Module 6 Optical Systems Design and Networking 4X1

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Module 6 Part I: Optical Link Design By Mr. He Dessalegn (Instructor) Link besten 1 Fiber Optic Communicain Network 1 Poin-to-oint Link: Simplest Tranemsson Line POINT -T0-POINT LINK 1 Tranamitter atone End and Receve o the other en {Link length very from Kms to thousnds of Kms (depending on appns) Ep: Digital Computer Date lnk between two computer in a busing (Granary 10 EMT, low weight, Sal da) Unserses iter contentalcomnn, System (Low attenuation end bardwth are mpertor) Link design Parameters imsive various inter-related variables related to fiber source, phot detector cherocrerehic Objectives af Link design ~ System requement with cst effectiveness Trerative Process Some time system requrementst9 be relaxed if con meet win exiting technology or ee fos expensive BASIC CONSIDERATIONS Lrg distence communication links (paint topoint nat feasible) divided into several shovter othe, each ie cnnacted %0 the text throogh ‘prical amplifier or regerertive repester. uit Lin Systems Total sytem specifications to be reduced to one specificrion foreach ik Key System requirements in the link design | ater bitrate bard width 1. Bit eran rere (BERY signl-o-oise ratio (S/N) i, Trranistion detnce/ Link Length Basic Lees involved in Link Design ‘Attensaton: Determines Pes Availble ot Photoetecto Input Fore given pat power i Dispersion: Determines limiting data. rate or utcble bndsth Unc Design Procedure 1 Link Power budget it made endif found unsatisfactory, conpanents are tobe repaced 1 Once established, te budget is prepared Yo ensure desired system ‘Wevelength Region For moderate bit rate (1 Gots/s) operate ner 1850 fo low ss igher bit rate (10 6bits/s) rear 1330 - minimum dispersion igh bs rate long distance = Dispersion shies fiber ot 1550 RL Product (On basis of bitrate R and ink length L, tentative choice of Spereting wovlength, ond source canbe made using RL Prodvct Choice of Fiber -S1/67/SM/MA pole 1.1 type ta ae and tps protic Miron tLe ad Rwy Wa anton ie im ap oe so | sma | soe | 0 | oma Fal hole based on Ink pow Hine budgets Note: Max modultan speed is cbout 5 Gbite/s for LED & 50 Gbit/s for laser, With’ DPB leser & Dispersion shifted fiber RL of Thits/-km POWER BUDGET system parameters are optimises for minimum required optical power level at receiver. An allowance is made for the degradation of component performance with ageing, temp effects, field repair, re- connection, variations in drive conditions etc DA safe margin is provided to take care of these effects Lest adel of pint Power Margin Evaluation @ ea Power Marga Sood Power mario Py spin ‘ecaptble bao Ht Otherwise some ——_—_, ca Tobe upgraded «4d = The ele ‘TIME BUDGET Ersures the system performance at the desired dota rate Some tines it may happen thatthe roel system ent able 9 The desired data rete even he band wath of individu! sub systems ‘ieeede the date rate, Consiering Gaussian impulse retponde wth et pulsewidth ay Fiber ce Receiver ‘Then Overall Systm Response wil be Gaussian with ule width Sefe Margin: 10 higher thon above value “Time budget ie considered setisfactory if @ 4 dees not exceed ‘one where the date rate ‘TRANSMITTER RISE TIME Depends on lectraniecomporer of diving creut Time for population erson of source Few nana seconde for LED Femto seconde for LD bese transmitters Aesuming exponential oie and decay, half these tine RECEIVER RISE TIME Receiver rite tine ty determined by 3 4B electrical bandwith of the 1f Bis the recever band width ord the receive frontend i madeled by 6 first order low pase finer having ep response, Then 20/8 (WH) FIBER RMS DISPERSION “The rms pulse width ofthe fiber includes contusions from tathinedal ard maternal daperson o1af Cea) as & Sy Ne pulse width doe to modal and materiel dispersion, eapectvel Far SM Fiber, ony 1 neghgDe: oy 1D = Dg SL: a, -1me spectral width of the source 0 OT may Chge along the fiber ink hence everage vee fo be uted MAXIMUM LINK LENGTH Fer a depersion nite link, max. data rate B07) (ond Max cllowsble fiber diperson es FR Module 6 Part II: Optical Networks By Mr. Hailu Dessalegn (Instructor) Stations (Data Termine! Equipment). ~ 9, Computers, . telephones ere Network: © Node - Point where one or mare communication ines terminate and/or Netmerk teplogy - Logical maner in which nades are linked together by informatan-traramasin cnannels Ya form network Switching _- Transfer af information fram « source to destination through series of rages © Rung = Selection of @ stable path throwgh o network 2 Netork proecss Information exchange rule inc network NETWORK TOPOLOGIES FOR FIBER OPTIC NETWORK ly Cova able ether) > Consecutive rads are cnrcted by site Qs odes one le port ona atept ‘Sorerees to ec oma ego [Al det or ned a gl bb ceta insti rat Setmen thing vases Ibe die he cong phil spl o ra nacece ‘ Ratio of received power te trarsmitved poner over an OF leg ten) PORIO) = 10-4 a. Fiber ten, (8/em) ot =f The Coupler thus have fur functioning ports > “wo for conectng Epler in the br > One for sertrg an opie signal Ope tote ou! the Signal after tapoff ‘The power i ost at each por? of the couple, then to legal If a frecnon Fe commectiag ss Le " We, na idem ee tt dee Basic structure of on STS-1 SONET frame, somes Base former af gn STS:ASONET frame, Commonly Used SONET and SDH Transmission Rates oes ss sme om site To ensure iterconection conpetiilty between equip Atterent manufacterers, the SONET and SDH specifications erate forthe apical source choractershce, the rece'ver fens tnd tranemiteancsteces for varous typed of fibers Six traemission ranges and the exsocired fiber Types are defined with diferent temirlogy for SONET ars SOM ike (055 emer RS) Shan The optical fibers specified in ANSI T1105.06 ond ITU: 987 fall ino the faiowing three categories end cperevina 1 Graded-ndex mined inthe 110-9 wird Eimer son Sipe tied lode he D- on 85-0 2 olperon shed sngemde the 1850.0 window Wovelegth and ttenuction eanges specified in these fibers for ‘raramision distances up 1080 km a8 shown elo SONY an SoH ae conrad af ringarchtectre Th iene freee ip dry fied sre econ pes ste ooo The SONET/SOH sing connor are cle sels ge sce the trafic ‘ing ergo cert path co be oie autre Tower ot ‘Purdy poh funy foie or egrastion of he boa Ik Segment Eight Possible Ring Types > Three main fectures, each with two clternatives, classify all SONET/SDH rings thus yielding eight Possible combinations of ring types. > There con be either two or four fibers running between the nodes on rng. > The operating sgncls can travel ether clockwise only (which is termed a undicectiona ing) orn both directions around the ring (which is cllede bidirectional ring) > Protection switching can be performed vie either a ine-switching for a path-switching Scheme (Upon link failure or degradation, line sitching moves cl signal chennels of an entire OC-N channel toa protection fiber. Conversely path switching can move Indvidvel payloed chonnels within'an OCN channel to another path) Most popular orcherectore for SONET and SDH networks 1 Tworfiber,unidwectional,pethwitched ring (UPSR) or avirectoel self healing ring (USER) 1 Twosfber or foursiber, bidrectionl tne-swtched ring (G58) or biinetonl self-healing ring (BSH). FOUR-FIBER aL, Two primey fiber loves (Ip -8p) ore used for normal iret communication (2 Other two secondary fiber leaps are standby links for protection purposes (ls 80) 1 Fourtiver BLSR has 2 capacity edvrrage because it uses twice os fruch Tiber cabling and hence Waffle elween two rodes is sent only Fertil around ther section pth ‘rath frome onde aeenirectreofafourfier _ Recnfigartionof a for ber BLS ‘ceil ine steed PaafBL SR. ander arcane” one fg wal fo of Py Reconfiguration of fourfier BLSR under ade ‘or fiber cable faire EH ample Tet ws tie typical pment SM iber dispersion at 15S0am 0 phn 002 saan Rise time ofthe ecever=0.1 nese Transmitter power-3 Bm Min Datacabe pow CConaestorloses-0.5 and No splice loss Couple Anon Spann 3748 ~2 0548 — 048 Ha = 2248 Aluennsion oof fer ™ Bul af fer” + DPmaeaeiegn = Tine Dodge amos coo 1A foF on 348m ~ (suds) = 3788 = 00K seen fh at

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