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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. X, No. 356, 14 th Waning of Tabaung 1385 ME www.gnlm.com.mm Sunday, 7 April 2024


101 vessels ship goods from

Mandalay Port to Yangon,
Bhamo in March


Traders meticulously access diverse beans and pulses at the Mandalay market.

Myanmar pulse exports cross

YRTC warns YBS bus lines
against overcharged fare US$1.48B in FY 2023-2024 SEE PAGE-4

Myanmar’s fishery exports exceed

US$700 mln in FY 2023-2024
MYANMAR shipped fishery products to Japan, European countries, China
worth US$714.89 million to foreign and Thailand through maritime trade
trade partners in the past financial channels and also delivers fish, shrimp,
year 2023-2024 (April-March), which prawns, crab and other seafood to
shrank from $765.94 million registered neighbouring countries via border
in the FY2022-2023, indicating a de- posts (Muse, Myawady, Kawthoung,
crease of $51.04 million, the statistics Sittway, Myeik and Maungtaw).
released by the Ministry of Commerce More than 20 fish species, includ-
showed. ing hilsa, rohu, catfish, and seabass,
The fishery export is steadily go- are exported to foreign markets, ac-
ing, but it has yet to return to nor- cording to the Myanmar Fisheries
mal conditions like the events in the Federation. Myanmar exports fishery
pre-COVID-19 period. products to over 40 countries, mainly
Shoppers and vendors thrive in the bustling fish market.
Myanmar exports fishery products to Thailand and China. — NN/EM
7 APRIL 2024

Yangon hostel fees surge in high-demand areas for workers
HOSTEL fees are now rising in Monthly rentals range
some Yangon locations where from K40,000 for singles to
most workers stay, said the K80,000 to K100,000 for fami-
activists advocating for work- lies, depending on the size of
ers’ affairs. the room.
“We can’t tell the hostel As people in Yangon have
owners not to hike the rate. to rely on firewood or LPG gas
They have to bear some over- for cooking rather than elec-
head charges on their part. If tricity, this adds to the cost
they need to repair something of living.
broken in the rented hostel, If the time when the work-
the repair charges have now ers arrive back at the hostels
doubled. Other costs are also coincides with the time the
increasing because of ap- electricity is cut, they will have
proaching Thingyan, so they to buy gas or firewood to cook
inevitably have to raise the out of their already limited
fee. There are many rising pockets.
costs such as electricity bills “Look, the salary we got
and cooking. While the salary used to be just enough to cov-
is the same with no increase, er the costs. Now, the cost of
workers have to pay more for living has gone up, and it is dif-
hostel fees. A room at K40,000 ficult to make both ends meet,”
has gone up to K60,000,” said he said. — MT/ZN
Some ‘Hostel rooms for rent’ advertising stickers. a labour advocate.

Online electricity bill Pedestrians prime victims in YBS

payment services expanded accidents this year
to 17 banks, companies AMONG the YBS accidents Moreover, one died and crossing the streets, they need
in Yangon this year, cases of one injured from accidents in- to cross from where they have
ELECTRICITY bills can be paid Yoma mobile banking, MAB pedestrians being hit by cars volving taxis, one killed and 11 a clear view. Drivers are also
online through 17 banks, and mobile banking, Myanmar Mo- are the most common, said U injured from accidents involv- instructed to drive carefully,”
companies, Yangon Electricity bile Money’s Easy Pay, as well Lyan Cin Mang, joint secretary ing private cars, nine injured he said.
Supply Corporation announced. as MOB mobile banking, Tun of the Yangon Region Public when cars hit the electricity On 2 April, in Thanlyin, a
YESC said people don’t Commercial Banking’s internet Transport Committee (YRTC). posts, and 13 deaths and 31 mother with a baby slipped off
need to wait in queues at town- banking, Citizens Pay, AGD’s As of early April, five pe- injuries in total up to 3 April, a bus while getting off as the
ship electricity office counters to One Pay, Shwe Bank’s mobile destrians died, and four were according to YRTC’s data. driver raced to start off, and
pay electricity bill. Still, they can banking, Mo Money, A Bank’s injured from the car hitting “Most casualties are the wheel crushed the baby’s
efficiently pay online through A Plus, Ooredoo application, while crossing the roads; two pedestrians. People need to head.
banks and companies’ mobile M-Pitesan and Wave Pay. died from falling off the bus, cross the roads properly. Our Thirty-five people died,
applications, wallets, and pay Daw Mya Thuzar, a house- three bicyclists were killed, country adopts a right-hand and 117 people were hurt in
platforms before the deadline. wife, said, “It is much better and two others were injured. drive system, and people will YBS accidents in 2023. Of the
Electricity bill payment is that the electricity bill can be One motorcyclist was dead, have to walk on the left side, 35 fatalities, 13 were hit by
available on KBZ mobile bank- paid through mobile application, and five others were wounded facing the traffic lane, so that vehicles while crossing the
ing, KBZ Pay, Mytel Pay, CB wallet and Pay. We no longer due to YBS accidents. they can avoid cars. When streets. — MT/ZN
Pay, AYA mobile banking and need to wait in a queue at the
internet banking, AYA Pay, UAB township office counters.” —
mobile banking, UAB Pay, OK$, MT/ZS

A YBS accident scene. PHOTO XINHUA

7 APRIL 2024

Final rites of Tachilek Naga Hnakaung Sayadaw
take place in Shan State (East)
ceremony to organize the final
rites of Naga Hnakaung Mon-
astery Presiding Patron State
Ovadacariya Abhidhaja Maha Rattha
Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddham-
ma Jotika Dr Bhaddanta Dhammasiri
took place in Tachilek of Shan State
(East) yesterday afternoon.
Chief of the General Staff (Army,
Navy and Air) General Maung Maung
Aye and attendees took the Five Pre-
cepts from Chairman of State Sangha
Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha
Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Joti-
kadhaja Thanlyin Minkyaung Sayadaw
Dr Bhaddanta Candima Bhivamsa.
The remains of Naga Hnakaung
Sayadaw were covered with a velvet
layer. Invited members of the Sangha
recited messages sent by the State
Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, the
Shan State Sangha Nayaka Commit-
tee, the Ministry of Religious Affairs
and Culture, and foreign Theravada The remains of Naga Hnakaung Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Dr Bhaddanta Dhammasiri
Buddhist Missionaries. seen being covered with a velvet layer during the final rites of Sayadaw in Tachilek yesterday.
The biography of the Sayadaw was
recited. Guests donated discarded Samkhara and shared merits gained. The final rites ceremony was also of the Commander-in-Chief, the com-
robes and alms dedicated to the Sayad- The remains of the Sayadaw were attended by SAC members, Union min- mander of Triangle Region Command
aw. Members of the Sangha recited conveyed onto the incinerator, and the isters, the Shan State chief minister, and guests. — MNA/TTA
three stanzas of Gatha on Annicca Vata remains were ablaze. senior military officers from the Office

Union Industry Minister inspects No 2 Steel Mill (Pangpet)

UNION Minister for Industry Dr State, yesterday morning. ing kiln, room heating boiler, wa- ore processing workshop and coal the drawings.
Charlie Than visited No 2 Steel During his visit, the Union ter treatment workshop, oxygen storage. He also checked the sta- The Union minister also
Mill (Pangpet) in Taunggyi, Shan minister inspected an iron smelt- workshop, power substation, iron tus of railway construction for the stressed that the installation
storage of coal and the delivery work should be carried out in ac-
of pig iron to the No 1 Steel Mill cordance with the set standards
(Myingyan). and that the operation steps of
After that, the Union minis- each machine installed according
ter ordered to take full respon- to the mill branches should be
sibility for the maintenance and known. The handling and main-
installation of the equipment and tenance manual of a machine
to open the boiler handling and installed in the mill should be
maintenance driving courses so translated from English to My-
that the boilers could be operated anmar so that all employees can
at full power. quickly learn it.
The Union minister further He also explicitly ordered to
urged the officials to study the op- take strict action to effectively
erating conditions of each facto- use the funds obtained for the
ry thoroughly to open secondary 2024-2025 financial year. After
courses and to ensure that there that, the Union Minister toured
is no remaining work to be done and inspected the mill employees’
in the inspection and installation housing and greeted the employ-
Union Minister for Industry Dr Charlie Than inspects the No 2 Steel Mill (Pangpet) in Taunggyi, Shan State, of equipment and to carry out ees cordially. — MNA/KZL
yesterday. inspections in accordance with

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7 APRIL 2024

DPM MoFA Union Minister participates Myanmar pulse exports
cross US$1.48B in FY
in Thai Songkran Festival 2024 2023-2024
Thai Ambassador to Myanmar Mr MYANMAR bagged US$1.48 billion from
Mongkol Visitstump first offered flowers over 1.76 million tonnes of pulse exports
and candles to the Buddha statue before in the past financial year 2023-2024 (April-
receiving a sermon from the presiding March), the Ministry of Commerce's sta-
monk of Khema Yama Monastery locat- tistics indicated.
ed in Mayangon Township and observing Myanmar's seaborne trade registered
the five precepts. over 1.6 million tonnes of pulse exports
The Deputy Prime Minister, the worth $1.34 billion, whereas over 157,409
Yangon Region chief minister, the Thai tonnes of pulses worth $141.38 million
ambassador, and officials then donated were sent to the neighbouring countries
offerings to the monks. They also offered between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.
water and coins to the Buddha statue The Ministry of Commerce's statis-
before visiting traditional Thai food stalls tics indicated that Myanmar's pulse ex-
and enjoying the festivities. ports totalled over US$1.47 billion from
During the event, the Deputy Prime over 1.9 million tonnes in the previous FY
Minister, the Yangon Region chief min- 2022-2023. Myanmar mainly exports black
ister, the Yangon mayor, the Thai am- grams, green grams and pigeon peas to
Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister U Than Swe and dignitaries donate offerings to bassador, the Cambodian ambassador, foreign markets. Of them, black grams
members of the Sangha during the Thai Songkran Festival 2024 in Yangon on 6 April officials and Thai citizens living in My- and pigeon peas are primarily shipped to
anmar sprinkled water on one another. India, while green grams are exported to
DEPUTY Prime Minister and Union Festival 2024 held at 4 pm on 6 March at The Thai ambassador served the China and Europe.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe the residence of the Thai Ambassador Deputy Prime Minister and dignitaries India has growing demand and con-
attended the Thai traditional Songkran in Yangon. with a dinner. — MNA/TKO sumption requirements for black grams
and pigeon peas. According to a Memoran-
dum of Understanding between Myanmar
and India signed on 18 June 2021, India will
CBM Governor attends import 250,000 tonnes of black grams and
100,000 tonnes of pigeon peas (tur) from
ASEAN financial Myanmar for five consecutive years from
2021-2022 financial year to 2025-2026 FY.
meetings in Laos This G-to-G pact will not affect the pulses'
annual quota set by India. Myanmar's
exporters are also entitled to deliver the
AS Laos hosted the 20th ASE- integration under the ASEAN pulses to India under that yearly quota.
AN Central Bank Governors’ Senior Level Committee and The prevailing market prices are over
Meeting (ACGM), 11th ASEAN ASEAN Swap Arrangement. K3.1 million per tonne of black grams
Finance Ministers and Cen- Central Bank Governors ex- Central Bank of Myanmar Governor Daw Than Than Swe (urad) and K3.92 million per tonne of pi-
tral Bank Governors’ Meet- changed their thoughts. participates in the 20th ACGM and 11th AFMGM in Luang Prabang, geon peas (tur), stated the Yangon Region
ing (AFMGM), and associated In the afternoon, the Laos, yesterday. Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
meetings in Luang Prabang AEAN financial ministers, principles, and the ASEAN+3 the ASEAN Financial and On 5 February, the prices hit an all-
yesterday, Myanmar’s dele- Central Bank Governors, Macroeconomic Research Central Bank Deputies Meet- time high of K3.5 million per tonne of black
gation led by Central Bank and international monetary Office shared ASEAN+3’s ing presented the Roadmap grams and K4.197 million per tonne of pi-
of Myanmar Governor Daw organizations met. Repre- economic forecast. The at- for Monetary and Financial geon peas. Myanmar's black gram output
Than Than Swe attended sentatives from the Asian tendees offered their advice Integration of ASEAN, ASE- is estimated at 400,000 tonnes per year,
them. Development Bank discussed and exchanged views. AN Sustainable Finance whereas pigeon pea production crosses
At the ACGM, the Laos finding solutions for regional Subsequently, the 11th Cooperation, and ASEAN fi- 50,000 tonnes. Myanmar Pulses, Beans,
Central Bank Governor pre- problems, the World Bank AFMGM commenced. Laos’ nancial integration working Maize and Sesame Seeds Merchants As-
sented Laos’ priorities as talked about the economic Finance Minister presented committees’ plans for 2024-25. sociation stated that black grams, which
ASEAN’s chair in 2024. The potentials of the East Asia the country’s priorities as After discussions, the India primarily purchases, are commonly
chairperson of the ASEAN and Pacific regions, the In- ASEAN chair this year, as joint statement of the 11th found only in Myanmar, whereas pigeon
Central Bank Deputies Meet- ternational Monetary Fund well as recent developments AFMGM was approved. The peas, green grams and chickpeas are
ing clarified the latest devel- elaborated on the world econ- of the AEC Blueprint 2025. 12th AFMGM is scheduled in grown in African countries and Australia.
opments on ASEAN financial omy and regional economies’ The Co-chairperson of Malaysia in 2025. — MNA/NT — NN/EM


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7 APRIL 2024

Confiscations of illegal items: Timbers, jade, industrial
materials, foodstuffs, motorbikes and vehicles
A total of 0.354 tonne of illegal under Customs procedures. K20 million) at the Yadanabon
teak and 12.168 tonnes of illegal On 4 April, the combined Bridge combined checkpoint
timbers valued at K774,870 were teams seized a Mitsubishi Pa- and an unregistered Yamaha
captured in Ingapu and Kyangin jero car (approximately K30 motorbike (estimated value of
townships on 3 April. The action million) heading to PyinOoL- K1 million) in Laezin village in
was conducted under the Forest win from Mandalay, carrying 65 Monywa township. The action
Law. kilogrammes of suspected jade was taken under the Export and
During inspections on 3 and worth K3.25 million without offi- Import Law.
4 April, illegal timbers weighing cial documents at the 16th-Mile On the same day, the com-
15.932 tonnes worth K8,876,162 Kyaukchaw checkpoint. The ac- bined teams supervised by the
were seized in Mindon town- tion was taken under Customs Yangon Region Illegal Trade
ship. The action was taken un- procedures. Eradication Special Task Force
der the Forest Law. On the same day, the com- nabbed a Fuso FZ tractor head
On the same day, the bined team confiscated a Nissan with a trailer (approximately The photo shows confiscated jade stones at the 16th-Mile Kyaukchaw
combined teams impound- Diesel truck (estimated value K120 million), heading to Yan- checkpoint in Mandalay Region.
ed two kinds of goods worth of K30 million), travelling from gon from Thamanya, carrying
K107,659,944, including 5,358.24 Thamanya to Yangon, carrying two kinds of goods worth K18.81 teams seized 1,950 kilogrammes On the same day, two un-
square metres of ceramic tiles 282 sets of Mazon toilet com- million, including 7,500 kilo- of illegal various fishes worth registered Shacman SX-2150
that were different from the mode valued at K7.05 million grammes of Golda Shortening K675,000 from a wooden boat trucks (approximately K40 mil-
Import Declaration (ID) from without official documents near chemical supplier that were not in Kyunsu township, two fishing lion) were captured in Waing-
five containers at the Myanmar the Shwethanlwin tollgate in declared in the Import Declara- boats (approximately K7 mil- maw township, and action was
Industrial Port and two kinds Phayagyi. The action was taken tion (ID) at the Ywathagyi Dry lion) without official documents taken under the Export and
of goods valued at K89,674,830 under Customs procedures. Port and an unregistered Toyota in Kawthoung township and an Import Law.
including 5,000 kilogrammes of During inspections on Alphard car (estimated value of unregistered Yamaha FINN155 The Illegal Trade Eradica-
Alpha cement bags (empty) that 4 and 5 April, the combined K4 million) in Insein township. motorbike (estimated value of tion Steering Committee report-
were not declared in the ID from teams captured an unregistered These action was taken under K500,000) in Bokpyin township. ed that 41 arrests were made on
31 containers at the Asia World Honda Fit car (approximately Customs procedures and the These actions were taken under three consecutive days from 3 to
Port Terminal container check- K8 million) and two unregis- Export and Import Law. Customs procedures and the 5 April, with an estimated value
points. The action was taken tered vehicles (approximately On 5 April, the combined Export and Import Law. of K497 million. — MNA/MKKS

Counter-argument to false information

Spreading false news: Forceful collection
Subversive media circulate
of money to support people’s military
misinformation about
servants in Kayan township
Aukchai village in Mindat
THE malicious media DVB is intention-
ally spreading false news, claiming that FALSE news is circulated to reports from some local
authorities are forcefully collecting a lot on social media and online residents who oppose vi-
of money from the houses of Kayan town- sites alleging that Tatmadaw olence, the security forces
ship, Yangon, to support the people who attacked Aukchai village in conducted security activities
serve in the people’s military service. Mindat Township, Chin State, in the area because terrorists
Concerning this false news, accord- with cluster bombs, resulting in were allegedly hiding in the
ing to an official of Kayan township, the injuries to five people, including village.
reality is that there is no forceful collec- two children, on 3 April. Terrorists attacked the
tion of money, and it is just a fake one. According to a security security forces with heavy
Therefore, trustworthy information and officer in the relevant area, weapons and dropped bombs,
clarifications are being provided to the Tatmadaw did not bomb reportedly resulting in the
public to make them aware of such kinds the area, and there were no burning of houses and dis-
of false claims. clashes on 3 April. placement of households.
Since the activation of the People’s Similarly, on the morning Te r r o r i s t - s u p p o r t i n g
Military Service Law, malicious media of 6 April, subversive media subversive media are report-
outlets have been intentionally circu- outlets fabricate misinforma- edly spreading fake news and
lating various false news to propagate tion, alleging that Tatmad- propaganda, making the pub-
and spread misinformation. They employ aw raided Shadaw village in lic misunderstand the mili-
vulgar journalistic techniques to instigate The screenshot validates the false news of malicious DVB. Shwebo Township. According tary. — MNA/TKO
public worry and panic. — MNA/TRKM
7 APRIL 2024

Plans underway for safe Maha
Thingyaan Festival
THE Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pavilion will be con-
structed in front of the City Hall for the public to be able to play
water happily and safely during the Maha Thingyan Festival.
Moreover, there will be water playing pandals, district water
throwing pandals, group dance performance and an awarding
ceremony at People's Square, said the vice-mayor during the
second coordination meeting of Yangon City Maha Thingyan
Festival Organizing Committee held on 5 April.
This year, the Yangon City Maha Thingyan Festival will
The photo shows the construction work of the Yangon City Hall Central Pavilion and water-splashing feature performances by artistes from the movie, music and
pandals on 15 March. theatrical arenas.

MoI seeks free use of copyrighted Inlay to host floating Thingyan festival
songs for Thingyan Festival THE floating Thingyan festival will be held from 13 to 16 April
in Inlay Lake of Nyaungshwe township in Shan State (South),
THE Ministry of Information ministries, state and region- Thingyan festival in Nay Pyi according to the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism. The di-
has requested the respective al governments, and depart- Taw and the City Hall Central rectorate invites people to visit Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda to
song owners to allow free use ments will perform traditional Pavilions. enjoy the floating water festival.
of their copyrighted songs dur- Thingyan performances, in- Hence, these performanc-
ing the Thingyan festival. cluding singing and dancing, es and broadcasts are not for
According to reports, the during the festival. personal financial benefit but Myawady returns to normal
Myanmar traditional Thingyan Furthermore, Myanma for public entertainment, and
festival in 2024 will be celebrat- Radio and Television will song owners and professionals THE people are wandering in Myawady as usual. The system
ed according to the customs broadcast Thingyan perfor- are kindly requested to allow breakdown occurred at the No 1 Thai-Myanmar friendship
and traditions of previous mance programmes freely, the unrestricted use of copy- bridge, and the people had to queue, but they could pass through
years. State organizations, covering both the walking righted songs. — TWA/TRKM as normal. The trade is also operating as expected at the No
2 bridge and other crossings, such as Myawady/Hpa-an-Htaw
Kaw Koe, KyatOoTaung and Thitkathi. The entry and exit of
people to Myawady also return to regular passages. The lines
of ATOM, Mytel and MPT have also resumed at 5:30 pm, but
the data cannot be used, according to a Facebook post made by
Bangkok tour guide Ko Sai on the evening of 6 April.

Unregistered private and language

schools face legal action
THE Private Education Law was enacted on 12 May 2023. All
the private schools are required to apply for registration at their
respective region and state education offices' private schools
supervisory board under the law. Moreover, private schools and
language schools will be taken action if they fail to register, the
private schools supervisory board announced.

Cargo ships at Mandalay Port.

Nine regions/states to face high
101 vessels ship goods from Mandalay daytime temperatures in two days
Port to Yangon, Bhamo in March THE Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) has
forecasted a slight increase in daytime temperatures over the
ACCORDING to the Depart- corn, 1,567 tonnes of coal, 125 from Mandalay Port, the De- next two days in nine regions and states.
ment of Transport, 101 cargo tonnes of lime, 100 iron pipes, partment of Transport has in- According to the 6 April statement, there might be high
vessels shipped goods from 103.5 tonnes of salt, 85.93 tonnes structed that vessels should daytime temperatures in Nay Pyi Taw, the lower part of Sagaing
Mandalay Port to Yangon and of molasses, 600 pieces of ply- not be loaded beyond the spec- Region, Mandalay Region, Magway Region, Bago Region, Shan
Bhamo along the Ayeyawady wood, 14,833.6 tonnes of sugar, ified tonnage. Carrying goods State, Rakhine State, Kayah State, Kayin State and Mon State.
River in March. 389.65 tonnes of rice and broken beyond the vessel’s capacity, Similarly, weather watcher Su Su San warned the people
A fleet of 101 cargo vessels rice and a tractor. regardless of its size, may pose to be aware of heat waves as the daytime temperatures in
transports sent 49,502.35 tonnes Due to the large quanti- a danger for ships travelling on Mandalay and Magway regions are high. — Htun Htun/KTZH
of cement, 32,719.7 tonnes of ty of goods to be transported the river. — TWA/TKO
7 APRIL 2024

Myanmar attends Siberian
Hospitality Forum in Novosibirsk
MYANMAR attended the Sibe- MAI airline operates flights Mr Nikolay A Afonasov,
rian Hospitality Forum ‘Wild twice a week from Yangon to Head of the Regional Office in
Plants’ 2024: VI Siberian Tour- Mandalay and then to Novosi- Novosibirsk of the Ministry of
ism Forum and International birsk. Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Hostility Exhibition ‘HoReCa He also disclosed plans to Federation, gave the opening
Siberia’ which took place in No- promote tourism services be- remarks. Mrs Elena Sergeevna
vosibirsk, Russian Federation, tween Myanmar and Russia and Kryzhanovskaya, Head of the
according to the Ministry of showcased a video clip titled Department of Development of
Foreign Affairs (MoFA). ‘Friendly Myanmar’ aimed at Domestic and Inbound Tourism,
Myanmar Consul-Gener- boosting Myanmar’s tourism and Mr Dmitry Manin, Head
al to Novosibirsk U Pyae Phyo sector. Additionally, U Pyae of the touristic agency “Pegas”
Wai was present at the event on Phyo Wai provided attendees discussed the tourism industry
3 April at the Russian Export with a leaflet briefing about in Siberian and ways to promote
Centre in Novosibirsk. tourism in Myanmar before re- Siberian tourism. Views were Actress Saung Eaindray Tun seen donating K1 million.
U Pyae Phyo Wai clarified sponding to the questions raised also exchanged between the

K1 million donated to
at the forum that Myanmar’s by journalists. attendees. — ASH/ TMT

support artistes in film

ON 6 April, actress Saung Eaindray Tun, also known as Ma Ma
Saung, donated K1 million to the Myanmar Motion Pictures
Organization (MMPO) in support of its 14th plan to assist artistes
in the film industry, according to Vice-Chair U Aye Kyu Lay of
the organization.
The organization provided the artistes with rice and food-
stuffs from 3 to 6 April. The vice-chair mentioned that the MMPO
is making 14th Thingyan donation and each person from the
organization received five-Pyi of rice, one viss of cooking oil, a
half viss of gram and two tins of fish.
He also stated that the donation for purpose of consumption
The photo depicts the Siberian Hospitality Forum “Wild Plants” 2024: VI Siberian Tourism Forum and in the Thingyan festival, which benefits the artistes from different
International Hostility Exhibition “HoReCa Siberia”. strata, is always made every first week of April. — ASH /TRKM

YRTC warns YBS bus lines against overcharged fare

THE Yangon Region Public Transport Committee announced that
there will be a reduction in the number of YBS buses available
to one-third of the original number during the Thingyan water
festival and vowed to take action against any instances of fare
overcharging, according to U Lyan Cin Mang, joint secretary of
the committee.
He added: “Even though we observe fewer commuters
during the Thingyan holiday, suspending the entire operation
is impractical.
‘‘We require all bus lines to continue operating, albeit at a
reduced capacity, and will closely monitor any instances of fare
overcharging and unauthorized passengers besides the driver.”
In Yangon Region, more than 650,000 commuters rely on YBS,
or Yangon Bus Service, which operates nearly 3,000 buses daily.
Throughout the Thingyan holiday, from 13 to 16 April, around 60
bus lines under 16 companies will maintain operations with over
1,200 buses in service daily.
On Myanmar New Year Day, 17 April, all 18 companies will
resume operations at full capacity, with three bus lines from the
Thet Yin Aung Company offering free service. — ASH/NT

Some buses from YBS station in the terminal.

7 APRIL 2024


Strengthen Myanmar’s
health sector: When Golden Padauk Blossoms Young Gardeners
By Arnt Maung

A vital pursuit
Translated by Myint Zan
By Maung Swe Ngae with new and beauteous clothes
making waves, attracting attention
v When we see Padauk blossoms shine To satisfy the comers feeling hungry prettifying and effervescent
At this auspicious summertime Just only to be satiated orally. it seems ‘tis a city for youngsters ဥယျာဥမှ
် ူးကလေးများ
IN MYANMAR, a popular saying echoes the sentiment that
“Health is Wealth”, emphasizing the indispensable nature
of good health in daily life. Indeed, without good health, individuals
Usually, it comes with the summer’s heat
Paying no attention to its peak. v Decorated floats rove round the City Notes
1. Thingyan : Water festival that annually falls
but when one looks carefully
To entertain people to be happy
are limited in their ability to pursue various endeavours. v Thingyan comes with a big splash. Dousing and splashing water with each other in mid-April in Myanmar it is a city of young persons ရန်ကန
ု ်
In 2024, the World Health Organization launched a significant We welcome a shower as expect Cleanse away the dirt of the old year. 2. Mont-lone : It is synonymous with on the move, actively at work
ံ န်းပုလ
ံ ှ အဝတ်ကလေးတွေ တရွရွ နဲ့
Depending on the generosity of the thrower -yaybaw Thingyan. Rice dough balls with that bees would have to admit defeat
campaign themed ‘My Health, My Right’. This initiative aimed to သနေကြ ကြွနေကြတဲ့
a jaggery centre are put into boil-
address the widespread lack of access to quality healthcare, educa- Receive a cool splash of water. v Older generation performing meritorious deeds
ing water in large pans. Within one cultivates oneself ငယ်သတွ
ူ ရ
ေ ့ဲ မြို့လိ့ု ထင်ရ။
tion, and essential resources faced by millions worldwide. Factors This can be seen during the festival, indeed one takes care of one’s land and waters
minutes, they pop up to the sur-
such as poverty, geographical barriers, discrimination, and conflicts v Thingyan marks the end of the old year Try to preserve our traditional cultures indeed, one helps construct the world: တကယ်ကြည့မ
် ှ
face, cooked and ready to eat.
And the beginning of a new year Not let alien cultures creep into ours. Usually, the mont-lone-yaybaw ပျားက အရှုးံ ပေးရအောင်
contribute to this disparity. The WHO’s goal is to advocate for a
Everyone we see is all smiles is served on pieces of banana leaf the young gardeners from the new generation
world where optimal health and well-being are achievable for all. လှုပလ
် ပ
ှု ရ
် ရ
ွ ွ အလုပလ
် ပ
ု က် ြတဲ့
Revellers are jovial all the while v Novitiation and ordination ceremonies take place (now small plates) with a sprin-
To meet the healthcare needs of its citizens, Myanmar has made လူငယ်တွရ
ေ ့ဲ မြို့ပါကလား။
Making foreigners who see them amazed kling of grated coconut. The original poem appeared in Volume 23
concerted efforts to establish and operate healthcare institutions v In pandals, gather lads and damsels Essence be still and all unchanged December 2001 issue of Beauty magazine
3. Novitiation : Buddhist novice making ကိယ
ု က
့် ယ
ုိ က
် ုိ စိက
ု ပ
် ျ ိုး
and facilities nationwide alongside private healthcare service pro- To take part in the water festival Lovely traditions are never on the wane. 4. Ordination : a ceremony of making a layman ကိယ
ု ရေမ
့် ြေ ကို စိက
ု ပ
် ျ ိုး
viders. Through government Revellers dance, shout and yell a Buddhist monk
initiatives and collaboration To their hearts’ content for revel v Traditional Thingyan is rendered more colourful 5. Padauk : (ပိတောက်) Pterocarpus macro- ကမ္ဘာကြီးကိပ
ု ါ စိက
ု ပ
် ျ ိုးကြတဲ့
with relevant organizations, By Padauk, Ngu-wa and Yingat blossoms in full carpus မျ ိုးဆက်သစ် ဥယျာဥမှ
် ူးကလေးများ။
Bolstering Myanmar’s healthcare services have been v Like quail-egg-size dough balls Wishing you a merry Thingyan Festival! 6. Ngu-wa : (ငုဝါ) Cassia fistula
health sector extended from grassroots lev- Mont-lone-yaybaw is served to all May you be overjoyed without interval!! 7. Yingat : (ရင်ခတ်) Gardenia

requires collective els to major cities, ensuring
broader accessibility.
contributions and
Moreover, medical uni-
commitment. By versities and training institu-
prioritizing health tions are actively producing a
as a fundamental significant number of medical vactrain transport system. In Tesla. To settle the case, Musk
professionals and healthcare Book Title – Billionaire Thahtaygyi 2015, he co-founded OpenAI, a stepped down as the chairman Book Title – Htin Shar Thu Doh Ei Bawa
human right workers who are deployed nonprofit artificial intelligence of Tesla and paid a $20 million
and investing in across the nation, even in re-
Elon Musk research company. The fol- fine. Ponbyin
comprehensive mote areas. Additionally, mil- Translator – Myat Thet lowing year, Musk co-founded Elon Reeve Musk was born
(Their Stories by Lee Ming Yi)
itary medical teams conduct Neuralink – a neurotechnology on 28 June 1971 in Pretoria,
healthcare field trips to provide essential
Publishing House – Seikku Cho Cho company developing brain-com- South Africa’s administrative Translator – Nine Nine Sa Nay
infrastructure and healthcare services, including Publication Date – October 2023 (1 Edition)
st puter interfaces – and the Bor- capital. He is of British and
Publishing House – Sar Yeik Myaing
services, Myanmar surgeries, at grassroots lev- ing Company, a tunnel con- Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry.
Price – K3,000 Publication Date – January 2024 (1st Edition)
can strive towards a els. Meanwhile, private clinics struction company. In 2022, he His mother, Maye Musk, is a
are also providing healthcare acquired Twitter for $44 billion. model and dietitian born in Sas-
healthier and more treatments to people not only He subsequently merged the katchewan, Canada, and raised
Price – K7,000
prosperous future in urban areas but also in rural company into the newly created in South Africa. His father, Errol
for all its citizens by areas. X Corp and rebranded the ser- Musk, is a South African elec-

granting healthcare Health professionals are Billionaire Thahtaygyi Elon Musk vice as X the following year. In tromechanical engineer, pilot,

dedicated to leveraging their
expertise for the betterment
March 2023, he founded xAI, an
artificial intelligence company.
sailor, consultant, emerald deal-
er, and property developer who
Htin Shar Thu Doh Ei Bawa Ponbyin
of society. The commitment ELON Reeve Musk is a busi- wealthy South African Musk year, Musk co-founded X.com, a Musk has expressed views partly owned a rental lodge at (Their Stories by Lee Ming Yi)
to providing comprehensive nessman and investor. He is the family, was born in Pretoria. He direct bank. X.com merged with that have made him a polarizing the Timbavati Private Nature
medical coverage across the nation is unwavering. founder, chairman, CEO, and briefly attended the University Confinity in 2000 to form PayPal. figure. He has been criticized for Reserve. Elon has a younger THIS week, I would like to rec- achieved without the exertion mentality, mindset, morale,
However, despite the recognition of health as a fundamental CTO of SpaceX; angel investor, of Pretoria before immigrating In October 2002, eBay ac- making unscientific and mis- brother, Kimbal, and a younger ommend a book to the readers. of effort, that there are always conviction, diligence and crea-
human right by at least 140 countries, many fail to enact and enforce CEO, product architect, and for- to Canada at age 18, acquiring quired PayPal for $1.5 billion, leading statements, including sister, Tosca. This book is a translation work opportunities and costs, and that tive imagination with only a few
laws guaranteeing access to healthcare services. This has resulted mer chairman of Tesla Inc; owner, citizenship through his Canadi- and that same year, with $100 COVID-19 misinformation and The family was wealthy of Sayama Nine Nine Sa Nay, all those who have become great pages left for their biography.
in over half of the global population, approximately 4.5 billion people, executive chairman, and CTO of an-born mother. Two years later, million of the money he made, antisemitic conspiracy theories. during Elon’s youth. Despite who is popular among young people have never been seen The translator of this book
lacking full coverage of essential health services as of 2021. X Corp; founder of the Boring he matriculated at Queen’s Uni- Musk founded SpaceX, a space- His ownership of Twitter has both Musk and Errol previous- readers. She has translated this abandoning their dreams de- said, “Everybody has their own
Recognizing imperfection as inherent, Myanmar endeavours Company and xAI; co-founder of versity in Kingston, Canada. Musk flight services company. In 2004, been similarly controversial, ly stating that Errol was a part book with the aim of enabling spite great difficulties. She has dreams. They have their own
to cultivate a healthier society within its means. Access to quality Neuralink and OpenAI; and pres- later transferred to the Universi- he became an early investor in being marked by the laying off owner of a Zambian emerald the younger generation to learn highlighted the importance of convictions. People, by nature,
healthcare services is deemed a deserved right for its people. The ident of the Musk Foundation. He ty of Pennsylvania and received electric vehicle manufacturer of a large number of employees, mine, Errol recounted that the lessons from the experiences not giving up hope. prefer to become brilliant pro-
advancement of the nation’s health sector is intrinsically linked is one of the wealthiest people bachelor’s degrees in economics Tesla Motors, Inc. (now Tesla, an increase in hate speech, mis- deal he made was to receive of the achievers and to imitate For young readers to be fessionals like doctors and en-
to its economic development. Therefore, concerted efforts from in the world, with an estimated and physics. He moved to Cali- Inc.). He became its chairman information and disinformation “a portion of the emeralds pro- them in their efforts to achieve able to imitate, she has provided gineers. Or they would choose
all sectors are essential to fortify the health sector and ensure its net worth of US$190 billion as fornia in 1995 to attend Stanford and product architect, assuming on the website, and changes to duced at three small mines”. success in life. the detailed efforts exerted by to become great athletes. There
resilience and sustainability. of March 2024, according to the University but dropped out after the position of CEO in 2008. In Twitter Blue verification. In 2018, Errol was elected to the Pretoria This book under review 39 great people such as Thom- will still be those who would like
Bolstering Myanmar’s health sector requires collective contri- Bloomberg Billionaires Index, two days and, with his brother 2006, Musk helped create Solar- the US Securities and Exchange City Council as a representative is composed of five chapters as Edison, Abraham Lincoln, to become famous singers or ac-
butions and commitment. By prioritizing health as a fundamental and $195 billion, according to Kimbal, co-founded the online City, a solar energy company that Commission (SEC) sued him, of the anti-apartheid Progres- written in over 200 pages. The George Washington, Stephen tors. Nevertheless, having a big
human right and investing in comprehensive healthcare infrastruc- Forbes, primarily from his owner- city guide software company Zip2. was acquired by Tesla in 2016 and alleging that he had falsely an- sive Party and has said that his original writer said in a story, Hopkins, and Ernest Heming- dream is only the beginning.”
ture and services, Myanmar can strive towards a healthier and more ship stakes in Tesla and SpaceX. Compaq acquired the startup for became Tesla Energy. In 2013, he nounced that he had secured children shared their father’s “Success starts with a dream.” way, among other things. The
prosperous future for all its citizens by granting healthcare services. Elon, a member of the $307 million in 1999, and that same proposed a hyperloop high-speed funding for a private takeover of dislike of apartheid. She said that nothing can be writer has emphasized their SEE PAGE-11
7 APRIL 2024

Saung Yoon Zan

ACTRESS Saung Yoon
Zan donated K1.7
million for 750 visses of
onion (for 1,400 people)
at Myanmar Motion
Pictures Organization,
marking the pre-do-
nation of Myanmar
Artistes of ‘Aphyu Yaung Thagayit Yae Atar Thingyan Nay Yet Myar” series.
New Year on 5 April.
MMPO Chairperson U
Kyi Soe Tun received the cash. She also organized a gold foil
donation ceremony at ‘Walaylone Pagoda” on the victory
MRTV 4 to air ‘Aphyu Yaung
platform of Shwesandaw Pagoda in Pyay on 24 March. Thagayit Yae Atar Thingyan
Bunny Phyoe Nay Yet Myar’ series
SINGER Bunny Phyoe released his Hi-Resolu- MRTV 4 will broadcast This can be said mini-series.
tion ‘Gaba Asetset’ MV with subtitles in three the ‘Aphyu Yaung Please support us,” he said.
languages on the ‘Bunny Phyoe’ YouTube Thagayit Yae Atar The novel and story of the
channel and Facebook page. The audio Thingyan Nay Yet ‘Aphyu Yaung Thagayit Yae Atar
is available on all streaming platforms. Myar’ series starting Thingyan Nay Yet Myar’ was
The singer said, “If it is possible, please from 12 to 17 April, created by Pyone Maung and his
support us by watching or listening according to actor team, and Su Su Sabei Phoo, Khin
to the items broadcast on our official Bhone Shein Khant. Sabei Hlaing and San Yu Maung
channels rather than the video and audio The new series is made the script. Director Hein Ko
posted by the illegal pages that copy and not the second season of Ko directed it.
repost others’ properties.” Director Ko Aung Myat the ‘Aphyu Yaung Thagay- The stars are Bhone Shein
made the MV, and the artistes are Bunny Phyoe, it’ series that has been aired Khant, Phyo Than Thar Cho, acad-
Amara Bhone, U Tain Nyunt, and Daw Aye Mi San. on the MRTV-4 channel, and emy Wah Wah Aung, academy
it is a separate series including Aung Khine, academy Khin Moh
almost all the stars of that Moh Aye, Kan Pwint, Daung Wai,
former series. Htoo Thar, Hein Min, Ma Chit Su,
“This series is not the sec- Thar Thar, Aye Aye Aung, Myo
ond season of ‘Aphyu Yaung Myo Khine and Shin Pyone Khin.
Thagayit’. It is another story. The series will be aired daily
Almost all the stars of that at 7 pm from 12 to 17 April. — ASH/
series can be seen this series. KTZH

Hnget Pyaw Gyaw

COMEDIAN Hnget Pyaw Gyaw made comments regarding the
grandson of actor Lwin Moe, saying that although his daughter
Pan Yaung Chel Yoon Wady Lwin Moe is not
THE fans criticize Pan Yaung Chel for her acting seen in this field frequently,
skills in the Yin Htae Kyway Tae Kyel series. She his grandson Liam will be
informed her fans via media that “Vee is very child- his new generation. Nga
ish. She smiles while crying. She can be coaxed and Pyaw Gyaw posted about
scolded for something. But, she will be mature in the health issue of comedi-
coming episodes.” Her co-actor Alinn Yaung made an Nyaung Nyaung, who is
a positive comment under her post urging her to currently under treatment
keep trying hard for her character. at Grand Hantha Hospital,
on his Facebook page.

Poe Mahme Thar
ACTRESS Poe Mahme Thar, who

eb r it
Cel ef
first starred in the ‘Theingara
ThaChin Ta Bote’ MV of Sai

Sai Kham Leng, received
applause from the audience
with the ‘Padauk Ka Tae
Gita’ movie and also with
the currently broad-
casting ‘Yin Htae
series. HAIR AND MAKE UP : Jessica Han - Make-up Artist
The actress, who DESIGNER : Designer Thein Zaw Win - The Atelier
is also a doctor, PHOTO : Love Space Photo Studio
participated in the
‘Heat Protection
Week’ talk show Han Lay
by sharing the HAN LAY, who missed the Miss Universe Myanmar
fitness lifestyle 2015 title nine years ago, won the Miss Universe
and workout tips Yangon South 2024 Winner, representing Yangon in
and tricks held at Yan- “Miss Universe Myanmar 2024“. “I enter this field to
gon Zoology Gardens showcase what I wanted to do in the past and what I
in Yangon on 6 April. am an expert at. Everyone is surprised and supports
me, so I am very energized and excited,” she said. —
Htun Htun/KTZH
7 APRIL 2024

Mexico suspends ties with China, Thailand to cooperate in
Ecuador after police break
into embassy in Quito lunar exploration missions
MEXICO suspended its diplomat- the Ecuadorian president’s X ac- As part of the collaboration, China’s upcoming Chang’e-7
ic relations with Ecuador after count affirmed Glas was detained
Ecuadorian police broke into by police in a statement at 11:22 lunar exploration mission, scheduled for around 2026, will
the Mexican embassy in Quito local time (GMT 0422 Saturday), carry a global space weather monitoring device developed
and arrested former Ecuadorian saying that “Ecuador is a sov-
Vice-President Jorge Glas, who ereign country and we are not by Thailand.
has been taking refuge in the em- going to allow any criminal to go
bassy since last December. unpunished.” CHINA and Thailand will co-
Mexican President Andres Mexico’s diplomatic per- operate on the exploration and
Manuel Lopez Obrador an- sonnel in Ecuador will leave peaceful use of outer space as
nounced the suspension of dip- that country immediately and well as on the International Lu-
lomatic ties with Ecuador on X will appeal to the International nar Research Station, accord-
Friday night local time (GMT 0431 Court of Justice to “denounce ing to two memorandums of
Saturday), calling the Ecuadori- Ecuador’s responsibility for vio- understanding (MoUs) signed
an move “a flagrant violation of lations of International Law,” said Friday in Beijing.
international law and the sover- Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena China National Space Ad-
eignty of Mexico”. on X at 11:23 local time (GMT 0423 ministration (CNSA) and the
Less than 10 minutes earlier, Saturday). — Xinhua Ministry of Higher Education,
Science, Research and Inno-
vation of Thailand signed the Photo taken by the rover Yutu-2 (Jade Rabbit-2) on 11 January 2019
two MoUs. shows the lander of the Chang’e-4 probe. PHOTO : CHINA NATIONAL
exploration mission, to be
launched around 2026, will have orbit. China is implementing the
onboard a Thailand-developed China’s Chang’e-8 mission, fourth phase of its lunar ex-
global space weather monitor- to be launched around 2028, ploration programme with the
ing device, which is designed provides a payload capacity of main target of building up the
to observe cosmic radiation 200 kilogrammes for interna- basic model of the Internation-
and space weather from the tional cooperation, and multi- al Lunar Research Station, ac-
lunar perspective. It will be ple applications from Thailand cording to Guan Feng, director
the first time that a scientific for lunar surface operation ro- of the Lunar Exploration and
Former Vice-President Jorge Glas. PHOTO: XINHUA/FILE instrument from Thailand has bots and scientific payloads are Space Engineering Centre of
entered deep space from Earth currently under selection. CNSA. — Xinhua

Htin Shar Thu Doh Ei Bawa Ponbyin

(Their Stories by Lee Ming Yi) Russia unleashes massive retaliation in
FROM PAGE-9 come true. And only when they
response to Ukraine’s bid to damage oil
In this regard, it is worth
mentioning an old adage, “Well
have enough diligence and per-
severance they will be able to
& gas facilities
begun is half done.” It is also realize their objectives. In this
appropriate here in this junc- regard, it is also of vital impor- THE Russian Armed Forces
ture to quote our forefathers tance to learn lessons from the have carried out 39 strikes on
as saying, “Those who have no past experiences their seniors Ukrainian energy and military
dreams, lacking big ambitions, have undergone. This is one of facilities in response to the Kyiv
can be said to have already the reasons why I have chosen regime’s attempts to damage
been dead spiritually despite this book to recommend to our Russian oil and gas and energy
no physical death.” I agree with readers, particularly the young- facilities, the Russian Defence
them because these people are er readers. Ministry said.
leading a meaningless life. It is It is pretty apparent that “From 31 March to 5 April,
said that birds die while flying the world’s famous great peo- the Russian armed forces have
and men die while thinking. How ple have not walked on the path carried out 39 massive strikes
can one move ahead without an strewn with flowers. They have with high-precision long-range
exact direction? They will be like had to tread on the path paved land- and air-based weapons,
a boat without a rudder. Such a with the thorns. Only with the unmanned aerial vehicles, on
boat will never reach a destina- firm determination to overcome Ukrainian energy industry fa- In this handout photo released by the Russian Defence Ministry,
Iskander short-range ballistic missile system is used during the
tion. This being so, people must all the obstacles did they ac- cilities, as well as enterprises of
Russian military operation in Ukraine. PHOTO: PRESS SERVICE OF
have a direction in mind. Only complish the Herculean tasks. military-industrial complex, air THE RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY / /SPUTNIK
when people are ambitious will In fact, there is no easy way or defence systems, arsenals, fuel
they exert their utmost effort, shortcut to the road to success. depots, temporary deployment to cause damage to oil and gas added that “the objectives of
and only when people do not In a nutshell, failures are the sites for Ukrainian units and for- industry and energy facilities the strikes were achieved and
lose sight of their goals will they stepping stones to success, goes eign mercenaries in response in Russia,” the ministry said all the targeted objects were
be able to make their dreams as a saying. to attempts by the Kyiv regime in a statement. The ministry hit”. ­— SPUTNIK
7 APRIL 2024


Healthy China-US economic India allows export of

ties require true cooperation certain quantities of
essential commodities at
over self-interest Maldives request
Talking up “Chinese overcapacity” in the clean energy AMID the India-Maldives row, post stated.
sector also smacks of creating a pretext for rolling out more India has allowed for the export
of certain quantities of essential
Notably, the approved quan-
tities are the highest since this
protectionist policies to shield US companies. commodities for 2024-25 under arrangement came into effect
a unique bilateral mechanism, in 1981.
ton’s notion of healthy eco- at the request of the Maldives The quota for river sand and
nomic ties is largely self-cen- government. stone aggregates, crucial items
tered, prioritizing America’s The High Commission of for the booming construction
interests above all else. In India in the Maldives posted on industry in the Maldives, has
contrast, China has, as always, Thursday on X, stating that the been increased by 25 per cent to
been committed to nurturing quotas for each of these items 1,000,000 tonnes. There has also
an economic and trade rela- have been revised upwards. been an increase of five per cent
tionship built on mutual ben- “Upon the request of the in the quotas for eggs, potatoes,
efits and win-win outcomes for Government of Maldives, the onions, sugar, rice, wheat flour
all parties involved. Government of India has allowed and dal (pulses).
The divergence also ex- for export of certain quantities Moreover, last year as well,
ists in their ways of dealing of essential commodities for the India continued to export rice,
with each other. China insists year 2024-25 under a unique bi- sugar and onions to the Maldives
that the two countries should lateral mechanism, wherein, the despite a worldwide ban on the
This photo taken on 10 January 2024 shows a factory of Chinese respect each other, coexist in quotas for each of these items export of these items from India.
electric vehicle (EV) maker Li Auto Inc. in Changzhou, east China’s peace and pursue win-win co- have been revised upwards,” the — ANI
Jiangsu Province. PHOTO: JI CHUNPENG/XINHUA operation, while Washington,
as Yellen said, aims to manage
BEFORE starting her second When it comes to fair play US-China economic relations
trip to China in less than a in business and trade, isn’t it “from a position of strength.”
year, US Treasury Secretary Washington that should wean This seems to be the mo-
Janet Yellen asserted her fo- itself off the practice of abus- dus operandi for Washing-
cus of “advancing a healthy ing the national security pre- ton — relentlessly aligning
economic relationship that text to elbow aside leading everything with its own inter-
provides a level playing field Chinese high-tech and clean ests while disregarding the
for American workers and energy companies? perspectives and concerns of
firms”. It appears that Washing- others. — Xinhua

World food prices rise for first time in

7 months: FAO Additionally, quotas for eggs, potatoes, onions, sugar, rice, wheat flour, and
dal have seen a 5 per cent increase. PHOTO: REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE/
was 7.7 per cent lower. ANI
The sub-index for vege-
table oils jumped by 8.0 per
cent over the month to reach
a one-year high. The FAO said Israel passes new environmental law adopting
prices for palm, soy, sunflower European standards for industries
and rapeseed oils all climbed
higher. THE Knesset plenum approved in second and third readings (which
Rising palm oil prices were passes a bill into law) the new environmental licensing law. The Ministry
driven by seasonal drops in of Environmental Protection said this reform is expected to bring about
output in leading producing “a real environmental improvement in industrial activity and a direct and
nations that coincided with indirect benefit” of up to three billion shekels (USD 820 million).
strong demand in Southeast “This is the most significant environmental reform in Israel since the
Asia, while demand from the Clean Air Law, which was enacted in 2008,” said the ministry. The reform
Vegetable oil prices reached a one-year high last month. PHOTO: biofuel sector pulled up soy oil will allow the State of Israel to align with the environmental standards of
AFP/FILE prices. Dairy prices rose by 2.9 the European Union and reduce pollution and environmental risks from
per cent in March on a month- industrial activity in Israel. With the entry into force of the law and in the
GLOBAL food prices rose in Organization said Friday. ly basis, while meat prices next decade, approximately 1,500 factories in Israel will be required to
March, the first increase since The FAO’s overall Food climbed 1.7 per cent. hold a unified environmental permit instead of the three separate permits
July, pulled higher by cooking Price Index climbed 1.1 per Meanwhile, cereals prices required until now: an air emission permit, a toxic permit for hazardous
oil prices despite the cost of cent over the month to stand slid 2.6 per cent on a monthly substances and the Ministry’s approval of the business licence. The uni-
grains continuing to ease, the at 118.3 points in March 2024. basis, while sugar prices fell 5.4 fied permit will be issued from time to time according to the applicable
UN’s Food and Agricultural On an annual comparison it per cent. — AFP European regulations. — ANI
7 APRIL 2024


Profits of foreign-invested firms in China Apple explores

up 31.2% in first two months: data making personal
robots: report
The NBS data also indicated overall growth in China’s industrial
economy, with profits of large, medium-sized, and small companies APPLE engineers are
working on making per-
make money beyond its
iPhones and the digital
increasing by eight per cent, six per cent, and 18.9 per cent, sonal robots, a report content and services it
respectively, during the same period. said on Wednesday,
just weeks after the iP-
sells to users.
Apple recently aban-
hone-maker abandoned doned its ambitions to
FOREIGN-INVESTED the whole of 2023, indicat- its efforts to develop an produce an electric car,
firms as well as those with ing a recovery in the indus- electric car. according to US media
investors from China’s trial economy. The tech titan has reports, ending a strug-
Hong Kong, Macao and While noting the pos- people working on a gling decade-long project.
Chinese Taipei regions itive rebound of industri- robot that would follow It has never publicly
reported profit growth of al production in China in people around at home disclosed its EV plans,
31.2 per cent year on year the first two months of this and be helpful, according despite a steady drip
in the first two months of year, Wang Xin, chief stat- to Bloomberg that cited of media leaks over the
2024, according to data istician at the NBS indus- unnamed people familiar years.
released by the National trial statistics department, with the situation. Apple is reported to
Bureau of Statistics (NBS). said the current interna- The project was in have transferred employ-
The recently released tional situation remained a nascent stage and it ees from the shuttered
NBS data showed general This photo taken on 22 February 2024 shows a workshop “complicated and severe” was unclear whether it car division to generative
growth in China’s industri- at the Jiangxi MTC Visual Display Co Ltd (VMTC) in in the face of challenges would lead to a product artificial intelligence pro-
al economy. According to Nanchang, east China’s Jiangxi Province. PHOTO: ZHOU such as insufficient effec- sold by Apple, the report jects. The robot project
the data, profits of large, tive demand and corporate indicated. is being overseen by Ap-
medium-sized, and small first two months of 2024. per cent year on year dur- profitability, which means Apple did not reply to ple’s hardware engineer-
companies grew by eight The data also re- ing this period — which that the recovery momen- a request for comment. ing division and its AI and
per cent, six per cent, and vealed that the business marked an increase of 3.4 tum of the industrial econ- The California-based machine learning group,
18.9 per cent, respective- revenues of surveyed in- percentage points from the omy needs to be further company has been look- Bloomberg reported. —
ly, year on year during the dustrial firms rose by 4.5 growth rate registered for consolidated. — Xinhua ing for new ways to AFP

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sixth consecutive month ministry’s Trade Policy
in March due to lower and Strategy Office.
fresh food prices from Headline inflation
increased market supply is expected to increase
and last year’s high com- in the second quarter of Consignees of cargo carried on M.V TI2 APPLE
parative base, official data this year, mainly owing to VOY.NO. (2413E) are hereby notified that the
showed on Friday. the rising trend of prices vessel will be arriving on 7-4-2024 and cargo will be
The consumer price for global crude oil, Thai discharged into the premises of MIP where it will lie at
the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
index (CPI) inched down baht depreciation, and last
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
0.47 per cent in March year’s lower base price for Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
from a year earlier, eas- electricity, Poonpong told to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
ing from a 0.77 per cent a news conference. declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
A vendor displays a fish at a food market in Bangkok, from the Vessel.
decrease in February, Thailand, 30 March 2022. PHOTO: RACHEN He also noted that
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
according to the Ministry SAGEAMSAK/XINHUA the ministry revised its
the Claims Day.
of Commerce. The March headline CPI projection Phone No: 2301185
inflation was below the excludes raw food and en- For the first three for 2024 to 0-1 per cent, Shipping Agency Department
Bank of Thailand’s target ergy prices, rose 0.37 per months of 2024, the head- from between minus Myanma Port Authority
range of 1-3 per cent for cent in March, compared line CPI declined by 0.79 0.3 per cent and 1.7 per Agent For:
the 11th month. to 0.43 per cent in the pre- per cent compared to the cent expected earlier.
The core CPI, which vious month. same period last year, said — Xinhua
7 APRIL 2024

S Korea’s early voting
turnout hits record high for
parliamentary elections
This turnout surpassed the 26.69 per cent recorded in the
previous 2020 parliamentary elections, marking the highest
participation rate since the adoption of early voting in the 2014
local elections. A flying car developed by XPeng AeroHT, a subsidiary of Chinese
e-automaker Xpeng, is displayed at the 2024 Consumer Electronics
Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, 11 January 2024. PHOTO:

Chinese company
to produce Slovakia’s
flying cars
The flying car boasts a flight speed of up to
300 kilometres per hour and a flight dis-
tance of over 1,000 kilometres.
A Chinese company is set to to expand global access to revo-
manufacture certified flying cars lutionary mobility solutions and
developed by Slovak company drive progress in the industry,”
Klein Vision. On Thursday, Klein added Anton Zajac, co-founder
An airline employee casts her ballot during early voting at a polling station at the departure hall of Vision announced that it sold its of Klein Vision.
Incheon International Airport on 5 April 2024, ahead of next week’s parliamentary elections. South flying cars’ production and sales The car, designed for land
Koreans can cast their ballots for the upcoming 10 April parliamentary elections during the two-day early authorization for the Chinese and air use, can transform from
voting period until 6 April. PHOTO: JUNG YEON-JE / AFP market to Hebei Jianxin Flying a vehicle to an aircraft within 3
Car Technology, a company based minutes, with a flight speed of up
SOUTH Korea’s early voting tional Election Commission tion. The upcoming parliamen- in Cangzhou, north China’s Hebei to 300 kilometres per hour and a
turnout for parliamentary elec- (NEC). tary elections were scheduled Province, in March this year. flight distance of over 1,000 kilo-
tions hit a record high of 31.28 It was higher than 26.69 for 10 April. “We are pleased to announce metres. The car was granted the
per cent, the country’s election per cent tallied in the previous The turnout of overseas the sale of the licence for our official Certificate of Airworthi-
watchdog data showed Satur- 2020 parliamentary elections voting, which had run for six certified flying car technology ness by the Slovak Transport Au-
day. Of 44,280,011 eligible vot- and marked the highest turnout days through Monday among to the esteemed Chinese com- thority 2022 after it completed 70
ers, 13,849,043 voters cast their for any parliamentary elections domestic voters staying abroad, pany,” said Stefan Klein, Chair- hours of rigorous flight testing,
ballots at 3,565 polling stations since the early voting was first hit a new high of 62.8 per cent. man of the board of Klein Vision. which was compliant with Eu-
across the country for the past adopted in the 2014 local elec- The overseas voting was intro- “This partnership represents a ropean Aviation Safety Agency
two days, according to the Na- tions for the nationwide elec- duced in 2012. — Xinhua significant step in our mission standards. — Xinhua

SWISS flight to Beirut turned back

over security fears
SWISS International Air Lines last night was difficult to assess,” decided to maintain its flight pro-
said Friday it had turned back a spokesman told AFP. gramme to Beirut and Tel Aviv,
a flight in mid-air heading from “In order to gain time and but said it would monitor devel-
Zurich to Beirut because the se- to be able to properly assess the opments “very closely”.
curity situation in Lebanon had situation, they decided to take The airline operates flights
become “difficult to assess”. this step out of an abundance of twice weekly from Zurich to
The flight, with 138 passen- caution.” In Vienna, passengers Beirut. Israel and Lebanon’s
gers and five crew on board, did were rebooked onto other flights. Iran-backed Hezbollah have ex-
not have permission to land back “We hope for the understand- changed near-daily cross-border
in Zurich overnight Thursday so ing of the passengers concerned fire since the Palestinian militant
was instead diverted to Vienna, and did our utmost to get them group Hamas carried out an un- The airline emphasized the precautionary nature of the decision,
SWISS said. “In view of the lat- to their destination as quickly as precedented attack on southern citing the need to properly evaluate the situation in light of recent
est developments in the Middle possible,” the spokesman said. Israel on 7 October triggering war developments in the Middle East. PHOTO: PIX FOR VISUAL
East… the situation in Lebanon Following a review, SWISS in Gaza. — AFP PURPOSE/CC BY-SA 3.0/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
7 APRIL 2024

Myanmar beat Kuwait 4-2 in
Futsal Friendly
THE Myanmar national futsal the first half. Winning goals for
team, which arrived in Thailand Myanmar were scored by Mai
in advance to compete in the final Soe Myat Htwe, Myo Thet Kyaw,
stage of the Asia Cup futsal tour- Hlaing Min Htun and Myo Myint
nament, won the friendly match Soe.
against the Kuwait national Team Myanmar will also
futsal team by four goals to two play another friendly match
on the evening of 6 April. Team against Kyrgyzstan on 10 April.
Myanmar won two matches in The Myanmar national futsal
a row in international friendlies team has played three friendly
as they beat Kuwait in Thailand. matches against national teams
The Myanmar futsal squad from the Asian region, winning
has been showing good form in against Kuwait and Afghanistan
the pre-tournament warm-up and losing the first friendly match
matches, winning this match against the Afghanistan team. —
by four goals to one from Ko Nyi Lay/KZL

Players from Dagon Star vie for the ball with Hanthawady United players during the Week-5 match of the
A Myanmar player Myanmar National League. PHOTO: MNL
(red) passes
over the Kuwaiti

Dagon Star still leading

player during the
friendly match in
Thailand on 6 April
2024. PHOTO: MFF

Myanmar National League

DAGON STAR FC is still leading ond goal for Dagon Star was Likewise, Ayeyawady Unit-
the Myanmar National League also created by Peter Aung Wai ed played against Dagon Port
standing table amid the victo- Htoo at 36 minutes and led the FC at the University Sports
Indian-American Bhatia leads in Texas, ries of the Yadanabon FC and first half by 2-0. Complex in Yangon, and Team
Ayeyawady United in the Week-5
needs to win to qualify for Masters
Hanthawady’s Nay Moe Ayeyawady edged Dagon Port
matches of the Myanmar Na- Naing equalized at 69 minutes, 2-1.
tional League played in Yangon but Dagon Star’s Kyaw Zin Mogu from Dagon Port
INDIAN-AMERICAN Akshay with a pair of late birdies for a on 6 April. Lwin scored the third goal at touched the ball into the net,
Bhatia is just 36 holes away from 2-under 70 that stretched his Dagon Star FC beat the fa- 84 minutes and Swan Htet at leading the score at the 35-min-
a maiden start at the Masters lead to five shots. He had start- mous Hanthawady United 4-1 90+3 minutes to extend their ute mark. But Ayeyawady
next week. The 22-year-old Bha- ed with a three-shot lead and to lead the standing table. Han- winning result to 4-2. showed come-from-behind ac-
tia, however, needs to stay on top opened at the tenth with a 15- thawady United lost two consec- Meanwhile, Yadanabon FC tion in the second half as Yarzar
and win the Valero Texas Open, foot birdie putt, perhaps a sign utive games to the Ayeyawady beat Thitsar Arman 2-0 at Pa- Aung scored an equalizer at 69
where he leads a strong field by that this might be another easy United and Dagon Star teams, donma Stadium in Yangon. Khin minutes, and Chan Nyein scored
as much as five shots with two day. However, he bogeyed the 11th so they will have to struggle to Kyaw Win scored the winning the winning goal at 77 minutes.
rounds to go. from the bunker on the next hole reach the semi-finals. goals for Team Yadanabon at After the first round, Dagon
Augusta National is holding and then three-putted for bogey Both teams used a reliable the 38-minute mark and Moe Star led the scoreboard with 12
one spot for the winner of the on 15. He also failed to birdie the line-up from the start. Maung Swe at the 52-minute mark. Saw points, while Ayeyawady and
Valero Texas Open. par 5s on the back nine, his first Maung Win from Dagon Star Myo Zaw scored the lone Yadanabon are following the
After a stunning 63 on the nine for the day. He also lost the scored an icebreaker with a goal for Thitsar Arman at first-place team with nine
first day, he added 2-under 70 lead. — ANI header at 10 minutes. The sec- 85 minutes. points. — Ko Nyi Lay/KZL

China dominates opening day with 3 golds at

Artistic Swimming World Cup
Xu expressed her growth and maturity from previous competitions and
emphasized the need for self-improvement and adaptation to rule changes.
CHINESE artistic swimmers points, while neutral international and get mature. I still need to
claimed three out of the four athlete Vasilina Khandoshka and improve myself and adjust to the
gold medals on offer as the first Aruba’s Kyra Hoevertsz finished new changes to the rules,” said
leg of the World Aquatics Artistic the second and third respectively. Xu, who won the bronze medal at
Swimming World Cup 2024 kicked “In 2024, I have gained much the Doha Championships.
off at the National Aquatic Cen- experience at the World Aquatics The 18-year-old added, “The Hung Sze Ching of China’s Hong Kong competes during the
tre here on Friday. China’s Xu Championships in Doha and the audience supported us with loud women’s solo technical event at the World Aquatics Artistic
Huiyan triumphed in the wom- Artistic Swimming World Cup this cheers. I can feel the enthusiasm Swimming World Cup 2024 in Beijing, capital of China, 5 April
en’s solo technical with 244.9183 time, which helped me grow up in the Water Cube.” — Xinhua 2024. PHOTO: JU HUANZONG/XINHUA
7 APRIL 2024


Dubai welcomes 3.67 million

majority of corporate
executives across lead-
ing economies believe
artificial intelligence will be a
overnight visitors in January-
“game changer” for their indus-
try but admit their leadership
February 2024
teams lack the knowledge to
understand AI’s risks and re- Europe led the list of visitor origins with
wards, a study showed Friday. 773,000 tourists, followed by South Asia
Adecco, the world’s biggest
temporary staffing agency, and
with 604,000 visitors, and Gulf Cooperation
Oxford Economics conducted a Council countries with 549,000 visitors.
survey to see how companies
are preparing for a technolo- DUBAI welcomed 3.67 million overnight visitors in January-Feb-
gy that is growing fast but also Around 41 per cent of executives in leading economies say they will ruary 2024, with an increase of over 18 per cent year-on-year (YoY),
raising concerns about what it employ fewer people within five years due to AI. PHOTO: AFP/FILE figures released by the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism
(DET) showed. According to the DET’s Tourism Performance

AI a ‘game changer’ but company Report for January-February 2024, Dubai recorded 1.77 million
international visitors in January, and 1.9 million in February.

execs not ready: survey

Among the origin of visitors, Europe led the list for the Janu-
ary-February 2024 period with 773,000 tourists (21 per cent). South
Asia came in second with 604,000 visitors (17 per cent) of the total,
followed by Gulf Cooperation Council countries with 549,000 (15
that it could take away work per cent). Coming in fourth, the number of tourists visiting Dubai
Generative AI streamlines tasks but raises done by humans. from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Eastern
job displacement concerns. 41 per cent of ex- The survey showed that Europe reached 530,000 (14 per cent), compared to 448,000 (12 per
41 per cent of executives say cent) from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, which
ecs expect fewer employees in five years due they will employ fewer people landed in fifth. Meanwhile, Dubai recorded 340,000 visitors (nine
to AI; 66 per cent plan to hire AI specialists, within five years because of the per cent) from North and Southeast Asia; 240,000 (seven per cent)
technology. from the Americas; 138,000 (four per cent) from Africa and 53,000
and 34 per cent aim to train existing staff. At the same time, 66 per from Australia, which accounted for around one per cent. — ANI
cent said they will recruit AI
means for jobs. Denis Machuel said companies specialists externally while 34
Around 2,000 CEOs, chief bosses must be ready for the AI per cent said they will train ex-
financial officers and other ex- transition. isting staff to fill the technolog-
ecutives in companies across “Almost all kind of jobs will ical gap.
nine countries were surveyed be impacted, more or less, even “The ‘buy’ mindset could
between October and Decem- leadership jobs,” Machuel said exacerbate skills scarcity and
ber. The poll found that 61 per in a telephone conference. create a two-speed workforce,”
cent believe AI is a game chang- “One thing that this survey the report warned.
er for their industry, with the helped us reflect upon is what “Only half of leaders say
figure rising to 82 per cent in leaders have to embark on. If us they will redeploy employees
the tech sector and 51 per cent leaders are not AI ready, how affected by AI. Organizations
among automakers. can you make sure that your must urgently rethink this ap-
But 57 per cent “lack confi- workforce is AI ready?” he said. proach, building relevant skills
dence in their leadership team’s The rise of generative AI is within the organization to en-
The Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) released these
AI skills and knowledge”, the expected to transform an array sure continued employability figures, revealing 1.77 million international visitors in January and
report found. of jobs, helping to simplify tasks, of today’s workforce,” it said. 1.9 million in February. PHOTO: CC-BY-2.0/FLICKR/WIKIMEDIA
Adecco chief executive but it has also raised concerns — AFP COMMONS

Taylor Swift officially declared

a billionaire by Forbes
FORBES has officially confirmed ru- Along with her vast songwriting cata-
mours that Taylor Swift has joined the logue, Swift staged the first billion-dollar
three-comma-club, estimating her wealth tour ever — the ongoing Eras Tour has
to surpass a billion dollars. The financial boosted economies and delighted fans
news outlet reported that she is the first around the world.
US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift artist to achieve billionaire status solely Swift, 34, also has a significant real
arrives for the 66th Annual Grammy through her music, with an estimated estate portfolio, with homes in New York,
Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in
fortune of $1.1 billion. Beverly Hills, Nashville and a coastal
Los Angeles on 4 February, 2024.
Swift was officially named a member Other industry heavyweights who’ve mansion in Rhode Island.
of the three-comma-club on 2 April hit the mark — Rihanna and Jay-Z among Her touring milestone was one of
2024, as Forbes confirmed rumors them — have earned their massive wealth many records Swift shattered over the
estimating her wealth exceeds a in part via fashion brands, alcohol com- past year, including winning a fourth
billion dollars. PHOTO: ROBYN
panies or entertainment holdings, among Grammy for Best Album, the most of
other interests. any artist. — AFP

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