60 Vocab

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60 vocab

1. Launches: ra mắt
2. Photo: hình ảnh
3. Contest:cuộc thi
4. Celebrating: ăn mừng
5. Anniversary: ngày kỉ niệm
6. Central Highlands: Tây Nguyên
7. Province:tỉnh
8. Cultural identity: bản sắt dân tộc
9. Achievements: thành tựu
10. Promote tourism: quảng bá du lịch
11. Central Square: quảng trường trung tâm
12. Downtown: trung tâm thành phố
13. Holding: giữ
14. Convergence: hội tụ
15. Organised: có tổ chức
16. Association of literature and Arts: hội văn học nghệ thuật
17. Support: hỗ trợ
18. Association of Photographic Artists: hiệp hội nghệ sĩ nhiếp ảnh
19. Establishment: thành lập
20. Amateur: nghiệp dư
21. Professional: chuyên nghiệp
22. Photographers: nhiếp ảnh gia
23. Aged: tuổi
24. Above: ở trên
25. Send: gửi
26. Entries: bài dự thi
27. September: tháng 9
28. Single: độc thân
29. Colour: màu sắc
30. Introduce: giới thiệu
31. Promote: quảng bá
32. Cultural values: giá trị văn hóa
33. Historical heritage sites: di tích lịch sử
34. Landscapes: phong cảnh
35. potential in economy-society: tiềm năng về kinh tế-xã hội
36. science-technology: khoa học-công nghệ
37. defence-security: quốc phòng-an ninh
38. international integration: hội nhập quốc tế
39. highlight: nổi bật
40. beauty of the cultural: vẻ đẹp văn hóa
41. spiritual:tâm linh
42. efforts: nỗ lực
43. preserving: bảo quản
44. portray individuals: miêu tả cá nhân
45. collectives: tập thể
46. ideology: hệ tư tưởng
47. morality đạo đức
48. chairwoman: chủ tịch
49. numerous: nhiều
50. development: phát triển
51. expect: mong đợi
52. outstanding: xuất sắc
53. achievements: thành tích
54. imbued: thấm nhuần
55. unique: độc đáo
56. prizes: giải thưởng
57. Consolation:sự an ủi
58. Ceremony: lễ
59. Exhibition:triển lãm
60. Awards:giải thưởng

Bài tóm tắt

This news article discusses the launch of a photo contest by the province of Đắk Lắk in the Central
Highlands region of Vietnam. The contest, titled "Đắk Lắk – Convergence and Identity," is organized by
the province's Association of Literature and Arts with support from the Vietnam Association of
Photographic Artists (VAPA) to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the establishment of Đắk Lắk
Photographers, both amateur and professional, aged 18 and above, are invited to submit their entries by
September 30 via the website anhnghethuatdaklak2024.com. Entries can consist of single photos or sets
of five to eight photos in either color or black-and-white. The photos should showcase various aspects of
Đắk Lắk, including its people, cultural values, historical heritage sites, landscapes, and achievements in
various fields such as economy, society, science, technology, defense, security, and international
Moreover, the photos should highlight the cultural and spiritual life of the ethnic minority groups in the
province and their efforts in preserving and promoting their identity. Additionally, the works should
portray individuals or groups who exemplify the ideology, morality, and lifestyle of President Hồ Chí
The contest aims to encourage photographers to capture the beauty of Đắk Lắk's land and people after 120
years of establishment and development. The organizers hope that the photos will showcase the province's
achievements and unique cultural identity to both local and international audiences.
A jury from VAPA will select six top prizes and seven consolation prizes from the submitted photos. The
awards ceremony and an exhibition featuring 120 selected photos from the contest will be held in Buôn
Ma Thuột City in October.

Bài báo
Đắk Lắk launches photo contest celebrating anniversary
The Tây Nguyên (Central Highlands) province of Đắk Lắk is opening a photo contest to highlight its
cultural identity and achievements, and promote tourism.
ĐẮK LẮK — The Central Highlands province of Đắk Lắk is holding a photo contest to highlight its
cultural identity and socio-economic achievements, and promote tourism.

The contest, with the theme Đắk Lắk – Hội Tụ và Bản Sắc (Đắk Lắk – Convergence and Identity), is
organised by the province’s Association of Literature and Arts with support from the Việt Nam
Association of Photographic Artists (VAPA) to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the establishment of
the province (1904-2024).

Vietnamese amateur and professional photographers aged 18 and above can send their entries to the
website anhnghethuatdaklak2024.com by September 30.

The entries can be single photos or a set of five to eight photos in colour or black-and-white.

The photos must introduce and promote Đắk Lắk’s people, cultural values, historical heritage sites,
landscapes, and potential in economy-society, science-technology, defence-security, and international

They have to highlight the beauty of the cultural and spiritual life of all ethnic minority groups in the
province, and their efforts in preserving and promoting their identity.

The works should also portray individuals or collectives who are studying and following President Hồ
Chí Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle.

Writer Niê Thanh Mai, chairwoman of the Đắk Lắk Association of Literature and Arts, said: “Through
the contest, the organisers want to encourage photographers to create numerous beautiful pictures of the
land and people of Đắk Lắk after 120 years of establishment and development. We expect the photos will
highlight the province’s outstanding achievements and introduce a province imbued with unique cultural
identity to local and international visitors.”
The organisers will give six top prizes and seven consolation prizes to the best photos chosen by the jury
from VAPA.

The awards ceremony and an exhibition showcasing 120 photos from the contest will be held in Buôn Ma
Thuột City in October. — VNS

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