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1. Generic Software Products are developed for ?

1 point

a. Multiple Customer
b. Single Customer

2. Which of these is not a software engineering myth ?

1 point

a) Changes are easy to make.

b) A running program is not the only product.
c) Testing is expensive, so it's ok to skip it.
d) A general statement of requirements are enough to start implementing.

3. Which one is correct.?

1 point

(a) In waterfall model exit and enter criteria is not fixed.

(b) In waterfall model, there is freedom to choose any development activity.
(c) From Feasibility to Testing part also known as Linear Development Model
(d) In waterfall model maintenance part consume most effort

4. Which two models doesn’t allow defining requirements early in the cycle?
1 point

a) Waterfall & RAD

b) Prototyping & Spiral
c) Prototyping & RAD
d) Waterfall & Spiral

5. SRS is also Known as

1 point

A. Black-box Specification
D. Back-box Testing

6. Ques- Waterfall model is also known as

1 point

(a) Exploratory Model

(b) Sequential Development Model
(c) Life Cycle Model
(d) Software Development Model

7. In Waterfall Model, Each phase must be completed before the ______ .

1 point

a) Previous Phase
b) Next Phase
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None

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8. ___________ is a step in which design istranslated into machine-readable

1 point

a) Design
b) Conversion
c) Debugging
d) Coding

9. Which one is correct ? According to Iterative waterfall Model.

1 point

a) Always provides feedback path to previous phase.

b) Never provide feedback path to previous phase.
c) May or May not provide feedback path to previous phase.
d) None

10. Arrange the following activities formaking a software product. I. Design

strategyII. TestingIII. ImplementationIV. Requirement gathering
1 point

a) 4, 1, 3, 2
b) 4, 3, 2, 1
c) 1, 2, 3, 4
d) 1, 4, 2, 3

1. Which is the first step in the software development life cycle ?

1 point

a) Analysis
b) Design
c) Problem/Opportunity Identification
d) Development and Documentation

2. Which tool is use for structured designing ?

1 point

a) Program flowchart
b) Structure chart
c) Data-flow diagram
d) Module

3. In the Analysis phase, the development of the ____________ occurs, which is a

clear statement of the goals and objectives of the project.
1 point

a) documentation
b) flowchart
c) program specification
d) design

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4. Who designs and implement database structures.

1 point

a) Programmers
b) Project managers
c) Technical writers
d) Database administrators

5. In Design phase, which is the primary area of concern ?

1 point

a) Architecture
b) Data
c) Interface
d) All of the mentioned

6. Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

1 point

a) can be written more compactly

b) focuses on just one thing
c) is able to complete its function in a timely manner
d) is connected to other modules and the outside world

7. Which of the property of software modularity is incorrect with respect to benefits

software modularity?
1 point

a) Modules are robust

b) Module can use other modules
c) Modules Can be separately compiled and stored in a library
d) Modules are mostly dependent

8. Which of the following is a complementary approach to function-oriented approach

1 point

a) Object oriented analysis

b) Object oriented design
c) Structured approach
d) Both Object oriented analysis and design

9. In what type of coupling, the complete data structure is passed from one module
to another?
1 point

a) Control Coupling
b) Stamp Coupling
c) External Coupling
d) Content Coupling

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10. Which of the following is/are true with respect to functions ?

1 point

a) A function such as <search-book= is represented using a circle

b) Functions represent some activity
c) Function symbol is known as a process symbol or a bubble in DFD
d) All of the mentioned

1. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become an effective standard for
software modelling.How many different notations does it have ?
1 point

a) Three
b) Four
c) Six
d) Nine

2.Which model in system modelling depicts the static nature of the system ?
1 point

a) Behavioral Model
b) Context Model
c) Data Model
d) Structural Mode

3. _________________ allows us to infer that different members of classes have

some common characteristics.
1 point

a) Realization
b) Aggregation
c) Generalization
d) dependency

4. ______________ & ______________ diagrams of UML represent Interaction

1 point

a) Use Case, Sequence

b) Class, Object
c) Activity, State Chart
d) All of the mentioned

5. ___________ classes are used to create the interface that the user sees and
interacts with as the software is used.
1 point

a) Controller
b) Entity
c) Boundary

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d) Business

6. Select the statement true for activity diagrams.

1 point

a) They can be used to discover parallel activities

b) They are used to depict workflow for a particular business activity
c) Activity diagram do not tell who does what and are difficult to trace back to object models
d) All of the mentioned

7. Constraints can be represented in UML by

1 point

a) {text}
b) [text].
c) Constraint
d) None of the mentioned

8. UML interfaces are used to:

1 point

a) specify required services for types of objects

b) program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk
c) define executable logic to reuse across classes
d) define an API for all classes

9. Which things are dynamic parts of UML models?

1 point

a) Structural things
b) behavioural things
c) Grouping things
d) Annotational things

10. Interaction Diagram is a combined term for

1 point

a) Sequence Diagram + Collaboration Diagram

b) Activity Diagram + State Chart Diagram
c) Deployment Diagram + Collaboration Diagram
d) None of the mentioned

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A step in waterfall model that involves a meeting with the customer to understand the
1 point

a) Requirement Gathering
b) SRS
c) Implementation
d) Customer review

2. What do you call a technical person who is capable of understanding the

basic requirements?
1 point

a) Team Leader
b) Analyst
c) Engineer
d) Stakeholder

3. Which One is Correct phase of development?

1 point

(a) Implement>Testing> Analysis>Design>Evolution

(b) Design>Implement> Analysis>Testing>Evolution
(c) Analysis>Design>Implement>Testing>Evolution
(d) Analysis>Testing>Evolution>Design>Implement

4. In Iterative waterfall model the error committed during which phase cannot be
1 point

a) Requirement Gathering
b) Feasibility Study
c) Requirement Analysis
d) Coding

5. The prototype model of software development is ?

1 point

a) A reasonable approach when requirement are well defined.

b) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.
c) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.
d) The best approach to use for projects
e) None

6. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any
1 point

Build & Fix Model

b) Prototyping Model

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c) Spiral Model
d) Waterfall Model

7. Which of the following life cycle model can be chosen if the development team
has less experience on similar projects?
1 point

b) Waterfall
c) Iterative Enhancement Model
d) None

8. The spiral model of software development

1 point

It is more chaotic than the incremental model

b. Include project risks evaluation during each iteration
c. Ends with the delivery of software product
a. None

9. In the spiral model 8risk analysis9 is performed

1 point

In the first loop

b. In every loop
c. Before using the spiral model
d. in first and second loop

10. Software Development life Cycle is

1 point

b. Unidirectional
c. Bi- directional

A step by step instruction used to solve a problem is known as

1 point

Sequential structure
b) A List
c) A plan
d) An Algorithm

Actual programming of software code is done during the ____________ step in the
1 point

Maintenance and Evaluation

b) Design
c) Analysis
d) Development and Documentation

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____________ is the process of translating a task into a series of commands that a

computer will use to perform that task.
1 point

Project design
b) Installation
c) Systems analysis
d) Programming

. Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

1 point

can be written more compactly

b) focuses on just one thing
c) is able to complete its function in a timely manner
d) is connected to other modules and the outside world

. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word which is:
1 point

) Efficiency
b) Accuracy
c) Quality
d) Complexity

Java packages and Fortran subroutine are examples of__________

1 point

b) Modules
c) Classes
d) Sub procedures

If all tasks must be executed in the same time-span, what type of cohesion is being
1 point

Functional Cohesion
b) Temporal Cohesion
c) Functional Cohesion
d) Sequential Cohesion

In DFDs, user interactions with the system is denoted by

1 point

b) Arrow
c) Rectangle
d) Triangle

Which of the following is not a use of a CASE tool ?

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1 point

Support structured analysis and design (SA/SD)

b) Maintains the data dictionary
c) Checks whether DFDs are balanced or not
d) It complies with the available system

Function-oriented design techniques starts with functional requirements specified in

1 point

b) SRS
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

Which model in system modelling depicts the dynamic behaviour of the system ?
1 point

Context Model
b) Behavioural Model
c) Data Model
d) Object Model

2.Which perspective in system modelling shows the system or data architecture.

1 point

a) Structural perspective
b) behavioural perspective
c) External perspective
d) All of the mentioned

The UML supports event-based modeling using ____________ diagrams.

1 point

a) Deployment
b) Collaboration
c) State chart
d) All of the mentioned

4. Which of the following diagram is not supported by UML considering Data-driven

modeling ?
1 point

a) Activity
b) Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
c) State Chart
d) Component

5. Which level of Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) models all entities and
relationships ?
1 point

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) Level 1
b) Level 2
c) Level 3
d) Level 4

Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the Class-responsibility-

collaborator (CRC) modeling ?
1 point

a) All use-case scenarios (and corresponding use-case diagrams) are organized into
categories in CRC modelling
b) The review leader reads the use-case deliberately
c) Only developers in the review (of the CRC model) are given a subset of the CRC model
index cards
d) All of the mentioned

At Conceptual level Class diagrams should include

1 point

a) operations only
b) attributes only
c) both operations and attributes
d) none of the mentioned

9. Referring to the attached diagram, the arrow indicates:

1 point

a) Navigability
b) Dependency
c) Association
d) Refers to

10. Which of the following diagram is time oriented?

1 point

a) Collaboration
b) Sequence
c) Activity
d) None of the mentioned

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