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INGLÉS “POW-SANG” 1°Secundaria

Exercise 1: Answer the question

1. Where are you from? __________________________________
2. How do you feel? __________________________________
3. What is your phone number? __________________________________
4. Do you have a pet? __________________________________
5. When is your birthday? __________________________________

Exercise 2: Unit the question with the correct answer

1. When is your birthday? ( ) I feel fine.
2. What is your nickname? ( ) No, I don’t like animals
3. How do you feel? ( ) My phone number is 985 362 741
4. Do you have a pet? ( ) My birthday is on April 9
5. What is your phone number? ( ) My nickname is “sweet”

Exercise 3: Make questions for these answers

1. __________________________________
I feel sad.
2. __________________________________
My birthday is on July 12
3. __________________________________
I’m from Perú
4. __________________________________
Yes, I have a parrot


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