Gary MonitoringResultWriting03Oct2014 1 No Name

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Examiner Writing Monitoring - Appendix 20

Writing Module Monitoring Feedback Form

Centre No. and Name VN028

Examiner Name Examiner No.

Examiner Trainer Name Examiner Trainer No.

New/Continuing Examiner Continuing Monitoring Date 3 October 2014

Monitoring Category STANDARD Next Monitoring

Candidate Task Centre Number Candidate Number Test Date

1 1 VN028 007045 27 September 2014
2 1 VN028 007044 27 September 2014
3 1 VN028 007043 27 September 2014
4 2 VN028 007362 27 September 2014
5 2 VN028 007330 27 September 2014
6 2 VN028 007332 27 September 2014

Candidate TA CC LR GRA Final

Examiner band score 6 6 6 6 6.0
Examiner Trainer band score 5 6 6 6 5.5
Examiner band score 4 5 6 6 5.0
Examiner Trainer band score 5 5 6 5 5.0
Examiner band score 6 6 6 6 6.0
Examiner Trainer band score 6 6 6 6 6.0
Candidate TR CC LR GRA Final
Examiner band score 6 6 6 6 6.0
Examiner Trainer band score 6 6 6 6 6.0
Examiner band score 5 5 5 5 5.0
Examiner Trainer band score 5 5 5 5 5.0
Examiner band score 5 5 5 5 5.0
Examiner Trainer band score 4 5 6 6 5.0

Monitoring Feedback
Your marking is to standard.

Additional Examiner Trainer Feedback

[- Replace text in this box with your own comments.
-To begin a new row, click Alt-Enter.
- All rows are auto-fitted to content, but if you need to manually expand the cell in which you are writing your comment
(row height), position cursor to the left-sided headline and drag the boundary below the row heading until the row is the
height that you want.
- Alternatively, you can insert another row (select the row or a cell in the row above which you want to insert the new row,
right-click the selected rows and then click Insert on the shortcut menu]
Examiner's name,

- Add to the automatically generated monitoring feedback. Refer to specific profiles or band ranges.
- Include a positive comment on ratings when appropriate.

IELTS PSN Manual 2014 edition – CONFIDENTIAL

Candidate 1: (Candidate 007045)
TR - A B6 was given here but a B5 fits better. The prompt was only partially addressed, The candidate didn't answer the
second question. Therefore a B5 fits better.

Candidate 2: (Candidate 007044)

TR - The candidate was awarded a B4. However, the question was partially answered and the second question was
incompletely addressed. Therefore a B5 fits better.
GR - The candidate was awarded a B6 However, grammatical errors were frequent and caused some difficulty for the
reader[i prefer to libe by themselves| parent can save a lot of money to take care another children and living without
supporting from their children | Because they lack of education from parent, it easy to become bad when they make a
friend witrh bad person ]

Candidate 6: (Candidate 007332)

TR - A B5 was given but a B4 fits better. A clear overview wasn't presented which is B5. The word count loses another
point. Therefore a B4 fits better.
LR - A B5 was awarded. However,the resource is generally adequate for the task with some higher degrees of vocabulary
[quantity of cars | increased significantly| decreased gradually | rose moderately | tend to]. The spelling was also generally
quite accurate . Therefore a B6 fits better.
GR - A B5 was awarded but a B6 fits better. There was a range of complex sentences with limited flexibility [Regarding
Thailand, the number of cars made was the highest which increased by around 360,000 cars in 2006 before decreasing
at 999,000 cars in 2003 | On the contrary, the quantity of cars made in Australia decreased gradually from 413.261 in
2003 to 330,906 in 2001 | In conlusion, people in argentina tend to used car more than people in australia from 2003 to

Follow-up Action
[Replace text in this box with your own comments. To begin a new row, click Alt-Enter.

- Specify what the Examiner must do in order to improve his/her rating. When appropriate, refer to specific sections, e.g.
"Instructions to Examiners, p 7 -- Counting copied rubrics"
- If ratings are to standard (both the final bands and profile scores), write, "None".]

Monitoring Outcome STANDARD

Examiner Trainer Name


IELTS PSN Manual 2014 edition – CONFIDENTIAL

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