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PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 0MB No. 1545-0116
or foreign postal coda, and telephone no.
Imperial Maids LLC Forrn 1099-NEC
114 W Rockland St, Z
(Rev. January 2022) Compensation
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Far calendar year
20 22
PAYER'S TIN RECIPIENT'S TIN 1 Nonemployee compensation
1 CopyC
23-2774532 582-71-1132 $ 74,400
For Payer
RECIPIENT'S name 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more of
consumer products to recipient far resale
Far Privacy Act and
Paperwork Reduction
Act Notice, see the

Streef address (including apt no.) current General

4 Federal income tax withheld
' lnstructions for Certain
5 FIELDSTONERD lnformation Returns.
City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $
BEAR, DE19701 5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payer's state no. 7 State income
Account number (sea instructions) 2nd not. $ $ -------------------------
I ; ------- -----------------------------
f- $
Form 1099-NEC (Rev. 1-2022) Department of the Treasury - Interna! Revenue Service

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