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Questão 01

Observe a imagem abaixo tendo como base a educação online.

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A imagem acima representa que

A) The best way of learning is through online stuff.

B) Online tools are more important than touchable ones.
C) Buying computers today is better because there are many ways of studying.
D) Wi-Fi connection is available for people around the world, with no money specially.
E) The picture displays new ways of learning not necessarily through touchable stuff but by using
online tools.
Questão 02
Leia o texto abaixo observando o seu conteúdo.
Today, more than ever before, technology plays an important role in society. It is changing and will
continue to change every aspect of how we live. It is changing the way we communicate, the way we
do business, how we learn and teach, and even it’s changing the way our brains work.
Because of the arrival of technology, the learning environment is changing. Students have more options
than they ever would have imagined. In olden days, people used to only learn in a classroom. But
today, people just need a computer and WIFI. They learn when it is convenient for them, at home or a
coffee shop. As the skills, knowledge, and needs of the student change, so does the role of the teacher.
Four Ways Technology is Changing How People Learn Infographic. Available at:
Learn-Infographic. Accessed on: 31 dez. 2021. © Copyright
O objetivo do texto é mostrar que

A) A tecnologia está mudando a maneira como as pessoas vivem.

B) Os negócios, o ensino e a comunicação não estão mudando.
C) As pessoas costumavam acessar a internet mais do que agora.
D) É necessário ter mais do que apenas um computador e Wi-Fi.
E) As pessoas escolhem lugares estranhos para aprender o que precisam sobre a tecnologia.

Modelo: 1 2 3 4 | 2ª série formativa cap 2_ING 1

Grupo Escolar Sonho Meu

Questão 03
Leia o texto abaixo e observe o que se fala sobre inclusão social.
In every country, some groups confront barriers that prevent them from fully participating in political,
economic, and social life. These groups may be excluded not only through legal systems, land, and
labor markets, but also discriminatory or stigmatizing attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions. Disadvantage is
often based on social identity, which may be across dimensions of gender, age, location, occupation,
race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship status, disability, and sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI),
among other factors. This kind of social exclusion robs individuals of dignity, security, and the
opportunity to lead a better life. Unless the root causes of structural exclusion and discrimination are
addressed, it will be challenging to support sustainable inclusive growth and rapid poverty reduction.
Social Inclusion. Available at::https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/social-inclusion Accessed on: 31
dez. 2021. © 2021 The World Bank Group, All Rights Reserved.
O texto mostra

A) como as pessoas são excluídas apenas por causa de suas crenças.

B) o oposto do significado de inclusão social.
C) a exclusão social é uma forma de apoiar as pessoas em suas vidas.
D) a redução da pobreza está crescendo por causa da inclusão social.
E) a exclusão social leva a uma vida melhor.

Modelo: 1 2 3 4 | 2ª série formativa cap 2_ING 2

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