IB MATH AA HL Maximum Minimum POI

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Maximum Minimum POI [180


Consider the polynomial P (z) ≡ z 4 − 6z 3 − 2z 2 + 58z − 51, z ∈ C.

1a. Sketch the graph of y = x4 − 6x3 − 2x2 + 58x − 51, stating clearly the [6 marks]
coordinates of any maximum and minimum points and intersections with axes.

1b. Hence, or otherwise, state the condition on k ∈ R such that all roots of [2 marks]
the equation P (z) = k are real.

2 ln x+1
The function f is defined by f (x) = x−3
,0< x < 3.

2a. Hence, or otherwise, find the coordinates of the point of inflexion on the [4 marks]
graph of y = f (x).

Draw a set of axes showing x and y values between −3 and 3. On these axes

2b. sketch the graph of y = f (x), showing clearly any axis intercepts and [4 marks]
giving the equations of any asymptotes.

2c. sketch the graph of y = f −1 (x), showing clearly any axis intercepts and [4 marks]
giving the equations of any asymptotes.

2d. Hence, or otherwise, solve the inequality f (x) > f −1 (x). [3 marks]

Let f (x) = 2x3
, x ∈ R, x ≠ 0.

3a. The coordinates of B can be expressed in the form B (2a , b × 2−3a ) [3 marks]
where a, b∈ Q . Find the value of a and the value of b.

= ( )
3b. Sketch the graph of y = f (x) showing clearly the position of the points [4 marks]
A and B.

Consider the function f(x) = sin x
,0 < x < π.

4a. Show that the x-coordinate of the minimum point on the curve y = f(x) [5 marks]
satisfies the equation tan x = 2x.

4b. Determine the values of x for which f(x) is a decreasing function. [2 marks]

4c. Sketch the graph of y = f(x) showing clearly the minimum point and [3 marks]
any asymptotic behaviour.

4d. Find the coordinates of the point on the graph of f where the normal to [4 marks]
the graph is parallel to the line y = −x.

Consider the region bounded by the curve y = f(x), the x-axis and the lines
x = π6 , x = π3 .

4e. This region is now rotated through 2π radians about the x-axis. Find the [3 marks]
volume of revolution.

Consider the function f(x) = 2 sin2 x + 7 sin 2x + tan x − 9, 0 ⩽ x < π


5a. Determine an expression for f ′ (x) in terms of x. [2 marks]

5b. Sketch a graph of y = f ′ (x) for 0 ⩽ x < π

[4 marks]

5c. Find the x-coordinate(s) of the point(s) of inflexion of the graph of [2 marks]
y = f(x), labelling these clearly on the graph of y = f ′ (x).

Let u = tan x.

5d. Express sin x in terms of u. [2 marks]

sin 2
5e. Express sin 2x in terms of u. [3 marks]

5f. Hence show that f(x) = 0 can be expressed as u3 − 7u2 + 15u − 9 = 0 [2 marks]

5g. Solve the equation f(x) = 0, giving your answers in the form arctan k [3 marks]
where k ∈ Z.

Consider the function f defined by f(x) = x2 − a2 , x ∈ R where a is a positive


6a. Showing any x and y intercepts, any maximum or minimum points and [2 marks]
any asymptotes, sketch the following curves on separate axes.
y = f(x);

6b. Showing any x and y intercepts, any maximum or minimum points and [4 marks]
any asymptotes, sketch the following curves on separate axes.
y= f(x)

6c. Showing any x and y intercepts, any maximum or minimum points and [2 marks]
any asymptotes, sketch the following curves on separate axes.

y = ∣∣ f(1x) ∣∣.

6d. Find ∫ f(x) cos xdx. [5 marks]

The function g is defined by g(x) = x√f(x) for |x| > a.

6e. By finding g ′ (x) explain why g is an increasing function. [4 marks]

Consider the function f defined by f(x) = ex sin x, 0 ⩽ x ⩽ π.

7a. Show that the function f has a local maximum value when 3π [2 marks]
x= 4

7b. Find the x-coordinate of the point of inflexion of the graph of f . [2 marks]
7c. Sketch the graph of f , clearly indicating the position of the local [3 marks]
maximum point, the point of inflexion and the axes intercepts.

7d. Find the area of the region enclosed by the graph of f and the x-axis. [6 marks]
∣∣ d 2y ∣∣
∣ d x2 ∣
The curvature at any point (x, y) on a graph is defined as κ = 3 .
dy 2 2
(1+( d x ) )

∣∣ d 2y ∣∣
∣ d x2 ∣
The curvature at any point (x, y) on a graph is defined as κ = 3 .
(1+( d x ) )
dy 2

7e. Find the value of the curvature of the graph of f at the local maximum [3 marks]

7f. Find the value κ for x = π2 and comment on its meaning with respect to [2 marks]
the shape of the graph.

Let f(x) = x4 + 0.2x3 − 5.8x2 − x + 4, x ∈ R.

8a. Find the solutions of f(x) > 0. [3 marks]

8b. For the curve y = f(x). [5 marks]

(i) Find the coordinates of both local minimum points.
(ii) Find the x-coordinates of the points of inflexion.

The domain of f is now restricted to [0, a].

8c. Write down the largest value of a for which f has an inverse. Give your [2 marks]
answer correct to 3 significant figures.

8d. For this value of a sketch the graphs of y = f(x) and y = f −1 (x) on the [2 marks]
same set of axes, showing clearly the coordinates of the end points of each curve.

8e. Solve f −1 (x) = 1. [2 marks]

Let g(x) = 2 sin(x − 1) − 3, − π

2 +1⩽x⩽ π
2 + 1.

8f. Find an expression for g −1 (x), stating the domain. [4 marks]

8g. Solve (f −1 ∘ g)(x) < 1. [4 marks]

Points A , B and T lie on a line on an indoor soccer field. The goal, [AB] , is 2
metres wide. A player situated at point P kicks a ball at the goal. [PT] is
perpendicular to (AB) and is 6 metres from a parallel line through the centre of
[AB] . Let PT be x metros and let α = AP ^ B measured in degrees. Assume that the
ball travels along the floor.

9a. Find the value of α when x = 10. [4 marks]

9b. Show that tan α 2x [4 marks]

= x2+35

The maximum for tan α gives the maximum for α.

9c. (i) Find dd (tan α). [11 marks]


(ii) Hence or otherwise find the value of α such that dd (tan α) = 0.

(iii) Find
d x2
(tan α) and hence show that the value of α never exceeds 10°.

9d. Find the set of values of x for which α ⩾ 7∘ . [3 marks]

The following diagram shows a vertical cross section of a building. The cross
section of the roof of the building can be modelled by the curve f(x) = 30e− 400 ,
where −20 ≤ x ≤ 20.
Ground level is represented by the x-axis.

10a. Find f ′′ (x). [4 marks]

10b. Show that the gradient of the roof function is greatest when [3 marks]
x = −√200.

10c. The cross section of the living space under the roof can be modelled by [5 marks]
a rectangle CDEF with points C(−a, 0) and D(a, 0), where
0 < a ≤ 20.
Show that the maximum area A of the rectangle CDEF is 600√2e− 2 .

10d. A function I is known as the Insulation Factor of CDEF . The function is [9 marks]
( )
defined as I(a) = PA(aa) where P = Perimeter and
A = Area of the rectangle .
(i) Find an expression for P in terms of a .
(ii) Find the value of a which minimizes I .
(iii) Using the value of a found in part (ii) calculate the percentage of the cross
sectional area under the whole roof that is not included in the cross section of the
living space.

Consider the function defined by f(x) = x3 − 3x2 + 4.

11a. Determine the values of x for which f(x) is a decreasing function. [4 marks]

= ( )
11b. There is a point of inflexion, P , on the curve y = f(x). [3 marks]
Find the coordinates of P .

In triangle ABC, BC = √3cm , AB ^ =

^ C = θ and BCA π

12a. Show that length AB 3 [4 marks]

= .
√3 cos θ +sin θ

12b. Given that AB has a minimum value, determine the value of θ for [4 marks]
which this occurs.

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