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Country Manager Decisions for Mexico

BY- GNEYA PATEL 001235126

Table of Contents
BEI Summary..................................................................................................................................3
Overall Performance Review...........................................................................................................5
Yearly Performance and Analysis....................................................................................................6
Year 2...........................................................................................................................................6
Year 3...........................................................................................................................................7
Year 4...........................................................................................................................................8
Year 5...........................................................................................................................................9
Year 6.........................................................................................................................................10
Year 7.........................................................................................................................................11
Year 8.........................................................................................................................................12
Price Strategy.............................................................................................................................13
Price Strategy.............................................................................................................................14
Advertising Strategy..................................................................................................................14
Distribution Strategy..................................................................................................................15
Production Strategy...................................................................................................................15
Key Success Factors......................................................................................................................15
Overall Takeaway......................................................................................................................15
Future Positions of Allsmile in Mexico.........................................................................................16
Personal Key Learnings.................................................................................................................17

During a period of 8 years of ups and downs of running marketing operations for Allsmile in

Mexico with the aid of the Country Manager tool, numerous practical pastimes and strategic

knowledge were obtained. The Country Manager business simulation platform creates an

interactive environment that challenges students to test and put into action the theory learned in

marketing classes. Joining Allsmile's team, the main task was working out the challenges of the

local Mexican market, manage the marketing correctly, and help the company expand and keep

its success for the long-term. This report will establish an evaluation of the decisions made,

outcomes due to the decisions, lessons learnt, and finally, a performance review for the 8-year


In determining marketing strategies and specific objectives which lead to organizational success,

each decision at Country Manager were driven by strategic foresight, market research, as well as

improvisation. Simulation provided us with opportunity to look at various marketing concepts

and ideas through practical application of strategic thinking, market adaptation and data-based

decision making. It was a painstaking process of product positioning to pricing strategies, with

the purpose to gain a bigger market share, revenue, and also brand equity in the Mexican market.

The core objective however, was not only to curtail the short-term success but also to build long-

term sustainable leadership and competitiveness. Through this report, the effect of the decisions

taken during this eight year period on my personal and professional development will be

analyzed in detail together with the important lessons derived from working at the firm.
BEI Summary

Over the course of eight years, the brand equity index of Allsmile gained as much as 25 percent

in Mexican market. This was a clear indication of effectiveness of its marketing campaigns and

the appeal of its brand to customers. Starting with the second year at the BEI of 70, Allsmile

made a journey towards the process of solidifying the strategy and making marketing

adaptations. By the fourth year, the effort resulted in a series of positive outcomes: the BEI rated

up to 76, meaning there was a general increase in consumers’ trust and popular awareness. Yet,

there were minor fluctuations in their performance in the years that followed, Allsmile has been

able to demonstrate his resilience and his ability to make good choices, the name of Allmile

stood at 79 in both the seventh and eighth years thus, being them the leader brands in the

Mexican market. Notably, this duration of improved brand equity displays Allsmile's flexibility

in achieving consumer loyalty, brand recognition, and operating within the framework of the

Mexican market situation. Through smart marketing efforts and its promise to meet the market's

demands, Allsmile has not only secured a positive market standing but it has also paved the way

for its further growth and competitiveness in the Mexican market, now and into the future.
Overall Performance Review

Over the span of eight years within the dynamic Mexican dental care market, Allsmile exhibited

a resilient performance, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities to solidify its position as

a formidable contender. The start attracted the competitors’ pressure, as Allsmile following

behind in such product parts as economy and whitening was one of low points in the first year of

Allsmile. However, through strategic adaptations in pricing, advertising, and distribution, the

company gradually strengthened its foothold, securing commendable market shares in healthy

and kids segments while maintaining an overall competitive stance. Most interestingly, Allsmile's

leadership in the kids segment highlighted the organization's skills in addressing the needs of a

specific market segment and the customers' demand for products that they really want.

Throughout the simulation, Allsmile demonstrated a strategic evolution, marked by adjustments

and innovations aimed at maximizing market share and enhancing brand equity. By the close of

Year 8, although the company was still battling in the segments of the economy and whitening,

Allsmile, by far, had taken the market leadership, indicative of its resiliency, quick adaptability,
and strategic. The company's sustained growth and success underscored its ability to navigate the

dynamic Mexican market landscape, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and effectively

position itself as a trusted provider of dental care solutions. Henceforth, Allsmile's solid work in

the Country Manager simulation may be considered as a roadtrip for strategic improvement,

market adaptation, and resilience which could be a base to sustain the competitiveness of this

dental care industry which as ever-changing.

Yearly Performance and Analysis

Year 2

Year 2 was a very hard time for Allsmile company because it dealt with a difficult dilemma: it

was losing to its competitors in nearly every center segment of Mexico’s dental care market.

Dentacare, even with a leading share in bleaching segment at 53.5%, thus, ending up with 13.3%

market share for Allsmile was a big challenge to attract consumers' attention. In the health

section, Dentacare's unchallenged 57.8% domination over Allsmile's anecdotal 16.2% presence is

noteworthy. Although Allsmile had no direct contestants in children’s segment, the overall

market share made it rank third among 22.5%, which showed the hardship it confronted from the

leading industry players.

Decision: To respond to this competitive hit, Allsmile commenced a set of strategically coherent

measures that supplied a backup for its market position. The establishment embraced the concept

of 'all in one place' and tweaked its pricing scheme to be more in line with other players,

maximizing accessibility and performance. Furthermore, realizing the vital responsibility of

marketing in engaging the consumer, Allsmile implemented the competitive advantage of

targeted advertising in economic and whitening markets with huge advertising budget increase.

Year 3

Year 3 was a challenge for Allsmile Dental as many different makes took control of the Mexican

dental market with varied performance across diverse product classes. Admittedly, it was a little

weak in a segment of economy as low as 17.9% share and finishing it in last place, however, it

managed to stay in front in some other areas. In whitening category, Allsmile marked as being a

the runner-up with a 15.7% market share just following Allsmile which owned the 65.3%

portion. As a similar example, Allsmile participated in the wellness section by standing in the

second position with a market share of 26.1% and Dentacare capturing the lead with 56.1%. It is
worth noting that Allsmile reigned supreme without a single rival, which lent it the leading edge

in kids segment. We consequently emerged second in the market share battle with a 25.4% share,

a bit behind Dentacare that currently controls the market with a higher share of 30.2%.

Decision: Strategic restructuring of Allsmile operations, including different aspects like

communication, marketing and supply chain management was done in order to cope with the

expanding competitive environment. As the company experienced the debut of Clean+White, its

strategy was revised in order to adapt the products and the prices of the all segments in order to

keep its competitiveness.

Year 4

During Year 4, Allsmile continued to witness competition in the Mexican health market,

particularly in the dental care market through different product segments. Take the economy

segment, Allsmile fell behind competition, bagging the last position. Its market share was only

20.9% while Dentacare’s was leading 48.4%. Moreover, in the whitening segment, Allsmile also

had a market share of 15%, which put it in the second place along the leading brand Eversmile
with a dominant 65.2% share. The toothpaste segment of the healthy life style industry where

Allsmile took the second place with a market share of 25.4% and Dentacare stayed the first with

55.4%. Furthermore, one notable point is that Allsmile had no direct competition in kids

segment, but as a whole, they occupied a 25.8 % market share which was the third largest share

after Dentacare and Eversmile.

Decision: In order to make my firm competitive and improve my market performance,

distribution and marketing efforts was the main focal point. Understanding the fact that

distribution channels play a crucial role in amplifying sales, Allsmile strengthened its sales team.

Aside from that, Allsmile booming the brand visibility and increasing consumer engagement

through adapting smashing Spanish advert that targets seven-year-olds and R15m in advertising

expense was successful.

Year 5

Allsmile in Year 5 was facing rise of issues in few product segments whereas it was beginning to

make significant moves in others in the Mexican dental care market. The firm invested so much
time and effort on the economy segment still remained at the bottom of the hook with an equal

market share of 22.1% as Dentacare had 47.2%. Also in this situation Allsmile took the second

position on the market with 14.2% of market share after Eversmile which has 61.5 %. Healthy

segment, Allsmile grabbed the 2nd rank with more market share of 25.6%, and Dentacare led

with 56.6%. More than that, the brand name got the lead position in the mini-targeting segment

with an impressive 96.8% market share. While Allsmile took the second place with a total market

share of 24.8%, the tandem of Dentacare and Eversmile was followed closely with 25.0%, as

both held the first place.

Decision: In response to dynamic market circumstances and the need to continue expanding, the

implementation of strategic choices to redesign products, marketing tactics and distribution

channels was addressed. Smile new range was supplemented with pump, and gel flavours being

very common products among Mexican market products to pre-empt competition.

Year 6

In Year 6, Allsmile exhibits competition in the Mexican dentistry field, going stronger in some

sectors and trying to grow in others. However, the company overcame the odds and achieved

great success in the kids segment, becoming the absolute leader with a whopping 88.7% market

share. Contrarily, in the economy segment, Allsmile trailed with only 21.8% market share

obtaining the last positioning. Also, meanwhile white and healthy segments were led by Allsmile

with market shares of 14.6% and 31.8%, lagging behind rivals such as Eversmile and Dentacare.

Eventually, Allsmile took the second place with market share of 25.9%. Eversmile came out first

with 26.0% share.

Decision: In an effort to make the most of the positive aspects and improve the shortcomings of

the business, strategies were crafted to best utilize product offerings, advertising, and distribution

systems. Taking into consideration that Allsmile was market leader in the kids segment, efforts

were aimed at augmenting the turnover by means of SKU expansion. The display of advertising

at the kids segment level was cut down by that figure while more investment was put into other
segments to boost visibility and competitiveness of the brand. Besides that, Allsmile modified its

assortment of SKU's and its marketing strategies to go along with the interests of people from

different segments of the market.

Year 7

Year 7 witnessed Allsmile sustaining its market leadership status in the dental care industry in

Mexico, winning the game with a share of 29.1% in the total market. On the other side, the

company experienced obstacles in several divisions of the branch and still retained other

segments. On the economic segment, Allsmile was placed at the end of the leaders' list with a

23.6% share content. Similarly, Aussie Smile ranked (solely manufactured) second in the

whitening and healthy segments with a market share of 16.3% and from 37.4% respectively.

What deserves particular attention is their unswerving success in targeting the kids segment,

leading to the taking of leader spot with a phenomenal 82.9% market share.

Decision: Market leadership had to be maintained and improved, hence pricing, advertising and

distribution strategies have been adjusted to yield the desired results. Allsmile passed field prices
down on market dynamics, at the same time leverage on it as market leader who gave less

allowances. The brand spent more money in terms of advertising in the segments which were not

led by Allsmile like Economy, Whitening and Health, to get greater visibility and improve its


Year 8

In year 8 of business operations, Allsmile was faced with a mix of performances in the product

sectors of the dental care market in Mexico. Although the company experienced some difficulties

in certain areas, it still held on to the #1 ranking in overall market share with a total of 27.2%.

Yet, in the market segment of economy Allsmile hit insurmountable barriers with a market share

amounting to 3.0%. As was the case in the whitening category, Allsmile managed to land a third

place with a market share of 13.8% which points to an influx of competitors in this segment as

well. While in unhealthy segment, Allsmile got the second position with a 38.3% market share to

illustrate its efficiency scrambling in the vital part of the market. Their supremacy was evident

especially with the kids segment where they attained first position with a remarkable 73.7%

market share.

Price Strategy

For Allsmile it was all about develop a comprehensive product range on the market that would

match the demands of the Mexican consumers. The company continuously expanded its product

portfolio to include a variety of offerings in segments such as whitening, healthy, and kids. In

this manner, the brand could have achieved differentiation from competitors by addressing

different segments of consumers with their product preferences involved, so that Allsmile brand

could avail itself the competition within the market. Additionally, the introduction of new SKUs

and product variants reflected Allsmile's commitment to innovation and responsiveness to

changing consumer demands.

Price Strategy

The main objective behind the pricing strategy of Allsmile was to derive which would serve

competitiveness and profitability purposes simultaneously. The company adjusted pricing in

response to market dynamics, competitor actions, and consumer demand. In some places where
Allsmile met tough competitors, maybe the price policy would be more active, crowding

competitors towards the leadership. Conversely, in segments where Allsmile held a strong

position, pricing might have been positioned strategically to reflect the brand's value proposition

and quality. Total, sales price will help to attract the greatest income ensuring the sustainable

long-term presence in the market niche of the firm.

Advertising Strategy

Allsmile's advertising strategy focused on enhancing brand visibility, driving consumer

engagement, and influencing purchase decisions. The company focused on the short term and

targeted the interior sectors by allocating the marketing budget to television, digital platforms,

and print media. Advertising efforts were likely tailored to different product segments, with a

focus on highlighting product benefits, promoting brand differentiation, and resonating with the

target audience's preferences. Furthermore, Allsmile, like other businesses, adjusted its

advertising strategies as it progressed, shifting resources to competition that grew increased or

saw growth in a particular field.

Distribution Strategy

Moreover, the distribution strategy planned by Allsmile was designed to provide satisfactory

coverage along different distribution channels, through the wide range of health stores, online

stores, and retail stores as well as university campuses. The company maintained a multi-channel

distribution approach, encompassing traditional retail outlets, pharmacies, online platforms, and

direct-to-consumer channels. Distribution efforts possibly centralized on those factors that can

help to establish better channel partnerships, increase geographic coverage, and achieve the more

effective product visibility as it happens at the point of sale. Moreover, Allsmile may have
employed strategies such as increasing sales force and investing in distribution infrastructure to

improve market penetration and customer reach.

Production Strategy

Allsmile's manufacturer's production is on reducing production costs as well as insuring product

quality and number of its customers. The company likely employed a mix of in-house production

and outsourcing to optimize production costs and flexibility. With tailored monitoring of demand

trends and iterative market feedback, Allsmile could agilely refit its production scales and

inventory management. Additionally, the company may have invested in research and

development to innovate new products, improve existing formulations, and stay ahead of

competitors in terms of product innovation and quality.

Key Success Factors

Overall Takeaway

Along its business route in Mexican dental care market, Allsmile's journey in simulations

demonstrated the necessity of these three qualities: adaptability, strategy, and market

responsiveness. The experience underscored the dynamic nature of the business environment and

the necessity for companies to continuously refine their strategies to meet evolving consumer

preferences, competitive pressures, and market dynamics. All Smile manages to withstand

overcoming obstacles, using chances and becoming one of the leaders in the market by its ability

to be flexible, perceptive and to create value through its offer. Overall, the simulation provided

valuable insights into the intricacies of market management and reinforced the importance of

agility, innovation, and customer-centricity in driving business success.


While going through future, Allsmile must constantly work on breakthrough, research, and

customer involvement to hold its position in the dental care market of Mexico. The company

should leverage insights gained from the simulation to refine its strategies, optimize resource

allocation, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. For example, innovation investments should

be maximized through improved product designs, the widespread use of online marketing

campaigns and market penetration as a result of improved distribution channels, as well as

commitment to a customer-oriented approach to the dynamic market demands. Additionally,

Allsmile should remain vigilant in monitoring market trends, competitive actions, and consumer

feedback to adapt swiftly and maintain its position as a market leader in the dynamic Mexican

dental care industry.

Future Positions of Allsmile in Mexico

Concerning the future, Allsmile will maintain and enhance its role as the best dental care

company in Mexico by implementing an innovation-oriented strategy as it strives to expand its

market, and by providing exceptional customer-centric services. Firstly, Allsmile should

prioritize product innovation by investing in research and development to introduce new and

improved dental care solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs and preferences of Mexican

consumers. To distinguish itself from competitors, Allsmile must be able to predict market trends

as well as update its products constantly. Secondly, the company should focus on expanding its

brand presence and market reach through targeted marketing efforts and optimized distribution

channels. By using digital platforms and strategic alliances, Allsmile can boost the exposure of

the brand, get connected with the target consumers more precisely, and guarantee brand presence

in mass variegated geographic regions in Mexico.

Moreover, Allsmile should prioritize customer satisfaction and loyalty by delivering exceptional

products and services, fostering strong relationships with customers, and implementing feedback

mechanisms to continuously improve its offerings. Allsmile's core strategy for success in Mexico

is to prioritize consumer satisfaction, which will lead to brand loyalty, repeat purchases, and

increase its market share. Through a combination of product innovation, strategic marketing,

distribution expansion, and customer-centricity, Allsmile can position itself for sustained growth

and success in the Mexican dental care market, solidifying its status as a trusted provider of

dental care solutions and driving positive outcomes for both the company and its customers.

Personal Key Learnings

Among the most important personal learnings obtained during the simulation Country Manager

was the realization that applied strategic decision-making process provided a tool for a business

with dynamic environment. Utilizing the software provided invaluable hands-on experience in

market analysis, product positioning, pricing strategies, advertising allocation, and distribution

optimization. Having the software on-hand for scenario exploration played a part here, as it

makes the analysis and interpretation of decisions and their aggregate effects on the structure of

marketing strategies easier. Moreover, the simulation provided a platform for honing critical

thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in a risk-free environment, enabling the

development of a strategic mindset essential for navigating real-world business challenges

effectively. Generally speaking, my encounter with the software definitely increased my

knowledge in marketing concepts and also taught me many practical skills, which certainly are

highly valuable for my pathway into the business environment.

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