. c-The manner (way) of thinking.
6. Words which describe how something happens are called :
1. Advebs of frequency 2.Advebs of manner 3.Adverbs of degree.
7. Let’s recapitulate:
• Complete the reminder using your answers to questions(4-5-6). Then do the exercise that follows :
1. Adverbs of ……………….describe ………………………….
2. We form adverbs of manner by adding suffix ……to an ………………
Extra information:
After a consonant, -y in the adjective changes to –i.
e.g. heavy ➔ heavily.
3. We can use some adjectives as adverbs without adding –ly or –ily :
e.g. he is a hard worker ➔ he works hard.
Other examples : best, early, fast, hard, high, last, late, worse,etc.

8. Add suffix (ly) to the words in bold type in the box (when necessary) to form adverbs of manner. Then use the
adverbs to fill in the blanks :
hard worker - cordial receptionist - polite partner- quick and careful computer user- heavy smoker- sometimes late.
1. Both Tom and Anne work ………1……….
2. Anne welcomes the guests very……2……., and she talks to them very ……3………
3. Tom works on the computer very……4………and………5……..Howerver, he smokes ……6……….. and he
always arrives ……7….. at work.

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