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Exercise 1 p.

19 Rohulia Anna PR-12

1. post-impressionists: post- (prefix meaning after) + impressionists (root word indicating a group of artists)
2. workmanship: work (root word indicating an activity) + -man- (morpheme referring to a person or profession)
+ -ship (suffix indicating a state or quality)
3. outstay: out- (prefix indicating excess) + stay (root word indicating an action)
4. eatable: eat (root word indicating an activity) + -able (suffix indicating possibility or capability)
5. illustrate: il- (prefix indicating negation) + lustr- (root word meaning light) + -ate (suffix indicating an action)
6. generations: gener- (root word indicating birth or origin) + -ation (suffix indicating an action or process) + -s
(suffix indicating plural)
7. cliff-hangers: cliff (root word indicating a geographical feature) + -hangers (suffix indicating a person or thing
that hangs)
8. courtroom: court (root word indicating a place of legal proceedings) + -room (suffix indicating a place or
9. incredibly: in- (prefix indicating negation) + credible (root word indicating belief) + -ly (suffix indicating manner
or style)
10. lifelong: life (root word indicating existence) + -long (suffix indicating duration)
11. obsession: ob- (prefix indicating direction towards) + sess- (root word indicating possession or control) +
-ion (suffix indicating an action or process)
12. appreciated: appreciat- (root word indicating valuation or admiration) + -ed (suffix indicating past tense or
completed action)
13. in-depth: in- (prefix indicating inclusion) + depth (root word indicating dimension or extent)
14. research: re- (prefix indicating repetition) + search (root word indicating examination)
15. coastal: coast (root word indicating a geographical feature) + -al (suffix indicating relation to or pertaining to)
16. wonderful: wonder (root word indicating admiration or amazement) + -ful (suffix indicating having or being
full of)
17. heartstopper: heart (root word indicating an organ or feeling) + stopper (suffix indicating a person or thing
that stops)
18. back-of-the-neck: back (root word indicating a location) + of (preposition indicating possession or relation) +
the (definite article indicating a specific thing) + neck (root word indicating a body part)
19. bedclothes: bed (root word indicating a piece of furniture) + clothes (root word indicating garments worn on
the body)
20. brilliant: brill- (root word indicating brightness or shining) + -iant (suffix indicating having or being full of)
21. descriptions: describ- (root word indicating expression or depiction) + -tion (suffix indicating an action or
process) + -s (suffix indicating plural)
22. superbly: super- (prefix indicating excess) + -b (morpheme indicating good or well) + -ly (suffix indicating
manner or style)
23. read-in-one-day: read (root word indicating an activity) + -in- (prefix indicating inclusion) + one (root word
indicating a quantity) + -day (suffix indicating a period of time)
24. pedal-to-the-metal crowd-passer: pedal-to-the-metal (idiomatic phrase indicating putting in maximum effort)
+ crowd (root word indicating a group of people) + -passer (suffix indicating a person or thing that passes)
25. one-sit thriller: one (root word indicating a quantity) + -sit (morpheme indicating a single action or effort) +
thriller (root word indicating a genre of fiction)
26. hair-raiser: hair (root word indicating a body part) + -raise (root word indicating an action) + -er (suffix
indicating a person or thing that does the action)
27. extremely: ex- (prefix indicating excess) + -treme (root word indicating a degree or intensity) + -ly (suffix
indicating manner or style)
28. interesting: interest- (root word indicating attention or curiosity) + -ing (suffix indicating ongoing action or
29. exciting: excite- (root word indicating stimulation or arousal) + -ing (suffix indicating ongoing action or
30. anyone: any (root word indicating any one or any thing) + -one (suffix indicating a single person or thing)
31. marvelous: marvel- (root word indicating admiration or wonder) + -ous (suffix indicating having or being full
32. contemporary: contempor- (root word indicating existing or occurring in the same time period) + -ary (suffix
indicating relation to or pertaining to)
33. accurate: accur- (root word indicating precision or correctness) + -ate (suffix indicating an action or process)
Exercise 7 p 25
1. Compound word- suspenseful yarn
2. Simile- like a holiday
3. Metaphor- hungry cat
4. Adjectival phrase- convincingly detailed
5. Noun phrase- madcap mixture
6. Prepositional phrase- of fashion
7. Adjectival phrase- strikingly accurate
8. Compound word- in-depth research
9. Noun phrase- courtroom drama
10. List- life-or-death cliff-hangers, thrilling cat-and-mouse maneuvers, romance, religion, science,
murder, mysticism, architecture, and action
11. Prepositional phrase- of her before
12. Imperative sentence- Learn your way around loneliness
13. Simile- Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face.
14. Noun phrase- cultural paradigm
15. Conditional sentence- Perhaps I could remain totally celibate except for keeping a pair of
handsome twenty-five-year-old Italian twin brothers as lovers.
16. Noun phrase- tiny little studio
17. Metaphor- a great lake of tears and snot was spreading before me on the bathroom tiles, a
veritable Lake Inferior (if you will) of all my shame and fear and confusion and grief.
18. Repetition- thank you
19. Noun phrase- shaking with relief
20. Imperative sentence- Make a map of it.
21. Noun phrase- about that ad
22. Prepositional phrase- of principle
23. Noun phrase- missing box of books
24. Simile- 109th bead was an emergency spare, like the extra button on a fancy sweater, or the
youngest son in a royal family.
25. Noun phrase- double combo sugar-caffeine rush
26. Adjectival phrase- upscale district
27. Metaphor- sounds like an innuendo, but unfortunately it's not.

Exercise 3 p. 35

Поводитись - погано поводитись, розраховувати - помилятись у розрахунках,

водянистий - водянистий, інформувати - дезінформувати, люблячий - чарівний -
можливий до кохання, проводити - ввести у помилку, чудовий - захоплений,
вимовляти - неправильно вимовляти, приємний - задоволений, погоджуватись - не
погоджуватись, з'являтись - зникати, призначати - розчаровувати, барвистий -
забарвлений, смачний - смаковитий, скорочений - коротенький, зірковий - з
яскравими ролями, нудно - нудно.
Exercise 13 p. 62

1. LED display (clipped); Formation: The initial letters of the three words are combined to
form an acronym.
2. Money order (clipped); Formation: A word in which two words are combined to form a
new one without any alteration of sounds.
3. Creative director (clipped); Formation: Two words are combined and abbreviated by
using the initial letters of the two words.
4. High-Speed Civil Transport (abbreviated); Formation: The initial letters of the words are
combined and are written in full capitals.
5. Large Hadrons Collider (abbreviated); Formation: A combination of significant and
common words shortened to form a new word with acronym.
6. Superconducting Super Collider (clipped); Formation: A clipped term, where the end of
words is cut off.
7. United States Christian Coalition (abbreviated); Formation: The abbreviation is formed
using the significant initial letters of each word.
8. United States Ship Enterprise (abbreviated); Formation: The initials letters of all
significant words are combined.
9. Kiloton (clipped); Formation: The end of the word is clipped off.
10. Cable News Network (abbreviated); Formation: The initial letters of the words are
11. Global Positioning System (abbreviated); Formation: The first letter of each word put
together to form an acronym.
12. British Broadcasting Corporation (abbreviated); Formation: A combination of significant
words is extracted using the initial letters.
13. Zeta particle (clipped); Formation: A clipped term, where the end of words is cut off.
14. Electronic mail (clipped); Formation: The end of the words is clipped off to form a new
15. Middle-East accent (clipped); Formation: The end of the words is clipped off to form a
new word.
16. Diagramma number one (clipped); Formation: A clipped term, where the end of words is
cut off.
17. Ante meridiem (abbreviated); Formation: A clipped term, where the end of words is cut
18. CERN (abbreviated); Formation: The acronym for the European Organization for Nuclear
Research is used.
19. Saint Peter's (clipped); Formation: The end of the words is clipped off to form a new
20. Cutie-pie greeting cards (clipped); Formation: A clipped term, where the end of words is
cut off.
21. etcetera (abbreviated); Formation: The word is abbreviated using the initial letters.
22. Commercial versus Artistic (clipped); Formation: A clipped term, where the end of
words is cut off.
23. Digital clock (clipped); Formation: The end of the words is clipped off to form a new
Exercise 9 p. 102
Exercise 3 p. 92
1 Fatherland - Батьківщина (Batkivshchyna)
1 Biplane - French 2 Fellow-traveller - Супутник (Suputnyk)
2 Trio - Italian 3 First dancer - Перший танцюрист (Pershyi
3 Quartet - Italian tantsyuryst)
4 Airdrome - English 4 Lightning way - Блискавичний шлях
5 Cobalt - German
6 Petition - Latin
(Blyskavychnyi shlyakh)
7 Keel - Middle Dutch 5 Milky way - Млечний шлях (Mlechnyi
8 Inquest - Latin shlyakh)
9 Echelon - French 6 Local colouring - Місцеве забарвлення
10 Low - Old Norse (Mistseve zabarvlennya)
11 Odd - Old Norse 7 The moment of truth - Мить правди (Myt
12 Dock - Old English pravdy)
13 Bismuth - German
8 Mother tongue - Рідна мова (Ridna mova)
14 Zink - German
15 Advocate - Latin 9 Pen name - Псевдонім (Psevdonim)
16 Entresol - French 10 Self-criticism - Самокритика (Samokrytyka)
17 Chateau - French 11 Sisyphean labour - Сизифова праця
18 Fuselage - French (Syzyfova pratsya)
19 Empire - Latin 12 A slip of the tongue - Випадковий
20 State - Latin проговор (Vypadkovyi prohovor)
21 Pleat - Old English 13 A slip of the pen - Випадкова помилка
22 Embroidery - Old French
23 Tenor - Latin
(Vypadkova pomylka)
24 Cocoa - Spanish 14 Swan song - Лебедина пісня (Lebedyna
25 Dock - Old English pis<|endoftext|>
26 Keeled - Middle Dutch
27 Banana - Portuguese
28 A falsetto - Italian
29 Engine - Latin

Exercise 12 p. 145
1 Homonyms for "found":
• fawned
• phon'd
• fond
2 Homonyms for "car":
• kar
• scar
3 Homonyms for "match":
• match (as in a game)
• match (as in a small stick used for
4 Homonyms for "hi":
• high
• hie
5 Homonyms for "rose":
• rose (as in the flower)
• rose (past tense of rise)
6 Homonyms for "close":
• close (adjective, meaning near)
• close (verb, meaning to shut)
7 Homonyms for "court":
• court (as in a legal court)
• court (as in a courtyard)
Exercise 2 p. 176

13 Idioms with "see":

Based on the structural principle, the • See eye to eye
phraseological units can be grouped as 14 Idioms with "ride":
follows: • Ride the high horse
1 Idioms with "as": 15 Idioms with "go":
• As the nose on your face • Go to the wall
• As if by magic 16 Idioms with "hold":
• As eggs are eggs • Hold your horses
• As quickly as possible 17 Idioms with "working":
• As pretty as Princess Leia • Working like a horse
• As black as night 18 Idioms with "taken":
• As hard as nails • Taken a fancy
• As cross as two sticks 19 Idioms with "grass":
• As right as a trivet • Grass widow
• As busy as a bee 20 Idioms with "music":
• As the crow flies • Music to her ears
2 Idioms with "make": 21 Idioms with "high":
• Make no bones about it • High and mighty
• Make head or tail of 22 Idioms with "fair":
• Make the name of the game • Fair and square
• Make a slip of the tongue 23 Idioms with "by":
3 Idioms with "take": • By George
• Take the bull by the horns • By hook or by crook
4 Idioms with "drop": • By the horse's mouth
• Drop the subject 24 Idioms with "lost":
• Drop in the bucket • Lost his head
5 Idioms with "goodness": 25 Other idioms:
• God forbid • An apple of discord
• Goodness gracious • Wet blanket
• My goodness • Turned the tide
6 Idioms with "sink": • In and outs
• Sink or swim • Rub many co-workers the wrong way
7 Idioms with "meet": • A slip of the tongue
• To meet his co-workers halfway • A pack rat
8 Idioms with "bottom": • Only when pigs fly
• Bottom line • Black sheep
9 Idioms with "pull": • Getting itchy feet
• To pull yourself together • The whole ball of wax
10 Idioms with "close": • Foolishness
• Close call • Ride the high horse
11 Idioms with "save": • From head to toe
• Save face • In a flash
12 Idioms with "scratch": • An apple of discord
• Scratch the surface • A bull in a china shop
• Working like a horse
• As the crow flies
• Dropped a brick
These phraseological units cover a wide range of
topics and express various meanings and emotions.
They can add color and imagery to speech and

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