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La Salle High School – Margarita

Infographic on Present Simple vs. Present Progressive

Objective: Due date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024.

1. Improve their understanding of the differences between the present simple and present progressive tenses.
2. Use both tenses to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking or versus habitual actions.

1. The student must create an infographic of the present simple vs. present progressive tense, showing the forms, uses and time expressions, including example
sentences and creative images.
2. Students should come to class with all the necessary materials to make their infographics (pen, pencils, markers, colors, ruler, scissors and images, their sample
3. The assignment will be done collaboratively during class time (4-5 participants).
4. Student should use a long folder (8.5 x 14) to create the infographic material.
5. Use real life example sentences.
6. Read the rubric and make sure to include all the elements asked for to get a good grade.

Participants: Group: 8° _______



Teacher: Giselle Whyte Total Points: 35

Rubric: Infographic on Present Simple vs. Present Progressive

1 2 3 4 5 Obt. Pts
Below Expectations Approaching Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding

Form is creative,
Clear and visually appealing engaging, and highly
Incorrect form used; does not Partially correct form used; Correct form used; clearly
form used; effectively effective in
clearly distinguish between somewhat distinguishes distinguishes between
Form distinguishes between distinguishing
present simple and present between present simple and present simple and
present simple and present between present
progressive. present progressive. present progressive.
progressive. simple and present

Uses inappropriate content; Contains some relevant Uses innovative

Provides appropriate
does not effectively content but lacks clarity in Effectively demonstrates the approaches to
content to showcase the
Use showcase the uses of showcasing uses of present uses of present simple and showcase the uses of
uses of present simple and
present simple and present simple and present present progressive. present simple and
present progressive.
progressive. progressive. present progressive.
1 2 3 4 5 Obt. Pts
Below Expectations Approaching Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding

Provides insightful
Incorrectly identifies time Partially correct identification Correctly identifies time Accurately identifies and explanations and
Time expressions for present of time expressions for expressions for present explains time expressions for examples of time
Expressions simple and present present simple and present simple and present present simple and present expressions for
progressive. progressive. progressive. progressive. present simple and
present progressive.

Examples are
compelling, varied,
Examples are inappropriate Provides clear and
Offers diverse and illustrative and effectively
Example or inaccurate for present Some examples are relevant relevant examples for
examples for present simple highlight the
Sentences simple and present but lack variety and clarity. present simple and
and present progressive. differences between
progressive. present progressive.
present simple and
present progressive.

Images are somewhat Images are unique,

Missing or irrelevant images; Includes relevant images Engaging and informative
Creative related but do not visually captivating,
does not enhance that enhance images that effectively
Images significantly contribute to and enhance the
understanding. understanding. support the content.
understanding. overall presentation.

Serves as a role
Occasionally displays Shows appropriate Consistently demonstrates
Displays disruptive behavior model in behavior
Behavior and disruptive behavior and behavior in class and positive behavior and
and consistently late in and consistently
Punctuality sometimes late in meets submission submits assignments on
submission. submits assignments
submission. deadlines. time.
ahead of schedule.

Works well with others in Collaborates effectively with
Collaborative Does not participate in group Minimal participation in group teamwork; goes
group settings; contributes peers; actively contributes to
Work work; hinders progress. work; limited contribution. above and beyond to
to the team. group objectives.
ensure group

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