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Standard Model of Particle Physics

Extra Exercise chapter 4

Question 1. Using the amplitudes for the helicity states, estimate the differential cross section
for the process e + µ → e + µ, following the next steps:

1. Using Feynman rules for QED show that the lowest order matrix element is:
Mf i = − g µν [ū(p 3 )γµ u(p 1 )][ū(p 4 )γν u(p 2 )]
(p 1 − p 3 )2

2. Working in the center-of-mass system of reference and writing the four-momenta of

µ µ
the initial and final electrons as p 1 = (E 1 , 0, 0, p) and p 3 = (E 1 , psi n(θ), 0, pcos(θ)), show
that the currents associated to the electron for the 4 helicity combinations can be writ-
ten as:

u¯↓ (p 3 )γµ u ↓ (p 1 ) = 2(E 1 c, ps, −i ps, pc)

u¯↑ (p 3 )γµ u ↓ (p 1 ) = 2(ms, 0, 0, 0)
u¯↑ (p 3 )γµ u ↑ (p 1 ) = 2(E 1 c, ps, i ps, pc)
u¯↓ (p 3 )γµ u ↑ (p 1 ) = −2(ms, 0, 0, 0)

where s = si n(θ/2) y c = cos(θ/2).

3. Explain why the effect of applying the parity operator P = γ0 is:

P u ↑ (p, θ, φ) = u ↓ (p, π − θ, π + φ)

Using this property, estimate the currents associated to the muons for the different he-
licity combinations.

4. In the relativistic case E >> M , show that the matrix element squared for the case in
which both the incident electron and muon are left-handed, is given by:

4e 2 s 2
|M LL |2 =
(p 1 − p 3 )4

where s = (p 1 + p 2 )2 . Find the expressions for M RR , M RL y M LR .

5. In the relativistic limit show that the differential cross section for this process, in the
non-polarized cases (average of all helicity combinations) is given in the center-of-
mass system of reference by:

d σ 2α2 1 + 1/4(1 + cos(θ))2

dΩ s (1 − cos(θ))2

Please try to be brief in your answers.

And do not get frustrated if the exercise is hard.

Just write me an e-mail if you don’t know how to proceed.

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