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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

The “AI Initiative” Policy Framework: The Basis

for the Proper Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Related Tools in Education

The Contribution of Technology and the Utilization of Artificial Intelligences (AIs)

in Educational Institutions and in Aiding the Academic Endeavors of Students and

A Research Presented to Mr. John Cyrus E. Agustin, Grade 11 Chairperson and

a Senior High School Faculty Member of Taguig Science High School.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Practical Research 1.

Passed By:

Cada, Miguel Julien A.

Camangian, Vhinz Reschian L.
De Vera, Kharis M.
Mayao, Sean Wayne C.
Sanchez, Christian Cire B.

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School


The Problem and Its Background

The researchers implement a critical inquiry to identify the complicated line that divides
resourcefulness and cheating in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically generative AIs
(GenAIs) and their associated technologies. Furthermore, this study will create the necessary
foundations for a framework for the effective application of artificial intelligence, as well as its
limitations and restrictions in the field of education. This chapter acts as a preliminary guide,
providing insight into the whole inquiry that will follow. The following is a synopsis of the research,
including an issue description and the underlying justification for this investigation.

1.1 Introduction

In recent years, the integration of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in academic settings
has received a lot of attention, with the promise of creative solutions and dramatic advances in many
areas of education. However, among the excitement around these developments, it is critical to build
a strong regulatory framework that defines the boundaries and tackles the possible constraints and
limitations associated with their application. This study aims to dive into the intricacies surrounding
the use of artificial intelligence in education, shining light on the issues that educators, policymakers,
and stakeholders face when navigating this changing terrain.

The fast rate of technological progress has resulted in the spread of a wide range of tools and
platforms within educational institutions, including learning management systems, virtual
classrooms, AI-powered tutoring systems, and automated administrative operations. While these
developments offer more efficiency, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences, they also
create serious ethical, privacy, and equality issues. Data privacy, algorithmic bias, the digital divide,
and intellectual property rights are all growing concerns, needing a thorough assessment of the
legislative framework controlling their usage.

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

As highlighted by a study conducted by Olaf Zawacki-Richter et al. Al., titled "Systematic

review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education" (2019) [1], says AI has
the potential to advance the capabilities of learning analytics, but on the other hand, such systems
require huge amounts of data, including confidential information about students and faculty, which
raises serious issues of privacy and data protection. This hints at the fact that technology, along with
artificial intelligence, has the capacity to improve the modes of education in today’s society. Along
with it comes a great price: the use of “high-tech” computers capable of handling the software that
the artificial intelligence tools require. Many schools and institutions are far behind the
modernization program and are not able to sufficiently provide their students with gadgets such as
computers and laptops for education.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the deployment of remote learning
technology, exacerbating existing issues and exposing vulnerabilities in academic infrastructure. As
colleges and schools moved to online settings, worries about data security, student surveillance, and
the digital divide grew, emphasizing the need for strong legislative frameworks to protect the rights
and interests of all parties.

Against this backdrop, this study aims to address a vital vacuum in the literature by diving
into the multiple aspects of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into academics. This study seeks
to illuminate the complexity, inconsistencies, and ambiguities inherent in present regulatory methods
through a rigorous assessment of existing regulations, guidelines, and best practices, complemented
with empirical investigations and stakeholder discussions. We hope to gain comprehensive
knowledge of the difficulties and possibilities presented by developing technologies in educational
contexts by using an interdisciplinary lens that includes education, law, ethics, and technology

Research spearheaded by Göçen and Aydemir, entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Education

and Schools” (2020) [2], showed that the in-depth development of artificial intelligence will affect
many situations, from the restructuring of the social order in the broadest sense to the education and
administration processes in classes and schools. Schools that are expected to adapt to the digital age

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

and embed 21st century skills in their main agendas are some of the main institutions that could be
most affected by the development of artificial intelligence. The study helps us comprehend that all
institutions, regardless of curriculum implementation, will undoubtedly be impacted by the rush of
rapid modernization and the trend of adopting artificial intelligence and its associated instruments. In
many respects, this might benefit both teachers and students, but it takes away the authenticity of
conventional school-based learning and substitutes it with a more "technologized" style.

Finally, the findings of this study are expected to help establish a comprehensive policy
framework customized to the specific needs and settings of academic institutions. This framework
aims to promote ethical practices, preserve fundamental rights, and develop inclusive and equitable
learning environments by clarifying the constraints and limitations associated with the use of
artificial intelligence and related tools in education. As we start on this journey, we recognize the
need for collaborative participation from policymakers, educators, technologists, and other key
stakeholders in charting a road ahead that maximizes the advantages of technology while minimizing
its hazards. Furthermore, this study seeks to distinguish between the resourcefulness of utilizing
artificial intelligence to assist students with their assignments, tasks, and homework and cheating
because it does not entail any additional efforts and so removes the authenticity of completing the
aforementioned duties.

In conclusion, this study aims to add to the ongoing discussion on technology-enhanced

learning and governance by giving insights, recommendations, and guidelines for developing a
strong policy framework for employing AI and related tools in the academic sector. By conducting a
comprehensive examination of the opportunities and challenges presented by these advancements,
we hope to pave the way for a more sustainable and responsible integration of technology into
educational practices, thereby advancing the collective goal of fostering knowledge creation,
dissemination, and innovation in the digital age.

1.2 Background of the Study

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

Artificial intelligence (AI) and computational sciences have generated a rising enthusiasm
within the field of education. Despite being a relatively recent development, AI is progressively
finding its way into educational settings using various approaches, all aimed at enhancing students’
academic performance (García-Martínez, Fernández-Batanero, Fernández-Cerero, & León, 2023) [3].
However, it was identified that teachers from higher education institutions (HEIs) are more skeptical
about artificial intelligence as they are more concerned about the fairness and responsibility and their
lack of knowledge about artificial intelligence and resources to engage with artificial intelligence in
teaching practices may be factor (McGratch, Pargman, Juth, & Palmgren, 2023)[4]. On the other hand,
it is regarded that artificial intelligence in education (AIED) can help teachers recognize teaching
tasks explicitly and teach content accurately. Results show that all four aspects, namely, AI-assisted
teaching, exercise, examination, and assessment, had significantly positive influences on teaching
effectiveness (Lin, 2022)[5].

According to one research, students’ conflicting perceptions of AI as a weapon for academic

dishonesty might be attributed to a lack of clarity on what constitutes AI plagiarism-related activities,
as well as the absence of defined standards and procedures enforced by institutions. (Chan, 2023) [6]
However, the research findings provide important insights into how senior high school students
perceive generative AI technology. These findings suggest that students have a good level of
familiarity with GenAI technology, which is impacted by factors such as their understanding of
GenAI and how frequently they use it. As a result, the study participants displayed a thorough
understanding of both the promise and limits of GenAI technologies, as well as a positive attitude
toward incorporating these technologies into their educational pursuits, research initiatives, and
future career routes.

Artificial intelligence has proven its role as a game-changing factor in a number of fields,
causing transformations unimaginable in the past. Using artificial intelligence (AI), expert systems
can be designed to interact with the world through capabilities like visual perception, speech
recognition, and intelligent behavior that we would think of as essentially human. (Subrahmanyan et
al., 2018)[7]

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

Given the varying conclusions drawn from studies, it is critical to develop a policy
framework that will define what is acceptable and unacceptable in terms of using AI in teaching and
learning while not interfering with or compromising the senior high school’s existing rules and
regulations. While these technologies provide novel answers, they also pose important problems
about ethics, academic integrity, and educational efficacy. This qualitative study proposal seeks to
examine and provide a policy framework for the ethical and successful usage of text-generative AIs
in academic writing and related subjects at the senior high school level.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

In recent years, the use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in different aspects of
academia has grown more widespread, giving exciting potential for improved learning, research, and
administrative efficiency. However, the growing use of these technologies in academic contexts has
prompted serious concerns about potential constraints and limitations. Despite the potential benefits,
the absence of a comprehensive legislative framework controlling the use of technology and artificial
intelligence in academia presents significant obstacles.

The issue at stake is the lack of a formal regulatory framework adapted to the unique
demands and subtleties of using AIs, especially text-generative AI in academic settings. Without
clear norms and laws in place, there is a greater chance of misuse, ethical breaches, data privacy
violations, and inequities in access and usage. Furthermore, the constant growth of AIs and related
tools adds to the complexity of this issue, necessitating a dynamic and adaptive policy framework
capable of tackling new difficulties. This study seeks to fill that void by investigating the following
research questions:

1. Is there a current policy at other institutions that governs the use of AI and AI-related
technologies in education?
A. Is there a strategy to develop a policy framework if none exists?
B. Is there a proper understanding of the capabilities of AI and AI-related technologies?
C. Is it worth the time to create such a formal regulation regarding the use of AI?

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

D. If there is a formal regulation, is the information adequately disseminated? Or what variables

are taken into account while developing or establishing the regulation?
E. What are the long-term implications of the policy if it is implemented? Would there be a
thorough investigation? Or it is just a band-aid solution to an imminent problem?
2. What are the ethical, pedagogical, and academic integrity problems surrounding the use of
text-generative AIs (T-GenAIs) in academic writing and associated topics at the senior high
school level, and how can a policy framework be developed to successfully handle these
3. What ideas do educators at Taguig Science High School with degrees in Mathematics,
Linguistics, and other fields, as well as educators in the District of Cluster II, have?
4. What is the view of the principals, school heads, or administrators of different schools in the
District of Cluster II on the usage and use of artificial intelligence and associated instruments
in the sector of education and in the academic field?

This comprehensive investigation aims to contribute to the development of a principled and

adaptive policy framework that enables academic institutions to capitalize on the transformative
potential of AIs and related tools while navigating the complex landscape of ethical, social, and
technical considerations.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The research focuses on developing technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), and how
they are integrated into academic environments. As AI advances, it becomes increasingly necessary
for academics to comprehend its implications and limitations. By presenting a policy framework, the
research helps to define norms and regulations for the use of technology and artificial intelligence in
academia. Establishing such frameworks is critical for guaranteeing responsible and ethical
execution while also addressing possible risks and problems.

The combination of AI and technological advances has the potential to radically alter
education, from teaching and learning techniques to administrative procedures. Understanding the

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

boundaries and limitations of their use is critical for maximizing their benefits while minimizing
potential negatives. The study will most likely look into the ethical implications of using technology
and artificial intelligence in academics. This encompasses topics like data privacy, algorithmic
prejudice, and the ramifications for academic integrity. Addressing these ethical considerations is
critical for building trust and maintaining justice in academic settings.

This research contributes to the corpus of knowledge on the confluence of technology,

artificial intelligence, and academia. The study gives useful insights on restrictions and limitations,
which can be used to drive future research and policy choices.

Finally, the analysis may indicate topics for further inquiry and development. As technology
advances, new difficulties and possibilities emerge, necessitating continual research to keep up with
these changes.

1.2.1 Beneficiaries of the Study

The study's benefits include a variety of academic and non-academic parties. Here are some
of the main beneficiaries:

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: High school students are the end consumers of educational
technology and artificial intelligence applications. Understanding the constraints and limits of these
technologies can assist students in more successfully navigating their use and becoming aware of
possible hazards such as data privacy concerns or algorithmic prejudice.

TEACHERS AND EDUCATORS: Teachers and educators play a vital role in bringing AI
technologies into the classroom. The study can help people understand the benefits, hazards, and best
practices of employing these technologies in teaching and learning processes.

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: The research will aid universities, colleges, schools, and other
educational institutions by providing insights on how to successfully incorporate AI into academic
settings while overcoming its limitations and restrictions. The policy framework provided in the
study can serve as guidance for decision-making and implementation.

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

POLICY MAKERS AND AUTHORITIES: The study's conclusions can help government
agencies, policymakers, and regulatory organizations in charge of supervising education and
technology policies. The findings can help shape legislation and standards for the use of technology
and artificial intelligence in academia, ensuring responsible and ethical implementation.

TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPERS: Companies and organizations that create educational AI

solutions can benefit from knowing the policy and legal context around their products. The research
can assist them in developing technologies that meet ethical standards and comply with applicable

RESEARCHERS AND ACADEMICS: Scholars and academics in education, technology, artificial

intelligence, and policy studies can profit from the study's findings, which provide fresh information
and insights into the junction of various domains. The findings may potentially encourage more
research and inquiry into similar themes.

SOCIETY-AT-LARGE: The proper integration of technology and artificial intelligence in

academics may help society as a whole by improving educational outcomes, increasing workforce
preparation, and innovating teaching and learning techniques. Additionally, resolving ethical
problems and ensuring fair access to technology can help to create a more inclusive and just society.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope and restrictions of the research might vary based on a variety of circumstances,
including the precise aims, methodology used, and available resources. Here's a broad sketch of what
the scope and constraints may include:

1.5.1 Scope

The fundamental goal of the research is to build a comprehensive policy framework. This
involves finding areas where AI may be used in education, such as teaching, research, and
administration, as well as researching current practices and legislation regarding their use in

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

academic contexts. This includes performing literature reviews, case studies, and maybe surveys or
interviews with stakeholders.

The study seeks to identify the many constraints and limits that impede the successful
application of AI in academics. This might include ethical considerations, technological limitations,
institutional hurdles, and so forth. Based on the findings, the study may suggest techniques and
recommendations to solve the observed shortcomings. This might include legislation reforms,
technological advances, educational efforts, and so on.

Involving essential parties in the policy framework creation process, including educators,
administrators, policymakers, and technology specialists. Their contributions and feedback are
critical to ensuring the framework's efficacy and practicality.

1.5.2 Limitation

Because of the large scope of the issue, the research may be unable to address all areas of AI
and related tools’ use in education. As a result, some locations may be prioritized over others.

The availability of resources, such as time, financing, and access to data or expertise, may
limit the depth and scope of the study. This might have an influence on how thoroughly the policy
framework is constructed.

The findings and recommendations may be context-specific and not immediately applicable
to other academic institutions or environments. Generalizing conclusions outside the boundaries of
the study should be done with caution.

Ethical considerations around the use of technology and artificial intelligence in academics
may present problems in data gathering, analysis, and interpretation. Researchers must carefully
negotiate these challenges to preserve the research's credibility.

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

Telephone No: (02) 8244-5346
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Of Taguig City And Pateros
Taguig Science High School

The fast rate of technical breakthroughs implies that the landscape of technology and
artificial intelligence in academia is always changing. As a result, any policy framework produced
may require continuous updates in order to stay current and effective.

By accepting these breadth and constraints, the study may be carried out with a clear
awareness of its bounds and potential repercussions, eventually offering vital insights to academic
discussions about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and related tools.

Address: #5 M. L. Quezon Street Barangay San Miguel, Taguig City

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