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ABE 328: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Engr Razel Allan R. Valleser, ABE, MoP

Module 2: Flow of water into and thru the soil

Lesson 1. Infiltration of soil

1. Discuss the infiltration and soil water movement
2. Identify instrument used for measuring infiltration rate
3. Compute infiltration rate
4. Conduct activity on determining infiltration rate

In a certain location make a try of pouring a certain amount of water above the soil surface,
repeat the process several times on same soil surface. What happen to water after pouring above
the soil surface? Is the water quickly absorb by soil after your several attempt? In this lesson you
will explore the process of water movement in the soil, you will also explore factors affecting those
water movement, and the importance of knowing it in relation to irrigation. You will also explore
instruments used for determining the rate of water movement in the soil, and as well as computing
the rate of water movement in the soil.

Soil Infiltration
Dealing with water movement in the soil, it is basically classified as infiltration,
percolation, and runoff. Infiltration refers to the process of water entry into the soil or refers to the
soil ability of allowing the water to move into and through the profile of soil. The rate at which the
water infiltrates into the soil is refers to infiltration rate. Percolation is simply the vertical
movement of water in the soil, and the runoff is the movement of water above the soil surface.

The infiltration rate also refers to the velocity of water moving from surface down below
the soil surface. For instance, the infiltration rate of 1-mm/h, means that water travels 1mm depth
for a period of 1-hour.

The infiltration is the main source of water for vegetative growth and crop production
when crop is grown in the soil. As the water infiltrate down, portion of it percolate down and
provides input to the groundwater recharge, the infiltration also transports water soluble
compounds such as the fertilizers, manures, and other materials from soil surface down below the
soil surface.

Dealing with water movement in the soil like infiltration rate is important, especially in the
aspect of irrigation. The infiltration rate of water in the soil is important as one to be considered in
the design of irrigation system. For instance, in sprinkler irrigation, this is among to consider in
order to minimize water losses during irrigation or application of water into the field by means of
sprinkler irrigation system. The rate of water application through sprinkler higher than the rate of
water infiltration resulted to more runoff irrigation water, that is losses.

There are several factors influencing the rate of infiltration, among it are the physical
characteristics of soil, cover above the soil surface, soil moisture content, soil temperature, and
rate of rainfall, and or rate of application of water above the soil surface.

Physical characteristics of soil

The infiltration rate depends on soil texture (the size of the soil particles) and soil structure
(the arrangement of the soil particles: see Volume 1). This aspect is a useful way of categorizing
soils from an irrigation point of view. The fine textured soil resulted to low infiltration rate, and
the coarse textured soil resulted to high infiltration rate. Table 2.1 below presents the infiltration
rate for various type of soil texture. The compactness of soil also affects the infiltration rate, the
more compact soil the lesser the infiltration rate. Tillage or cultivation making soil become loose
is a way of improving the infiltration rate of the farm field soil.

Table 2.1. Infiltration rate on various types of soil.

Soil type Infiltration rate cm/h)

Sand 5

Sandy Loam 2.5

Loam 1.3

Clay loam 0.80

Silty Clay 0.25

Clay 0.50
Source: Israelsen, 1950.

Cover on the soil surface

Presence of cover above the soil surface will also affect the soil infiltration rate. Any cover
above soil surface contribute resistance, prevent or limit water from entering the soil pores spaces.
The degree of resistance depends on the nature of materials or substance covering the soil surface.
Covers includes, crop or plant parts, vegetation above the soil surface, concrete, stone, plastic, and
any other materials that may cover the surface of soil.

Soil water content

Soil water content refers to the amount of soil moisture. Soil moisture occupy the voids in
the soil, and more voids space if the soil is dry. The water infiltrate rapidly in dry soil, and as the
water enter the soil surface occupying the soil voids, the infiltration is lowering until reaching the
so-called steady rate of infiltration. Steady rate infiltration also known as the constant rate of
infiltration; this is the point where the displacement of water that moves down the soil surface per
unit time is uniform. Figure 2.1 shows the graphical presentation of water infiltration rate in the
soil versus time.

Soil temperature

The water viscosity changes with temperature. Low temperature water is more
viscous as compared to warm water. In relation to infiltration rate, warm water infiltrate
faster down the soil than the low temperature water. According to Braga, et. al 2007,
infiltration is with higher rates occurring during warmer periods, affecting the infiltration
rate by as much as 56%.

Intensity of rainfall

Rainfall intensity higher than the infiltration capacity of soil resulted to more runoff water.
High intense rain may also cause mechanical compaction of soil causing less infiltration during
high intense rainfall.

Instruments used for determining the infiltration rate

Several methods were been developed to measure the infiltration rate of soil. The most versatile
of all available methods is the used of infiltrometer. Infiltrometer is the device used to measure water

infiltration rate into the soil. Types of infiltrometer are single-ring and double ring infiltrometer. Single-
ring infiltrometer consisting one cylinder only typically of inner diameter of 30 cm, and made from steel
material or a stainless-steel material. The double-ring infiltrometer is consisting of two cylindrical ring,
inner ring is of 30 cm inside diameter, and the outside ring is of 60 cm inner diameter. The total height of
the infiltrometer both single or double ring is of not less than 27 cm. Figure 2.2 shown below presents the
images of single-ring and double-ring infiltrometer.

Several techniques on how to install the infiltrometer into the field to determine the soil
infiltration rate. Single-ring infiltrometer is easy to install than double-ring, but double-ring
infiltrometer will give more reliable result. Below are the sample steps on installing infiltrometer
into the field that is develop by FAO.Org.

Step Hammer the 30 cm diameter ring at least 15 cm into the soil. Use the timber to protect the ring
1: from damage during hammering. Keep the side of the ring vertical and drive the measuring rod
into the soil so that approximately 12 cm is left above the ground.

Step Hammer the 60 cm ring into the soil or construct an earth bund around the 30 cm ring to the same
2: height as the ring and place the hessian inside the infiltrometer to protect the soil surface when
pouring in the water

Step Start the test by pouring water into the ring until the depth is approximately 70-100 mm. At the
3: same time, add water to the space between the two rings or the ring and the bund to the same
depth. Do this quickly.
The water in the bund or within the two rings is to prevent a lateral spread of water from the

Step 4: Record the clock time when the test begins and note the water level on the measuring rod.

Step After 1-2 minutes, record the drop in water level in the inner ring on the measuring rod and add
5: water to bring the level back to approximately the original level at the start of the test. Record the
water level. Maintain the water level outside the ring similar to that inside.

Step Continue the test until the drop in water level is the same over the same time interval. Take
6: readings frequently (e.g. every 1-2 minutes) at the beginning of the test, but extend the interval
between readings as the time goes on (e.g. every 20-30 minutes).
Note that at least two infiltration tests should be carried out at a site to make sure that the
correct results are obtained.

Sample Problem for Computing infiltration

Given the Data Shown below, calculate the rate of infiltration.

Trial Time (minute) Depth of infiltration (millimeter)
1 2 8
2 3 7
3 5 10
4 10 17
5 10 11
6 10 7

7 20 9
8 20 9

Infiltration rate for each trial is calculate using the equation,
𝑓(𝑡) =

𝑓(𝑡) - is the infiltration rate in a unit of depth per unit time

𝑓- is the depth of infiltration

𝑡-is the time for a water to infiltrate a depth of 𝑓 in a given soil type
Computed values of infiltration rate in a unit of mm/hr is presented in right column of the table
shown below.
Trial Time (minute) Depth of infiltration Infiltration rate 𝑓(𝑡) in mm/hr
1 2 8 240
2 3 7 140
3 5 10 120
4 10 17 102
5 10 11 66
6 10 7 42
7 20 9 27
8 20 9 27

Exercises 2.1

Instruction. Read specific instructions for this exercise as written below. Write your output in your
exercise notebook which is only intended for your ABE 328 subject and this will be submitted
before the term exam or at the time the instructor provide instructions to submit. Your output must
also be submitted in the DSSC LMS and in your ABE 328 Google Classroom on or before the set
deadline as indicated in your ABE 328 google classroom.

Name: ____________________________ Year/ Course/Section:_______ Date:______

1. In your own location, conduct actual experiment on determining the soil infiltration rate.
Along with this activity, you are task to do the following:
a. Fabricate your own infiltrometer, preferably single ring infiltrometer.
- In fabricating your own single ring infiltrometer, you can used any hollow
cylindrical objects or materials available in your own location, for instance tin
can, PVC pipes, etc,
- Fabricate it according to your desired design, then specify the inner diameter, and
(Caution! Extra care or safety must be observed, since it is expected that you will
be using cutting tools, driving tools, and any other tools needed that may cause
injury, or harm you if safety or extra care is not properly observed)
b. After fabricating your single-ring infiltrometer, select convenient location where you
wanted to install your instrument.
c. After selecting ideal site, clean the soil surface area, level the surface, then drive your
single ring infiltrometer into the ground. Make any mechanism so that your
infiltrometer will not be damage during driving, for instance putting of wood block at
the top of your infiltrometer, and drive it by hammering the wood block.
d. Conduct experiment on determining soil infiltration rate with the used of your own
made device. In doing this experiment, do the following steps:
- Measure depth of infiltrometer (from ground to top), record the depth, this will
correspond to water infiltration depth
- Pour water inside the infiltrometer to full capacity, also start measuring time at the
instant you poured the water inside your infiltrometer, and end the time when the
infiltrometer is empty with water. Record the time.
- Refill again the infiltrometer with water to full capacity, and also start to measure
time at the time of pouring the water inside the infiltrometer and stop the time
when water inside the infiltrometer infiltrated all down the soil
- Repeat the process for a trial of at least 10.
- Record your data on the sample table shown below,

Trial Depth of infiltration Time of infiltration
(mm) (seconds or minute)
(Equivalent to the depth
of your infiltrometer)

e. Compute the infiltration rate, and tabulate your computed values.

f. Discuss your result.

1. Hansen, V.E, Israelsen, O.W., Stringham, G.E. (1980). Irrigation principles and practices. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

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