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It’s possible to create, change, or delete a pushbutton for specific EWM business processes.

As an example, I am going to show you how to add a pushbutton which I have squared in red color.

The execution of the transaction code is /SCWM/RFUI.

The simulated logical transaction can be checked on the technical data screen, which can be
accessed by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F1.

You are going to see that technical information below.

What do you need to change a pushbutton in a RF screen?

1- Presentation Profile
2- Personalization Profile
3- Logical Transaction
4- Step
5- State
Our display profile is **, presentation profile is ****, logical transaction is IVCOUN, Step is IVMOH
and State is FIRST.

After you get the information that I have listed above, you can define logical transactions via IMG
menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management > Extended Warehouse Management > Mobile Data
Entry Radio Frequency (RF) Framework > Define Steps in Logical Transactions
Choose the logical transaction and go to define function code profile.

A function code profile is used to define function keys and pushbuttons created for a screen or step.
There are lots of standard function code.

Then you need to find your step and state.

If there is no a state as a FIRST, you can find the **** one. It means that **** is your state.

We are going to add the PB4 SAVE pushbutton on our screen.

Save button was the blank before we change anything. In order to add the Save button we need to
change the blank.

Because we want to add the Save button as a fourth button on the screen, we need to choose PB4.

It is going by order.
Fuction Key helps you to determine which function key raises the specific function code on a
keyboard or RF terminals.
If you think that a button is not necessary on a screen, you can just change the pushbutton as a

If you want to only activate the function key and not display the pushbutton, leave the PUSHB field
empty. If you want to activate only the pushbutton and not a corresponding function key, leave the
FNKEY field empty.

And also it is possible to add more than 4 pushbuttons. We added the SAVE button on the first
screen so we can disable the SAVE button on the next screen.

Function Code Group Sequence should be 02, cause we will make a change on the second screen.

In thus way, there is no pushbuttons on the second screen anymore.


The following information is a general proposal for the screen layout and is intended to help you to
design the screens. You can activate or deactivate the input option, the required option, and the
visible option.

If you want to make changes as below, for example, deleting a button, or changing the size of the
subscreen, or button you shouldn’t define the standard template screen.

As an example, I will make the changes to the red box that I have framed. They are not necessary
fields on my project.

In order to make changes that we mentioned above, we need Screen Program and Screen Number
on RF Screen.
You can change the layout in SAP using Transaction SE80.

Choose the Fuction Group and write the Screen Program and click on enter as we got on RF Screen.

Find your screen number and double click.

After that you need to click on “layout” button.

It is one of the easiest thing to design. You are going to see the screen below.

Click on pencil button to make changes. It means that it can be modified.

If you want to delete a field you just need to click on button and then click delete on the keyboard.
You also can add a new text and make the field size bigger.

For example, I have added a Text Field and made the name “TEST”.

After you finish to modify the screen, you must click the activate button.
You are going to see the changes on RF screen.

When you are done with your changes, you have to activate the screen here as well.

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