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Assignment 1: Expository Research Essay (1500 - 2000) 20% (………/60 marks (………./20% of Course Work)
Due Date: Monday 11th March 2024.
Conduct a research based on the theme selected for your thematic portfolio (health, education, technology, law etc.) Select the type of exposition that you desire to produce. Your
essay should include the following:
a) Introduction (one paragraph) with a clearly identified thesis statement and a list of the supporting ideas
b) Development/body (at least three to five paragraphs in the first draft and the required amount of paragraphs to satisfy the word count in the final draft)
Each paragraph should expound on supporting details based on the type of exposition chosen.
c) Conclusion: summary of points raised and a restating of the thesis statement
Ensure that the following are adhered to:
 Follow the guidelines for writing an expository essay.
 Show evidence of research by including the following: research findings, studies that have been conducted, statistics, etc. from secondary sources
 Proper in text citations
 Follow the Writing Process (brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing).
 Your final submission should Include the following:
 A full formal outline of your given topic (Electronic copy due Tuesday 5th March 2023. Hard copy due Wednesday 6th March 2024.)
 A first draft of your essay of no less than 700 to 1000 words (Electronic copy due Tuesday 5th March 2023. Hard copy due Wednesday 6th March 2024).
 A final draft of your essay of no less than 1500 and no more than 2000 words. This would be derived after revising, elaboration and editing the first draft of your essay.
(Due Monday 11th March 2024).
 Reference list of no less than 3 to 8 references.
Use the check list below for guidance.
Essay Writing Check List
Tick( Task Comment
 Does the piece have a clear topic?
 Are there accurate supporting details
(personal and from research) to provide
evidence to main ideas?
 Does the piece include an introduction?
 Does the piece include a thesis statement?
 Does the piece include a body with
supporting details?
 Does the piece include a conclusion?
 Are there clear transitions between each
 Is the sequence of ideas effective and
 Does the piece have a clear conclusion of
 Are the thesis and arguments restated in
the conclusion?
JBTE COM101: ENGLISH FOR COMMUNICATION -- Grading Rubric for essay (Total Marks ……../60 (………/20% Course work)
MARK 20 – 18 17 -14 13 - 9 8- 4 3-0
Arresting and clear Introduction Good Introduction - gets the Competent Introduction - Fair Introduction Little to no introduction
Content: - a focused opening, a clear thesis attention. contains - a basic opening, a thesis statement - an unfocused opening,
statement, relevant and sufficient - a satisfactory opening, a clear but - a fair opening, a limited thesis which is not totally clear, very a poor thesis statement,
background to orient the reader not very strong thesis statement; statement, barely adequate use limited background to orient the no background ……/1
………./4 relevant but inadequate of, and relevance in background reader…../2 Development:
Excellent development: background ………./3 to orient the reader……/3 Development that shows much - very patchy, very little
chosen material is Satisfactory development: Uneven development: room for improvement: development of content
- quite meaningful and clearly relevant - chosen material is meaningful with - chosen material has some repetition common - inappropriate /
- avoids repetition some relevance (avoids the trite meaning and relevance, but is - limited content – statements or inadequate use of the
- is sufficient, such constant overuse or unevenly developed (some claims left undeveloped / strategies for
-good evidence of research repetition) evidence is trite) unsupported developing
………../7 adequate development -fair evidence of research - chosen material only occasionally exposition/argument
Uses three or more strategies for - sufficient evidence of research ………/6 meaningful and/or relevant - repetition severe
developing the points ………../7 Uses one or two strategies for - relies on the trite - chosen material lacks
............/3 Uses fewer than three strategies for developing exposition / - very little evidence of research meaning or irrelevant
Good conclusion developing exposition/argument argument, but with uneven ……/4 (much evidence of trite)
-avoids repetition; makes good ……../2 skill ........./2 Uses only one strategy ……./1 - no evidence of research
deductions/challenges; summarizes Adequate conclusion free of Fair conclusion with repetition Very poor conclusion ………./1 ..../ 2
………./4 repetition ……./1 Little attention to correct tone and Uses no strategies …/0
Tone and register show understanding and ……../4 register No conclusion
awareness of audience and purpose Tone and register not always Tone and register not always ………/0 ………../0
……../2 maintained at the appropriate level maintained at the appropriate Too casual / colloquial
………./1 level ………/1 an approach to the
MARK 15 – 14 13-11 10 - 7 6- 5 4 -1
Organisation within paragraphs
-paragraphs with logically and effectively - clear topic sentences -- some effective sequencing - limited effective sequencing within There is no clear topic
Organi- internally sequenced ideas, -good paragraph unity within paragraphs and between paragraphs; - limited use of the sentence,
- each par.
has a clear topic/ topic sentence, strong sense of unity - sequencing within paragraphs strategies for developing - poor sequencing within
and and focus within paragraphs paragraphs………/6 - linkage between paragraphs is exposition/argument ………./3 paragraphs;
Structure: inconsistent………./5 - limited linkage between - no clear linkage
Organisation between paragraphs Logically sequenced paragraphs paragraphs between paragraphs
- Logical and effective sequencing of mostly - but not always maintained Some paragraphs have no clear The topic is some paragraphs is ……../2
paragraphs - adequate linkage between focus/topic sentence………./5 unclear
- clear strong linkage between paragraphs paragraphs Most paragraphs lack No real ability to use the
………./8 minor repetition focus………/3 paragraph format
………/7 correctly.
MARK 15 – 14 13 – 11 10 - 7 6-4 3-0
Grammar - mature expression which avoids clichés Good expression which avoids - expression shows some - simplistic expression affected by - expression garbled and
and - very good sentence variety and clichés and shows good sentence evidence of clichés and limited clichés and limited sentence difficult to understand
Expression: appropriate vocabulary variety, sentence variety, vocabulary is variety, vocabulary is basic ) little sentence variety,
……../5 - uses appropriate vocabulary basic ……./4 ……../2 inappropriate use of
- correct grammar and syntax is ……../5 - use of correct grammar and - use of correct grammar and syntax vocabulary ……/1
consistently good - correct grammar and syntax syntax shows occasional with some frequent inconsistency - poor grasp of correct
fairly consistent inconsistency ……..3 ………/2 grammar and syntax
- excellent clarity of expression
………./5 ………./4 - fair clarity in expression - limited clarity in expression ……./1
- adequate clarity in expression ……../3 ……./2 - weak clarity in
………../4 expression ………/1
MARK 10 – 8 7–6 5-4 3-2 1-0
-always uses punctuation -minor errors in use of punctuation; - a few repeated errors are -use of punctuation is poor -punctuation errors are
Mechani appropriately ........../4 errors suggest lapse rather than common in use of punctuation - ………./1 severe in the writing
cs: - excellent spelling lack of skill …../3 suggest uncertainty…./2 - clear weakness in ………/0
………/3 occasional spelling errors – no - a variety of persistent spelling spelling………/1 Frequent, many and
-formatting is observed and always pattern to suggest inability errors…./1 -formatting is poor and often persistent spelling errors.
appropriate ………./2 -errors are common in formatting inappropriate ………../1 ……./0
………/3 -minor errors in formatting but and sometimes inappropriate - errors in formatting are
mostly appropriate ………./2 ……./2 severe and inappropriate
TOTAL: ………./ 60 marks
Assignment 2: Thematic Portfolio – 20% (………./50 Marks/……../20 % Course work)
DUE Monday 25th March 2024
4 pieces all centered around the same theme (health, education, family life, etc.)
You will write the following:
 1 expository essay
 1 argumentative essay
 1 critique of an expository scholarly article (obtained online)
 1 critique of an argumentative scholarly article (obtained online)
 Each essay should contain 3 to 5 references.
The portfolio should be sent as one document organized accordingly:
1. Cover Page: course title; assignment task; theme selected; student’s UWI ID number, lecturer’s name, date submitted
2. Table of contents
3. The artefacts in the following order:
Original Expository Essay (700 – 1000 words)
Selected expository article to be critiqued (500 – 800 words)
Your critique of the expository article (page or page and a half long)
Original argumentative essay (700 – 1000 words)
Selected argumentative article to be critiqued (500 – 800 words)
Your critique the argumentative article (page or page and a half long)
4. References page

 Does this essay present a clear thesis statement?

 Does the essay contain a number of strong, persuasive points in support of its thesis?

 Is the essay organized as an essay that is easy to follow and that avoids repetition or confusion?

 Does the essay present enough supporting evidence to make each of its points convincing? Where could additional examples, factual information, testimony or other kinds of

supporting material be added to make arguments even more effective?

 Will all the supporting evidence be clear to the essay’s particular audience?

 Has at least one major opposing argument been addressed?

 Does the essay avoid any logical fallacies or problems in tone?

 Is the conclusion adequate?

 Give a general assessment of how successful you think the writer has been in achieving the primary purpose in writing the piece.

 Is the thesis statement clearly expressed?

 Do the topic sentences support the thesis?

 Does each body paragraph contain support material (statistics, examples, explanations, facts etc) that effectively illustrate the claim of the topic sentence rather than

offering mere generalities?

 Are the supporting details clearly expressed?

 Is each paragraph developed in enough specific detail? Could more details be added? More precise language?

 Are the body paragraphs arranged in a most effective order with a smooth transition from one to another?

 Is the material organized effectively into the mode (comparison and contrast, cause and effect, process analysis, classification etc) for the subject material?

 Is the conclusion adequate?

 Give a general assessment of how successful you think the writer has been in achieving the primary purpose in writing the piece.

JBTE COM 101: Grading Rubric for Thematic Portfolio (Total marks:……./50) ………..20% of Course work
Content Organization Mechanics Referencing
Excellen 20-18 15- 14 10-8 5-4
Content is clear, accurate and relevant Essays and analyses are well organised and Essays and analyses contain few In-text citations in essays and
in essays and analyses. follow selected theme. Essays and analyses grammatical errors. reference lists adhere to APA
adhere to selected modes. Thesis Sentences are well constructed guidelines
statements and paragraphs are well There is a marked absence of subject and
formulated in essays verb agreement errors, verb form errors,
spelling and punctuation errors
Good 17-10 13-8 7-5 3-2
Content is fairly clear, accurate and Essays/analyses fairly well organised and There are a few grammatical errors. In-text citations and reference list
relevant in essays and analyses follow selected theme. These include: subject verb agreement show some awareness of APA
Essays do not fully adhere to the selected errors, verb form errors, spelling and guidelines
modes. punctuation errors
Thesis statements and paragraphs are fairly
well developed in essays
Weak 9-0 7-0 4-0 1-0
Content is inaccurate and/or irrelevant Essays poorly organised. There is a marked presence of multiple There are no in-text citations or
in essays and analyses Selected modes not clearly seen. grammatical flaws which inhibit reference list or these show no
Thesis statements and paragraphs lacking comprehension of the content. These flaws awareness of APA guidelines
or are poorly developed in essays include subject verb agreement errors, verb
form errors, spelling and punctuation errors
Assignment 3: Oral Presentation / Argument 20% (……..30 marks/ ……….20% Course work)
DUE Date: Monday 15th April 2023
Follow the guidelines for writing an argumentative essay.
CONTENT (15) Had a few good points to support stance
Had good ordering of points
Points were well supported by various types of support
Counter arguments acknowledged and adequately rebutted
Counter arguments adequately rebutted
LANGUAGE (8) Used signal phrases such as “firstly” “the most important”
Used short sentences
Used natural language
Used inclusive pronouns such as “we” “us”
Used words that audience can identify with and understand
Used language appropriately and correctly
BODY Face was relaxed and expressive
LANGUAGE (4) Not overly emotional or rude in body language
Maintained appropriate eye contact with audience
Used gestures naturally and appropriately
Posture was erect yet at ease
VOICE Spoke at normal rate: not too fast, not too slow
(3) Spoke at good volume
Varied the tone of voice
Had clarity: good pronunciation and enunciation

TOTAL MARKS: ………/30 (………./20% Course work)

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