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Hunter Wallace Kjar

Writing 313
February 16th 2024
Shelli Spots

Product: A Sunday Afternoon with The Kjar Family

Caleb Jackson
I recently spent time with the Kjar family and found my time to be well spent on
immature jokes and harassment. The Kjar family doesn’t seem to mess around with finer things
in life, but simply keep situations light and foods heavy. Loved having my needs heard, and my
feelings related to. One of the most welcoming places I’ve been to. Anne (Mother) especially
assured that everyone’s needs were being met. Though slightly political, Joe (Father) made sure
to include everyone in the conversation and got strangely emotional when talking about his
The oldest sister and her husband were kind and had adorable children although relatively
disobedient and excited. Visiting from out of town, Sarah (Second oldest) was kind but seemed
tense and uncomfortable with guests. From what was said of her, her family all boasts of her
undying loyalty. She seems to march to the beat of her own band. She possesses all the attributes
of her Father in political tension. Emma (Third child) was visibly bubbly and kind to me. Her
energy seemed to permeate the whole family. If she were having a bad day, the family would feel
upset as well. And the shining beacon of the whole family was the youngest and only son Hunter.
It was obvious that he was pampered to no end growing up with three older sisters. Even being
the youngest, his presence demanded the attention of his siblings.
A very pleasant afternoon spent with the Kjars and I would recommend them to any of
my friends who are in the area. They kept me entertained and involved. They spent their time on
getting to know me and made me feel accepted as if I were one of them. Great family!

Reserving my 5 stars for families who offer better snacks.

4.5 Stars

Sandra Tennion
Great! Wonderful family with lots of great jokes. The grandkids were my favorite!
Laughing all the time!

5 Stars
Mohammad Abdul Karim
This was a nice family for the money. I loved the welcoming aspect, and they're sturdy.
They meet the minimum requirements. The prime delivery was supposed to be on time, but the
Kjars were consistently 5 minutes late.

3 Stars

Sammy Vogel
My wife desperately needed time alone with Anne to go over how she manages all she
does! With a disabled husband, full time job, and side projects, she couldn’t believe how she did
it. It was obvious that the Kjar family had no idea either!
The youngest son was a bit of a nag, he wouldn’t stop doing homework on his laptop and
his sisters made it a point of harassment.
Felt left out that the inside jokes weren’t explained to me, or when they were, they made
little to no sense at all.

2 Stars

Penelope Richart
The fastest 5 stars I have given any family or product for that matter! I wish they’d adopt
me! Couldn’t get enough of 28-year-old Emma who related with me on reading and obsessed
over J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter series! We spend hours and hours talking about it while the rest
of the family watched the Sunday night football game, but Emma didn’t mean to mind missing
the game at all.

5 Stars

Emily Hansen
Anne and Joe keep things light and jovial all the time. They made me feel loved and
heard and I felt like I would fit in well with the family. The grandchildren were especially
adorable and fun. The food was alright, the Kjars admitted to me that they usually order food to
eat anyway because none of them enjoy cooking all that much.
The hole in the wall in the dining room was glaring. When I asked about it, all of them
seemed to fall out of their seats laughing and couldn’t even tell me what happened. Personally, I
think it is ugly and should be replaced immediately. Also the fueng shway was all wrong. They
had an inherited display cabinet full of Christian statues and a picture of jesus next to it. But they
also had a coke-a-cola plate hanging on the wall just down the hall. The bathroom tile upstairs
was chipped and there were obvious permanent marks from Joe’s walker running over them time
and time again. But overall, a good experience.

4 Stars
Theodore Burns
When I tried to talk to Sarah, she shushed me because the game was on.
1 Star

Jaime Cushing
Addie was kind and really loved boasting about her husband who is a high school
basketball coach. Yeah. He was nice too, but spent a lot of time on his phone. After getting them
both to open up, I found that they are very passionate about the outdoors and own a truck and
camper. My husband also loves camping. Great. The other two daughters got in some political
debate with Joe, their dad. But the son Hunter jumped in and calmed them all down.
I might spend my Sunday afternoons in another home like the Johnsons or Carsons.
3 Stars

Pierre Archibarld
They were nice. They were loud. They listened to Latin American music while cooking
dinner at loud volumes and instead of turning it down to talk, they just spoke louder.
2 Stars

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