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Common Causes of small bowel obstruction Pathophysiology

Post- Surgical Adhesions Twisting of bowel-> proximal bowel distention and distal
bowel compression-> cut off venous blood flow-> risk of
ischemia and bacterial translocation

Incarcerated Hernias (irreducible hernia) Herniated contents protrude out a weakened tissue of the
abdomen-> strangulation-> Ischemia

Malignancy of the Small Bowel Tumour causing obstruction in the small bowel

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Chronic inflammation causing swelling can obstruct the
Stool Impaction Due decreased peristalsis faecal movement is inhibited
thus obstruction
Foreign Bodies Many objects are too large to leave the stomach but
smaller objects like stones or string can cause blockage in
small bowl.
Volvulus Abnormal twisting or malrotation of the bowel->
obstruction-> ischemia to the strangulated bowel
Common Causes of Small Bowel Obstruction in
Paediatric Patients Pathophysiology

Congenital Atresia It’s a congenital deformity in which the small bowl is

narrow or is abnormally rotated causing obstruction

Pyloric Stenosis The muscles in pylorus enlarge causing the opening to the
small intestine to narrow-> blockage

Intussusception When the intestine invaginates (telescoping) into itself->

causing obstruction.
The proximal segment is known as
the intussusceptum, and the distal segment into
which it telescopes is known as
the intussuscipiens.
Common Aetiologies of Pathophysiology
Large Bowel Obstruction

Colorectal Cancer Tumour causing obstruction

Colonic Diverticulitis Inflammation of the small pouches that form the lining of the colon-> push
outwards through weak sections of the colons wall-> obstruction

Caecal Volvulus, Caecal Bascule, Abnormal twisting or malrotation of the large bowel causing obstruction.
Sigmoid Volvulus

Strictures secondary to Chronic inflammation-> scarring of tissue-> narrowing of the bowel -> causing
Diverticular disease, Inflammatory obstruction.
Bowel Disease and volvulus

Fecal Impaction Due to decreased peristalsis -> stagnation of faeces-> blockage of large bowel
Large Bowel Obstruction - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (
Small Bowel Obstruction - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (
Intussusception in children – UpToDate
Bowel Obstruction - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (

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