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Ministerul Educatiei yi Cercetarii al Republicii Moldova, Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Moldova State University COORDONAT APROBAT COORDINATED BY APPROVED, Ministerul Educatiei La sedinga Senatului USM/ MSU SENATE si Cercetarii al Republicii Moldova Minisiy of Eduction and Proves verbal ntmimue ny Research ofthe Republic of Moldova dinidae 28 NeJno Rectoriector _ din/date PLAN DE iNVATAMANT STUDY PLAN pentru ciclul I, studii superioare de licentt Cycle J. Licence Degree ivelul calificirii conform ISCED — 6 Level of Qualification, ISCED — 6 Domeniul general de studiu ~ 041 $tiinte economice General Field of Study ~ 041 Economic sciences Domeniul de formare profesionala ~ 0414 Marketing Professional Training Field — 0414 Marketing Specialitatea ~ 0414.1 Marketing i logistica Specialty — 0414.1 Marketing and logistics Numirul total de credite de studiu — 180 Total Number of Credits — 180 Titlul obtinut — Licentiat in Stiinte economice Title awarded ~ Bachelor of Economies Baza admiterii ma de bacalaureat, diploma de studii profesionale sau un act echivalent de Access Requirements ~ Baccalaureate Diploma, Diploma of Professional Studies or an equivalent academic certificate Limba de instruire romana, rasa, englezd, francesa Language of Instruction Romanian, Russian, English, French Forma de organizare a invajémantului ~cu frecventa Mode of Study — full time trat/Registered with Agenfia National de Asigurare a Calititii in Educatie si Cercetare National Agency for Quality Assurance in ‘Education and Research nrjno. din/dare RESPONSABIL DE PROGRAM Programme Coordinator Sef Departament Heud of Department Veronica Bulat, dr, conf. univ.) PHD, Associate professor Aprobatipproved by Departamentul Economie, Marketing si Turism Feonomy, Marketing and Tourism Department tres vein nA a 28.08 202 aa Minutes no. APROBAT: Approved by Presedintele Consiliului Calititii USM MSU Quality Assurance oa APROBAT: {pproved by Presedintele Consiliului Facultati Stiinte Economice JRCouncil of the Faculty EGY Economic Sciences ffi) Associate professor (din £7.03 2023 Minutes no. Calendarul universitar Academic Calendar =n ae ome an | | etna | 5 yma | spre sap 1 | ane soceans PLANUL PROCESULUI DE STUDII PE SEMESTRE/ANI DE STUDIL STUDY PROCESS PLAN FOR SEMESTERS YEARS OF STUDIES imral de ore pe Numa de ore Number of Hours : 23/68 Denumirea unitatt de = | EE] S2 cow cared ze Ee gt) 26 fe Course! Module rom | 2 yl ssl se] fal de ss et] 23] 23] 22] 26 He oS] $5] 23) é . éé zs ANUL Tar SEMESTRULT Senne ] Matematica economict sta) as) 5 Banoo | Economic mathematics. ae 18 o | 4 i FOTO] Tearie economic 5 | Economic theory ay e es ees L 7 Moved sted ae 1 | Currency and eredit =e See le Gane 6o | 30°} 60 | rH 5 30 | 60 | 9 | 30 | 30 e | informationale de oe oe | information technologies of 20 | 60 \ 4 G.OL007 | Fducatie fizies T Ts T | Physical Education ee Q l = TOTAL SEM. | ois | ass | am | oso | 22s | 0 SEMFSTERTI Di Seneer Fon O08 Tiatitica Economica ie Economie statistic ad 60, ] 90, 30 30 E FOz009 Teorie eeonomiea I Economic theory Ht 7s | ws | 30 F020.10 Marketing | 10 | Marketing | 130 90 | 60 Oxo Management Management ui oe | as GOz012 Limba string i afaoen™ Foreign business language * oe oo TOLATS U02.A.14 U02A.LS U02A.16 Sociologie Sociology | Filozotie | Philosophy Politol Politology Institutile juridico-satale din Republica Moldova Legal State Institutions of the Republic of Moldova | 150 ] oo | E | 0 T educate fii = Physical Edveation Total Sem. 1 Total 2 Semester ma 480 | 130 oo 30 Total number forthe Ist year of study Total Anul | is 70 | 960 120 Anal Second Year ‘Semestrul I 37 Semester FOLOIe S03A.19 U03.A.25 U.03.0.26 03.427 V.03.A.28 Finnie 150 European ecomomy and ‘economic integration Comert electronic E-commerce opistica ‘Comportamentul consumatorlor onsumer behavior Cercetari de marketing Marketing researches 130 0 s | as | 30 go | 30 | 30 | EE Tstora culturi 9i evil europene History ofenropean eure and civilization Paiologie Psvehologs Integrare europeans European Integration Ctra comunicarit, interpersonal i organizaionale The culture of interpersonal and ‘organisational communigation Eca gi estetica Ethies and aestohies 120 Eau Physical Education ied Practica de initere in spectaltate Practice of initiation in specialty 60 Total Sem, HT 5 Total 3° Semester le [eect eee | ees | ee 0 Semestral WV Senter SOHO | Analiza acinar economic ] ] Financiare . le Analysis of economic and "29 | $2 | 68 | 26 | 26 ey | financial activity SOEOST | Marketingul servielor Marketing of services | SWAS2 | Marketing industrial Industrial Marketing S.04.A33 | Fiscalitate [Taxation wo | s2 | oe SDHOS | Logistics nosurTor sae 1s : ‘Stock logistics eee S| 2 fale Merchandiing 9 Toa 1 Merchandising and sales force | 120 | 68 ss | 26 | 39 e | '$.04.4.36 | Antreprenoriat sustenabil | * | Sutahabte antreprenorship | SHOT] Ashi | Aegittions Tecate ich Pinsieal Eduction Practica de specialiate Specialy practice! SUH os | 26 | 26 E 4 6.04038 120 120 a) “Total Sem. 1V Total 4 Semester ee eee uaa Total Anul 1 7 5 es 1328 | 812 | 1016 | 336 | 460 | 1 oo nd. yeur of study l nul 3" Year Semestrul V__5” Semester S05059 | Marketing strategie E Strategic Marketing $050.40 | Comunivare si tehnict promotionale | ‘Communication and promotional | techniques | T | 150 | 75 a | 30 | as SOSAAT | Nepocir de acer markenre | Business negriation in imorhatng | 505.442 | Merecoloia si experiza os fo E || mnirfurilor | | Goods merchandising and SOSA | Logistica comerulul pxterior | coginies offoreign commerce | 10 | 6 | 6 | 30 | 30 ‘ S05O0aF | Logistca wansportlul Transport logistics _—_ SU50.3 | Sisteme informationale fa Marketing i logstca Information systems 7 tarketing and logistics $050.46 | Proiect de cercetare Research project 10 | 60 | 6 | 30 | 30 e | 4 iso | 75 | 75 3) as |e | 60 oo Ee | 2 Total Sem. V Thal Saroaater v00 | azo | aso | iso | 210 | 60 30 Semesirul V0" Semester S0G047 | Leadership si managemental resurselor umane a S Teadersip and Haman Resource | Management | aaa aoe mf [iw [x S0GAA | Sirateyi si metode de pret Sirategies and price methods le 5 $.06.A.50. Marketing direct 2 - ee | Direct marketing - GOGOST | Hica profesionala : : Proftlonal ahs jo | | miu} fe Practica de speciaftate Saupe oe a eee Practica de cercetare ] cE _| Research practice to qo i . Teza de lcenta | 5 Bachelor's thesis Cad Ed ie Total Sem. VI Ts Total 6 Semester Total Anul i two |_wor | tion [aa [sox | oo | 0 [oo Total umber fr the 3 year of study TOTAL sae | a | sia | aes Po] os Po | 180 Tora. ‘Nou We gle Tancert *Note: engi onpeage French Inclusis Educatia ficial 38 ore, Ucredite LIMBA ROMANA PENTRU ALOLINGVI ROMANIAN LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Numaval de ore pe Numardeore — | tipuride activitai Number of Hours | Number of hours by | copes ofactvits |_| oe Cou! Denumirea unitatii de cursimodulului sel is =.) e824 Cade Course/ Module eo Gal eal. eee tout | ==] 23] & E*|24 Limba romana de comunicare | I | | G.01.0.52 | Cmmunicational Romanian language ee el |. a |__| t : ima roména de comunieare Ses ; 6.02053 | Communicationat Romanian language ee et TOTAL a0) 20 | 120 120 8 FORMA DE EVALUARE FINALA A PROGRAMULUI DE STUDIL FINAL EVALUATION : Namie de wo Farm of fnalgvatuation ofthe studies et Number of Credits Teva de Teens Tonio 3 Bachelor's thesis Jae STAGHLE DE PRACTICA INTERNSHIPS J ers Nomar Ne] Tiputstagiatulde practiet | oat | sem, a Perioata | ECTS sXaleasita! Year | Sem | Saptimani | Ore Period ECTS ho | oo Grin ' Pr ere e e Pe parcursul Pacieaeitiwcinspctine | y | gy oer : Practica de wpacaieT ea erie “Internship in specialty 1 Pelee . 120 stay. June J Practice specatte T a : imernstip pect om [wli« 130 [Mire pr 8 me at Research internshiy oa 7 ‘ io May G 7 Ts = 1 UNITATI DE CURS/MODULELE LA LIBERA ALEGERE COURSE UNITS/ FREE CHOICE MODULES Nominate ore pe Namie deore | tipuride activitatv Number of Hours | Number of hours by | npesofaciiies | § | 0 cour | Deoumiren anti de cursmodulutul ales | eles Cote Caurse/ Module twa | Eg) 22 {23/3d Tout | 3] 2< FE *)2q &8] 2¢ 5 Amal Sy] Lanta Watant Engle Pranccaa Gemana o ; GO1LAS$ | ition English French German Se | 5 Tima Talind/Englezi France Garm : 1 6.021.485 | jatian Engish French. German je] ele] Gorase | Cinnpratecn s | Le | so3..a.s7_ | Managemenal schinbillo « | 0 | 3 | 3 re ee Sa soatase | Servic publice [wo [oo [oo | fw] fe ls | = 2 ‘Anul 3" Year : a sosinse [encoun ma | 2 | 2 | | Eile TOTAL coo [us | es | os | oo [ol le MINIM-UL CURRICULAR INITIAL, DE ORIENTARE CATRE ALT DOMENIU” CURRICULAR PREREQUISITE ORIENTATION 10 ANOTHER FIELD = Nomiraldeorene Fe §[,,. Coty | Denumirea unit de cursmodututai | Numardeore | tpuride acinus f 3 STE & Cole Course! Moaute Number of tours | Namberofheursoy = 810 a ee | topes ofactiiter’ ES #s| 28 Eg Tout) SS) 25] 22] 22/38 Tout | Zz] 23] 53] F815 3 SS! 28 aye) Fo10.02 | Teore economich a a = 6 Economie Theory | i FO1603 | Moneda si credit 10/60 760 30) 30 ‘|e = i Money and Credit EE FOTOO | Bazsle eonabitia 30} 90] 66 zs F02.0.1T ‘Management 150° | 75 5 a7 s Management | F050. | Fine 30} [7530 i F0Z0.1 | Marketing 150 [90 [oo [30 | 00 Te [5 Marketing Torar 30080 | BOT 300 ™ MATRICEA CORELARII FINALITATILOR DE STUDIU $I. A COMPETENTELOR FORMATE IN ELE ALE UNITATILOR DE CURS/MODULELOR CORRELATION MATRIX OF THE STUDY FINALITIES AND OF THE COMPETENCIES FORMED WITHIN THE CADRUL PROGRAMULULCU PROGRAM WITH THOSE OF THE COURSE MODULES inalitati de studi si competente! Business low utavsiptna coun | ECTS TY toa wins | ea |e eu ese ‘Matematica economica T - Economie mathematies peaiaioe g Teor cxonomish Foe} —g [Esoeeey = Monedi seit ra} Coen ond ered Bu cont Foe} Drei acer Tro] informationale de comunicare | Gar.o06 ; information technologies of communication Edueatie fizied GOLO0T Physical Education | Statistica Economica F.02,.0.08 a Economic statistic a “Teorie economica T FA2.0.09 “ Economic theory H Marketing FOZ0.10 F Marketing | a Management FORO 7 Management 7 Limbs sirting de fbeer™ GOROIF 3 | Foreign business languay Finalitaqi de studit yi competente! | Sustainable antreprenorshiy Modulutidiseiptina | i ae ] ‘Module'Cours ae a cr C2 3 CH CS ote Sociologie U02.A13 - Sociology : “a - | Tats TER} 7 Politolozie UA2ATS : ae felt a Institute jrdcostvale dn Republica Moldova | UAR.A TS v | eee Physical Education ey ae raat Finance a = cA oes] Enropean economy and economic integration exe | E-commerce a tage S50 | Logistics 2 Me of Consumer behavior 2 if “ Sa cas S105 Marketing researches S14 History of culture and civil = ue | Psychology : v - Capea TORR European Integration a v Chis comune Se ‘The culture of interpersonal and organizational a 2 | Etica si estetica U.03.A.28 | ise a Ethics and aesthetics: is a a Hee | Educatie fiziea 7 | | Physical Education ooo | Practica de initiere in specialitate Pasta ian eta 2 |viv viv Fas ta conc apc | SHTO30 Analysts of economic and financial activity a ale |} vstoag eave s iviv [v{_ | Mktg ids SOIR — oui a eiyy flv] aoa seam [vv ¥| Lopistcn socurTlor a SoLOa ] Mclain nae vine SOAK “Aniteprenora sistema SOLAX ; i } ae Finalitati de studi si competente! | Ne eredite Competences Modatlocipinn | coon | ETS T “Modufe-Cours emer credits | “Reh - }s01037 ' ; feqsions so |4 Vana Feocatie tice 5 a Physical Education ooo dl 7 Practica de specaliats Specialy practice) : Marketing strategic 305039 . Siraegic Marketi : CComunicae si tent promoyonale S05 0a ; Communication and promotional techniques | Negocir de fice marketing SORA . Business negovitions in marketing Merceologi si experiza mrfurilor SOSAA : Ginnds merchandiing and expertive Logistca comerulu exterior S05OaT ; Togistestensporaui S504 : Transport losis - _ | Sisteme informational in Marketing slogistcd | S05.0.43 | a See fai am a) v| vl Provct de eretore S054 - eee v| “| Leadership! managemeniulreurelor unane | S060. | | Leadership and Human Resource Management 1 | ting inovational 3060.8 markt v yi |v tmetode de pT SD6AAD Sirwegies and price methods ¥ v | Marketing dest SOAR |, | Direct marketing oe a we J fxica profesional Go6051 7 Professional ethics = Practica de specialtate T peciaty practice 1! 6s |v Practica de ereetare | Le Tera de licens | Bachetor tess so |v Limba roman de omuniare Communicational Romanian language 2 lel ad ‘Nova ina ener ancora one: enis anauoge Jrench Competente profesionale specifice: C1. Cunoasterea conceptelor, teoriilor, metodelor 51 instrumentelor de marketing si logistica in entitaqile private si publice; C2, Culegerea, analiza si interpretarea de date si informayii referitoare Ia problemele piefei in raport cu schimbarile mediului de marketing; laborarea, realizarea si evaluar&a proiectelor in marketing si logisticas de operatiuni si tehnici de comunicare eficiente privind cresterea vanzatrilor: CS. Organizarea si desPigurarea activitajilor de marketing si logistica in entitile private gi publice relevante cerintelor pieteis C6, Respectarea normelor etice si deontologice in activitatea de marketing si logistica 0 NOTA EXPLICATIVA, 1. Deyerierea programului de studii, Profilul specialitatii Programului de studi ~ 0414.1 Marketing i logistica corespunde domeniului fundamental al stiinfei, culturii si tehnicii - 04 Stiinte sociale: domeniului general de studi - 041 $tiinfe economice; domeniul de formare profesionala — 0414 Marketing, Programul este elaborat in corespundere cu Nomenclatorul domeniilor de formare profesional si al specialitatilor in invaxamantul superior, aprobat prin Hotirdrea Guvernului nr.482 din 28 iunie 2017 si Plan Cadru pentru studi superioare de licenta (ciclul 1), de master (ciclul I). si integrate, aprobat prin ordinul MECCM. nr. 120 din 10.02.2020. Durata studiilor - 3 ani invatimant cu freevent& Credite de studiu - 180 credite ECTS, | Credit ECTS - 30 ore Forma de organizare - inva,amant cu freeventa 2. Cunostintele, abilititile si competentele asigurate de programul de studii, Acest program vizeaz dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale in domeniul Marketing, Planul de invakimént este axat pe discipline generale, socio-umane, fundamentale si de specialitate, dezvaltind competente profesionale generale si specifice, ‘Competentele generale dezvoltate in program sunt 1. Cunoasterea conceptelor, teoriilor si metodelor de bazii ale stiintei economice in raport cu problemele teoretice si practice tipice; 2. Utilizarea metodelor, instrumentelor si tehnicilor de cercetare economic in contextul elaboririi de proiecte, rapoarte, previziuni si alte demersuri profesionale: Interpretarea informal si reglementarilor in domeniu, utilizind aparatul metodologic cantitativ si calitativ in contextul luarii deciziilor economies Organizarea eficienta a activitajii economice in conditii de autonomie gi in echipa: Proiectarea unui comportament rational si eficient al producatorului/ intreprinzatorului/ consumatorului adecvat situatiilor tipice economiei de piat 6. Evaluarea economica, financiara, manageriald, normativa a elementelor mecanismului piefei in raport cu utilizarea rajionala a resurselor financiare, materiale, informationale si umane. in corelatie eu CNC, prin discuii in eadrul sedintelor Comisiei de Asigurare a Calitatii si comuniearii cu reprezentantii piefei muneii, absolventi, personal academic si student, au fost stabilite urmatoarele competente profesionale specifi C1. Cunoasterea conceptelor, teoriilor, metodelor 51 instrumentelor de marketing si logistica in entitaqile private si publice; C2. Culegerea, analiza si interpretarea de date si informatii referitoare la problemele piefei in raport cu schimbarile mediului de marketing; C3. Elaborarea, realizarea gi evaluarea proiectelor in marketing gi logistics: C4, Executia de operatiuni si tehnici de comunicare eficiente pri C5. Organizarea si desfigurarea activitatilor de marketing si logisticd in entitatile private si publice inte cerinfelor piefe C6. Respectarea normelor etice gi deontologice in activitatea de marketing i logistica. 3. Obiectivele programului de studiu inclusiv corespunderea acestora misiut Scopul programului de licenta consta in formarea competentelor profesionale viitorilor specialist in vederea insertiei pe piafa muncii in economia najionala. De asemenea, de a oferi absolventilor cunostinte bazate practica si intelegerea marketingului si procesclor de logisticd, precum si pentru a califica absolventul in analiza, evaluarea si reflectarea asupra problemelor legate de aceste domenti: de a gestiona sarcini complexe in ceea ce priveste relafiile cu clientii si comunicarea de marketing. Obiectivele programului de studist Marketing si logistica sunt - evaluarea problemelor contemporane referitoare la oferirea posibilitatii dezvoltarii _personale. intelectuale si profesionale a studentilor, pentru activitafi ce jin de marketing la general: + identificarea tendintelor, caracteristicilor si tehnicilor de marketing in particular, utilizarea metodelor si tehnicilor de analiza a piefei de desfacere; - oferirea cunostinjelor tehnice si mijloacelor necesare dezvoltarii si elaborarii proiectelor de marketing in scopul maximizarii performantei activitatii organizatiilor; u analiza, evaluarea si oferirea de solutii pentru probleme complexe in domeniu, ete Aceste obiective corespund misiunii Universitatii de Stat din Moldova si sunt core documentele strategice institutionale: Planul Strategic, Strategia de cercetare si inovare, Plan strategic institutional de internationalizare 4, Racordarea programului de studiu si a continuturilor din planul de invatamant la tendintele internationale din domeniu. La claborarea programului de studiu s-au luat in considerare bunele practici europene cu referire la confinuturile ofertei educationale si s-au valorificat in cadrul programului prin includerea unor unitati de confinut in vederea asigurarii compatibilitatii programelor si a mobilititilor academice reciproce. De asemenea, confinuturile planului de studi sunt racordate la tendinjele internationale din domeniu: pozitionarea marketingului ca factor determinant in economia digitala. in prezent, Marketingul reprezint imperativul categorie al transformarii pe baza unei noi paradizme marketing holistic. Noua paradigm combina ceea ce are mai bun marketingul traditional cu noile posibilitati pe care le are tehnologia digitala. Marketingul holistic presupune: marketing relational, marketing intern, marketing integrat si marketingul receptivitatii sociale. Prin urmare, la elaborarea cipline, dar si le cu continuturilor educafionale la programul Marketing si Logistied au fost incluse noi dis continutul celorlalte au fost racordate la aceste tendinte. 5. Evaluarea asteptirilor sectorul 1. Procesul de consultare la ciclul | are loe in cadrul perfeetionarii programului de studii, in cadrul organizarii practicii de produetie si de licenta (forma acordurilor corespunzitoare), In timpul susfinerii examenului de licenta (forma partieipativa. 6. Consultarea partenerilor in procesul de claborare a programului de studi in vederea realizarii unor studii calitative si relevante in mediul real au fost realizate o serie de activitaji prin rezultatul carora sunt reflectate necesitatile si tendinjele de pe piata muneii in domeniul Marketing si logistica”. La nivel facultate, in cadrul Comisiei de Asigurare a Calitatii este inclus cate un reprezentant al picfei muneii pentru fiecare domeniu de formare profesionala. in cadrul sedintelor de Iueru al Comisiei sunt discutate continuturile planului de invaimant, tipurile de sarcini pentru lucrul individual. metodele de petrecere a lectiilor practice cat si corelarea unitatilor de continut pentru disciplinele predate si alte subicete. Au fost analizate fisele de post a urmatorilor potentiali angajatori: Cricova S.A. SRL Volta, SRL Telemar, SRL Duleinella, SRL Wine International Project, SRL Ergo-Enterprises, in vederea determinari calificarii necesare a unui specialist din domeniul marketingului si identificarii necesarului de cunostinfe, abilitati si competente ce vor fi asigurate prin realizarea planului de studi 7, Relevanta programului de studii pentru piata fortei de munca. Pictcle se schimba repede, dar si tehnologiile pe care se sprijina acestea, sunt in continu dezvoltare, Cresterea si diversificarea ofertei. mai ales in domeniul serviciilor de marketing, schimbarile in structura demograficd, precum si aparitia unui nou tip de consumator, mai exigent, mai informat, obliga entitatile economice si zasease’ noi modalitati de ‘a atrage clientii si a-i pastra. In contextul intensificarii concurentei globale, entititile economice au nevoie de: strategii de marketing, comunicare cu publicul, furnizare si schimb de valori, mentinerea si dezvoltarea relajiilor cu client, satisfacerea nevoilor consumatorilor, cercetarea pielei, crearea retelelor de distribute organizarea logistieii marfurilor si a transportului. Gradul de noutate si relevanta prezentului program rezida in faptul ea activitatea de marketing ajuta entitafile economice in crearea de valoare prin bund injelegere a nevoilor clientilor sai si oferindu-le produse si servicii inovatoare. 8. Posibilititile de angajare a absolventilor. Absolventii programului Marketing si logistica sunt pregatiti: si demonstreze abilitaji cognitive in domeniul marketingului si logisticii, sa demonstreze abilitayi de inijiere a afacerilor in domeniile activitatii de marketing: si asigure desfasurarea activitatilor in conformitate cu cadrul normativ najional si international; si adopte decizii optime in activitatea de marketing si logistical; s& comunice eficient rezultatele activitati; sa elaboreze si si coordoneze realizarea proiectelor din domeniu! marketingului, aprovizionarilor, vanzarilor; sa propuna soluti la diverse probleme din domeniul marketingului, aproyjzionarilor, vanzarilor ete in conformitate cu Clasificatorul ocupajiilor din Republica Moldova, absol ventii acestui program pot activa in calitate de: 243101 Analisvanalista in publicitate si marketin 243102 Analistanalista studii de piata 243103. Brand manager de produs 243104 243105 243106 243107 243108 243109 243110 243111 243112 243113 243114 432302 432303 432304 432311 432312 432313, 432314 43231 transport 9, Accesul la studi a titular Absolventii programului de stud oportunititi de continuare a studiilor: urmatoare Copywriter (textier'textierd) publicitate Manager in publicitate si marketing, Merchandiser Planiticator/planificatoare media Social media manager Specialist/specialista in achizitionarea spatiului publicitar Specialist/specialista in marketing (marketolog/marketologa) pecialist’specialista in preturi Specialist/specialista in publicitate Specialist/specialista marketing in retea Telemarketolog Agent/agentii de predare a marfurilor la punctul de frontier Agent/agenta de verificare a incareaturilor gi bagajelor Agent/agenta in transporturi Coordonator/coordonatoare operaitni de transport de pasageri Diriginte/diriginta oficiu transporturi Dispecer in transporturi Expeditor-logistician/expeditoare-logisticiand in transporturi Functionar/funcjionara documente expeditie, documentatie tarifara si documente de lor de diplome obtinute dupa finalizarea respectivului program de care au objinut titul — Licenfiat in Stiime economice au Programe de master —nivelul 7 ISCED in domeniul Studii in marketing: Programe de master ~ nivelul 7 ISCED in alte domenii cu acumularea minimului curricular: Programe de formare continua pe tot parcursul viet EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. Description of the study program: Specialty’s profile of the study program 0414.1 Marketir and Logistics comply with the fundamental domain of science, culture and technology 04 Social Sciences: the general domain of study 041 Economic Sciences; professional formative domain 0414 Marketing The program is developed in accordance with the Classification of professional formative domains and specialization in higher education, approved by the Government Decision No. 482 from 28 June 2017 and the Framework Plan for bachelor studies (cycle 1), master studies (cycle II) and integrated studies approved by the Order of MECCM no. 120 from 10.02.2020 Studies duration - 3 years of full-time education, 4 years of reduced frequency education, Study credits - 180 credits ECTS, | eredit ECTS - 30 hours Organization form- Full-time education, reduced frequency education 2. The knowledge, skills and competencies provided by the study program This program aims to develop professional skills in the field of Marketing. The study plan is focused on general, socio-human, fundamental and specialized disciplines, developing general and specific professional skills. The general competences developed in the program are: 1. Knowledge of the basic concepts, theories and methods of public services in relation to typical theoretical and practical problems: 2. The use of economic research methods, tools and techniques in the context of projects, reports forecasts and other professional approaches development; 3. Interpretation of economic information and regulations in the domain using the quantitative and qualitative methodological mechanism in the context of economic decision-making; 4, The efficient organization of the economical activities under the autonomy and team conditions: Designing a rational and efficient behaviour of the manufacturer/entrepreneur/customer appropriate to the typical situations of market economy 6. Economic, financial, managerial, regulatory assessment of the market_mecl according to the rational use of financial, material, information and human resout In the correlation with the National Qualifications Framework, but also during the discussions in the working session of the Quality Assurance Commission, communication with the labour market representatives, graduates, academic staff and students, there were established the following specific competencies: C1 Knowledge of economic and social nature concepts, theories, methods and tools of private and public entities: 2 Collection, analysis and interpretation of market data and information, C3 Elaboration, development and evaluation of marketing and logistics projects; C4 Performing efficient communication operations and techniques on sales growth; C5 Organizing and conducting marketing and logistics activities in private and public entities relevant to market requirements; C6 Compliance with ethical and professionals’ norms in marketing and logistics. 3. The objectives of the study program, including their consistency with the un mission. The aim of the bachelor program refers to the future specialist’s professional skills formation for labor market integration in the national economy. Furthermore, to provide graduates with knowledge-based practice and understanding of marketing and logistics processes, and to qualify the graduiate in analy evaluating and reflecting on issues related to these areas; to handle complex tasks in terms of customer relations and marketing communication. ‘The objectives of the Marketing and Logistic program are: ‘the evaluation of contemporary problems regarding the possibility of students persona and professional development, for general marketing activities: ‘+ the trends, characteristics and marketing techni techniques usage concerning market analysis, anism clements © intellectual ues identi ation in particular, the methods and “ © the provision of technical knowledge and necessary resources for the marketing projects development and elaboration in order to maximize the performance of the company’s activity, the analyzes, evaluation and solutions provision for complex problems in the field. ete These objectives correspond to the mission of the Moldova State University. They are related to the following institutional strategic documents: The Strategic Plan; The Research and Innovation Strategy: The Institutional Strategic Plan for Internationalization. 4. Connection of the study program and educational content to international trends in the activity domain, During the study program preparation there were taken into consideration the best European practices with reference to the contents of the educational offer, and were utilised in the program by including some content units to ensure compatibility of programs and reciprocal academic mobility. The contents of the study plan are also linked to the international trends in the field of: marketing positioning as a key driver in the digital economy Today, marketing is the absolute imperative of transformation on the basis of a new paradigm: holistic marketing. The new paradigm combines the best of traditional marketing with the new possibilities, that digital technology has. Holistic marketing involves: relational marketing, internal marketing. integrated marketing and social responsiveness marketing. Therefore. in the elaboration of the educational contents in the Marketing and Logisties program new disciplines were included, but also the content of the others was linked to these tendencies. 5. Evaluation of the economic and social sector's expectations. The consultation process at Cycle I take place within the framework of the study program improvement within the organization of the production and licensing practice (the form of the corresponding agreements), during the bachelor’s examination (the participatory form) and the elaboration of study programs at employers ordering. An effective method of employer's collaboration is to evaluate the practical skills of graduates on the study case solving proposed to the graduates by employers. An effective method of collaboration with employers is to evaluate students’ practical skills based on the case scenarios that are proposed by employers. 6. Partner's consultation during the study program preparation, In order to achieve qualitative and relevant studies in the real environment, a series of activities were carried out, that reflect the needs and trends in the Marketing and Logistic labour market. At the Faculty level, a representative of the labour market for each field of professional formation is included in the Quality Assurance Commission. During the Commission working meetings there are discussed the contents of the education plans, the types of tasks for individual work, the methods of spending practical lessons and the correlation of content units for the taught subjects ete. The job descriptions of the following potential employers: Cricova J.S.C.. LLC Volta, Hotel Betd’s. LLC Telemar, LLC Duleinella, LLC Wine International Project, LLC Ergo-Enterprises were analyzed, in order to determine the necessary qualification of a specialist in the field of marketing and to identify the need for knowledge, skills and competences to be ensured through the implementation of the study plan. 7. The relevance of the study program for the labour market, Markets are changing rapidly. but the technologies that support them are constantly developing. Increasing and diversifying the offer especially in the field of marketing services, changes in the demographic structure, as well as the emergence of a new, more demanding, more informed type of consumer, lores economic entities to find new ways to attract customers and loyal them. In the context of increased global competition, economic entities need: marketing strategies, public communication, supply and exchange of values, maintenance and develop customer relationships, meeting consumer needs, market research, creation of distribution networks, logistics organization of goods and transport. The novelty and relevance of this program lies in the fact that the marketing activity helps organizations to create value by understanding the needs of their customers in order to offer them innayative products and services. 8. Job opportunities for graduates. Graduates of the Marketing and Logisties are prepared: 10 demonstrate cognitive skills in the field of marketing and logistics, to demonstrate business start-up skills in the fields of marketing activities; to ensure the activities process in accordance with the national and international normative framework; to make optimal decisions in the marketing and logistics activity: 10 tively communicate the results of the activity; to develop and coordinate the implementation of projects in the field of marketing, supplies, sales; to propose solutions to various problems in the field of marketing, supplies, sales, ete. According to the Occupational Classifier from Republic of Moldova, the graduates of this program can activate as 243101 Advertising and marketing analyst 243102 Market research analyst 243103 Brand product manager 243104 Copywriter advertising 243105 Advertising and Marketing Manager 243106 Merchandiser 243107 Media planner 243108 Social media manager 243109 Specialist in the acquisition of advertising space 243110 Marketing specialist (marketer) 243111 Pricing specialist 243112 Advertising specialist 243113 Network Marketing Specialist 243114 Telemarketologist 432302 Border handler 432303 Cargo and baggage check agent 432304 Transport agent 432311 Passenger transport operations coordinator 432312 Transport office manager 432313 Transport dispatcher 432314 Shipper-Logistician / Shippet-Logistician in Transportation 432315 Clerk shipping documents, tariff documentation and transport documents, 9. Access to studies by holders of diplomas obtained after completion of the study program. The graduates of the study program who obtained the title- Graduated in Economie Science have the following opportunities to continue their studies: ‘Master Programs - level 7 ISCED in Marketing Studies ‘+ Master programs - level 7 ISCED in other areas with additional eredit accumulation, © Lifelong continuous training programs.

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