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Organizational Capability

This section will delve into a compelling case study that explores the intricate world of Human
Resources Management of Landbank. It plays a pivotal role in organizations, as it is responsible
for managing one of the most valuable assets; its people. In this case study, we will embark on a
journey to examine the challenges, strategies, and outcomes surrounding an organization’s
approach to HRM. This captivating case study inspires the researchers to redefine the role of
HRM in contributing to organizational excellence and the opportunities that lie within the realm
of human resource management.

How do they ensure the maintenance and upgrading of their organizational competence?

It is known that HRM practices can contribute to organizational excellence, employee

satisfaction, and overall business growth, that is why Landbank ensures the maintenance and
upgrading of their organizational competence. In ensuring the maintenance and upgrading the
organizational competence in the area of human resource management, identifying the
strategies, evaluating the recruitment and selection, examining talent development and training,
performance management review, employee engagement and satisfaction, evaluating the
benefits and compensation, reviewing the employee relations and communication, analyzing the
HR metrics and analytics, considering the compliance and risk management, and seeking
feedback from the HR personnels and manager regarding the effectiveness of their HR practice.

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