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Course code: IT 221 Credit Hours: 3

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo
Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Lecture Objectives
By the end of this lecture the student will be able to:
• Explain input and output design in system development.
• Choose appropriate input media and devices for a given system
• Design good forms for collecting user inputs
• Design good reports that meet users’ specifications.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Introduction - 1
• All types of systems need to include a transfer of data or information
(through user interfaces) between users and the system.
• Whiles we make provision for inputs, towards output from
information systems, let us be guided by the old saying:
Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO).
• Computers produce displays and printable reports that are to be
read and used by people; therefore, they must be clear, neat, and
easy to understand.
• Clarity is the primary concern when designing input forms and
output reports.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Input Design - 1
• Input design specifies how the user-originated input data are
converted to a computer based format.
• The important goal served by input design in IS development is to:
capture and get data into a format suitable for computer.
• Input design may introduce new attributes into the system being
• It also includes methods for validating input-data accuracy.
• The overall objective of input design is “Minimizing quantity of data
entered while controlling errors and delay”.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Types of Inputs
• Inputs can be classified according to two characteristics namely:
 How data is initially captured, entered and processed.
 The method and technology used to capture and enter the data.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Types of Inputs – Data Entry
• This is the process of translating the source data or document into
computer-readable format.
• When data entry used to be 100 percent keyboard, data entry
clerks were employed in large numbers by most businesses.
• In this era where online computing is very common, data entry
responsibilities have shifted directly to system users.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Data Processing – Batch Processing
• This is a data processing method whereby data about many
transactions is collected as a single file, which is then processed.
• In batch processing, the entered data is collected into files called
• The processing of time cards in most organizations still use this data
processing technique.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Input Methods, Media and Devices
• Source data can be entered into systems using a variety of input media and
• These are the following:
1. Keyboard and Mouse
2. MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
3. OCR(Optical Character Recognition)
4. Optical Bar Code Reader
5. Touch Screen
6. Point-of-Sale(POS)
7. Sound and Speech
8. Smart Cards
9. Biometric
10. Electromagnetic Transmission

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Optical Character Recognition(OCR)
• Optical Character Recognition(OCR) is the mechanical or
electronic conversion of images of typewritten or printed text into
machine-encoded text.
• This is an input technology that can read characters directly from
an ordinary piece of paper by using scanning mechanism.
• Unlike MICR, OCR recognizes pencil or ink characters by their
shape rather than magnetic patterns.
• OCR targets typewritten text, one glyph or character at a time.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Touch Screen
• A touch screen is an electronic visual display that the user can
control through simple or multi-touch gestures by touching the
screen with a special stylus/pen, and or one or more fingers.
• It is a computer display screen that is sensitive to human touch,
allowing a user to interact with the computer by touching pictures
or words on the screen.
• Touch screens are used with devices and systems designed to help
individuals who have difficulty in manipulating a mouse or

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Classification of Forms
• Forms are classified into the following three types:
• Action forms
Action forms request that the user performs certain actions. E.g purchase
order and application forms.
• Memory forms
These are forms that record historic data such as bond form, inventory
record, stock ledgers etc. They are prepared for future reference
• Report forms
They provide summarized information to users pertaining to those parts of
the organization that may need attention. They are usually used for
decision making. e.g. Balance sheets, P/L

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Sample Form for Output

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

The Seven Sections of a Form - 1

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Good Display Design
• The guidelines for display design are:
1. Keep the display simple – Take note of the heading, body, and
instructions and comments sections.
2. Keep the display presentation consistent. – Create a
resemblance of the source documents
3. Facilitate user movement among display screens and pages. –
remember the “three-clicks” rule and use of hyperlinks for web
4. Create an attractive and pleasing display – Keep the displays

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• A GUI is the way that users interface with the Windows and
Macintosh OSs.
• This is also referred to as a point-and-click interface.
• The basic element of a GUI is the window.
• A window is a rectangular area on the screen that displays
information from a running program.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Figure 12.10 The designer has many GUI components that allow flexibility in designing input
screens for the Web or other software packages. This example is from Microsoft Access

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Option Boxes
• A circle called an option button or a radio button, is used to select
exclusive choices.
• Option or radio buttons are used for exclusive choices
• Choices are listed to the right of the button, in some sequence
• Often they are placed in a rectangle called an option group
• If more than six option buttons are used, a list box or drop-down
list box should be implemented

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Sliders, Spin Buttons and Image Maps

• Sliders and spin buttons are used to change data that have a
continuous range of values.
• Image maps are used when creating Web pages containing maps
with instructions to click in a certain area in order to view a detailed
map of the region.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Text Area, Message Boxes and
Command Buttons
• A text area is used for entering a larger amount of text.
• Text areas can include a number of rows, columns, and
scroll bars that allow the user to enter and view text
greater than the size of the box area.
• Message boxes are used to warn users and provide
feedback messages in a dialog box
• Command buttons perform an action when users click on

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Output Design
• The output of a computer system is the primary contact
between the system and most users.
• The quality of this output and its usefulness determine
whether the system will be used or not.
• While designing output, one should try to accomplish the
a. Determine what information to present to the user?
b. Decide whether to display or print the information and accordingly
select the output medium.
c. Arrange the presentation of information in an acceptable format
d. Decide how to distribute the output to intended recipients.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Report Generation
• Printed reports are formal documents that provide users with the
information so that users can perform their jobs effectively.
• Clarity of the printed data is the primary concern when designing
output screens and printed reports.
• Printed reports fall into three major categories:
1. Transaction Reports
2. Exception Reports
3. Summary Reports

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Factors to Consider in Report Design
• The reports generated using computerized systems may fall short
of the expectation of the user or the management.
• The factors to be considered in report design are:
 Completeness
 Appropriateness
Method of Presentation
Timing and Frequency

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Presentation Method &Timing and Frequency

• Method of Presentation
The report should be so designed that it is direct and to the point.
The presentation should be in simple form and show the numbers in the
form of graphs and pictures.
• Timing and Frequency
The response time of a report should be short enough so that the
information does not lose its freshness and value, but it should be long
enough to reduce cost of preparation.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

Summary - 2
• In form design, ensure that you give descriptive headings, allow
maximum readability and provide logical flow of information.
• The output of a computer system is the primary contact between
the system and most users.
• Printed reports are formal documents that provide users with the
information they need to perform their job functions effectively.
• Reports should be complete, appropriate, presentable, timely and
of reasonable frequency.

Abiew Nuku Atta Kordzo (Systems Analysis: 2016) - GTUC

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