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Project Leader - Drog Black Tooth []

Official Discussion -


1. The patch requires a vanilla English version of the game, patched to
(the last official patch).
Any modifications that weren't meant for the current version of the UAP will
most likely cause problems.
Thus, don't use any mods if you're not sure what you're doing.
3. The CD check has been removed.


NOTE: A great deal of typos and various mistakes have been corrected, and many
dialogs have been proofread.
Numerous wrong and missing descriptions have been fixed as well.


[F] - Fixed bug.

[R] - Restored content/feature. Something that was
omitted/forgotten/disabled/censored is restored.
[I] - Improved content/feature. Something was improved objectively.
[C] - Changed content/feature. Something was changed subjectively to make the game
more coherent.
[A] - Added content/feature. Something was added to make the game more coherent.

[Version 080415]
[R] Restored race icons for Dark Elves, Ogres and Orcs.
[F] Fixed the art for Elixir of Hypnotic Suggestion.
[F] Fixed Alexander's dialog and dying script. This allows for properly getting his
[R] Added a missing line to Nasrudin's dialog.
[F] Fixed issues with Kraka-tur's journal and Kraka-tur's dialog. Now you have an
option to shame him if you have read the journal, and he also properly recognizes
both his journal and eye.
[F] Fixed mixed up responses for dummies in Pollock's dialog.
[F] Fixed Surly Virgil's dialog. Now he properly leaves the party and has a proper
response when jilted.
[R] Fixed Virgil's dialog so he now recognizes the crash site and tells the PC
about it when asked.
[F] Fixed a mistake in generic npc class responses.
[C] Restored the original HEF2 (Half Elf Female 2) and NPCJay (Jayna Stiles)
[F] Fixed mixed up palettes for Large Wool Jacket and Heavy Rags.
[F] Fixed Dark Helm. Its effects are no longer permanent.
[F] Fixed Black Stone Blade. Its effects are no longer permanent.
[F] Fixed the exit of Stone Cutter Clan script. Now it teleports you to the proper
[C] Dark Elves, Ogres and Orcs' stats are tweaked a bit to match their brotherly
[C] Ogres and Orcs are no longer considered monster.
[F] Kerghan's attacks now do proper damage.
[F] Naked Halfling is now considered undead, and his attacks do proper damage.
[A] Added large Basic and Bronze Platemails, large and small Dragon Skin Leathers,
small Dread Armor, normal and small Dark, Bronze and Red Barbarian Armor to shops.
[F] Fixed issues with Dweomer Shield and Reflection Shield spells. They no longer
work on mind controlled creatures (this includes summoned ones), thus the permanent
follower glitch is no longer possible.
[F] Drog Black Tooth now has a proper race.
[F] Ivory and Whysper in Qintarra now have proper races.
[R] Restored missing floating animation for Silver Lady. Fixed some of her stats as
[F] Race fixes for almost all guards in T'sen-Ang. (They were elves instead of dark
[F] Void NPCs: Gorgoth and Kraka-tur now have proper monster flags and proper
custom damage. Bane of Kree is leveled up, Arronax now has a proper race (no longer
[F] Race fixes for three dwarves in the Wheel Clan.
[F] Race fixes for Orc Bandit in the Boil, two Dark Elf Guards outside of T'sen-
Ang, Bunny at Madam Lil's, Halfling Villager in Shrouded Hills, Elf Thief, Half
Ogre Bandit and Halfling Bandit on the Isle of Despair, Willoughsby (first
appearance, with Smythe), Ogre Bandit at the Crash Site.
[F] Evil Joachim at the docks is leveled up to match the one at the city entrance
when you walk to Caladon on your own. (Yes, there are two of them, you get the one
based on how you get to Caladon)
[F] Fixed stats of 10 Orc Berserkers in the Boil, proper gender and soundbanks now.
[F] Fixed stats of Stringy Pete and his crew: they no longer do 0 damage if
disarmed and have proper soundbanks.
[F] Hushed Revolver is now silent. That is, it can only be heard within 2 tiles.
[F] Added a missing line to Simeon Tor's dialog.
[F] A medical arachnid made by a player is now functional.
[F] Machined Plate now gives a proper strength bonus.
[F] Fixed Nasrudin's dialog for dummies.
[F] Fixed Magnus' dialog, added a global flag which affects Thorvald's dialog.
[F] Swyft now properly disbands in Tarant in all cases.
[F] Now you can properly accept Swyft's quest with high haggle skill.
[F] All methods to become a friend of Molochean Hand now work correctly.
[F] Creep Armor now gives a bonus to backstab, just as the description says.
[F] Fixed wrong haggle conditions and missing global flags in the dialog of the
Molochean Hand Agent at Shrouded Hills.
[F] Fixed the Master Mage of Water's dialog for dummies, now the former student
appears in front of the gates in this case as well.
[F] Fixed Weldo Rubin's dialog, now he waits, disbands and rejoins properly.
[A] Fixed Weldo Rubin's stats, added an auto-leveling scheme, so he can level up
[R] Revolver Parts now have proper art.
[F] Small Robe of the Chameleon now has proper art.
[R] Restored the music track for Tarant Sewers.
[F] Geoffrey and Perriman dialogs and scripts are fixed, now you can have them both
in your group if you're a master of persuasion and have charisma of 20.
[F] Fixed Simeon Tor's dialog, now he properly recognizes Perriman and Geoffrey.
[F] Maxim now recognizes parts for Mechanized Gun and builds one for you.
[R] Restored the original dialog for Nicholas the Bartender at Madam Lil's (this
dialog was probably removed because of censorship).
[F] Magick Beans now work properly.
[F] It's no longer possible to pick up hostile automatons and make them your
[F] You can no longer sell the real Stillwater Giant's pelt to H.T. Parnell more
than once.
[Version 080420]
[A] Added bow skill to Tattered Bowman, Kite Bowman and Insectress Hunter.
[A] Added melee, dodge, bow and firearms skills to various NPCs in random
encounters, such as Molochean Hand assassins, orc bandits and bounty hunters.
[F] Fixed mixed up names for various types of barbarian armor.
[F] Added the missing ground art for Magic and Mystic Great Swords.
[F] The Master of firearms now tells you that the monastery of Halcyon Order is in
Vooriden (not Roseborough) and marks the location on your map as well.
[F] Fixed problems with Hexed Dagger in Bessie Toon's mine.
[F] Fixed Master Mage of Water's inventory (his Arcane Staff was lying at his
[F] Shadowing Robe and Robe of the Chameleon now have +2 (not 5) prowling bonus.
[F] Medallion of Silence now works properly.
[F] Fixed some conditions in the dialog of a half-ogre guarding the painting.
[C] Kite Sword doesn't have technological complexity anymore.
[F] Fixed Charming Medallion and Ring of Poison Resistance.
[C] Normal and small Barbarian Clothes are no longer considered technological.
[C] Stiletto no longer has technological complexity.
[F] Fixed some problems with Magnus's dialog. (Now he gets angry and won't join you
anymore if you negotiated with Schuylers.)
[F] Fixed a broken sector in new Tarant Sewers which was playing Arcanum main theme
as an ambient track, thus interrupting the correct music track.
[F] Some parts of the canal in Tarant were walkable. Now it's fixed.
[F] Fixed the ground art for Auto Skeleton Key.
[F] Fixed a crash when accessing inventory of the guard in front of the warehouse
in the Boil.
[R] Six missing endings are now obtainable. These are Death's Champion, Righteous
Hero, Just God, Dark God, Quiet God and Undecided God.
[F] Large Oiled Thieves Leather now has correct art.
[R] Worn Ladies Boots now use correct art.
[F] Worn Ladies Boots and Fancy Ladies Boots now give proper damage resistance.
[F] The slaves that Kerghan summons in the final battle no longer attack him.
[F] Fixed the dialog of Ashbury's guards. (Due to a typo in the file name it wasn't

[Version 080425]
[F] Screaming Shield now works properly.
[F] Fixed townmaps for Black Root and Kree.
[F] Fixed music issues in Thieves Cave. (A music track was set as an ambient track,
thus it was interfering with the correct one.)
[F] Fixed issues with Mysterious Apparition.
[F] Removed duplicated lines in Prince Farad's dialog.
[F] Officer's Uniform now uses correct art.
[C] Absinthe and Brandy will now get you drunk as well.
[F] Fixed Tulla's townmap. (Now shows correct gates in the center).
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Vollinger's dialog.
[F] Fixed Large Electro-Armor's weight. (Now it's the same as Large Basic
[F] Orcish thugs will no longer have Potassium Nitrate (which is an unfinished
item) in their inventory.
[F] A dock worker in Ashbury now has a proper race.
[F] Fixed bad art in townmaps for Black Mountain Clan and Iron Clan.
[F] Dwarven Ore, Iron Ore and Pure Ore now have correct ground art.
[F] Fixed an infinite money loop in Gilbert Bates' dialog for dummies.
[F] Fixed bad art in Wheel Clan's townmap.
[F] Fixed various problems with Great Aunt Ester's Amulet.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Benjamin Gershwin's dialog, and now he also gives you
the skulls back when agreed to.
[F] Mr. Rolland now has proper art in his first appearance (doesn't look like a
dwarf anymore) and the description shows his name.
[F] Fixed music issues in the Sobbing Onion's basement. (A music track was set as
an ambient track, thus it was interfering with the correct one.)
[R] Restored Virgil's "override" dialogs (those include a healing dialog, responses
to orders, waiting/joining responses, combat taunts, etc). Now his dialog fully
changes to a respectful good/evil one when you leave T'sen-Ang.
[F] A turned over boat in Ashbury's docks can no longer be walked over.
[F] Fixed Gladys' dialog. Now she won't take the ring when she is not supposed to.
[F] Fixed conditions in Matt de Cesare's dialog. Now the line "I gave the skulls to
someone else" will disappear if you've already retrieved them.
[F] Fixed the ground art for Top Hat and Chapeau of Magnetic Inversion.
[R] Cynthia Boggs now uses her own portrait.
[A] Balanced Boomerang now can be bought at quality blacksmiths.
[A] Quality Revolver now can be bought at gunsmiths.
[R] Now you get the "Survivor of the crash of the I.F.S. Zephyr" reputation if you
sell your story to the Tarantian.
[R] Now you get a reputation for mastering each skill (except thieving ones).

[Version 080502]
[F] Fixed alignment of two barbarians in Kree.
[A] Rural smiths now sell and buy both Barbarian Clothes and Bronze Barbarian
Clothes (any size). However, in multiplayer quality smiths sell and buy this armor.
[F] Fixed wrong PC responses in Tarant Guards' dialog.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in the dialog of the Mayor of Black Root.
[F] Charles Brehgo now properly attacks you if resurrected.
[F] A half ogre in Caladon sewers is no longer resurrectable.
[F] Fixed the Pervert of Tarant reputation, now it gives proper -25 reaction to
everybody in Tarant.
[F] Stringy Pete will no longer appear until either you take a look at Salty
Seadrick's map or Edward Teach tells you about him.
[F] Fixed the infinite fate points bug in Kree.
[F] Min Gorad now uses a correct portrait.
[F] Fixed Torian Kel's dialog script. Now his dialog lines won't float above every
creature in vicinity when you resurrect him.
[F] Fixed conditions in Theo Brightstart's dialog. Now when you make him angry by
destroying the boulders, only one line will be available. Also, one line was
leading to a wrong response.
[F] Fixed Whysper's dialog, 3 lines were leading to wrong responses.
[F] Now it's impossible to access Wrath spirit's quest only dialog if you kill him
[F] Thrayne Iron Heart now no longer goes to bed, also now he checks your disarm
traps skill before training.
[F] The Wheel Clan smith now has repair skill (expert), so he doesn't break items
[F] Added missing origin to some dwarves in the Wheel Clan.
[F] Fixed stats of Chukka, now he uses a correct soundbank.
[F] Fixed stats of Drog Black Tooth, now he uses a correct soundbank.
[F] Fixed wrong factions for two citizens in Ashbury. (They will no longer attack
you on sight if you are an enemy of Clan Maug).
[F] Fixed broken lines in King Praetor's dialog.
[F] You can no longer sell Bessie Toone's boot to H.T. Parnell more than once.
[F] Delores Beston is no longer resurrectable.
[F] Silent Robes use correct inventory art now.
[F] Race fixes for K'an Hua and his door guards.
[F] Fixed two broken lines in Edwin Wallows' dialog, which were leading to wrong
[F] Removed a duplicated line in Gideon Laier's dialog.
[F] Elementals and will-o-wisps now don't make blood splotches when struck.
[C] Fixed inconsistencies with many descriptions. Words like "Damage", "Fatigue",
etc are now replaced with corresponding acronyms, i.e. "D", "FT", etc.
[F] Fixed a broken line in K'an Hua's dialog (at the Ring of Brodgar).
[F] Fixed a line leading to a wrong response in Magnus' dialog.
[C] K'an Hua's door guards now have negative alignment.
[F] A dark elf at Dark Elf Camp now has a correct race and description and is no
longer resurrectable.
[C] Teleportation from Dernholm Pits is disallowed.
[R] Fixed the ending where Magnus becomes the King of the Dwarves.

[Version 080510]
[F] Fixed the Paralysis Grenade schematic, now it uses correct components.
[F] Fixed stats of the Telegraph Operator in Tarant and Wino Whitewash: correct
soundbanks now.
[F] Blade of Xerxes which the adventurers fetch for you now uses correct art.
[F] A dead body in Gorgoth's Pass and a skeleton in Wolf Cave are no longer
[F] Vincent now has negative alignment and is no longer resurrectable.
[F] Fixed a broken line in Gildor Nightwalk's dialog.
[R] Sprite mirroring is disabled, the game now uses all 8 rotations for every
creature (the number of animations is almost doubled).
[R] Updated WorldEd: turned off sprite mirroring, fixed some wrong window sizes
(they were too small to show all flags), fixed some typos. Note: this is based on
[F] A Dark Elf Bandit in Dernholm Pits now has correct race.
[F] A half ogre Molochean Hand agent in Stillwater and Gideon Laier now have
negative alignment.
[F] If you have Chukka in your party and asked him to wait somewhere while you've
killed Bates, then Chukka will attack you on sight.
[F] Edward Teach won't appear in Black Root if you've killed him in Ashbury or on
the Isle of Despair. Killian Drake and his cronies won't appear in this case as
[A] Magick-Tech penalty icon now has its own art.
[R] Fixed the ending where Maximillian returns to Cumbria, but Lianna Pel Dar is
dead. Now it uses a correct sound clip.
[F] Now you can give the pistol to Cynthia Boggs in all cases.
[F] Lorria now gives you the pistol in all cases.
[F] Ashbury's guards don't give blank rumors anymore.
[F] Caladon citizens don't give blank dialogs in the late game anymore.
[A] Dragarons now have soundbanks.
[F] Magick Ring from the Uncharted Cave is now usable.
[I] Removed artifacts from all penalty icons.
[F] Fixed problems with Kietzel Pierce's dialog. Now you get different dialog
options if you lie to him about the bow.
[F] An infinite XP loop in Jason C. Guy's dialog is now fixed.
[F] Kietzel Pierce and Clarissa Shalmo now actually have master training in their
respectful skills.
[F] Dagger of Pain and Bow of Ecclesiastes no longer have an empty spell menu.
[C] Teleportation to/from the Half Ogre Island is disallowed.
[F] Ring of Protection now gives DR+10 bonus, as its description says.
[F] Removed a broken line in Raven's dialog.
[F] Mrs. Morgan's quest now gets botched if you kill JT, and she attacks you on
sight if you speak to her again.
[F] Mrs. Morgan's lines don't get repeated if you already have the quest.
[F] Mrs. Morgan won't mention JT's quest if you killed him before taking it.
[F] Fixed stats of Mrs. Morgan: now she has a correct soundbank.
[F] Witch's Dagger doesn't have an empty spell menu anymore.
[F] Fixed a bug with getting infinite fate points by killing and resurrecting
Gilbert Bates.
[R] Added a missing script and an internal name to Kerghan's journal. This affects
several lines in Gideon Laier's dialog.
[F] Bullors' crate now disappears from the docks once you use it.
[F] Fixed a mistake in Virgil's response about the Crash Site.
[F] When Adkin Chambers is healed and leaves Stillwater it now affects the number
of citizens, so now it's possible to get the Butcher of Stillwater reputation in
this case as well.
[R] The conversation of Gilbert Bates and Loghaire Thunder Stone is restored.

[Version 080523]
[F] Removed unnecessary blocking tiles in Wolf Cave, so now it's possible to reach
for the body.
[F] Loghaire in exile now has a correct portrait.
[R] Technical manuals are now readable.
[F] Fixed music issues in Mannox's Hole.
[F] Torian Kel's Ancestral Sword doesn't have an empty spell menu anymore.
[F] Nasrudin now kills K'an Hua at the Ring of Brodgar in all cases.
[F] Removed a broken line in Perriman Smythe's dialog, also fixed his response
about the Void.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions for a response about Kerghan in dialogs of Perriman
Smythe, Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe, Raven, Magnus and Franklin Payne.
[F] Fixed several mistakes in the dialog of Loghaire in the Iron Clan.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Arronax's dialog.
[F] Fixed several problems with Kerghan's scripts. First, now he won't be hostile
to your party members when you persuade him to surrender, thus letting you finish
the game without fighting him. Second, he won't be summoning the slaves if you've
either joined him or persuaded him to surrender.
[F] Gurin Rockharrow is now properly leveled up and has master training in
[F] Fixed problems with one of D'ak Taan's henchmen.
[R] Fixed Gorgoth's dialog. Now you get a different set of lines once you know that
the enemy is Kerghan, not Arronax.
[F] Fixed problems with the chicken's soundbank.
[R] Restored missing special effects for Wall of Stone, Wall of Fire, Wall of Force
spells and Fire Obstruction.
[F] Horace McGinley's corpse now has a correct race.
[F] Dante no longer acts like a ranged fighter.
[F] Added a missing line for dummies to Caleb Malloy's dialog.
[C] Half Elf PCs now use elven art instead of human's, just like all Half Elf NPCs.
[F] Fixed a mistake in Virgil's dialog (after seeing Joachim's telegram).
[F] Fixed a line leading to a wrong response in Constable Owens' dialog.
[F] Fixed a dummy response and some wrong conditions in Arvid Millstone's dialog.
[F] It's no longer possible to give Cassie's necklace to Madam Lil more than once.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions for dummy responses in Madam Lil's dialog.
[F] You can no longer ask Ristezze about Schuylers as a dummy and get XP more than
[F] Herkemer Oggdoddler now properly takes 500 coins for training you in the melee
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Garret Almstead's dialog.
[F] Fixed stats of the bank robbers: correct soundbanks now.
[F] Fixed Sogg Mead Mug's dialog, now it's possible to ask him questions as a dummy
as well.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions for dummies and added a missing line for dummies in Mr.
Plough's dialog.
[F] Fixed the dialog of the half orc bandit to whom you must deliver the note from
the dark elf in the Wellington Club. Now the note is properly transferred in the
case of a dummy character as well.
[F] Fixed wrong female lines in Magnus' dialog.
[F] Tollo Underhill won't appear in Dernholm Pits if you don't have the quest.
[F] Fixed several broken lines in Theodore's dialog.
[F] Fixed Theodore's script, now he recognizes if one of your followers is wearing
his armor.
[F] Fixed stats of a female Gnome Noble in the Ashbury's town hall: a correct
soundbank now.
[F] Fixed two repeatable lines for dummies in Constable Owens' dialog.
[F] The line about work won't appear in Gildor Nighwalk's dialog if you already
have his quest.
[R] Restored the original art for Daniel Hallaway's strongbox, the map of Tarantian
sewers and Tollo Underhill's map.
[F] Added two missing lines to the dialog of the guard at the Isle of Despair.
[F] Fixed several broken lines in Laura's dialog.
[F] Added a missing line for dummies to William Bench's dialog.
[F] Now once you get the information about Renford A. Terwilliger from the Hall of
Records clerk you can no longer ask it again.
[F] Fixed two repeatable lines for dummies in the librarian's dialog.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Pollock's door guard's dialog.
[F] Fixed a mistake in Daniel Hallaway's dialog.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions for low reaction lines in Mrs. Cameron's dialog.
[F] Fixed several broken lines in Hadrian's dialog. Also added two missing lines
for dummies.
[F] Kietzel Pierce's quest now gets botched if you lie to him about the bow.
[F] Fixed a line for dummies in Nasrudin's dialog.
[C] City tailors now buy both Elegant Dresses and "Sunday's Best" Dresses.
[F] Fixed repeatable lines for dummies in Weldo Rubin's dialog.
[F] Nature's Wrath Helm now has a perception penalty.
[F] Added a line for females to Maximillian's dialog.
[F] Fixed two broken lines for dummies in Arronax's dialog. Also, added two missing
lines for dummies.

[Version 080604]
[F] Fixed 11 broken lines in Kerghan's dialog.
[F] Fixed two broken lines in Percival Toone's dialog. This fixes the problems with
him not giving you the quest and not talking to you anymore.
[F] Fixed repeatable lines in Ryan Sanders' dialog.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in the librarian's dialog.
[R] Automatons now have soundbanks.
[F] Fixed problems with Albert giving you the gem. Fixed repeatable lines in his
dialog as well.
[F] Fixed repeatable lines in Randver's dialog.
[F] Fixed 10 broken lines in Nasrudin's dialog. No more repeatable dialog or
duplicated lines.
[F] Replaced a completely wrong line (different from VO) in Loghaire's dialog.
[C] Simeon Tor's portals now can't be used by powerful technologists.
[F] Fixed two mistakes in Gildor Nightwalk's dialog.
[F] Fixed a mistake in the generic pub thug's dialog.
[F] Fixed a mistake in Richard Leeks' dialog.
[F] Fixed two broken lines in Raven's dialog.
[F] Fixed several broken lines for low reaction characters in Caladon's telegraph
operator's dialog.
[F] Fixed a broken line in Lianna Pel Dar's dialog.
[C] WorldEd: made the magic/tech aptitude slider bigger, so now it's possible to
set a more precise value. Also, fixed a few typos.
[F] Added missing origins to four Dwarf Villagers in the Wheel Clan.
[F] Vegard Moltenflow now has expert training in Spotting Traps.
[F] A Gnome Villager in Roseborough's Gift Shop now has a correct gender.
[F] Fixed stats of a Halfling Villager in Roseborough: a correct soundbank now.
[F] Fixed a broken line in the generic herbalist's dialog.
[F] Added missing soundbanks to some of orcs' prototypes (including the Orc Grunt
used in Summoning college).
[F] Fixed the teleportation visual effects when Nasrudin teleports from Thanatos to
the Ring of Brodgar.
[F] Fixed the teleportation visual effects when K'an Hua teleports to the Panarii
temple after being betrayed.
[F] Fixed the townmap for the Sobbing Onion's basement.
[F] Added a female line to Richard Leeks' dialog.
[F] Fixed a female line in Willoughsby's dialog.
[F] Fixed 6 female lines in Heinrich Jenks' dialogs.
[F] The prison warden in Ashbury's prison now opens a corresponding door once you
post bail for either of the prisoners.
[F] If you destroy either of the doors in Ashbury's prison, a corresponding
prisoner now becomes aware that he's free.
[F] Once you free either of the prisoners, they now walk out of the prison and
[F] Fixed several wrong conditions in Guido Lightouch and Jerrold Aymes' dialogs.
[F] Dark Elf assassin in Ashbury doesn't have a generic dialog anymore.
[R] Adkin Chambers is now actually blind (DX1, PE1) until you give him the potion.
Fixed some other problems with his scripts as well.
[F] Adkin Chambers now has master training in Dodge.
[R] Clockwork Decoy now uses its own soundbank.
[F] Surly Virgil no longer talks about Alexander as you enter the Panarii temple in
[F] Fixed a broken female line in the Master Mage of Morph's dialog.
[F] Fixed stats of a female Dark Elf Bandit in Dernholm Pits: correct soundbank and
portrait now.
[F] Fixed stats of a female Dark Elf Bandit in Elven Ruins: correct description,
race, soundbank, stats and portrait now.
[F] Fixed three broken lines (two of which were leading to a crash) in Salty
Seadrick's dialog and script.
[F] Fixed problems with three guards in the Panarii Temple in Caladon. Removed
wrong scripts and dialogs, fixed their art and origins, and added missing armor.
[F] Fixed several wrong conditions in Thorvald's dialog and script.
[F] Fixed two mistakes in female lines in Gorrin's dialog.
[F] Darian Maug's name is now consistent in all cases.
[F] Fixed various problems with the negotiations' quest and Farad's assassination's
quest. Now Vernon won't appear in the kitchen if you haven't accepted Heinrich
Jenks' quest. Also, the crate in the docks won't become usable once you've spoken
with Renard.
[F] Fixed problems with the kitchen's door in the Caladon Castle. Now the guard
opens it for you if you're in the middle of the negotiations' quest (have accepted
the quest but not finished it yet). Also, the door now works properly if you steal
the key from the guard, or lockpick it.
[F] Joining Kerghan as a dummy without Arronax in the party now works properly.
[F] Zen Virgil now doesn't attack you if you choose to join Kerghan. Surly Virgil,
however, now attacks you in this case.
[F] Fixed two money loops with selling the painting to Thaddeus Mynor.
[F] Surly Virgil no longer talks with Nasrudin.
[F] K'an Hua's door now works properly.

[Version 080612]
[R] Gilbert Bates' journal now uses its own art.
[F] Weldo Rubin now uses his own internal name. (Affects his behaviour, e.g. he no
longer claims some random chests as his own.)
[F] Gilbert Bates' chest now notifies a correct NPC.
[F] Pelojian's doors in Tulla now function properly. (Can't be lockpicked.)
[F] Sebastian now uses his own internal name.
[F] Fixed missing origins for 19 Tarantians.
[F] The chest in the fence in Tarant now notifies a correct NPC.
[F] Fixed notification problems with a barrel near Kan Kerai.
[F] Fixed notification problems with two chests in Vooriden.
[R] Vendigrothian Newspapers now use their own art.
[R] Fixed male soundbanks for small and medium sized humanoid races, alerted sounds
(when a character enters combat) weren't playing due to typos.
[F] Fixed 2 missing origins for 2 Ashbury citizens, 9 Dernholm citizens, 1 Black
Root citizen and 1 Stillwater citizen.
[C] Changed Jormund's origin to none (was Qintarra), changed Dante's origin to
Dernholm (was none).
[F] Fixed missing origins for 7 Caladonians.
[F] Albert Leek now has master training in Prowling.
[F] Asking Constable Owens about the location of Tarant doesn't trigger later
events anymore. Also, the line is not repeatable anymore.
[F] Getting information about the origins of the ring from Pelonius Schuyler now
gives you the quest to find Gilbert Bates.
[F] Doc Roberts' Enchanted Sword doesn't have an empty spell menu anymore.
[F] Fixed stats of Ristezze: a correct soundbank now.
[F] Fixed stats of Jacob Bens and a dead Half Orc Bandit in Shrouded Hills: correct
portraits now.
[F] Frederick Fitzgerald's chest now notifies a correct NPC.
[F] Four guards in the Boil now have weapons, just like all other guards in Tarant.
Also, one of the guards had a wrong auto level scheme.
[F] Fixed a mistake in generated greetings for the guard social class.

[Version 080626]
[I] Removed two red pixels in Light Wood Door's art.
[C] Now you get random encounters after levels 45-49 as well.
[R] There's a chance that orcish bandits in random encounters will have an ogre in
their group now. (This wasn't working before because of a typo).
[F] Fixed scripts of Molochean Hand Assasins, Orc Bandits and Bates' Bounty
Hunters. You won't be caught in neverending dialog loop anymore if you try to mind
control them.
[C] Fixed wrongs stats on a number of orcs and ogres' prototypes.
[R] Vendigroth's music track is restored.
[F] Fixed music issues in the part of Tarant around the library, Caladon's docks,
the boat landing on Thanatos, Ruby Glade, Ashlag Village and Stringy Pete's Cove.
[F] One of passages in the Black Mountain mines can't be destroyed anymore.
[F] A table in Bates' factory can't be highlighted anymore.
[F] A painting in the Mayor's mansion in Black Root can't be highlighted anymore.
[R] Restored Virgil's dialog about Lawrence Brummond's newspaper.
[F] Lawrence Brummond's newspaper can't be pickpocketed from the clerk anymore.
[F] Gilbert Bates now asks for his ring after the questions' branch as well.
[F] WorldEd: fixed categories for many critter prototypes.
[F] Fixed several problems with some of critter prototypes.
[F] Summoned creatures now have correct palettes. (not default ones)
[F] Fixed stats of the guard in front of the gates on the Isle of Despair: correct
soundbank and portrait now.
[F] The junk dealer in Derhnolm now has a correct dialog.
[F] Fixed some broken tiles in the herbalist's house in Shrouded Hills.
[F] Fixed three broken lines in the dialog of the Mayor of Black Root.
[F] Fixed the land bridge's townmap.
[F] Fixed two broken lines in Killian Drake's dialog.
[F] Prince Farad won't talk to you anymore if you tell him that Aria is being
tortured by Praetor.
[F] Fixed two broken lines in the dialog of the Mayor of Black Root.

[Version 080708]
[F] Fixed a completely wrong female line in Erick Obsidian's dialog.
[F] The Fool's Dagger doesn't have an empty spell menu anymore.
[F] Fixed wrong responses in generic dialogs for a magick shop clerk, a magick
armorer, a rural store clerk, a city store clerk, a dark magick shop clerk, an
elven trader and a rural tailor.
[F] Fixed a wrong faction for the Bludgeoner in Kerghan's lab.
[I] Fixed a wrong color in a palette for Qintarra's inner gate.
[I] Fixed wrong colors in a palette for Mannox's sarcophagus.
[I] Fixed wrong colors in palettes for a basket and a bathtub.
[A] WorldEd: added unused scenery art, 3 beds and 2 armoires.
[F] Fixed a completely wrong female line in Kietzel Pierce's dialog.
[F] Fixed a broken line and a wrong female line in D'ak Taan's dialog.
[F] Fixed two wrong female lines in Ristezze's dialog.
[F] Fixed a wrong female line in Winston Schuyler's dialog.
[F] Fixed a broken line in Thorvald's dialog.
[F] Fixed a broken line in Gilbert Bates' dialog. Added an appropriate female
response as well.
[F] Fixed a wrong female line in the Silver Lady's dialog.
[I] Fixed art of the following wall types: Gray Stone Wall, Nice Interior, Wood
Shack (door 3).
[I] Fixed art of the Nice Gray Roof.
[F] Fixed two broken lines in Raven's dialog.
[F] Fixed a wrong female line and 9 broken lines in Lillian Misk's dialog.
[F] Fixed a wrong female line in Ogdin's dialog.
[F] Attached a missing script to the book "The Hand". Affects Ogdin's dialog.
[F] WorldEd: updated sound schemes in the module template. Now all music and
ambient tracks are available for use in new modules.
[F] Fixed several broken lines in the script of the representative from the
Department of the Treasury. Now it's possible to take this bribe.
[F] Fixed standpoints of the representative of Caladonian Military.
[A] Female bar patrons now have a separate, female version of the Game of Wits.

[Version 080823]
[F] Half Elves now can get their BE up to 21.
[F] Fixed the wrong position of the sleep UI.
[F] Fixed the wrong size of the save/load menu background.
[R] Water Elementals now use a correct soundbank.
[F] White Scarf no longer acts like a helmet.
[F] Fixed a wrongly positioned ladder in Tarant Sewers.
[F] When you exit the blacksmith shop in Stillwater through a door it now correctly
changes the ambient track.
[R] The quest to kill Prince Farad is now fixed. Prince Farad's death changes the
quest state. Fixed problems with King Praetor's dialog, so it's possible to a) give
up the task when you already have the quest/tell the truth about the princess'
destiny, b) report the death of Prince Farad and actually complete the quest.
[R] Restored unused lines in King Praetor's dialog when the PC gets 60+ reaction.
[C] The representatives in Caladon Castle are now properly leveled up.
[I] Fixed the art for townmap/worldmap menu.
[I] Fixed a wrong color in a palette for rabbit cages.
[F] Fixed stats of a Dwarf Villager, Elf Villager and Gnome Villager in Roseborough
Inn: correct soundbanks and portraits now.
[F] Fixed a broken tile in train tracks outside of Tarant.
[F] Thorvald now leaves you if you don't go to the Wheel Clan.
[R] Restored unused lines in Thorvald's dialog, now you can ask him about
[F] Fa'al Kin's Gauntlets are no longer technological, so now characters with
technophobia won't get stuck in the maze.
[F] Murgo now leaves you if you take too long.
[C] Moved wait commands in Murgo's dialog so they're consistent with other
followers' dialogs. Also removed the heal option and some wrong conditions.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Magnus' dialog. Now he won't join you in all cases if
you've negotiated with Schuylers.
[F] Fixed a problem in Magnus' dialog when you were getting duplicated lines if
you've negotiated with Schuylers and had Torian Kel in your party.
[F] It's possible to have Magnus in your party if you've negotiated with Schuylers,
AND also killed them. Now all rejoining lines make a check for this.
[C] Magnus can no longer make things for you when he's waiting.
[F] It's no longer possible to recycle Sebastian's dialog and take the other one of
his two quests.
[F] Fixed Wesley and Brinda's dialogs. The lines related to the investigation for
Mrs. Misk are no longer available if you don't have the quest.
[R] Shocking Staff and Electrocution Grenade now have their original sound effects
[F] Knock Out Gas Grenade and Mustard Gas Grenade no longer damage party members.
[R] Restored original sound effects for acid.
[R] Fixed several problems with Regenerative Jacket. Fixed the wrong description
and the ground art, restored original sound effects.
[F] Myrth's quest now gets botched if you kill him.
[I] Fixed 9 art pieces used in sewers wall type. No more blue pixels.
[R] Restored VO for Torian Kel's lines when you find his ancestral sword (but only
the first line is voiced).
[F] Added some missing conditions to Bane of Kree's dialog.
[F] Removed the Potion of Paralysis schematic, since it's redundant.
[F] Fixed several problems with 15 master mages' dialogs (all but the water's one).
Now it's impossible to accept a chance for a mastery with less than 5 spells
learned (the mastery can be only granted with 5 spells learned). Fixed conditions
for the line "I've improved my skills", fixed a check for the line "I've enhanced
my magick aura". Fixed some other problems.
[R] Fixed Master Mage of Water's dialog. Now it's actually possible to accept his
quest for the mastery.
[F] The flag for a mastery chance now doesn't get reset after you complete the
test, so now it's impossible to accept the quest for another mastery (which is
[F] The lines related to the werewolf quest are no longer repeatable in Master Mage
of Morph's dialog.
[C] All weapons that have a mana bonus now reflect this in their descriptions.

[Version 081004]
[F] If you've joined Kerghan but then changed your mind, Torian Kel will still
stand by Kerghan's side.
[F] Jormund's quest specific dialog is no longer repeated when you disband him and
talk to him again.
[F] The Staff of Xoranth doesn't have an empty spell menu anymore.
[F] Benjamin Gershwin now gives the skulls back to you in all cases.
[R] NPCs now display their age again, as it was intended. (Most of NPCs in the game
have unique ages.)
[F] If you ask Dante to wait he no longer rejoins you as a free follower (i.e.
without making a CH check).
[F] If you ask Jormund to wait he no longer rejoins you as a free follower.
[C] Murgo now joins you as a free follower in all cases.
[F] Fixed mixed up cursors for called shots to torso and legs.
[F] Fixed a broken female line in Praetor's dialog.
[F] Fixed alingment changes in Larrs' dialog.
[R] Restored a large part of Erick Obsidian's dialog that was being skipped for
whatever reason.
[F] Fixed several broken lines in Tristan Fenwick's dialog.
[F] Jared now takes the note from you in all cases.
[R] Hushed Revolver now uses correct sound effects.
[R] Snow tiles now use correct footstep sounds.
[F] Fixed a broken line in the Game of Wits.
[R] Fixed positioning problems with the Dark Knight's art. (This monster type isn't
used in the Arcanum module, but can now be used in custom modules.)
[F] Added undead and fatigue immune flags to Dark Knight, Dark Berserker, Dark
Warrior-Priest and Dark Warlord. Added soundbanks, as well.
[F] Removed two lines leading to wrong responses in Perriman Smythe's dialog.
[I] Removed a red pixel in Panarii Stairs' art (two pieces).
[F] Torian Kel's dialog about his home is no longer called more than once.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in Jyheirad's dialog.
[F] If you find the Blade of Xerxes early, it's still usable when you get the
[F] Jyheirad's dialog now doesn't get repeated if you manage to save him before the
fire elementals kill him.
[F] Jyheirad now thanks you when resurrected.
[F] Jyheirad and the adventurers now properly appear inside the cave in all
necessary cases.
[F] Reading the paper about Renford A. Terwilliger's death now doesn't trigger
later events if you find it early.
[F] The Body of Stone spell now uses a correct palette.
[F] Fixed wrong conditions in the dialog of the Mayor of Black Root. Now you can't
give him his dagger if you don't have the quest.
[F] Stealing the taxes from the Mayor of Black Root now doesn't trigger the quest
if you don't have it in the first place.
[F] Finding Princess Aria's amulet now doesn't trigger the quest if you don't have
[I] Fixed positioning problems with the Greater Demon's idle animation.
[R] Tulla's runes art is now displayed correctly.
[R] Added visual and sound effects to Tesla Gun's hit.
[R] Restored visual and sound effects for Bronwyck's Gun's shot.
[F] Fixed problems with Thorvald leaving too early.
[I] Fixed art for P.Schuyler and Sons sign.
[F] Fixed art for the jeweler's shop sign.
[C] Monsters, animals, undead and mechanical critters now have their resistances
capped at 95%, like all other critters.
[F] Will-o-wisps now don't leave blood pools when they die.
[R] Restored day and night ambient tracks for the Wastes region.
[R] Restored a missing sound in the lizard men's soundbank.
[R] Restored a missing sound in the rat's soundbank.
[R] Restored the araya's soundbank (now it plays different sounds for different
actions instead of just one).
[R] Restored a missing sound in the krag's soundbank.
[R] Restored a missing sound in the giant spider's soundbank.
[R] Restored a missing sound in the fire elemental's soundbank.
[R] Restored a missing sound in the water elemental's soundbank.
[R] Restored the sheep's soundbank.
[R] Restored a missing sound in the familiar's soundbank.
[A] Added skill training to Tattered Bowman, Insectress Hunter and various NPCs in
random encounters, such as Molochean Hand assassins and bounty hunters.
[I] Added missing palettes to the skeleton's conceal animation.
[I] Fixed positioning problems with the blacksmith's extra animation.
[A] Added a Long Bow to quality smiths.
[F] Fixed Lesser Krag and Krag Chieftain's inventories.
[F] It's no longer possible to ask the innkeeper in Stillwater about Joachim's book
when he has already given it to you.
[R] Fixed a bug with APs subtraction. Throwing an item (including grenades) now
takes 4 APs.

[Version 081229]
[I] Decreased loading times by optimizing the prototypes generation procedure. The
game now starts almost instantly (without movies). WorldEd is fixed as well.
[F] Fixed a problem with the Tarant University steamrail station, it was giving you
money instead of taking it when going to either docks or the park.
[R] Added missing visual effects to Droch's Warbringer and Large Bore Vendigrothian
[A] Added paperdoll art to Large Bore Vendigrothian Rifle.
[A] Added paperdoll art to Large Venom-Shielded Garment.
[R] Restored the original paperdoll art for Tesla Gun.
[R] Restored the original art for Mage's Staff, Shaman's Staff and Staff of Healing
(this fix was originally available in the Extra Pack).
[I] Improved paperdoll art for Staff, Quality Staff, Mage's Staff, Shaman's Staff,
Staff of Healing, Shocking Staff, Tesla Rod, Short Bow, Railroad Spike and Balanced
Sword by remaking it from original templates with proper resampling.
[R] Engine explosions now play correct sound effects.
[F] The display case in the Misk's residence now doesn't show a book when "The Book
of Durin's Truth" is removed. However, the art reappears if the book is put back.
[F] Removed a line leading to a wrong response in Captain Wheeler's dialog.
[F] Swyft now has correct age.
[R] K'na Tha's townmap is now fixed (Gorgoth pass' townmap no longer overlaps it).
[F] The townmap of Simeon Tor's chamber no longer contains older graphics.
[F] If K'an Hua was killed by Nasrudin, he won't appear in the Panarii temple when
the PC tells Alexander about the Dark Elves' conspiracy.
[F] Torian Kel now has proper dialog when he attacks and kills Bane of Kree.
[R] Now you can tell Arronax that you've talked to Kerghan, this restores a part of
Arronax's dialog.
[F] Fixed problems with Magnus' dialog becoming broken if you first talk to him
while being invisible, having a body spell, having summoned creatures or being
[R] Removed age censorship, age below 20 is now possible. Half-Orcs are now 15 y.o.
by default, while Orcs are 10, as it was intended.
[C] CN1 doesn't result in heal rate of 0 anymore.
[R] Restored a missing line in the dialog of the Mayor of Black Root.
[F] Fixed a line leading to a wrong response in Dante's dialog.
[R] Restored Whysper's dialog for dummies, now it's actually possible to take her
quest when playing as a dummy.
[F] Fixed some wrong conditions in Franklin Payne's dialog.
[R] Fixed Wheeler's dialog for dummies, now it's possible to talk to Donn Throgg as
a dummy.
[F] Corrected Raven and Z'an Al'urin's ages.
[F] A skeleton in Ashbury's haunted castle can no longer be resurrected.
[R] Restored bank robbery sound effects.
[F] After asking Z'an Al'urin a question the dialog now returns to the correct
[R] The ending where both Gilbert Bates and Cedric Appleby are dead is now
[F] Bentley's doors can now be opened if Milo's not around/his body decayed.
[F] Fixed responses to unusual PC appearance in train ticket agents and train
conductors' dialogs.
[R] Now it's possible to tell Randver that you killed his father when playing as a
dummy. Fixed other broken conditions as well.
[F] Fixed problems with Caleb Malloy's quest. Now the quest gets botched if you
tell Caleb that you've been assaulted, various loops in his dialog (including a
money loop) have been fixed too. Also Caleb now recognizes if Malek is lying dead
in the pub.
[F] Fixed several loops in Nasrudin's dialog when playing as a dummy.
[R] Restored windowed mode support. "-window" command line argument is added.
[I] Fixed the art for follower's fatigue bar.
[F] You can no longer talk to Pollock before getting the quest by using
[A] Added missing special effects to Dark Helm.
[F] The Vial of Dragon's Blood now gets destroyed after its use.
[F] Once you betray the Bedokaan, the quest to kill the poachers now gets botched.
[F] If you don't show the skull from Nasrudin's tomb to Hadrian, the quest will
still be marked as completed in all cases.
[I] Removed artifacts from the navigation button in WorldMap UI.
[C] F6 now calls "#Move" command instead of "Follow" (which wasn't working).
"#Move" command makes all your followers change their position (they will just
occupy another free tile), this may be useful if they're blocking your way.
[R] Restored a correct attack line in Grunwalde's dialog.
[F] The quest specific lines in Edwin Wallows' dialog are no longer repeatable.
[F] You can't trigger Jormund's quest anymore if you kill Wrath yourself. Jormund
won't talk to you in this case.
[R] If you attempt to resurrect Wrath, you now get an extra line in Jormund's
[F] Removed a wrong check in Jormund's dialog.
[F] Fixed problems with Maxim building Mechanized Gun. Now the components get
properly destroyed even if they are in an inventory of any party member.
[F] Harrow now takes into account your damage bonus when calculating fatigue
[F] Fixed a blank note on one of dark elf corpses.
[F] Fixed looping dialog with Geoffrey Tarrellond-Ashe. You can no longer ask him
about his background and why he's outside the graveyard more than once.
[R] Restored missing lines in Geoffrey Tarrellond-Ashe's dialog. If you try to
leave the graveyard and Geoffrey leaves the group as a result, you now get a
special dialog when talking to him again, that lets you ask him to rejoin.
[F] A copy of the "Garringsburg Heist" paper on Rorry Limes now sets the correct
flag when used, just like the other copies.
[F] You can no longer examine Rorry Limes' passport if it's not in your inventory.
[F] You can no longer deceive the half-ogre guarding the painting if you have not
read the note.
[F] Fixed a problem with Mr. Razzia's dialog checking for the Roseborough Inn's
matchbook instead of Preston Radcliffe's passport. Also, the dialog tree pertained
to the passport is no longer repeatable.
[F] Added a missing dialog to a Human Villager in Shrouded Hills.
[F] Fixed repeatable lines when asking for locations of Dernholm and Stillwater in
the generic citizen's dialog. Fixed some wrong conditions as well.
[F] Fire Obstruction now makes NPCs hostile.
[R] It's now possible to tell Willoughsby that you killed Heinrich Jenks after
hearing his offer.
[R] If you fail to convince Donn Throgg to surrender, you can now tell Wheeler so,
and he will offer you a task of killing Throgg.
[F] Fixed a wrong female line in Donn Throgg's dialog.
[F] Fixed a wrong female line in Waromon's dialog.
[F] You can no longer ask Waromon about the imprisoned elven hunter once Kan Kerai
frees him.
[F] A trash can in front of the Ashbury's town hall now has a correct icon and
sound effects.
[F] The map of the Tarantian Sewers no longer shows deleted areas.
[F] You can no longer ask Dernholm guards why they don't like "him" (Garrick Stout)
before actually asking who's in charge of them.
[F] The chest icon is now of the correct size and doesn't overlap the menu's
[F] Fixed incorrectly numbered responses of noble females to the PC wearing
barbarian clothes.
[F] You can no longer ask guards where to find an Expert trainer for throwing more
than once.
[R] The Invisibility spell now has dispelling special effects.
[C] Thorvald is now 300 years old (instead of 100).
[F] Fixed incorrect floating lines in Stanley Hippington's dialog.
[F] The fake blue bunny's death now uses the correct flag.
[F] Fixed repeatable lines in Stanley Hippington's dialog.


- Charged Axe is restored (the schematic can be bought from quality smiths (5%
- Schreck's Multi Barreled Pistol is restored.
- Clockwork Physician, Illuminated Decoy and Explosive Decoy are restored (all
three schematics can be bought from inventors (10% chance)).
- The conversation of Virgil and Maug is restored.
- Restored art for Great Helm.
- Restored attack sound effects for Half-Ogres, Ogres and Orcs.
- Added correct palettes to Human Blacksmith's art.
- Different blacksmiths now have different palettes.


I'd like to thank several people and communities/organizations for the help on my

Shambelle and Faceless - for help with penalty icons
Earth Nuggets - for Cumbria's ending sound clip edit
BillyOgawa, MaskedMan, Enigmatic, Earth Nuggets, Freddy, Athiska - for proofreading
team a - for a few wall fixes and a roof fix

Many people who've reported bugs - for your invaluable bug reports
RPGCodex - for lots and lots of support
TROIKA team - for making this jewel of the game in the first place, and for
responding to my questions even after all these years,, and AtomicGamer - for

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