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3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you developed and

demonstrated that talent over time?
Over the course of my life, I retain a good skill of sketching and drawing. Although it does not
seem applicable to biological careers, I assure you that this artistic skill allows me to categorize,
organize and visualize ideas necessary for executing my plans into motion. Without a proper
diagram or model for me to build upon, my extension into my chosen field would have stopped
in its tracks. This visual planning also better helps fellow students when in a group project, as it
helps translate either other people’s ideas or my own. It makes me a valuable asset to most
groups, acting as a kind of translator between ideas, concepts and executions.
Despite it being a useful tool in my education, it is also a good outlet for my emotional
wellbeing, pouring time and care into whatever I come up with in my free time. This by no
means takes priority over my education, but rather coexists with it, allowing me to unwind and
somewhat relax my mind. By sketching my little personal projects, it is also something for my
mind to do that is stimulating and relaxing. In a way. It helps advance my education by providing
a refreshed, thoughtful mind. Whether it be for my education or for my own sake, it is clear that
my drawing skills have made a positive impact on my life, helping me advance my future.

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