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03/13/2023 Reorganization Plan Colome Consolidated School District 59-3 Submitted to Dr. Joseph Graves SD Secretary of Education By Colome Consolidated School District 59-3 Board of Education 03/13/2023 Summary (On Qctober 10th 2022, the Colome Consolidated School District 59-3 school board of education received a verified petition from Wood! Witten area registered voters of the Colome Consolidated ‘School District 58-3 requesting the school board develop a reorganization pan dssohving the school itl by attaching to another distriet or dstves pursuant to SDCL 13-6 and that an election be held on that plan. In response to that petition the Colome Consolidated schoo! board is submiting this plan tothe South (Dakota Department of Education. Thsplan would requir the Wood and Witten areas to dissolve from the Colome Consolidated School District and attach to neighboring disrets by county line. The Melltte ‘County land area would attach tothe White River School Distt and the Tripp County land area located north of Winner, So would attach tothe Winner School Distrt, The new Colome Schoo! District would consist ofthe ares located in Tripp County that cuerentl inthe Colome Consolidated Schoo District ‘and located south of Winner, SD. The Colome Consolidated Schoo! Soard intends that this plan ito take fect uly, 1, 2024 bu the final date would be as determined by the South Dakota Department of Education. ‘The Colome Consolidated Schoo! District business manager will conduct the election forthe plan after approval ofthe pen from the South Dakota Department of Education and utlize the Tripp County [Autos fice to serve asthe counting board. If approved by the voters, this plan will terminate the ‘schoo! board terms for those that wil n longer be Iving Inthe Colome School District on June 30 of the last fal year ofthe Colome Consolidated School District 89:3. The new Colome Schoo District wil ‘maintain a seven-member school board a large and fil any open positions by appointment forthe tem ‘of one year until an election canbe held to replace the open postion. 03/13/2023 Content of Reorganization Plan per SDCL 13-6-13 Section 1 ‘Maps, Attendance Centers, Facilities, and Bus Routes [A Exlsting boundary map of the Colome Consolidated School District $9-3 (Attachment A) ‘and Proposed area of the new Colome School District (Attachment B) 8, Existing Attendance Centers of the Colome Consolidated Schoo! District b. 4 Colome 9-12 High School at 105 Carr Street, Colome Colome 6-8 Middle School at 105 Carr Street, Colome Colome Elementary School at 105 Carr Street, Colome. Wood K-8 School at 114 S. Dakota Street, Wood (this attendance center was officially closed on November 14, 2022 and willbe gifted to the City of Wood) Proposed attendance Centers with the Colome School District b, Colome 9-12 High School at 105 Carr Street, Colome Colome 6-8 Midale School at 105 Carr Street, Colome Colome Elementary School at 105 Carr Street, Colome Description ofthe facilites The Colome Elementary buildings a one story brick bullding constructed in 1971. It includes eight classrooms, a teacher workroom area, a full kitchen used for K-12in Colome, and @ multi-purpose room. There isa modular to the east of the elementary that is used for Title Intervention classrooms, ‘The Colome High School/Middle School Building Is a three story brick building. The original portion ofthe building was builtin 1915 and an addition was added {in 1924 that doubled the sie of the bullding, All rooms are cooled/heated with wall units. The top floor contains two classrooms, a study hal/ibrary area, two ‘administrative offices and a teacher workroom. The main floor contains four classrooms and an administrativefofice area. The basement floor contains a boller/storage area, a teacher lounge, and three classrooms. All three floors have a bathroom, ‘The Colome Gymnasium isa metal building constructed in 1983. This building ‘contains three classrooms, a concession area, bathrouts, Weer tun, ym, There is a modular north of the gym building used for High School Special Education services including speech, PT, OT, and other services. There sa building located a hal-block west ofthe gymnasium building that was constructed in 1979 and is used for shop classes. Colome also has a foatball/baseball complex located 3 blocks south ofthe school 03/23/2023 D. Bus routes a. Currently the Colome Consolidated School District 59-3 runs four bus routes to pick up students living inthe district. The routes are |. Southeast i South (middle area) Southwest/Winner (with permission from the Winner district) for those living far southwest and those open enrolled from Winner |v, Wood/Witten area Vv. IFwe had students from the North, we would offer mileage to those in district. b. The proposed routes would be similar to the current routes with the exception of not sending a bus to the Wood/Witten area since they will no longer be in our distri, Section 2 Legal Descriptions of the boundaries of proposed district. ‘The proposed Colome School District wil include the land currently located around Colome— ‘the Tripp County portion of the current Colome Consolidated School Distriet located south of Winner, 50. This area will include approximately 325 square miles al in Tripp County. The legal descriptions ofthe parcel and boundaries ofthe proposed changes to the Colome Consolidated School District are listed in Attachments C-1 (Colome School District), C-2 (Winner Schoo! District), and C-3 (White River School District). Section 3 Estimates of school age population for the proposed district If passed to dissolve the Wood/Witten area, we estimate the 2023-24 enrollment for the CColome School District to be Hlementary Middle School HighSchool Total K 8 @h 1 Sth 7 ‘tw mh wh md 6 «8th «13th «7 ad 8 wath 14 ah 8 Sh 15 _— —_ 70 carr 03/13/2023, Section 4 ‘Assessed valuation of all taxable property ~ existing and proposed ‘The assessed valuation (Taxes Payable 2023) of the Colome Consolidated School District 593s, as listed below: $83,462,496 (Mellette) 1$263,163,601 (Tipp) $46,626,097 (Total) ‘The estimated valuation ofthe Colome Schoo! District area only is: $229,582,746 (Tripp — Colome area only) Section 5 Outstanding bonds, fund balances, and estimated outstanding collections. ‘The Colome Consolidated Schoo! Distriet $9-3 currently does not have any outstanding bonds. Fund Balances at time of receiving petition (September 2022 financials) areas follows: General $1,074,152, Capital $2,374,971 Special Education $780,626 Impact Aid $748,251 Food Service $41,327 Enterprise $2,158 Estimated fund balances at end of FY 2023 (June 20, 2023) based on original budget: General $875,917 Capital $2,407,164 Special Education $770,882 Impact Aid $764,751 Food Service $15,355 Enterprise $0 03/13/2023, Section 6 Designation of the County of Jurisdiction Per SDCL13-5-14, Tripp County willbe the county of jurisdiction forthe Colome Consolidated ‘School District based on the fact thatthe majority of the children attending the Colome Consolidated School District reside In Tripp County. Section 7 Name of Proposed District The official name of the proposed district willbe Colome School District. Pursuant to SDCL 13- 5-16, the Secretary of Education shall assign a number to the Colome Schoo! District. Section 8 Statement regarding Assets and Liabilities Upon the effective date of the reorganization —July 1%, 2024, all assets and labiities ofthe CColome Consolidated Schoo! District will become the property of the Colome School District. ‘The current Colome Consolidated School District $9-3 holds an interest free federal energy loan with a balance of $21,040 and will continued to be paid out of capital outlay by the Colome School istrict asthe lighting was installed atthe Colome School buldings. On November 14, 2022, the Colome Consolidated School istrict Board of Education voted to close the Wood attendance center. The plan i to gift the Wood School Building to the City of Wood before June 30, 2023, The Colome Consolidated School District administration will remove the Items from the Wood attendance center before the June 30, 2023 date forthe educational and business needs of the Colome School Distrit. Any contents remaining inthe building when the deed to the bullding I granted tothe City of Wood will also become the property ofthe City of Wood. Section 9 Proposed number of schoo! board members if « new entity isto be created. ‘The Colome Schoo! District will maintain a seven-member school board. The current board positions are staggered so that only two or three positions are up for reelection each year and all postions are currently at large. Positions will remain at large withthe new boundary lines ‘and current school board terms for those that will no longer live in the new Colome Schoo! District will be terminated on June 30 of the year the proposed reorganization plan takes place. ‘Any positions left open bythe change In district lines will be filled by appointment forthe term ‘of one year until an election can be held to replace the open positon. 03/33/2023 Section 10 Proposed educational program ‘The Colome Schoo! District school board will ensure thatthe education program at all attendance centers follows the educational program prescribed by state law and by the South Dakota Dapartment of Education regarding school calendar, hours of attendance, and content of the curriculum. =! Elementary Program: The content of the K-5™ educational program willbe mapped and aligned with the South Dakota Board of Education content standards. Emphasis wil be given to the core curriculum of reading, language arts, mathematics, socal studies, and science. Interventions will be integrated into the school day to ensure the curriculum fs being learned by all students {68 Middle Schoo! Program: The content of the Midale School program willbe mapped and aligned with the South Dakota Board of Education content standards. Emphasis wil be given to ‘the core curriculum of reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science, 932" High School Program: The content of the High School Program will meet the eraduation requirements as set forth by the South Dakota Department of Education. The following classes willbe offered atthe Colome High School for 2023-24 school yea: ENGLISH MATH SCIENCE English | Algebra Physical Science English Advanced Algebra Biology English It Geometry Chemestry English IV Consumer Math Advanced Biology Creative Writing COMPUTERCLASSES FINE ARTS SOCIAL SCIENCES Keyboarding Chorus World History Workplace Technology Band ‘American History Journalistic Design ‘Art Appreciation ‘American Government Desktop Publishing Creative art Gevgrophy ‘Advanced Art 03/13/2023, LANGUAGES (online) CTE CLASSES ‘ONuNE OPTIONS. Spanish Intra to Ag/Shop Psychology French ‘Ag Mechanics Sociology German ‘Ag Business Accounting chinese ‘ag Research and Devel. Graphic Design Sign Lanuage Personal Finance/Careers Pre-Caleulus Nutrtion/Food Concepts ARP Enelish| Human Development/ Restaurant ‘Management Jewerly/Ceramics Special education services will be provided by the district in which the student resides in with the new district lines. At the time ofthis reorganization plan, 7 students are being bused from the Wood/Witten area to Colome. Those students will hve the opportunity to open enroll With the Colome Schoo! District f they wish to keep attending the Colome School. The Colome Consolidated School Distriet currently utilizes CORE for providing special education therapy services and the Colome Schoo! District will continue with CORE for these services. Those serves include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychology, and student behavior. CORE also supports the school with student evaluation and IEP meetings. ‘The Colome Consolidated School istrict also participates in the West River Consortium forthe Perkins program. Colome School District will continue to participate inthis consortium. Section 11 Proposed budget for the FY 2023 as Colome School District ener fund Reverse Sopa ran | cwreattandtipersenuest v2 ts sarease || cement Ecos sonst vty te spa | | mnsse sol edcaon! snsass Somes ree m0 | | mensaecteaxatons! wens, mises singe [| reas snare Inara ent so || sueem sereounce seasea conse sop || tts ss esi saa00 | | sutronine saz ices 0900 |) saree $59 County Apert sone | | Teor 6233 sues seonsae | | sovotnous om Stat teporioene sisemo | | asnivhsnes None sure snaraneee sso [1 pop oee 103520 03/13/2023 ‘verre (¢-5ne4r) $4,200 fill Pant operations ssn esa Fut Vegetable s3so0 | | sus trensporaton saoza7 Feteaicans/pepane —— $241949 || sdeolPoqrams(eW/Bacgsel) $5500, “ansterin ental TOTAL ESTIMATED aexsons $1200 Daren tite) gaze $1557 ‘opal FnaRevene Baget 2028 {) coptatrund pence oucget reas ‘oe seizgn | | eemenary Edvatonl 2.00 Sevrgs nares, $6900. | | Mie schoo ects! S790 “Tense rom mcr Ad 150000 | | vignschot duets $000 sent 100000 |) Ler poymene $200 from Revere Bullng projet oow dorshopeastmod) $1500 {TAL ESTIMATED REVENUE Bldeginprovemant-clasvoonsconsivcion $3000.00 ‘use eps lactose to et) 7500 Mage (ae) 00 Untorms $6,000 Specaledvation Fund Revenue Baget 72026 fl] spe vation Fund Expense Budget Frame roe ssanen sre eres $2000 Salaries tocar sno Sie -106A $737 woe ‘x0 | | swpoyepsiatine ras ‘oe syst | | Spctaed seve (1/075, ) sasnaze TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE “TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES 03/13/2023, Section 12 ‘Statement recognizing any requests for minor boundary changes to school district not involved in the reorganization. 1 this plan is approved by the voters and becomes effective July 1, 2024, the new Colome school board may allow a boundary change aftr the effective date pursuant to either SDCL 13- 6-842 (land exchange). All boundary changes must be continuous as per SDCL 13-6-84.1, Boundary changes must be requested to the district in which they attach to. If this plan is rejected by the voters, a boundary change may be allowed by existing school board pursuant to SOC 13-6-84,2 (land exchange). All boundary changes must be continuous as per SOCL 13-6-84.1. Section 13 Additional Information to show compliance with SD Board of Education Standards. Inthe publichearings held December 5* in Colome and November 28% in Wood, the citizens who brought the petition (from the Wood/Witten area) made it clear that they did not want to close Colome, but rather to change the district in which the petitioners paid thelr property taxes, Many of thelr children alceady attend the White River School District. The Colome. Consolidated School Distrit was also no longer able to keep the Wood schoo! open with a decline in students attending the Wood school ‘The feedback from those attending the publle meetings was that they were satisfied with the language ofthis reorganization lan because It had the most potential to pass when it reaches ‘the public vote - especially since it kept the Colome school open. We did not receive any written or verbal request for changes tothe plan we presented atthe public meetings nor any alternative plan suggestions. The Colome School Board did nat receive a request forthe plan to ‘adhere tothe exact language ofthe petition. 20 Proposed New District Areas Atbachment B e@ ee ete co [CHAMBERLAIN 07-13 Sia flochrent C4 ‘COLOME SCHOOL DISTRICT (59-3) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS C5 FOOMEAP AL ee Scho Distecd) ccomne [slay TRIPP COUNTY, SD Wilson Township 98-76 All of Sec 23, 24, 25, 34, 35, 36 All of Sec 26 except S1/2-SW1/4 All of Sec 27 except $1/2-S1/2 Colome Township 98-75 All of Township Irwin Township 98-74 Allof Sec 6 Sec 19 NW1/4 Sec 30 W1/2, W1/2-SE1/4, N1/2NE1/4, SE1/4-NE1/4 McNeely Township 97-76 All of Sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 35 & 36 Sec7 N4/2 Sec19 $1/2 & NE1/4 Sec 20 $1/2 & NE1/4 Sec29 S1/2 Sec30 1/2 Sec31 £1/2-E1/2, NE1/4-NW1/4 & W1/2-NE1/4 Sec 33 N1/2 &SE1/4 Atlochment C-2 Pleasant View Township 97-75. All of Township Elliston Township 97-74 All of Sec 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 31, 33 Sec4 swi/4 Sec8 N1/2 Sec15 SW1/4 Sec 16 W1/2 &SE1/4 Sec17 N1/2 Sec26 NE1/4&S1/2 Sec 28 NW1/4&S1/2 Sec 30 NW1/4 &S1/2 Sec 32 N1/2&SW1/4 Sec 34 W1/2 & NE1/4 Sec35 N1/2 &SE1/4 Lake Township 96-76 All of Sec 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36 Sec3 $1/2 & NE1/4 Sec4 SE1/4 Sec9 £1/2 Sec17 1/2 & E1/2-W1/2 Atlochment C-4 Sec 20 £1/2 Sec 29 NE1/4 &SE1/4 Sec 32 E1/2 Stewart Township 96-75 All of Township Lincoln Township 96-74 All of Township Rames Township 95-76 Allof Sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36 Sec 25 SE1/4, NE1/4, NW1/4, SW1/4 containing Townsite Wewela except Indian Land within the Townsite Sec 26 SE1/4, NW1/4, SW1/4 Keyapaha Township 95-75 All of Township Valley Township 95-74 All of Township Except N1/2 & W1/2-SW1/4 of Sec 13 & Except NE1/4-SE1/4 & S1/2-SE1/4 of Sec 14 Atechment C-2 COLOME CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITTEN/WOOD AREA (Te Gene Dinner Sehool District) TRIPP COUNTY, SD 103-79 Pahapesto twp (unorganized) SW1/4.NE/4 LOTS 345,678; 1/2-SE1/4, NWA/4-SE1/4 SEC 25 103-78 Pahapesto twp (unorganized) \orp.o.1 sec30 Lors3 87; E1/2-NEY/4;Se1/4; LOTS: Se1/6-WA/4 SEC3 102-79 Pahapesto twp (unorganized) eurseca exastea2 exastcas 102-78 Pahapesto twp (unorganized) sunseca nuasecs, ALLOFSECS,7 89 wayasecto way2sec14 ALoFsecas suaseyyasecis seuasec is swi/asec20 auLorsec2 Naya sways sec 22 way sec23 exsec2e 1/2 & NEL/A-NWI/S eC 25 w/a sec 26 Pan raza nwyjasec27 Nea awa/2 sec28 waa sec 28 Wienn2si/a seca uaya-swa/s ; Nea/a; Na/2-se2/4 SEC35 wave jNa/2-sw/a ; NEY; NY/2-SEI/a SEC36 101-78 Curlew twp Nia;swyasec ya seca seyasecs waprseca AWLOFSECS, s2sec7 ALLOFSECRRS w/e sec 10 ALLOF SECTIONS 15,16,1718,18, 20821 waza seiya sec22 siz sec23 Nuj2sec2s AALLOFSEC27,28 29,3031 sya; we1/asec 32 ALLOFSEC33 seiyasec34 sma sec3s 101-79 Curlew twp seijaseca3 ey2secz4 eyasecas ey2sec36 Allachmend Cd {AL OF 100-79 except LOT 1 OF SEC 10 & except N1/2 & SE1/4 OF SEC 11 (PROGRESSIVE TWP} Pa? Attachment C-o2 100-78 Witten twp Lorsa.a4; se1/a sec7 AULOF SEC13;12, 138.14 Naya; swaya secs w/a sw; NEI/4-SWI/4 SEC 16 sueseca7 ways sec 18 AUF 9 nuy2sec20 ‘Nwa/4 & SW-NE3/4 (CONTAINING PART OF OLD WITTEN) E1/2-91/4 & W/2-SE1/4 SEC24 Newasecas ALLOF 24 excopt s1/2-SW1/4 ALLOF as wip sec 6 eyaswiastc27 e/a sec 28 [ALLOF 29,20, 3,32, 33 [which contalns City of Witten), 8 34 sy2secas ALLOF 6 99-79 Carter twp ALoFsec1e2 1/2, SE1/4 & LOT 1IN SE1/4SWWi/4 SEC 3 ALOFSECA Na/2.& NE-SW1/4; Na/2-SE1/4 ECO e/a @ ni/2-sea/a Sec 10 ‘vw; Ma/2-NEx/4 Sw/a-WeN/a C11 Nway/anwa/a SEC 12 99-78 Jordan twp Niyasecs Atachment C-3 COLOME CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 59-3 ND IN MELLETTE COUNTY, . To Become shite Te Oisherel) MOSHER TOWNSHI ‘Township 40 Range 25: All BUTTE TOWNSHIP: Township 40 Range 26 All FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP: ‘Township 40 Range 27 All ROSEBUD TOWNSHIP: ‘Township 41 Range 25 All Township 41 Range 26 All BADNATION TOWNSHIP: ‘Township 42 Range 25 All ‘Township 42 Range 26 All CODY TOWNSHIP: Township 42 Range 26 all ‘Township 43 Range 26 ALL UNORGANIZED TOWNSHIP: TOWNSHIP 41 RANGE 27 ALL TOWNSHIP 43 RANGE 25 ALL TOWNSHIP 43 RANGE 26 ALL Atlachment €-3 UNORGANIZED TOWNSHIP CONTINUED: Township 40 Range 28: Sec. 1£1/2,SW1/4 —_ Sec. 10 N1/2, SW1/4, W1/2SE1/4 Sec. 2E1/2,SW1/4 Sec. 11 N 1/2 Sec. 3 N1/2 Sec. 12 N1/2, SEL/4 Sec, 9 SE1/4 Township 41 Range 28 Sec. 13 $1/2 Sec. 24 All Sec. 25 N4/2 Sec. 26 NE1/4 Township 42 Range 27 Sec. 1S1/2 Sec. 14, 12, 13, 14 ALL Sec, 2,3,4,5 ALL Sec. 22E% Sec. 9 W % Sec. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ALL Sec. 10 N% Sec, 33, 34, 35, 36 ALL Township 43 Range 27 Sec. 1 Lots 1-6, $1/2SW1/4, SW1/4SE1/4 Sec. 23 N1/2, SE1/4 Sec. 2 Lots 1-5, $1/251/2, NE1/4NE1/4 Sec. 3 Lots 1-4, SW1/4, SW1/4SE1/4 Sec. 4 Lots 1-4, $1/2NE1/4 Sec. 25 E1/2 Sec. 9 N1/2, SE1/4 Sec. 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 24 ALL Sec. 36 $1/2 ‘Township 44 Range 27 Sec. 34 Lots 1-4 ‘ALL WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M.

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