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Present Progressive an,


Complete each sentence with the correct name.

1. To a.'S
(Y) is visiting without calling first.
2. e I ú de
l) is surprised to have a visitor.
3. tJ ·, eo•e. is kissing the other woman twice.
4. Sbe, \ ú doesn't expect a second kiss.

Now circle the correct answer for your own culture.

In my culture . . .

5. People usually caU / don 't call before visiting. e D- 1l

6. When people say hello, they don't kiss / kiss. 5 O ¡ bO
• focused Practice


Read these joumaf en tries by Brian, a Canadian summer exchange student studying in
Argentina. Clrc/e al/ the verbs that describe what is happening now. Underfine the verbs
that describe what regularly happens.

JUNE 28, 1~ 1n a .JUL Y 4 , The weather ..,!;2_.c.old
seat .30,000 feet above t:he here. 1 usually spend the f irst
Earth en route to Argentina! weekend of .J"u~ t h e beac h,

/ usual/y~ dinn er at tkls Today{l 'm walkinj;i)aro.....nd 1n a
t ime. but nght r.ow ) h<!'lve an heavy sweater.
awful headac.he from ~ h e
exc1tement. My seatmate @
8 AUG UST 6, 1 usually

my fo:::>d. I guess great 1n the even1ng because

good. She h"PPY- we long nc,ps 1n the
aftemoon. but tonight I feel
JUNE 30 , lt ·s 7.30 P.M. My really trred.
host parents §__ still
Carlos. my father, works at A UG UST 2.5 ,(i - ~ very
home. My l1 ttle b r o t ~ c.omfortable here r.ow-but lt 's
Ricar do.~ cute, He 1~ a lrnost time to 2:2, home! M
( eind ~ ) " lot like Bobby. host p-erents usually cook a
Right now. he 's looking ver light dinner. but tonig~ he-0
my shoulder and ( cookrng'p special dinner for
read my Journal. me. 1 thern a lready!
l'rcstnt f'rogresJ1 11~ unJ Simpl~ l'rtu,tt / ?_

2 \ SCHEDULE CHANGES Grammar Nores 1-2

Look ar Brian's schedule in Argentina. He usual/y has a regular schedule but today is
different. Complete the sen rences below. Use the present progressive or rhe simple present.
Choose belween afflrmotive and negative form s.

7: iA tl,e pes 1, , e t.,e.My-Po-r.,..fie.l..At-rip
&:30-12:30 Mot.eP'16 class
1:00-2 : 00 eat lunch
ealie a PJP
work in the cafeteria
c "'ll I.-.G"'1.e. .,..r '>:00 sl.-."'-..-f' t-o.:A..,..y!
s:OQ-6:30 dg Re 111 e orlt
~lay tcr:lni-5-
w"'t-0\ "',J\.:A.e.o wlt-1.-. Ev"'
8:30 have dinner
--writc Jattep..c. t-"'ke "'w"'lkwit--1,,.t--l,,.e.P"'-...-.ily
-take a sh o 1frP' .Aol.-.o...-.ewo..-k

1. Brian always _ _ ___:___,_,__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ early in the moming,

but today he _ _'._~-1.'----''--"',.!:'-1.'~ ---'-----'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

betwccn 8:30 and 12:30,
2. Brian usua1Jy o. ++end '; ;:, ( Jp_ S S

I but roday he
e c.,

/ S
t s
.3 O /\3
ea +-, lle, /c,ocb
/vn c.,h
{J C. / e, "
between 1:00 and 2:00.

5, Henormally -tc.kcs ::: oo p aftcr lunch,

buttodayhc IC., L.,JQ 1 ~ JYI!} Q n i J,, · / C,A.,.., ,1 7' 'r\!ek e(JJ< C..
6. Every day from 3:00 ro 5:00, he - "'
"'-'º"'-' -"
"'-'S;,__ ,u,oLJlc_l¡i,,,,,,_ __c_(__,ec
""- '"-"1,a
( ---'e_ c--''---''---'e""'--_

7. It's 5:00, but he ·, ;;, {)Q -1 e/oi ªS H "" now.

He ,s í o 11 , (\ 3 ho ro e ·, n c. -l eo el instead.

8. h's 6:45, but he __J,'""'$2--------'.n.!..!<OCJ+c____,p<LJ{...!C¿, ,1.f:L•.!."l!ji-------+:!:..!CLOCl.L!

~--''-"'s.___ _ _ _ _ __
He ---''-"s'----'"'¿'--"'
1 !..'--"- ' J;u,,_1,o:,__ ,-
h""',"-!;l§t' -.J,QL____lVL!J 1, 'L ~! ±µb_ -tP'-"1¿_¡,O,,°'-'-'- - - -
9. lt's 8:30. Brian 1$ hr, \.) 1 11 ve, ,/ n
10. He always _ ,.,, 4 __',______c/'--'
fl,:, ,,-'-''C!n,,,__..:._
r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at 8:30.

11. Aher dinncr, Brian usually ----'e,¿v-ch'..1.!...

, , 1- 1_1,(:c'=
- ----'lct.~'....--'./--'l--'<"-'Y- ";,
~-'-)_ c,e,<,{':'.s
-, G<-lwl.."'"•- - - ~
but tonighr he iS o lo. , 1¡ o
a \H C1 J ,s u/ 1 1 4 t
'lWt:t:n me s1mpte µri::)enr cma me pres ene progress1ve 1011m u, 11u! Vt'IV) ,,, µu1t::,,11 ,t::Jc,.

A.. L,-wu: Hi, Paulo. What ar~ yuu "º'"~


PAULO: Oh, l M ~~-~it ~ : ~ng! for class to bcgin.

ll-WU: How are you? You ----=
5 ~,<-~(s~~m
ing _ _

a little down.
'PAULO: l'm just tircd. l ' Y" vJ O' k ' I\ cvenings
4.jwo,k /'mworkingl
this scmcstcr. Hcy, is that your tcachcr over there?

lJ-wu: Yes. Shc - ~+~«c,,~'té.,1~\cs

u ~,~,.J-,cc,.,-,,,,---_ _ to one of my

PAULO: What's wrong? He '~ ,.¡d~.E.,; 00

J;? 0
~~kl n~...9

at her. He S e "" S uncomfonable.

L1-wu: Oh. That Jo~'~;s::,mr;:~ Ct /'I

8.(dotsn'lmH n l lHl ' lng l
any1hing. In Taiwan it's not rcspectful to

look directly at your teachcr.

B. TARO: There's Miguel. He '_~- ~t~C<~ / )<~

,~~ " ~ - - to Luisa.
1.Jt.alks l ",t.alklng l
MARISA: Yes. Thcy ' r C, 1 CA. k 'I\ _e,i a class togetber
2.{t.ah /'r, uking)

l 1- -/-

TARO: They ' r c., t;J..\ ú ne/, "ft very close to eacb
'= e,
3.(st.and l'ttst.andingF
othcr. l) o )".QV + b ,,.., X
4.(0oyo11think / Art)'011thinking)
Q tl:: Ja.~1t1 9 ?
S.( d~1t /'t1 dating )

MAR.tsA: No. I - -d ~O~•-'~t~ ,~h ~,~"~K~_

6. (dan'1 think l 'mno11hlnking )
rr, e o f'\ $ anything special. 1
7. j~an~ / 'imnningJ

- ~º~"'~ ~' º~º'~•.,.;_ __ from Costa Rica, and peoplc

- "~~:·-'é:c'•,~•'~;~•=~,;~
"•.co~'/~-- tbat dose to t"ach other.
9. (lm1.ally5t.and / .a,eu~11allyst.andingJ

Other students are talking outside of a classroom. Complete their conversations. Use the
slmple presenr or the presenr progressive form of the verbs in porentheses.

A. R.AsHA: lberc's Hans. Why _ _ _ he - --'''-''-'-'.:.':..

•_ _
S-1-cv t '

so fast? Class <;. at 9:00.
l.. ht•rt l
He srill h O. 1O minutes!
J . (Nw)
O.AUDE: He always '-<J O L t< S fast. l think Swiss
... , .... 11,.¡
pcoplc oftcn ~ PJI..L...Q...L..__ to be in a hurry.
S. (•ppur l
B. Yotto:. lsn't that ~rgio and Lui.s? Why Q ,. c.-

thcy S q~lá~~§ hands? Tbey alrcady

J _,, cach othcr!
2. lk now l
l..J.}L'"G: 1n Br-azil, men_ S h C... K C.. bands cvcry time
3. h h.,k•)

thcy r-, ,_. ,(mc etO

Y~o : ____fJ__C¿___ wo mcn S °hQ...k G-- bands too?
S. (th•k•l

GrammarNole 1-6

Compk:e tM l ollowing paragraph. Use rhe co"ect form of the verbs in the box.

~ use fec l go live rñ:i.k~ travcl J

New foud, new cu.stoms, new routines-they ali 1. mrcrnat1onal travcl

intererung. But thcy also e (A V S c;., culture shock for many travclcrs. you
now . f , lt"' ~ l, f\!:f- or __L.!., -: ."!J-- in a culture dtffcrcnt from your own? lf so, wh}

l ~ yo u ~~!J.- so good for so had )? Sorne: cxpcrts say chac wc oftcn

---fJ!? _ throug.h four srage., of culture shock:
H~on Sttgt: In tllf fin! wttb tvtryttllng ~ 1 grut.

RejKtl011St19t: Voutlavel'lf(J<ltlnfttlingi•boutthenewcultur,.

AdjiHtnwnt Thln9s utQtltin9~1ttrth tsedJy1-.

Vou,r,fln•lt~comfort•bleln then!Yl'culturt.
1 Ad.lpt.tionS1,9•:

Toke che quiz in Exercise 6 ond see whot stoge you ore in.

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