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Covid-19 Deutsche Welle

Work from home: tips on how to make it work

Self- isolation


To cope with= to face / to deal with

How can the crisis change how we work for good (forever)?

She has set up her temporary office in her apartment

Tip 1: take a shower and put some actual = (real) clothes on

This will tell your brain that it’s time to work

Tip 2: Make sure everything works before you work from home

Tip 3: It’s super tempting but don’t work from bed.

Set up a separate, clean, quiet work space away from distractions… (favourite TV series, the
fridge, the laundry, the dishes…)

Tip 4: Zoom Skype Face Time

That means you might have to look presentable

Talking face to face is the best way to feel less alone

Tip 5: Enjoy the bright sides = (benefits) EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING

Sleep while you usually have a meeting TAKE A NAP

Cook yourself a yummy = (Delicious/tasty) lunch

Favourite music while working

The whole situation is tough =(hard/difficult)

Those of us who actually have the priviledge to still = (todavía) earn money from the safety of
our homes, should make the best out of it

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