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Golden Path Program

Activation Sequence - Steps Summary

Step 1
Watch The Golden Path Introduction Webinar
Read the Introduction to the Gene Keys Golden Path
Listen to “The Art of Contemplation” by Richard Rudd

Step 2
Watch The Activation Sequence Introduction Webinar
Download The Activation Sequence eBook (Optional Purchase of Printed
Version Available)
Download Webinar Transcripts and MP3s for Offline Study
Read/Listen to the Gene Keys Book Introduction
Enter your Birth Data to integrate your unique Hologenetic Profile

Step 3
Read Chapter 2 of The Activation Sequence – “Relevant Terminology”
Read Chapter 3 of The Activation Sequence – “The Pathway of Challenge”

The Pathway of Challenge

As you begin to contemplate your Profile, you will essentially be reflecting upon
two dimensions. These are called Pathways and Spheres. The Spheres contain
your specific Gene Keys and their corresponding lines, which together lend
such a personal aspect to your contemplation. The Pathways however
represent universal themes that are common to us all.

The first Pathway we come to is the Pathway of Challenge. As you might

imagine, this contemplation is therefore about how you tend to deal with
Golden Path Program - Activation Sequence - Steps Summary

difficulties in life. Do you fall victim to your challenges or do you see them for
what they are – opportunities for growth and self-illumination?

To deepen your immersion in the Pathway of Challenge, you can also

contemplate the following questions:

• What is the greatest challenge in my life and what is its potential?

• How do I respond to challenges and how might that change?
• What do I look like with challenge as my ally?
Do give yourself time to absorb, digest, apply and embody these teachings in
your daily life. The chances are that as you contemplate these questions and
themes, so they will come into a sharper focus in your life. Above all, take heart
and do your best to appreciate life’s mysterious and sometimes unusual

Step 4
Read Chapter 4 of The Activation Sequence – “The Sphere of Your Life’s Work”
Watch the Life’s Work Webinar and Transmission by Richard Rudd
Contemplate the Gene Key and Line for Your Life’s Work

The Sphere of Your Life’s Work

Now that you have considered the nature of Challenge in your life as a cosmic
theme, you can apply this as a backdrop to the first Gene Key of your
Activation Sequence – the Gene Key of your Life’s Work. This may also be your
first introduction to the six lines and how to apply them to the Gene Keys.

When you contemplate your Life’s Work Gene Key and its line, turn it over
inside you in as many dimensions as you can. You can also consider the
following questions:

• What purpose am I to fulfil in the outer world?

• What does my particular genius look like and what might prevent it?
• How is my genius activated?
At this stage, the work is mostly down to you. You can use the power of your
imagination coupled with your intuition to contemplate the above questions in
the light of your Shadow, Gift and Siddhi. One of the beauties of the Gene Keys
is that they are designed to come alive inside us. Let these themes and words
resonate deep inside you. Give them time and they will come into bloom.

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Step 5
Watch the Evolution Webinar and Transmission by Richard Rudd
Read Chapter 5 of The Activation Sequence – “The Sphere of Evolution”
Contemplate the Gene Key and Line for Your Evolution

The Sphere of Your Evolution

As you come to the Sphere of your Evolution so you will complete the first
Pathway of the Golden Path. Understanding the forces that drive you to evolve
can be very revealing, especially when you can see the dynamic between the 2
Gene Keys that straddle this Pathway of Challenge. These are known as
‘Programming Partners’ and they either serve as a trap that keeps you a victim
of the lower frequencies, or they can be used as a dynamic opportunity to live
a creative and inspirational life. In this Step it is important that you grasp this
nexus of genetic forces and its capacity to propel you towards your genius.

The other essential element to realise at this stage is the holographic nature of
your Profile. It is ‘holo-genetic’ because it reveals a natural sequence of
awakening that unfolds as you contemplate it. Like a hologram this primary
Pathway of Challenge contains every single one of the Pathways to follow. If
you went no further than this in your contemplation and gave yourself 100% to
embodying the higher attributes of this Pathway, it would be enough to trigger
the unfolding of your awakening. Therefore the importance of these Gene Keys
cannot be overstated. It is also intriguing to think that as you continue to tread
the Golden Path, you may have insights that relate back to this point bringing
greater insight to these 2 Gene Keys of your Life’s Work and Evolution.

REMINDER: The Gene Keys are not designed as a mental knowledge. You are
invited to become aware of these themes playing out in your daily life. Once
you do begin to see them, then the transmission of the Gene Keys comes alive
inside you and the real magic begins…

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Step 6

Read Chapter 6 of The Activation Sequence – “The Pathway of Breakthrough”

The Pathway of Breakthrough

Welcome to an exciting moment in this program – the potential for a

breakthrough. In one sense, the entire Golden Path is a contemplation on
Breakthrough. If you persevere in your contemplation sooner or later a
breakthrough will come to you. And if you decide to tread this Golden Path
from the beginning to the end, it is highly likely that something will occur inside
you! But no one knows what form it will take or when it will come – that is the
beauty of its mystery. Contemplating breakthrough is therefore a powerful thing
to do.

One of the key conditions necessary for a breakthrough is an ability to dwell on

our life as it is now, rather than what it has been or what it might be. Here are
some questions to place upon the altar of your contemplation:

Think of a time in life when you experienced a breakthrough. Recall the feeling
within the cells of your body. Spend a good amount of time with the memory.

• How did you feel before the breakthrough, and how did you feel
• Where and how would you like to experience a breakthrough?
• What is preventing you from experiencing this breakthrough?
In the text from Treading the Golden Path, there is a list of further terms to
contemplate from the Gene Keys Glossary of Empowerment. Take some time
to ponder these terms and build them into your inner vocabulary as you enter
deeper into the Golden Path.

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Golden Path Program - Activation Sequence - Steps Summary

Step 7
Watch the Radiance Webinar and Transmission by Richard Rudd
Read Chapter 7 of The Activation Sequence – “The Sphere of Your Radiance”
Contemplate the Gene Key and Line for Your Radiance

The Sphere of Your Radiance

This Step invites you to contemplate the Gene Key of your Radiance along with
its line activation. Synthesising the line number and the Gene Key is an art that
takes time to develop. As you continue along the Golden Path you will become
more and more familiar with the lines and the stories contained within them. It
might also help you to look back at the lines numbers of the Life’s Work and
Evolution that you didn’t have and apply them to your Radiance as well. Each
of the 6 lines has a resonance, no matter which Sphere their keynotes

Your Radiance also has a direct relationship to your environment and your
health. You can deepen your contemplation by including these themes. Some
questions that might bring focus to this Sphere are:

• How happy are you where you live?

• How does the place where you live reflect your inner state?
• What makes you feel incandescent (radiant)?
• Is your Radiance dependent on outer conditions?
Your Radiance is the quality of consciousness that is always wishing to break
through like a wave inside you. Contemplate the Siddhi of your Radiance and
ponder what might be preventing such a breakthrough.

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Golden Path Program - Activation Sequence - Steps Summary

Step 8

Read Chapter 8 of The Activation Sequence – “The Pathway of Core Stability”

The Pathway of Core Stability

We now tread the final Pathway of our Activation Sequence and in doing so we
come to a great universal Truth – that our challenges are here to make us
stronger. A challenge transformed serves to bring us down to earth, making us
humbler, more human and more reverent towards all life. Your Core Stability is
a physical grounding in the structure and flexibility of your body. The Activation
Sequence is a journey through your 4 Prime Gifts whose purpose is to bring
you physical grounding. Once your Radiance begins to grow, you naturally feel
more at home in your body. You feel more joyous, not as a mood, but as an
underlying sense of trust in life.

This step introduces you to the feeling of Core Stability and asks you to bring
your awareness into your physical body, and in particular your spine. Your Core
Stability denotes your ability to weather the storms and challenges of life with
openness, flexibility and resilience. How are you doing?

Step 9
Watch the Purpose Webinar and Transmission by Richard Rudd
Read Chapter 9 of The Activation Sequence – “The Sphere of Your Purpose”
Contemplate the Gene Key and Line for Your Purpose

The Sphere of Your Purpose

This step completes our journey through the Activation Sequence and our 4
Prime Gifts. We now contemplate our Purpose. When you look at the Gene Key
and its line that represents your Purpose, it can often come as a relief to realise
that purpose does not put us under any pressure to achieve or attain anything
– rather it is about resting more deeply in a quality that already lies inside us.
Think of yourself at your most relaxed and you will have an idea of what your
life might look like lived through this sense of higher purpose.

The Activation Sequence sets you off on a journey. It is a constant reminder

that life is simpler than we often make it. The higher states are in fact much
closer than we generally realise. One of the tricks of the Gene Keys is to use

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the power of your imagination to reframe your life. You build a new you by
seeing your life in a simpler and more beautiful way. The more often you are
able to remind yourself of this view, the more pervasive it becomes. The
Golden Path is not a hard path – it is a gentle meandering into the mysterious
folds of consciousness. We must remember to be playful and patient so that
breakthrough can always find us.

It is not important how long it takes you to digest these teachings. It only
matters that you bring a new vision of yourself into view and consistently fan
the flames of this vision. Remember always that every Shadow contains a Gift,
and every time you encounter a difficulty in your life, a great opportunity for
breakthrough is presenting itself. Consider this:

• Imagine yourself living life through the 4 Siddhis of your Prime Gifts
• Realise that this vision is not a far-off goal, but a return to a simpler way
of being
• Bask in the relief that comes with the above realisation!

Step 10
Watch “Diving Deeper – The Venus Sequence”
Connect with the Global Community through the Gene Keys Society

The Pathway of Individuation

Congratulations on completing the first phase of the Golden Path. I hope you
are now beginning to find a rhythm with this wisdom as well as discovering
how liberating a contemplative path such as this can be. On this page you can
see an extra Pathway that links all the Spheres of the central column in your
Profile. This is called the Pathway of Individuation. As an integrative Pathway
this helps bring your entire life into alignment. You can see that it also
integrates the core teachings of the Venus Sequence and the Pearl, which form
the next stages of your onward journey into the Golden Path.

You may like to pause for a while before you go onwards into the Venus
Sequence, just to allow the insights to settle and to review your 4 Prime Gifts
and how they can enhance your life. I hope you have enjoyed your Activation
Sequence. Now get ready for the ride of your life as you dive into the Venus
Sequence and discover why your relationships are so challenging and how to
find lasting peace in your heart!

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