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The importance of interactions between organisms and their

environment (25 marks)

The importance of light as an environmental factor and it’s interaction between organisms is
exemplified in the process of photosynthesis, particularly during the light-dependant
reaction (LDR) within the chloroplasts in plants. LDR takes place on the thylakoid membranes
of the grana where chlorophyll absorbs light, leading to photoionization. This process is
critical as it converts light energy into chemical energy, leading to the production of ATP and
reduced NADP via chemiosmosis. Photolysis of water is also a very important part of LDR
where light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll and split water releasing oxygen as a by-
product and providing electrons to replace those lost by chlorophyll.
In the absence of light, these essential reactions would halt. Chlorophyll would no longer
undergo photoionization, preventing the production of ATP and reduced NADP.
Consequently, without these products, the Calvin cycle could not proceed, stalling the
fixation of carbon dioxide and the synthesis of glucose. Therefore, light as an
environmental variable is fundamental to the energy flow within ecosystems, and its
absence would lead to a significant disruption in biological productivity and the
overall balance of life on Earth.
the gas exchange system of insects is intimately linked to their surface area to volume ratio
(SA:VR), which is optimized for maximum efficiency. Insects utilize a tracheal system that
provides a high SA:VR, facilitating effective diffusion of gases directly to cells. This system
includes spiracles, which are small openings that regulate gas exchange and help to reduce
water loss. These spiracles are crucial for maintaining water balance in dry or hot
environments where water is scarce. This demonstrates how an organism's biological
systems are tailored to its habitat, with gas exchange adaptations being a direct response to
the specific demands of the environment. Such adaptations ensure that insects can survive
in a variety of settings, emphasizing the role of environmental interactions in shaping
biological processes.
Behaviours such as courtship, taxis, and kinesis are crucial for an organism's interaction with
its environment, affecting survival and reproduction. Courtship behaviour is vital for species
recognition, ensuring that organism’s mate with the correct species, which is fundamental for
the continuation of a species as per its taxonomic classification. Taxis, a movement towards
or away from a stimulus, and kinesis, a change in the rate of movement in response to a
stimulus, are behaviours that organisms use to respond to their environment, such as moving
towards food or away from danger. These behaviours demonstrate how organisms are
adapted to their environments and the importance of these adaptations for the survival of a
species. For example, without the correct courtship behaviour, organisms may not
successfully reproduce, and without taxis or kinesis, they may not survive the changing
conditions of their habitats. Therefore, these behaviours show the deep connection between
an organism and its environment, as they have evolved to help the organism thrive in its
specific ecological niche.
speciation is integral to our understanding of evolution and how it shapes the diversity of life
through interactions with the environment. Allopatric speciation is a type of speciation that
occurs when a population is geographically separated, leading to reproductive isolation and
eventually to the formation of new species. This geographic separation can be due to
environmental factors such as rivers, mountains, or human activities that divide a species into
distinct groups. Over time, these separated populations experience different environmental
pressures and undergo genetic changes that lead to adaptations suited to their specific
environments. Natural selection plays a key role in this process, as different traits are
favoured in different environments. Genetic variations that enhance survival and
reproduction in the new environment become more common in each isolated population.
Eventually, these changes can become so significant that if the two populations were to
come back into contact, they would no longer be able to interbreed, completing the process
of allopatric speciation. Thus, the interaction between organisms and their environments is
fundamental to the evolutionary process, driving the diversity of life forms through the
mechanism of speciation.

Receptors such as the eye and Pacinian corpuscles, alongside the control of heart rate by pH,
demonstrates the sophisticated ways organisms interact with their environment to maintain
homeostasis. The eye, serving as a photoreceptor, allows organisms to perceive changes in
light, enabling them to navigate, find food, and avoid predators, directly linking an
organism's survival to its ability to process environmental stimuli. Similarly, Pacinian
corpuscles respond to mechanical pressure or vibrations, providing organisms with the
necessary information to react to physical changes in their surroundings. This tactile
feedback is essential for behaviors ranging from simple reflex actions to complex
movements. Furthermore, the control of heart rate by pH receptors showcases an internal
regulatory mechanism responding to changes in the body's internal environment. For
example, during exercise, the production of carbon dioxide increases, lowering blood pH.
This is detected by chemoreceptors, which then signal the heart to adjust its rate to meet the
oxygen demands of the body, illustrating an intricate interaction between internal and
external environmental factors. Together, these receptor-mediated responses highlight the
critical role of sensory and physiological adaptations in enabling organisms to thrive within
their ecological niches.

drugs like SSRIs impact synaptic transmission, highlighting the interaction between
organisms and their environment. SSRIs work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin in the
brain, increasing its availability. This process shows how external substances can influence the
nervous system, altering mood and behaviour. It's a clear example of how environmental
factors, such as medication, can directly affect an organism's internal processes and well-

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