Tws 2 Animal Farm - Hanson

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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Abigail Hanson Program: Secondary Education - Course: CCP11 -

English English
Lesson Topic / Title: Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Lesson Date: 2/27/24 Lesson Length: 1 hour. Grade/Age: Grade 11. Ages
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based
on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

LT3: Students will be able to articulate their - Students will be practicing

interpretations of the themes in "Animal Farm" and and developing their
support their ideas with evidence from the text. This understanding of different
target encourages critical thinking, independent themes and applying their
analysis, and effective communication of their new knowledge to real
perspectives on the novel's themes, fostering a deeper pieces of literature. From
engagement with the material. there, students will apply
their connections to the
LT4: Students will be able to recognize how themes class novel “Animal Farm”.
are introduced, developed, and potentially altered or - Literary analysis is a
reinforced throughout the narrative. Students should common skill required in
be able to discuss the impact of events, character college courses, especially
actions, and symbolism on the unfolding themes. in literature and humanities
disciplines. The CCP
students must be proficient
in understanding and
recognizing themes in high
school so that they are
prepared for the academic
challenges they may
encounter in higher

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11.7.Interpret words and The standard encourages students

phrases as they are used in various texts, including to think beyond basic
determining technical, connotative, and figurative comprehension and dig deeper into
meanings, and analyze how specific word choices the subtleties of language. By
shape meaning or tone. considering technical meanings,
connotations, and figurative
language, students are prompted to
explore the layers of meaning

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within the provided texts for this
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

A. Class Discussion: Opening with a discussion A. A class discussion at the

allows for increased student participation, beginning of the lesson can
providing a platform for diverse voices and actively engage students
perspectives to be heard. from the start, capturing
their attention and interest
B. Exit ticket: On Google Classroom, there will be in the upcoming material. I
a Google Form available for students to will be asking students to
complete at the end of class to check for refresh their memory of the
understanding. Students will be asked to make previous lesson where I
connections on themes between the lesson introduced what a theme is
and the class novel “Animal Farm”. and how to identify one in a
piece of literature. This will
allow me to hear what the
students remember and
how it applies to the class
B. I will be analyzing the exit
tickets so I can assess any
misconceptions or areas
where students may be
struggling to grasp the idea
of themes. This information
will guide me in planning to
re-teach or clarify for the
entire class in the future.
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Class novel: “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. - All of these materials are used
● 1 laptop or tablet per student. almost every single day in my
● Writing utensils. classroom.
● Paper copies of an excerpt from the lesson slides. - Students are expected to bring
● Smartboard (Promethean). their school-issued laptops or
● Google Classroom and Google Slides. devices to class to access the
lesson materials on Google
- Students will be reading a
passage along with me as I
read the passage off of the
smart board. Students will be
asked to read, annotate, and
circle any key
phrases/statements that stand

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out to them regarding
identifying a theme.
Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by
using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible
to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
1. Attendance/Daily Question. (5 minutes)
Overview of “Animal Farm” and theme. (5 1. Every class begins with taking
minutes) attendance and there is a
- Briefly recap "Animal Farm" and the question prompt on the smart
board for students to view as
central theme of power and
they come into the room. This
corruption. allows for me to engage with
- Students will be asked to define theme each student right at the
as a means to check for understanding beginning of class.
after the previous lesson. I will write 2. This lecture covers all of the
definitions on a Google Slide and it will foundational elements of what
be projected on the board for the a theme is in literature, how to
whole class to review. identify one, and how to put it
2. Lecture (15 minutes): Unit slide show. into a sentence, rather than
- Slide 1: “What is a Theme?” Defines the term having one-worded themes.
The students will have
multiple opportunities to
- Slide 2: Further explains the term “theme” and answer questions asked by me
provides an example of themes in the form of a as a means for checking of
sentence. understanding. The video
- Slide 3: Passage. Students will read along as I shown towards the end of the
read it out loud. Students will be annotating lecture provides common and
the passage and will be asked to share their recognizable themes in
ideas on what the potential theme of the popular media which allows
passage is. students to make connections
- Slide 4: Provides examples of potential to things they are most likely
familiar with.
answers for the themes of the passage from
3. Students will transition to
the previous slides. reading chapter 8 of “Animal
- Slide 5: Breaks down how to identify themes. Farm”. Students have been
- Slide 6: Continuation from slide 5, adding on reading every chapter in class
how to identify a theme and how a theme is for the past couple of weeks of
about the “big picture”. this unit. Students are required
- Slides 7 & 8: Themes in review. Slide 7 wraps to read in class as a means to
every major point from the previous slides. ensure most, if not all students
Slide 8 has a YouTube video created by are reading the required
“D4Darious” titled “How To Find a Theme” material and are being held
accountable for their
where the creator discusses how to identify
education this way.
themes in not just literature but other types of - I play an audio version
media such as music, television, and popular for every chapter to
movies. ensure every student
3. Read chapter 8 of “Animal Farm” (18 minutes): understands the
Students will take out their copies of the class content, whether they
novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. read as the narrator
Students will be prompted to keep in mind speaks or they read at
what potential themes are in the chapter they their own pace. Or if a
will be reading in class. student chooses to not
read the passage, they

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- An audio version of the chapter will be still have to listen
played out loud. The audio chapter is along.
18 minutes long. 4. Students will complete an exit
4. End of Class - Exit Ticket (10 minutes): as a means of checking of
understanding now that they
- On Google Classroom, a form will be ready for
have a lesson on theme, have
students to complete at the end of class for become familiar with
them to make a theme connection to chapter 8 identifying one, and read
of Animal Farm. another chapter of the class
- Emphasize the importance of themes in novel. They will be asked to
literature and their relevance to answer questions based on the
understanding the human experience. theme and connect them to the
chapter they just read. The
questions emphasize the
importance of themes and
their relevance.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

modifications, accommodations)

Differentiation/Extension: ● Having these late periods and

- Paper copies will be available for every student to extensions helps the students
read the provided passage that is a part of the have the support they need to
lecture. finish the work on time.
- Since this is an in-class activity, those who were Especially in this instance, I
absent will be asked to complete the want every student to provide
pre-assessment on Google Classroom the following feedback.
day. ● I know there are students who
- Paper copies of the exit ticket will be available for like to do their work on paper,
those who prefer to write by hand or who do not and most like to do it online, so
have a laptop available. letting them have the option to
- A copy of the lesson slides will be available on do either one is important.
Google Classroom for those who like to have the
visual closer for them to see or for them to follow
along at their own pace and go back to slides when

Field Courses Only – Post lesson


Block 3: 5/17 students absent. 12 total students were present.

The students struggled with providing a response to my question at the start of the
lesson. No one provided an answer to the question: “Can someone provide a
definition of theme?” I provided a reminder that we discussed this yesterday and
how we are going to apply it to “Animal Farm”, from there, a student raised their
hand and responded, “A statement that provides the overall idea of a story”. I
thanked the student for the answer re-stated the response and added onto it,

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delving into yesterday's lesson on the introduction to what theme is and how we can
identify one.
From there, I went to my laptop and pulled up the Google Slides I would be using to
teach the lesson. I went through each slide, and while transitioning through slides, I
opened the floor to questions or comments on the theme. The students were quiet
and did not ask questions in between. Once I got to the passage on the slides, I
handed out individual copies to students so they could follow along, take notes, and
highlight any key terms or phrases that could help them identify a theme.
Once I read the passage out loud, students were asked to provide a potential theme
to the passage. From these responses, I can see that my students are starting to
grasp the idea of how to identify a theme but need to push a little further to grasp
the understanding. From here, we transition to the next slide which provides
example answers of themes for the passage. I compare and contrast the student's
answers to the provided examples and make connections to how our class answers
were very similar to the examples.
After comparing answers, I transition to the YouTube video which breaks down
identifying themes in not just literature but other forms of media such as television
and film.
After the video, I transition the class from the lecture to reading the next chapter of
“Animal Farm”. Students listened and read the chapter in class, there were no issues
during this section of the class.
To conclude the class, I asked the class to go to Google Classroom and complete an
exit ticket based on today’s lesson. The questions are as follows:
- Multiple choice: What is one key theme of “Animal Farm”?
● Equality, Revolution, Coming-of-Age, Totolitarinism, Friendship,
● Student responses:

The evidence shown above accounts for the overall percentage of students who
answered on the exit ticket on Google Form. I can see from my student's responses
that the majority (about 88%) understand what a theme is because they had
multiple correct answers and about 3 students provided an answer that was not

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correct. I was looking for them to answer with either, “Revolution”, “Totalitarianism”,
or “Propaganda” to which from the data I can see that most picked those answers.
The trick to this was that I did not want them to pick “Equality” or “Friendship”
which I can see some did and indicates to me that I should and will provide more
opportunities for my students to practice identifying themes in the following days.

Standard and Indicator Instructional Reasoning and


Standard 2 - Learning Differences I chose this standard and indicator for

The teacher uses an understanding of this lesson plan because I am taking
individual differences and diverse into consideration the differences in my
cultures and communities to ensure student's learning processes and levels
inclusive learning environments that of understanding when designing my
allow each learner to reach his/her full lessons. This allows me to ensure my
potential. lessons are developmentally
Indicator - 2(c) appropriate and they allow my students
Designs instruction to build on learners’ to succeed.
prior knowledge and experiences, Rationale - This lesson plan fits the
allowing learners to accelerate as they standard because I am taking the
demonstrate their understanding. previous lessons' pre-assessment and
post-lesson assessment to design an
appropriate lesson plan for this day.
Students will then be assessed again at


Topic - “Animal Farm” by George Orwell.
Assignment - Understanding theme by guided/prompted class discussion.
How - A pre-assessment will be implemented at the beginning of the lesson to
assess students' understanding after the prior lesson. Followed by a guided class
discussion led by the teacher. Lastly, an exit ticket is implemented through Google
Forms, again, assessing students' understanding of the content prior to
implementing an activity where they will be asked to demonstrate their
Why - Allows students to take a break from the traditional notetaker, lectures, and
their devices for a period. It is beneficial to have group discussions and share one's
thoughts, ideas, and perspectives

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Standard and Indicator Instructional Reasoning and

Standard 3 - Learning Environments I chose this standard and indicator for

The teacher works with learners to this lesson plan because this standard
create environments that support encourages positive social interaction. I
individual and collaborative learning, can create a classroom culture where
encouraging positive social interaction, students feel comfortable expressing
active engagement in learning, and their ideas, engaging in debates, and
self-motivation. learning from one another. This not only
Indicator - 3(e) enhances their understanding of the
Uses a variety of methods to engage subject matter but also cultivates
learners in evaluating the learning essential interpersonal skills that are
environment and collaborates with valuable both inside and outside the
learners to make appropriate classroom.
adjustments. Rationale - This lesson plan
appropriately fits the standard because
I utilize multiple ways of collaborating
and engaging with students. For
example, I implemented a verbal
assessment at the beginning of the
class. From there, students listened to
my lecture and were encouraged to
answer questions prompted by me.
Lastly, students then used their devices
to answer a post-lesson assessment as a
means to share their understanding of
the content.


Topic - “Animal Farm” by George Orwell.
Assignment - Understanding theme by guided/prompted class discussion.
How - Formal class discussion as a pre-assessment. Traditional lectures, teach the
subject and allow collaborative discussions to take place. Lastly, a post-lesson “exit
ticket” was implemented through Google Forms to check for understanding.
Why - Allows students to take a break from the traditional notetaker, and their
devices for a period. It is beneficial to have group discussions and share one's
thoughts, ideas, and perspectives.

Revised 07/25/2023

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