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1 address the location wher a person lives. I have problems remembering my address
2 afternoon Time of the day after 12 PM. I go to school in afternoons.
3 alright when something is fine. it's alright, it wasn´t nothing, really.
4 always An informal expression to refer about something satisfactory. I told her I was alright.
5 ambulance A vehicle for taking people to the hospital in emergencies. He had an accident and we called an ambulance.
6 animal A living organism that feeds on organic matter. Wild animals adapt badly to a caged life.
7 answer Your opinion or knowledge about something anyone asked. I knew all the answers of the test.
8 any Used to refer to one or some of a thing, despite the quantity. I didn't have any coins at the moment.
9 arm The part that conects the body and the hands. My arm is hurting.
10 August The 8th month of the year. I began school in August.
11 bad something wrong. My aim is really bad.
12 band A group of people that plays music. This band absolutely rocks!!!
13 bear A gigant fluffly dangerous animal. Winnie the pooh is a bear.
14 beautiful Very attractive or pleasant. What a beautiful sight we have in front of us.
15 beer alcoholic drink. Adults like to drink beer.
16 believe Hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose. I believe we already met.
17 best Of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality. The best cellphone ever.
18 bird An animal capable of flying. I know a lot of birds.
19 black the absense or the union of all colors. Black pencil,
20 board drink that helps people be awake. Look at the blackboard.
21 body The vessel that lets us live. My body aches for doing so much excercise.
22 boy a male child or, more generally, a male of any age. Look at my boy.
23 brush an object that is used to sweep and clean. I brushed my teeth.
24 burger An special food; similar to a sandwitch. this burger tastes good.
25 bus driver Person in charge of drive the bus. the bus driver is kind of aggresive.
26 Canada A country located above EUA. Canada is a nice place.
27 carrot Large orange vegetable. rabits eat carrots.
28 cat Relatively small animal kept as a pet for hunting mice. cats are independent
29 cellphone A device that lets us communicate and call others. you need a new cellphone to store your files.
30 change To become something else. you changed after all this time.
31 cheap Less price than usual. this soup is very cheap, i have to buy it.
32 cheese Food made from milk. pizza must include cheese
33 chef Important person in charge of a professional kitchen. chefs are important in restaurants.
34 chest A large box made of wood, that stores things. Look in that chest, you may find something good.
35 chocolate A sweet food made of cacao seeds. i love chocolate
36 choose The action of select something. you have to choose between these 2 options.
37 classroom A place where people learns in school. my classroom is noicy.
38 clean Lack of any impurity. i always clean my room
39 close to change from being open to not being open. be sure to close the door.
40 coat A piece of cloth that warms its user. that coat sure looks stilish
41 coffee Drink that helps people be awake. i need to drink coffee if you want me here.
42 cold low temperature. today is really cold.
43 computer A device that lets us work more effitiently. this computer is really old.
44 conversation When people share a topic of interest and talk about it. this conversation sounds interesnting.
45 costume A set of clothes suitable for an activity. i need a costume for the festival.
46 country an area of land that has its own government, people, etc. in my country we are more restricted.
47 cow An animal from where we usually get milk. cows are pretty.
48 cup a small container used for drinking tea, coffee, etc. this cup of tea is marvelous.
49 dancer A person capable of dancing: he is a pro-dancer.
50 dark The lack of light. my house is really dark at nights.
51 daughter your female child. your daughter made really big progress.
52 December The 12th and last month of the year. i can't wait for december to come
53 dictionary A book specialized in the meaning of the words. this dictionary thingy is trully useful.
54 different not the same. you look different, new clothes?
55 difficult Something more complicated. the test was so dificult.
56 digital storing information as a series of numers 1 & 0. nowdays all works are done by digital means.
57 dinner The meal that a person eats at night. want to have dinner at the same place?
58 discount a reduction in the usual price. lucky me, i got a discount of our dinner.
59 discuss To argue of opinions of a topic. we will discuss this later.
60 dish a shallow, flat-bottomed container for cooking or serving food. an ovenproof dish
61 dog An animal kept as a pet, known for being the most loyal. your dog looks cute.
62 down in or towards a low or lower position, from a higher one. if you are looking is down there.
63 dream events or images that people see when they are sleeping. what a weird dream.
64 dress a piece of cloth for women that covers most of the body. that dress looks marvelous.
65 drink liquid that is taken into the body trough the mouth. i need to drink something.
66 driving The ability to drive a vehicle. driving relaxes me.
67 drum Musical insrument played by hitting with the hand or stick. want to see my new drums?
68 each any thing in a group considered separately. each one of you has work to do
69 engine machine that uses the energy from fuel or steam to move. the engine failed again.
70 example something that is typical of the things that is a member of. this is an example of what not to do.
71 exit the door through you leave a building or a vehicle. i need to exit this place now.
72 explorer person who investigates the environments. that explorer went to the jungle.
73 eye part of the body that lets people see. your eyes are pretty.
74 factory place where objects are made. that is an old factory
75 family group of people that raize you and often are close. my family is a strict caring one.
76 fantastic something good or imaginative. what a fantastic job.
77 fast a thing capable of use speed. those cars are fast.
78 fastfood food that is prepared altmost in few minutes. if you keep esting fastfood you'll get sick.
79 fantastic something that is well-done if you study for your exam, your score will be fantastic.
80 fine good or good enough; healthy and well. i told you that i'm fine.
81 finger Long and thin parts of the hand. i used my fingers to hold the bags.
82 finish to conclude something. i finished my homework.
83 first something coming before all others. my first thought of the day was food.
84 follow to move behind someone or something and go where it goes. we should follow those people.
85 food things that you can eat. this food was delicious.
86 foot part of the body that lets you stay still on the ground. i use my foot to walk.
87 football Sport that includes a ball and people carry to the goal. football is interesting for many people.
88 fried cooked in hot oil or fat. This fried chicken tastes really good.
89 friendly behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone. Our neighbours have always been very friendly towards us.
90 funny something that makes you laugh. this guy is really funny.
91 further something that is not at your reach. i heard that it´s located even further than we thought
92 garage place of the house usualy to store cars. so that is your garage, is spacious.
93 garden place where plants grow. your garden is all green.
94 geography Study of how things in the world, as countries, are organized. i find geography hard.
95 glasses Object that improves the sight of people who has problems. i needed glasses and now i look smart.
96 glove a piece of cloth that covers hands. these pair of gloves are warm.
97 golden something made of gold. the golden components of cellphones are valuable.
98 goodbye Thing that you say when you or people leave the place. goodbye, see you later.
99 grandmother the mother of a person's father or mother. my grandmother is so old.
100 granny a grandmother; the mother of your mother or father. Your granny is going to take care of you today.
101 grass a low, green plant that grows naturally over the earth's surface. They really take care of their grass.
102 green of a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass. I never imagined that most fruits are initially green.
103 guess to give an answer uncertain of the correct information. i had to guess because i didn´t knew the answer.
104 guitar instrument that has strings and people use to play music. i like to play the guitar.
105 half a part that is equal of a something to make a whole. these lemons are cut in half.
106 hard not easy to bend, cut, or break. this lemon is so hard that i can´t cut it.
107 head part of the body where the eyes, nose, and brain are. my head is fine.
108 headache when a person's head is hurting. my head is hurting.
109 hear listen something. I hear you.
110 hearing the action of listening. I'm hearing how those people are discussing.
111 heat. high temperature. The desert heat couldn't reach her private cloud.
112 hill an area of land higher than the sorrounding land. That hill is so big.
113 himself used to refer to a male object or a person. he did this to himself.
114 hobby something people like personally. my hobby is to listen to music.
115 hold to take and keep something with you. can i hold your hand?
116 holiday a day of vacation; to not work and do what you like. I'm planning to enjoy my holiday.
117 homework what teachers give their students to do at home. I'm tired of doing homework.
118 horrible very unpleasant or bad. He has a horrible cold.
119 horse A large animal with four legs that people ride or use for pulling vehicles. My horse is a bit timid and is easily frightened by traffic.
120 hospital Place where sick or injured people go to recuperate. The hospital was very cramped at the begining of this pandemy.
121 housewife a woman whose work is doing the chores inside home. She's not the type of person to stay at home and be a housewife.
122 however despite whatever amount or degree. However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.
123 Hungary a country in central Europe. You mentioned that you want to travel to hungary.
124 invitation the act of inviting someone to go to an event. Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party.
125 jacket a short coat. His tan jacket almost hid a red flannel shirt.
126 jail Place where criminals are kept in vigilance. i hope those people stay in jail for all of their lifes,
127 Jamaica an island country in the Caribbean. Jamaica is a famous contry you know?
128 janitor Person in charge of cleaning. The janitor is an expert of what he does.
129 january 1st month of the year. In january everything began.
130 Japanese People born from Japan. I want to meet japanese people.
131 jar Vessel to store things. She bought a new jar.
132 jeans A type of pants that are worn informally. I never wear jeans to work.
133 job the regular work that a person does to earn money. She needed money, so she got a job.
134 jogging to run at a slow, regular speed, as a form of exercise. jogging everyday is healthy.
135 joke something that a person said to make others laugh. that joke was hilarious, i can´t stop laughing.
136 journalist A person who writes news or articles for a newspaper. The journalist took notes throughout the interview.
137 journey the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. I love going on long journeys.
138 joyful very happy. Christmas is such a joyful time of year.
139 judgment the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. He had an error of judgment.
140 juicy foods that contain a lot of juice. that orange seems really juicy.
141 just someone or something that people believe is right. this is just for all of us.
142 justice fairness in the way people are dealt with. we need to see that justice is applied.
143 kangaroo a large australian animal that moves by jumping. that man hit a kangaroo to save his dog.
144 kept the past form of "keep"; to have or continue to have in your possession. i kept this card since it was a gift.
145 ketchup a sauce made of tomato. i don´t like ketchup in my hotdog.
146 kettle a container for boiling water that has a handle. is the kettle hot yet?
147 key ring a metal or plastic ring used for keeping your keys together. I'm using this hey ring to not lose my keys.
148 kilo a unit mass equal to 1000 grams. I bought a kilo of grapes.
149 kimono Long japanese traditional clothing. I want to see you in a kimono.
150 kindergarten Place where children study. my young son goes to kindergarten.
151 kindly generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings. She's a very kind and thoughtful person.
152 kindness to be generous and caring about other people. his kindness inspires others.
153 king A nation ruler. I became the king to protect my brethren.
154 kingdom A nation with tons of people. I changed this place and made it a suitable kingdom.
155 kiss to touch with your lips something, specially to demonstrate love. I saw you two kissing earlier.
156 kite a framed covered with plastic that you fly in the air. Kites are so rare to see nowdays.
157 kitten a baby cat. that kitten looks really cute.
158 knee part of the body; one that allows the leg to bend. My knee hurts.
159 kneel to go down into a possition where one or both knees touch the ground. kneel before me and accept your inferiority.
160 knew past form of know; to be aware of information. I knew what you were doing all this time.
161 Knife An instrument used to cut food. i used that knife tocut those vegetables.
162 Korean person born from korea. Koreans are really famous.
163 lamb baby sheep. i want to hug that lamb .
164 lamp an object that uses a bulb to iluminate. this lamp still works.
165 land the surface of the earth that is not covered by water. This land is full of new mysteries.
166 lately recently. lately i had these weird thougts.
167 laundry the clothes that a person needs to wash. i did my laundry hours ago.
168 leather material made from animals for many purposes. leather clothes are wrong to use.
169 left the side of your body that is to the west when you face north. my left arm still works.
170 leg part of the body that is used for standing or walking. My legs are strong.
171 lemon aval fruit with yellow or green skin and sour juice. lemon is really sour.
172 length measurement of something from end to end at its longest side. The boat is ten metres in length.
173 lifeguard a job in the beach where a person takes care of the people in danger. lifeguards must be responsible.
174 lion big animal that stands in four legs, it´s said to be the king of the jungle. Lions are so majestic.
175 liquid a substance, such as water, that is not solid or a gas. there are some caramels that have liquid inside.
176 literature written artistic works with a high lasting artistic value. literature can be impressive too.
177 little something in small size or amount. mice are little beings.
178 live make one's home in a particular place or with a particular person. I lived in New England all my life
179 living room central place of the house. the living room seems so elegant.
180 lonely unhappy because you are not with other people. i don´t want to be lonely ever again.
181 lot large amount of something. that is a lot of money.
182 loud something that makes a lot of noice. this video is so loud.
183 lunch a meal that is eaten in the middle of the day. I prepared lunch for you.
184 lying The action of giving false information. You were lying all this time.
185 mailbox place where mail from others is store until the owner takes them. you should check your mailbox.
186 March 3rd month of the month. march wasn´t that exciting month.
187 marvel to show or experience great surprise or admiration. We paused to marvel at the view.
188 mask Object that covers a person´s face. that mask looks awesomoe.
189 match a competition or event where people compete against each other. I won that match an you know it.
190 mathematics study of numbers, shapes, and space using special systems or symbols. Mathematics are really hard.
191 meal an occasion when a person eats food. This meal is so exquisite.
192 meat flesh when it is used for food. You need to eat meat.
193 mechanic a job where a person repairs engines or machines. take your car to the mechanic so they fix it.
194 medium being in the middle between an upper or lower amount of something. Chop one medium carrot.
195 melt to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid. Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn't burn.
196 message short piece of information you give to a person. I sent you a message.
197 mice a group of mouse. Mice are horrible.
198 milkshake drink made of milk and usually ice cream. i want a milkshake.
199 minor having little importance, especially when compared. Those are minor details.
200 minute unit of time; 60 seconds. I just need a minute.

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