Patrice Miller - Temperament, Early Experiences and The Behavior of Mothers vs. Strangers As Influences On Infant Crying

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Temperament, Early Experiences, and the Behavior of

Mothers Vs. Strangers as Influences on Infant Crying

Patrice Marie Miller

Salem Slale Col/ege & Harvard Medical School

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To address questions aboul the relationship of both environ­ factors, both environmental and biological. This paper will
mental and biological variables 10 individual differences in examine the influence of both environmental and biological
infants' reactions /0 strangers and mother. this study compared factors on infants' reactions to strangers.
extended interactions between strangers versus mothers with The first factor that may be important is that in a situa­
the same 2- and 5-month old infants. Two visils were made 10 tion in which two people are interacting with each :Kher,
the injanl's home, once 10 observe the inJant with the mother there may be an influence of the one person's beha.. rl>r on
and once with the stranger. Infants fussed and cried signifi­ the other's. This is a purely environmental stimull1. vari­
cantly more often with strangers and pOSitively vocalized more able. So, for example, the infant may either respond JitTer­
with their mothers. The in/anls' frequency of crying wilh endy to similar behaviors depending on whether a sl. anger
strangers was no/found to be related /0 the stranger'$ immedi­ or a mother performed the behavior, or perhapi the
ately preceding behavior. Other variables, such as those hav­ stranger's behavior is somehow different from the mH(her's
Ing to do with problematic events surrounding the in/ant's birth and this causes a reaction in the infant.
and with in/ant temperament, were also nOI relaled 10 individ­ The second factor that may be important is that different
ual differences in in/anI crying when with slrangers. One thing kinds of history and experiences of infants over time may
thaI mighl account /or differences in how much in/ants cry with affect their reactions to strangers. Variables based on these
strangers was thaI slrangers had more difficulty in consoling experiences measure aspects of the infant's reinforcement
in/anls. history. Two aspects of the infant's history will be studied
here. The first, is whether there were any problems sur·
When infants of about eight months of age are approached by a rounding the infants' birth. Such problems can best be seen
stranger, they will exhibit many behaviors. Some of these may as being a combination of biological and environmental
be considered positive, such as smiling and vocalizing to the factors. For example, the development of infants born be­
stranger. Others, such as looking away, turning away, or cry­ fore their due dates may show adverse consequences due to
ing, may be considered negative. These negative behaviors the fact of their premature birth (a biological fact). It has
have been called "stranger anxiety" (see Clarke-Stewart, 1978 been shown, however, that parents of such infants also in­
for a review). Following Clarke-Stewan's review, there were teract with them differently, and this may have shon and
few additional studies of stranger anxiety. Perhaps the review long tenn effects as well (see, for example, Kopp, 1983).
convinced researchers that there were few interesting issues left The sample for the current study consisted of infants who
to study. Perhaps equally influential was the work of Kagan were chosen for as much normality as possible. Families
(1976). He used a number of different data sets, from different were middle class, and infants who were premature or had
cultures, to show similar growth functions and a characteristic other major difficulties were excluded. Nevenheless, there
peak of stranger anxiety at around eight months of age. Based may be some effects of differences in experiences surround­
on these data, he declared that fear of strangers was a universal ing the birth. such as type of delivery, length of labor or use
developmental phenomena, which could best be explained by of anaesthesia (e.g. Brackbill, McManus & Woodward,
maturation of the brain. This again might have suggested to 1985). Such experiences may have the general effect of
researchers that there was no reason for further study. increasing infant irritability, at least in the shon run, and
There are some important reasons, however, why funher may also be stressful for the mother, which may change the
study is warranted. Earlier work focused on normative trends. kinds of interactions that take place between mother and
averaging across infants. Why some infants, in some situations. infant.
may have had either a more or a less intense reaction was never Another aspect of the infant's history is their previous
examined. While reactions to strangers may have a biological exposure to caregivers other than the mother. One study
basis, from a dynamical systems perspective (e.g. Novak, 1996) (Lamb & Malkin, 1986) showed that at least initially,
it would be expected that ditTerences in individual infants' reac­ changing caregivers can disrupt infant behavior. For exam­
tions to strangers could result from a number of interrelated ple, very young infants cried more after a change in care-

Vol. 1, Fall 2001. Behavioral Development Bulletin

givers. However, it would be expected that if infants had ex­ girls. Only infants whose mothers had chosen to stay at
tended interactions with a variety of caregivers, they might home (at least during tl:".SC early months of life) were cho-.
learn new behaviors that make it less upsetting to interact with sen for the sample.
a new caregiver. In support of this, it has been shown that after
extended interactions with nonmatemal caregivers, infants can Procedure
develop attachment relationships with them (Howes. 1999)
The third factor that may be imponant is the infant's tem­ Two visits were made to the infant's home. During one visit
pel ament (as perceived by the mother). This may be an impor­ the infant was observed in interaction with his or her
tant biologically-based influence on how infants react to an mother; during the other visit they were observed in interac�
unlamiliar person or situation (e.g., Goldsmith &: Campos. tion with the stranger. Whether the mother or the stranger
1990). In particular, an infant's tendency to approach or with­ was observed first, was counterbalanced. Eight different
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

draw from novelty, to adapt easily to new situations, to have a strangers. all female. worked in the study. They were se­
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

low or a high threshold of reactivity, to react with high or low lected because they all had previous experience caring for
intensity to experiences, and to be generally in a good mood or infants. Four were mothers themselves, and the other four
nOl, may all affect how they would react to a stranger. had extensive babysitting experience, and had responded to
an ad that said. "00 you like babies?" and then explained
The Current Study the study.
Each visit consisted of three trials. The first 15·minute
The majority of past studies of infants and strangers focused on trial consisted of unstructured play or interaction. Mothers
infants six months or older. Eight months was apparently estab­ and strangers were simply told to interact with the baby the
lished as the peak of stranger anxiety, and studies were planned way that they would if "they had nothing else to do." The
8J'IJund that "fact". Investigating stranger reactions in younger second trial, which lasted approximately five minutes, con·
inlants can begin to elucidate some of the origins of stranger sisted of a diaper change (whether the baby 'needed' one or
andety in earlier infancy. This study, then, will focus on in­ not). The third trial, called the stressor trial, was variable in
fallts younger than six months of age. length. During this trial, three mildly stressful events (e.g.
In planning a study of infants' interactions with strangers, it washing infant's face, or putting the infant down by itself on
is important to note that the majority of such subjects examined a quilt on the floor) were administered by the observer.
very brief encounters in relatively "strange" situations, and SO After a predetennined amount of time, the caregiver
may not have that much applicability for infants in the real (whether stranger or mother) was asked to pick the baby up.
world (Clarke·Stcwart, 1978). They were, in effect, examining If the baby was crying. they were to try and console them.
the behavior of unfamiliar individuals, engaging in generally A single observer recorded infant and caregiver behav·
strange behavior, in unfamiliar situations (to slightly paraphrase iars on a MORE micro-proces5Ot' event recorder. The 57
Bronfenbrenner,1979). Although some of the situations in caregiver and 45 infant behaviors were collapsed into 12
which infants encounter strangers are of this kind, it is probably caregiver behavior categories and 11 infant behavior catego­
equally common for infants to encounter strangers who come to ries (Table 1). These categories, originally developed for an
th,.ir homes, perhaps as babysitters or friends of their parents. observational study done with the Gusii in Kenya (LeVine
The current study examines extended interactions between et al., 1994), have also been used in studies of Boston moth­
strangers and young infants (two and five months of age) and ers and infants and Mexican mothers and infants (leVine,
compares these to similar interactions between these infants and Miller &. Richman, 1996; Richman et aJ., 1988; Richman,
their mothers. These extended interactions with strangers were Miller & leVine, 1992)
designed to be similar to an initial babysitting situation. The
current situation differs from the situations in traditional Table I
"stranger anxiety" studies the following respectS: it is much ColllJDS�d IHhaviOf'QI Codinll CQt�llori"
longer in length, it attempts to be naturalistic rather than artifi·
cial, and the stranger enters the situation with the instruction INFANT CAREGIVER
that they are to behave as a caregiver to that infant during the Fuss/cry Voc:&Iize:
interaction. The mother was never available during these inter� Positive vocalize: Imitatcllaugh
actions to rescue either the stranger or the infant. Will there be Smile Smile/pJayface
any evidence that even young infants differentiate in their be· Negative expressiveness Gesture/games
havior between strangers and mother? If this differentiation is Selr.-console Caretaking
present. what environmental and biological variables are related Look Look
to it? Physical Soothing physical contact
Objcct mediated Jll12ing up/exercising
METHOD Ncxt lo Pick up
Noninleraclive Nut to
Partidpants Miscellaneous Objcct mediated
The panicipants in this study were 24 two- and 24 five·month­ Miscellaneous
old first-born infants; half at each age were boys and half were

Vol, 1, Fall 2001. Behavioral Development Bull.tln

Additional data about both the infant and his or her early envi­ The analysis will now focus on the possible reasons for
ronment were also collected via questionnaires. One question­ the finding thai infants cried more when being cared for by
naire asked simple questions about the infant's binh and about strangers than when being cared for by their mothers. The
the care environment since birth. For example, mothers were first hypothesis is that it is possible that the stranger was
asked about the infant's birthweight and length, who delivered engaging in behaviors that lead to increased crying (and
the infant, what problems. if any, did the mother experience, perhaps decreased positive vocalizing) in infants. This t.)'­
what problems, if any, did the infant experience, the length of pothesis may be tested by using sequential analysis. � e­
labor, what type of delivery and what type of anesthesia was quential analysis is a way of examining what is the effect )f
used. With respect to the care environment, mothers were the immediately pre<:eding stranger or mother behavior lat
asked a variety of questions, including who helped the mother time I) on infant behaviors that follow it (at time 2). The
immediately after the birth, who had helped take care of the relationships are expressed in tenns of conditional pro�
infant since that time, and how many people had helped the abilities that tell us how often an infant behavior occurred
mother with childcare. One month after the observations were after a panicular caregiver behavior, compared to how often
completed, the mothers also filled out the Revised Infant Tem­ that behavior occurred overall. A z-score is used to express
perament Questionnaire (Carey & McDevin, t 97 8). the significance of the difference between the conditional
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

probability and the baseline probability (Faraone &.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

RESULTS Dorfman, 1987; Sackett, 1979). Significant findings re­

poned here involve z-scores of al least +1-1.96 (p < .05).
Did the infants behave differently with the mothers and the Figure I shows that following each of the following
strangers? This needs to be established here before any possi­ three behaviors by either caregiver-soothing physical, hold­
ble bases for such differentiation could be examined. Differ­ ing and caregiving-the prObability of infant crying is signifi­
ences between the mean proportions of seven infant behaviors cantly higher than baseline, particularly for two-month-old
(fuss/cry, vocalize, smile, look, physical, object mediated and infants. Although the change from baseline is especially
noninteractive) when two- and five-month-old infants were high following soothing physical by the strangers, it is also
either with the mother or with the stranger were tested using a somewhat higher for mothers following both holding and
three-way ANOVA. Trial type (play, diaper change or stressor) caregiving actions. After other typeS of behavior, there is
was the third factor. The mean proportions for the infant be­ Iinle evidence that infant crying is higher following the
haviors with each caregiver are presented in Table 2. Results same behavior of strangers and of mothers.
shown here will not include age differences or differences in
behavior across trials because there were no significant interac­ Fllurc I.
tions of caregiver with either age or trial type. uten, to which in/ani crying Waf more « I�S3/rt­
quent loI/()Wing 3ewn cangMr Mhavi«s1« two­
Table 1 month oItb (top {XlIV/s) andfiw-montlr oItb (bottOM
Propol'llons of3e/ected behovi«3 by itt/ant3 (irre3J¥ctiw ofagt)
w�n Ming cared/« by mOlhu3 versus 3trongers

Mother Stranger T WO'MONTH OLDS

Fuss/cry .184 .242·· VOUUlE ,CO< I'MYSICAI. ..... ...""

Positive vocalize .173 .122···

B � � �.� � �
Smile .038 .030+
Look .198 .193

Physical .019 .018 .,

Object Mediated .097 .117+ .,
Noninteractive .193 .178 .,
+ Statistical trend
•• p < .01 U
(f) VQC.AUU .... I'MYS!CAI. ..... "".." OIJ[CT '."rT'
•• ·p<.OOOI ,


Table 2 shows that infants fussed and cried significantly more

often when with strangers, F(I,273) - 6.59, P < .01), and posi- .,
tively vocalized more when with their mothers, F(I, 273) - .,
23.14, P < .000 1). Smili!lg occurred more frequently when .,
infants were with their mothers, and object mediated behavior ' .. .01
, .. .001
occurred more frequently when infants were with strangers, but
these were only statistical trends. o STRANGER

Vol. 1, Fall 2001. Behavlorll Development BulieUn

Perhaps other aspectS of the infants' environment. panicularly one interpretation of these findings is that mothers and
the infant's history, were more influential on their behavior. strangers were engaging in behaviors such as holding,
TIle first set of "history" variables had to do with whether or soothing physical, and caregiving, during extended cry
not the mother used alternative caregivers during the infants bouts by infants (see Gewirtz & Pel4ez-Nogue... , 1992). It
ftest few months of life. Although all of these mothers had cho. appears as if the mother or stranger behavior might be caus­
sen to stay home wilh Iheir infants, they nevenheless differed in ing the crying, when all that is happening is that the crying
the degree 10 which they had enlisted help from caregivers out­ is ongoing. In work not reponed on here, Miller (1993)
side of the family. Perhaps infants with more experience with found that infants being taken care of by strangers did nol
nonmatemal caregivers would react differently to strangers. actually slarl crying more often. Instead, once they started,
In fact, different measures of infants' experience with they cried for longer periods of time. This suggests that the
strangers did show some relationships with the simple propor­ strangers may have had more difficulty consoling the infants
tions of crying with both mother and stranger. Here, the alpha than the mothers did; as the result of this, the strangers may
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

level of .OS required for significance was adjusted using the have to engage in more soothing physical as part of their
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Bonferroni procedure to reflect the fact that three comparisons consoling efforts. This might be an effect that would only
arr being made. The adjusted alpha level was p < .017. A P < been seen in the first one or two encounters between an in­
.OJ was equivalent to .09, being at the level of a statistical fant and a new caregiver, and if one observed these interac­
trend. Using this more conservative criterion, it was found that tions over time with the same caregiver, increased crying to
the more people who had helped the mother care for the infant the nonmatemal caregiver might disappear. In other words,
since the infant's binh, the more fussy the infant was likely to infants and caregivers need interactional experience to learn
be with the mother during hoth play, r(47) - .34, P < .03 (a about each other.
"end), and during the s..essor trial, r(47) - .39, P < .007, which Clearly, while there may be a normative developmental
was significant. Infants who were cared for by more outside reaction to strangers that peaks around 8 months of age
caregivers since birth were not foWKI to be fussier with the (Kagan, 1976), the behz"ior of youngcr infants suggests that
strangers. who is taking care of them makes a difference. The behav­
Nine variables having to do with the potential effect of ioral differences seen here are also confinned by a variety of
problematic events sUlTounding the infant's binh (things such studies that show that even very young infants prefer their
as use of anesthesia, type of delivery, length of labor, and so mother'S voice, prefer breast pads worn by their mother to
forth) were not related to infant crying with either the mother Of those of a stranger, and show other related preferences.
the stranger. Measures of temperament, a more biologically­ 11lcse early reactions to strangers do not, most likely, con­
based variable, were also not found to be related to infant cry­ stitute "stranger anxiety." Nevenheless, they are a precur­
ing. sor to the later development of such stranger reactions. It is

also clear that different infants, whether younger or older,

DISCUSSION react differently 10 strangers. These differences may be
related to both biologically-based characteristics of the in­
Infants who were two. and ftve-months�f age behaved differ­ fanl and to characteristics of the environment. In a study
ently when they were interacting with strangers versus mothers, with a more diverse sample, the effect of some of these
crying more with strangers and vocalizing more with their characteristics may have been more clear.
mothers. The current analysis found that the infants' frequency
of crying with strangers was not related to the stranger's REFERENCES
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Vol. 1, Fall 2001. Behavioral Development Bulletin


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