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The sharingan

Hello there, my name is Daito Yami. I am 18 years old. I am currently attending my 3rd and last year at
Kuoh Academy. I have decent grades, and I really enjoy sports. I am a part of the school baseball team
and I regulary work out. I have a lean body build and black colored hair. I have onxy eyes and I enjoy
fantasy novels. I also-


Daito: "COMING MOM!"

I picked up my bag and went downstairs. In the doorway stood a boy with brown hair and eyes. This boy
is Issei Hyoudou and he is a 2nd year at Kuoh.

Daito: "Yo"

Issei: "Morning D, how are ya?"

Daito: "I'm alright thanks for asking. Let's go"

We soon left as I said goodbye to my mom. We walked through the streets of Kuoh talking about what
we did this weekend. Soon we reached the school gate where Issei and I split as he went towards his
buddies and I went towards the back of the school. I don't have my first period on mondays so I usually
go do something.

When I arrived at my usual spot I sat down and dozed off.

3rd Person P.O.V

Daito found himself in sometype of village. It had kids running around and adults going about their daily
lifes. They all had something in common, the crest they all wore somewhere on their bodies. It was a red
and white colored fan. It was displayed everywhere. Daito looked around as he saw more and more of
the village. He knew this was a dream but he couldn't do anything. It was like he was watching a movie
through the eyes of someone else. The person he was watching just walked around greeting people and
in an instand the scene changed to streets litered with bodies. Daito was freaked out since it was his first
time he had a nightmare like this. The person was now standing on a lamp post overlooking a small child
and after that Daito woke up.

Daito: "Holy shit.."

Sitting up he decided to read a book to pass his time. His book of choice? Icha Icha Paradise..

After a few minutes, another student passes by. Daito was too invested into reading to realise that
someone was moving towards him. He realised ony when a shadow loomed over him. Looking up he was
met by one of his classmates, Akeno Himejima. She was a looker. She was very mature and had long
purple hair.

Akeno: *teasing* "Hey there Daito, what is that you are reading?"

Daito: "Nooooooothin'.." he said slowly moving the book behind his back.

Akeno: "Oh wow Daito, I didn't know you were such a pervert~"

Daito: "I am not.. Just.."

Akeno just giggled.

Akeno: "Don't worry.. I won't tell anyone."

Daito: "Thanks.. It would be really embarassing to be found reading this on school grounds."

Daito sighed.

Akeno: "Hey, why are you even out here?"

Daito: "We don't have first period, so I thought of reading out here."

Akeno: "Well why don't you come with me to my clubroom. We can have a cup of tea."

Daito: "Uhm.. Sure I guess"

He followed her to the old school building.

Daito: "You use this as your clubroom?"

Akeno: *smiling* "Don't worry it looks better on the inside"

And she was right, everything was so shiny. Even the floor. It reflected everything.

Daito: *Smirking* 'Nice one, floor. Black lace? Bold'

They walked up the stairs and opened a set of double doors. Inside were 2 more people, classmates
aswell. Yuuto Kiba, the school prince, and Rias Gremory, a person I never talked to even if we do go to
the same class.

Akeno: "Hello President!"

Rias: "Hello Akeno, Daito."

Izuna: "Y-yo"

Rias: "So Daito, what made you stop by?"

Daito: "Ah, Akeno invited me for a cup of tea"

Rias: "Well you are welcome to join, have a seat."

He sat down on one of the couches.

Daito: 'Holy crap this is comfy as hell!'

He soon began talking with Kiba and Rias. He always thought that Rias was someone too good to even
look at, but turns out she is really nice. Soon Akeno brought out some tea.

Daito: "Wow, this is amazing!"

Kiba: "Akeno's tea is always the best"

Akeno: "Aw, thanks for the compliments!"

After sometime they all left together to class. The day passed by quickly, and soon the entire week was
gone. Daito became good friends with the ORC, even Koneko. It was now sunday and Daito was going to
do his usual jog. On his jog, the sky turned red and Daito was alarmed.

Daito: "What the hell?"

He ran around and couldn't find anyone, but soon he did. A girl in a dominatrix outfit standing above a
man, his friend, Issei who was bleeding out.

Daito: "ISSEI!"

He ran towards him but didn't make it far and the girl send a spear through his leg making him fall.



???: "Noisy brat, guess I should kill you aswell."

She started walking towards him, forming another spear of light in her hand. Before she could even
reach him, a portal opened near Issei and a certain red-haired woman came out.

Daito, who was too focused on the girl infront of him. Suddenly he heard a voice call out to him.

???: "Activate it.."

He didn't know what was happening but he suddenly started to stand up again. He felt his eyes burn as
he was overwhelmed with anger. Looking up he found that the girl disappeared and left only a single
black feather infront of him. His vision turned black and he fell unconcious.

Rias approached his body as she looked at him with a perplexed look.

Rias: "Why are you here?"

Daito opened his eyes to find himself in a sewer. Hearing a growl behind him he quickly turned. What he
saw shook him to his very soul. It was a huge orange fox, glaring at him with red eyes. And not too far
from the fox was a man with long black hair, onxy eyes and a samurai outfit.

???: "You are my jinchuriki? Pathetic.."

???2: "Watch it Kurama, this is my descedant we are talking about."

Daito: "Who- What- who the hell are you..?"

Kurama: "I am the nine tailed beast, Kurama. You better not forget you brat."

???2: "And I am Madara Uchiha, your ancestor."

Daito: "My ancestor?"

Madara: "That's right boy, my blood flows through your veins."

Daito: "Can anyone explain where we are?"

Madara: "Your subconcious. Really dirty place might I say."

Daito: "This is totally a dream, right?"

Kurama: "No, human. This is 100% real."

Madara: "Listen, we do not have much time. I will tell you, that you are not who you think you are."

Daito: "What does that mean?"

Madara: "Kid, you are part of something bigger than you could ever even dream of. And I'm here to
make sure you succeed, as a person and as a shinobi."

Daito: "Shinobi? As in a ninja?"

Madara: "Correct. You see, you have the uchiha clan blood in your veins. Your entire family had it. We
were capable of many superhuman feats, but were most notorious for our eyes."

Daito: "Your eye- I mean, our eyes?"

Madara: "You felt it activate, right? The burning in your eyes before you fainted. Look into the water."

Daito looks below him and is surprised. Instead of his usual onxy eyes, he has a pair of red eyes with a
black iris. Around the iris was another black dot, a tomoe.

Madara: "That is the first level of the sharingan. It's our greatest strength. It allows the user to analyze
anything at extreme speeds."

Daito: "Whoa..."
Madara: "There is only so much you can learn from us. I can teach you everything but that wouldn't be
fun. I will tell you that somewhere in Kuoh, there is an ancient library with basic shinobi teachings. I want
you to find it, and learn from it."

Daito: "Wai-!"

Daito was cut off by his eyes fluttering open. He was back in his room.

Daito: "That was weird.. Hey, what's under my bla-"

Once again he was cut off due to shock. In his bed was Akeno, laying next to him completely naked. Daito
just stared at her as a blush slowly spread across his face. His eyes scanned from her face, moving onto
her breasts and before he could see anything below the waist, her hand moved to cover it.

Akeno: *giggles* "So you are a pervert~"

Daito: "Uh.. Uhm.."

She slowly sat up.

Akeno: "Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Daito: "So.. It wasn't a dream.. Who was that girl? What was she?"

Akeno: "Hm.. Well, she was a fallen angel. And I'm a devil."

Daito: "D-Devil?"

Akeno stands up and starts getting dressed.

Akeno: "Yup. Mind hooking my bra?"

Daito walks behind her and helps.

Daito: "About this devil and fallen angel stuff..."

Akeno: "I'll explain another day, we have school now, don't we~"

Daito: "I guess.."

Daito begins dressing himself too.

Daito: "But, why were you in my bed? Naked on top of that."

Akeno: "I healed you."

Daito: "Ah.. That's right.. My leg was pierced.. Is Issei alright?!"

Akeno: "Don't worry, prez is taking care of him."

Daito: "Prez? You don't mean-"

Akeno: "Rias is also a devil. The entire ORC is. And now Issei aswell."

Daito: "W-Why is Issei one of you guys now!?"

Akeno: "He died, so Rias revived him into her peerage."

Daito: "Peerage? What's that?"

Akeno: "We devils are like chess pieces. Koneko is our rook. She has incredible physical strength. Kiba is a
knight with incredible speed. Issei is now a pawn, who can promote himself to any piece except the king.
I am the queen, I have the rook, the knight and the bishop's power combined. And Rias is our king. The
most powerful piece."

Daito: "That's.. Alright, I guess."

Daito and Akeno finish dressing up. Daito goes to leave his room but as soon as he opened his door, his
older sister stood there. Her name is Kira Yami, and she is quite a bit taller than Daito. She has deep
purple hair and perfectly sized breasts.

Kira: "Ohoho~ Did my little brother finally become a man~"

Akeno giggles in the background.

Daito: "K-Kira! Let's go Akeno!"

Daito leaves the house with Akeno.

Daito: "Sorry 'bout that.."

Akeno: "Oh, it's fine~"

The duo walks towards the academy, talking about random stuff. Once they reached the campus, the
whispers fill their ears. Daito looked at Akeno, who just continued on without a care in the world. Daito
tried doing the same. Both of them walk to class together but when they opened the door, the new
classroom arangement instantly hit them. The classroom now had double desks for 2 people to sit
together. Akeno and Daito sit together in the middle back row. After the school day ends, they walk to
the ORC. Inside was everyone plus Issei.

Daito: "Yo."

Akeno: "We're here."

Rias: "Great, we can start then."

Rias starts explaining everything to both Daito and Issei. After the end of the explanation, Rias looked at
Rias: "Daito. When we found you, your eyes were red. And I can feel some type of power radiating off
from you. I will ask you, do you wish to become a devil?"

Daito: "Devil huh.. What are the benefits from becoming one?"

Rias: "Devils have enhanced physical abilities such as superhuman strength, endurance, and enhanced
sense such as sight and hearing; in addition to being able to see clearly in the dark as creatures of the
night. Devils are able to fly through using their bat-like wings, which are capable of retracting into their
backs as if disappearing entirely. They also possess a passive ability called "Language", which allows
normal people listening to them to hear it in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa."

Daito was thinking before a familiar voice popped into his head.

Madara: 'Accept it only if she offers you the bishop piece. It will help you greatly.'

Daito mentally nods and looks at Rias.

Daito: "What piece?"

Rias: "... Probably a bishop piece. I can feel your body oozing with magic."

Daito: "I accept."

Rias: *Shocked* "That was quick."

Akeno: *Shocked* "Too quick.."

Rias pulls out a red bishop piece and instructs Daito to lay down. He does so and she places the bishop
piece on top of his chest. With a chant, the piece enters my chest and I turn into a devil. A few seconds
later, the piece she placed into me, leaves my body.

Daito: "I'm not a pro, but I think that's not meant to happen."

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