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Psychology of Health & Wellbeing

Format 2_Assignment
Billy Joel Flores Pérez

Definition 1 (CITE) Definition 2 (CITE) Definition 3 (CITE)

Health Alessandro Seppilli In 1959, Herbert L. Health is not only the
(1971) defines health Dunn described health absence of disease,
as "a condition of as follows: but is a resource for
functional balance, daily life, not the goal
both mental and High level of well- of living. Health is a
physical, leading to a being: state of complete
dynamic integration of An integrated method physical, mental and
the individual in his of functioning oriented social well-being, and
natural and social toward maximizing the not only the absence
environment". potential of which the of conditions or
individual is capable. diseases (Lalonde,
It requires the 1974).
individual to maintain
a continuous balance
and purposeful
direction within the
environment in which
he or she is

Three dimensions:
Organic or Physical,
Psychological and
Social: Human beings
occupy a maximum
position in all three
dimensions to be in
good health or have a
high degree of well-
being, which will
depend to a large
extent on the

Good health: A passive

state of adaptability to
one's environment.

Well-being: A dynamic
growth towards the
Psychology of Health & Wellbeing

achievement of one's
Quality of Life "Quality of life is the "Quality of life is the Calman (1997) defines
subjective evaluation patient's appreciation it as Satisfaction, joy,
of the good or of his or her life and fulfilment and the
satisfactory character satisfaction with his or ability to cope... a
of life as a whole" her current level of measure of the
(Szalai, 1980). functioning compared difference, over time,
to what he or she between a person's
perceives as possible or hope and expectations
ideal" (Celia and with their present
Tulsky, 1990). individual experience.
Well-being integrates mental As the condition of Well-being is the state
health (mind) and being comfortable, that is reached when
physical health healthy and happy one feels and
(body) resulting in (Sfeatcu, 2014) develops well in life
more holistic (Balica, 2021).
approaches to disease
prevention and health
promotion (CDC,
Personal conclusion


EL CONCEPTO DE SALUD: Conceptos Básicos- © 2000 Edgar Lopategui. (2024).

Balica, M. (2021). ¿Qué es el bienestar?

Lonescu, M. (2014). The concept of wellbeing in relation to health and quality of life.


Psychology of Health & Wellbeing
Calman, K.C. (1987). Definitions and dimensions of quality of life. En N.K. Aaronson & Beckman
(Eds.), The Quality of life cancer patients (pp.1-9). New York: Ravens Press.

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