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1.What does Ashley do for a living?

she is a senior at the University of Northern Iowa where she studies general communication

2. How does her condition affect her daily activities and how does she deal with it?

it's a little harder for her to type so she can't type as fast as she wants to and she wants
everyone to just take the stairs and she doesn't necessarily just want to not complain because
I don't really feel like they have the right to complain.

3. What is her attitude towards life? Does she feel disabled from certain activities?

she says she can't handle my handicap my muscles are constantly as i get older my
metabolism slows down like everyone else's but at the same time it's very hard for me to gain
a ton of weight unless i really don't care about myself So what do you really want to do that
might be more difficult for you? I would love to run I can't run I don't know that feeling so I
would love to run I feel a little undervalued like it's not that important.

4.How would your life be different if you were handicapped and had to use a wheelchair? What would
be different for you? (Use mixed conditionals in the answer

it would be very difficult for me t go from walking and some reason to being in a
wheelchair because my life is very active and i like to exercise in the gym and ride a bike
and like to be independient in all the activities of my life. but like everything life you have to
face it. i would take dertermination if i were to end up in a wheerchair.

5.How do you react when you have to interact with a handicapped person?

I try to help people who are disabled but I never try to make them feel inferior or useless.

I make her feel as good as possible because for them all her life will be with difficulties that
few of us understand.

6.How can you contribute to improve the life of handicapped people?

I, as a civil engineer, will take into account when making a construction that I must think about
people with disabilities and that it is very difficult for them to move around as any person
without disabilities would.

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